Greasy Fork is available in English.

Wayback Machine Auto Hopper

Automatically jump to the earliest or latest page of the search results on INTERNET ARCHIVE Wayback Machine.

As of 19.05.2020. See ბოლო ვერსია.

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Wayback Machine Auto Hopper
// @name:ja     Wayback Machine Auto Hopper
// @name:zh-CN  Wayback Machine Auto Hopper
// @description Automatically jump to the earliest or latest page of the search results on INTERNET ARCHIVE Wayback Machine.
// @description:ja INTERNET ARCHIVE の Wayback Machine でURL検索をした際、最古または最新のページに自動で飛びます。
// @description:zh-CN 自动跳转到 INTERNET ARCHIVE Wayback Machine 上搜索结果的最早或最新页面。
// @namespace
// @include     /^http:\/\/web\.archive\.org\/web\/\*\/https?:\/\//
// @version     1
// @grant       none
// ==/UserScript==

  const SCRIPTID = 'WaybackMachineAutoHopper';
  const SCRIPTNAME = 'Wayback Machine Auto Hopper';
  const DEBUG = false;/*





  if(window === top && console.time) console.time(SCRIPTID);
  const MS = 1, SECOND = 1000*MS, MINUTE = 60*SECOND, HOUR = 60*MINUTE, DAY = 24*HOUR, WEEK = 7*DAY, MONTH = 30*DAY, YEAR = 365*DAY;
  const DELAY = 0;/* set some time to keep chance to press [Esc] to cancel the hop */
  const site = {
    targets: {
      reactWaybackSearch: () => $('#react-wayback-search'),
      capturesRangeInfo: () => $('.captures-range-info'),
    get: {
      EARLIEST: () => $('.captures-range-info a[href]:first-of-type', a => a.href),
      LATEST: () => $('.captures-range-info a[href]:last-of-type', a => a.href),
      selector: () => {
          case('EARLIEST'): return site.get.EARLIEST;
          case('LATEST'):   return site.get.LATEST;
            console.error(SCRIPTNAME, 'Unknown HOPTO:', HOPTO);
            return null;
  let elements = {}, timers = {};
  const core = {
    initialize: function(){
      elements.html = document.documentElement;
    ready: function(){
      let canceled = false, selector = site.get.selector(), url, observer;
      if(selector === null) return;
      window.addEventListener('keydown', function(e){
        if(canceled) return;
        if(e.key !== 'Escape') return;
        if(observer) observer.disconnect();
        canceled = true;
      core.getTargets(site.targets, 40, 250*MS).then(() => {
        log("I'm ready.");
        if(canceled) return;
        url = selector();
        if(url) core.hop(url);
        else observer = observe(elements.reactWaybackSearch, function(records){
          url = selector();
          if(url) core.hop(url), observer.disconnect();
        }, {childList: true, subtree: true});

      }).catch(selector => {
        log(`Not found: ${}, I give up.`);
    hop: function(url){
        log('Jump to:', url);
      }, DELAY);
    getTarget: function(selector, retry = 10, interval = 1*SECOND){
      const key =;
      const get = function(resolve, reject){
        let selected = selector();
        if(selected && selected.length > 0) selected.forEach((s) => s.dataset.selector = key);/* elements */
        else if(selected instanceof HTMLElement) selected.dataset.selector = key;/* element */
        else if(--retry) return log(`Not found: ${key}, retrying... (${retry})`), setTimeout(get, interval, resolve, reject);
        else return reject(selector);
        elements[key] = selected;
      return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
        get(resolve, reject);
    getTargets: function(selectors, retry = 10, interval = 1*SECOND){
      return Promise.all(Object.values(selectors).map(selector => core.getTarget(selector, retry, interval)));
  const setTimeout = window.setTimeout.bind(window), clearTimeout = window.clearTimeout.bind(window), setInterval = window.setInterval.bind(window), clearInterval = window.clearInterval.bind(window), requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame.bind(window);
  const alert = window.alert.bind(window), confirm = window.confirm.bind(window), getComputedStyle = window.getComputedStyle.bind(window), fetch = window.fetch.bind(window);
  if(!('isConnected' in Node.prototype)) Object.defineProperty(Node.prototype, 'isConnected', {get: function(){return document.contains(this)}});
  const $ = function(s, f){
    let target = document.querySelector(s);
    if(target === null) return null;
    return f ? f(target) : target;
  const $$ = function(s, f){
    let targets = document.querySelectorAll(s);
    return f ? Array.from(targets).map(t => f(t)) : targets;
  const createElement = function(html = '<span></span>'){
    let outer = document.createElement('div');
    outer.innerHTML = html;
    return outer.firstElementChild;
  const observe = function(element, callback, options = {childList: true, attributes: false, characterData: false, subtree: false}){
    let observer = new MutationObserver(callback.bind(element));
    observer.observe(element, options);
    return observer;
  const log = function(){
    if(!DEBUG) return;
    let l = log.last = || new Date(), n = = new Date();
    let error = new Error(), line = log.format.getLine(error), callers = log.format.getCallers(error);
      SCRIPTID + ':',
      /* 00:00:00.000  */ n.toLocaleTimeString() + '.' + n.getTime().toString().slice(-3),
      /* +0.000s       */ '+' + ((n-l)/1000).toFixed(3) + 's',
      /* :00           */ ':' + line,
      /* caller.caller */ (callers[2] ? callers[2] + '() => ' : '') +
      /* caller        */ (callers[1] || '') + '()',
  log.formats = [{
      name: 'Firefox Scratchpad',
      detector: /MARKER@Scratchpad/,
      getLine: (e) => e.stack.split('\n')[1].match(/([0-9]+):[0-9]+$/)[1],
      getCallers: (e) => e.stack.match(/^[^@]*(?=@)/gm),
    }, {
      name: 'Firefox Console',
      detector: /MARKER@debugger/,
      getLine: (e) => e.stack.split('\n')[1].match(/([0-9]+):[0-9]+$/)[1],
      getCallers: (e) => e.stack.match(/^[^@]*(?=@)/gm),
    }, {
      name: 'Firefox Greasemonkey 3',
      detector: /\/gm_scripts\//,
      getLine: (e) => e.stack.split('\n')[1].match(/([0-9]+):[0-9]+$/)[1],
      getCallers: (e) => e.stack.match(/^[^@]*(?=@)/gm),
    }, {
      name: 'Firefox Greasemonkey 4+',
      detector: /MARKER@user-script:/,
      getLine: (e) => e.stack.split('\n')[1].match(/([0-9]+):[0-9]+$/)[1] - 500,
      getCallers: (e) => e.stack.match(/^[^@]*(?=@)/gm),
    }, {
      name: 'Firefox Tampermonkey',
      detector: /MARKER@moz-extension:/,
      getLine: (e) => e.stack.split('\n')[1].match(/([0-9]+):[0-9]+$/)[1] - 6,
      getCallers: (e) => e.stack.match(/^[^@]*(?=@)/gm),
    }, {
      name: 'Chrome Console',
      detector: /at MARKER \(<anonymous>/,
      getLine: (e) => e.stack.split('\n')[2].match(/([0-9]+):[0-9]+\)?$/)[1],
      getCallers: (e) => e.stack.match(/[^ ]+(?= \(<anonymous>)/gm),
    }, {
      name: 'Chrome Tampermonkey',
      detector: /at MARKER \(chrome-extension:.*?\/userscript.html\?name=/,
      getLine: (e) => e.stack.split('\n')[2].match(/([0-9]+):[0-9]+\)?$/)[1] - 4,
      getCallers: (e) => e.stack.match(/[^ ]+(?= \(chrome-extension:)/gm),
    }, {
      name: 'Chrome Extension',
      detector: /at MARKER \(chrome-extension:/,
      getLine: (e) => e.stack.split('\n')[2].match(/([0-9]+):[0-9]+\)?$/)[1],
      getCallers: (e) => e.stack.match(/[^ ]+(?= \(chrome-extension:)/gm),
    }, {
      name: 'Edge Console',
      detector: /at MARKER \(eval/,
      getLine: (e) => e.stack.split('\n')[2].match(/([0-9]+):[0-9]+\)$/)[1],
      getCallers: (e) => e.stack.match(/[^ ]+(?= \(eval)/gm),
    }, {
      name: 'Edge Tampermonkey',
      detector: /at MARKER \(Function/,
      getLine: (e) => e.stack.split('\n')[2].match(/([0-9]+):[0-9]+\)$/)[1] - 4,
      getCallers: (e) => e.stack.match(/[^ ]+(?= \(Function)/gm),
    }, {
      name: 'Safari',
      detector: /^MARKER$/m,
      getLine: (e) => 0,/*e.lineが用意されているが最終呼び出し位置のみ*/
      getCallers: (e) => e.stack.split('\n'),
    }, {
      name: 'Default',
      detector: /./,
      getLine: (e) => 0,
      getCallers: (e) => [],
  log.format = log.formats.find(function MARKER(f){
    if(!f.detector.test(new Error().stack)) return false;
    //console.log('////',, 'wants', 0/*line*/, '\n' + new Error().stack);
    return true;
  if(window === top && console.timeEnd) console.timeEnd(SCRIPTID);