
①知乎题目栏增加举报、匿名、问题日志、快捷键四个按钮 ②知乎大多数按钮图标在鼠标悬停时变色,页面顶部的通知、私信按钮、回答下方的查看回复、喜欢按钮等 ③回答的发布时间移至顶部,图片原图显示,文字和卡片链接从知乎跳转改为直链 ④集成其他脚本的知乎视频下载功能

As of 10.06.2020. See ბოლო ვერსია.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         知乎美化
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version
// @description  ①知乎题目栏增加举报、匿名、问题日志、快捷键四个按钮 ②知乎大多数按钮图标在鼠标悬停时变色,页面顶部的通知、私信按钮、回答下方的查看回复、喜欢按钮等 ③回答的发布时间移至顶部,图片原图显示,文字和卡片链接从知乎跳转改为直链 ④集成其他脚本的知乎视频下载功能
// @author       AN drew
// @match        *://www.zhihu.com/*
// @match        https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/*
// @match        https://v.vzuu.com/video/*
// @match        https://video.zhihu.com/video/*
// @require      https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.1.1.min.js
// @connect      zhihu.com
// @connect      vzuu.com
// @grant        GM_info
// @grant        GM_download
// @grant        unsafeWindow
// ==/UserScript==

var publishtop=1

var $hint =$('<div>'+
'   <div>'+
'    <div>'+
'     <div class="Modal-wrapper Modal-enter-done">'+
'      <div class="Modal-backdrop"></div>'+
'      <div class="Modal Modal--default ShortcutHintModal" tabindex="0">'+
'       <div class="Modal-inner">'+
'        <h3 class="Modal-title">快捷键帮助</h3>'+
'        <div class="Modal-content">'+
'         <div class="ShortcutHintModal-content">'+
'          <div class="ShortcutHintModal-hintListContainer">'+
'           <div class="ShortcutHintModal-hintList">'+
'            <div class="ShortcutHintModal-hintTitle">'+
'             操作'+
'            </div>'+
'            <div class="KeyHint">'+
'             <div class="KeyHint-keyContainer">'+
'              <div class="KeyHint-key">'+
'               <kbd class="KeyHint-kbd">V</kbd>'+
'              </div>'+
'             </div>'+
'             <div>'+
'              :赞同'+
'             </div>'+
'            </div>'+
'            <div class="KeyHint">'+
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'              <div class="KeyHint-key">'+
'               <kbd class="KeyHint-kbd">D</kbd>'+
'              </div>'+
'             </div>'+
'             <div>'+
'              :反对'+
'             </div>'+
'            </div>'+
'            <div class="KeyHint">'+
'             <div class="KeyHint-keyContainer">'+
'              <div class="KeyHint-key">'+
'               <kbd class="KeyHint-kbd">L</kbd>'+
'              </div>'+
'             </div>'+
'             <div>'+
'              :喜欢'+
'             </div>'+
'            </div>'+
'            <div class="KeyHint">'+
'             <div class="KeyHint-keyContainer">'+
'              <div class="KeyHint-key">'+
'               <kbd class="KeyHint-kbd">C</kbd>'+
'              </div>'+
'             </div>'+
'             <div>'+
'              :展开 / 收起评论'+
'             </div>'+
'            </div>'+
'            <div class="KeyHint">'+
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'               <kbd class="KeyHint-kbd">Shift</kbd>'+
'               <div class="KeyHint-separator">'+
'                +'+
'               </div>'+
'              </div>'+
'              <div class="KeyHint-key">'+
'               <kbd class="KeyHint-kbd">C</kbd>'+
'              </div>'+
'             </div>'+
'             <div>'+
'              :聚焦到评论框'+
'             </div>'+
'            </div>'+
'            <div class="KeyHint">'+
'             <div class="KeyHint-keyContainer">'+
'              <div class="KeyHint-key">'+
'               <kbd class="KeyHint-kbd">O</kbd>'+
'              </div>'+
'             </div>'+
'             <div>'+
'              :展开 / 收起全文'+
'             </div>'+
'            </div>'+
'            <div class="KeyHint">'+
'             <div class="KeyHint-keyContainer">'+
'              <div class="KeyHint-key">'+
'               <kbd class="KeyHint-kbd">S</kbd>'+
'               <div class="KeyHint-separator KeyHint-separator--space"> '+
'               </div>'+
'              </div>'+
'              <div class="KeyHint-key">'+
'               <kbd class="KeyHint-kbd">C</kbd>'+
'              </div>'+
'             </div>'+
'             <div>'+
'              :收藏'+
'             </div>'+
'            </div>'+
'            <div class="KeyHint">'+
'             <div class="KeyHint-keyContainer">'+
'              <div class="KeyHint-key">'+
'               <kbd class="KeyHint-kbd">F</kbd>'+
'               <div class="KeyHint-separator KeyHint-separator--space"> '+
'               </div>'+
'              </div>'+
'              <div class="KeyHint-key">'+
'               <kbd class="KeyHint-kbd">X</kbd>'+
'              </div>'+
'             </div>'+
'             <div>'+
'              :分享'+
'             </div>'+
'            </div>'+
'           </div>'+
'           <div class="ShortcutHintModal-hintList">'+
'            <div class="ShortcutHintModal-hintTitle">'+
'             导航'+
'            </div>'+
'            <div class="KeyHint">'+
'             <div class="KeyHint-keyContainer">'+
'              <div class="KeyHint-key">'+
'               <kbd class="KeyHint-kbd">J</kbd>'+
'              </div>'+
'             </div>'+
'             <div>'+
'              :下一项'+
'             </div>'+
'            </div>'+
'            <div class="KeyHint">'+
'             <div class="KeyHint-keyContainer">'+
'              <div class="KeyHint-key">'+
'               <kbd class="KeyHint-kbd">K</kbd>'+
'              </div>'+
'             </div>'+
'             <div>'+
'              :上一项'+
'             </div>'+
'            </div>'+
'            <div class="KeyHint">'+
'             <div class="KeyHint-keyContainer">'+
'              <div class="KeyHint-key">'+
'               <kbd class="KeyHint-kbd">G</kbd>'+
'               <div class="KeyHint-separator KeyHint-separator--space"> '+
'               </div>'+
'              </div>'+
'              <div class="KeyHint-key">'+
'               <kbd class="KeyHint-kbd">G</kbd>'+
'              </div>'+
'             </div>'+
'             <div>'+
'              :第一项'+
'             </div>'+
'            </div>'+
'            <div class="KeyHint">'+
'             <div class="KeyHint-keyContainer">'+
'              <div class="KeyHint-key">'+
'               <kbd class="KeyHint-kbd">Shift</kbd>'+
'               <div class="KeyHint-separator">'+
'                +'+
'               </div>'+
'              </div>'+
'              <div class="KeyHint-key">'+
'               <kbd class="KeyHint-kbd">G</kbd>'+
'              </div>'+
'             </div>'+
'             <div>'+
'              :最后一项'+
'             </div>'+
'            </div>'+
'            <div class="KeyHint">'+
'             <div class="KeyHint-keyContainer">'+
'              <div class="KeyHint-key">'+
'               <kbd class="KeyHint-kbd">Shift</kbd>'+
'               <div class="KeyHint-separator">'+
'                +'+
'               </div>'+
'              </div>'+
'              <div class="KeyHint-key">'+
'               <kbd class="KeyHint-kbd">U</kbd>'+
'              </div>'+
'             </div>'+
'             <div>'+
'              :向上滚动半屏'+
'             </div>'+
'            </div>'+
'            <div class="KeyHint">'+
'             <div class="KeyHint-keyContainer">'+
'              <div class="KeyHint-key">'+
'               <kbd class="KeyHint-kbd">Shift</kbd>'+
'               <div class="KeyHint-separator">'+
'                +'+
'               </div>'+
'              </div>'+
'              <div class="KeyHint-key">'+
'               <kbd class="KeyHint-kbd">D</kbd>'+
'              </div>'+
'             </div>'+
'             <div>'+
'              :向下滚动半屏'+
'             </div>'+
'            </div>'+
'            <div class="KeyHint">'+
'             <div class="KeyHint-keyContainer">'+
'              <div class="KeyHint-key">'+
'               <kbd class="KeyHint-kbd">/</kbd>'+
'              </div>'+
'             </div>'+
'             <div>'+
'              :搜索'+
'             </div>'+
'            </div>'+
'            <div class="KeyHint">'+
'             <div class="KeyHint-keyContainer">'+
'              <div class="KeyHint-key">'+
'               <kbd class="KeyHint-kbd">?</kbd>'+
'              </div>'+
'             </div>'+
'             <div>'+
'              :快捷键帮助'+
'             </div>'+
'            </div>'+
'           </div>'+
'          </div>'+
'         </div>'+
'        </div>'+
'       </div>'+
'       <button aria-label="关闭" type="button" class="Button Modal-closeButton Button--plain">'+
'        <svg class="Zi Zi--Close Modal-closeIcon" fill="currentColor" viewbox="0 0 24 24" width="24" height="24">'+
'         <path d="M13.486 12l5.208-5.207a1.048 1.048 0 0 0-.006-1.483 1.046 1.046 0 0 0-1.482-.005L12 10.514 6.793 5.305a1.048 1.048 0 0 0-1.483.005 1.046 1.046 0 0 0-.005 1.483L10.514 12l-5.208 5.207a1.048 1.048 0 0 0 .006 1.483 1.046 1.046 0 0 0 1.482.005L12 13.486l5.207 5.208a1.048 1.048 0 0 0 1.483-.006 1.046 1.046 0 0 0 .005-1.482L13.486 12z" fill-rule="evenodd"></path>'+
'        </svg></button>'+
'      </div>'+
'     </div>'+
'    </div>'+
'   </div>'+

function addReport0($QuestionHeaderActions,$more0)
    var r0 ='<button type="button" class="Button Button--plain Button--withIcon Button--withLabel"><span style="display: inline-flex; align-items: center; vertical-align:middle;"><svg class="Title Zi--Report " fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="14" height="14"><path d="M19.947 3.129c-.633.136-3.927.639-5.697.385-3.133-.45-4.776-2.54-9.949-.888-.997.413-1.277 1.038-1.277 2.019L3 20.808c0 . 0 0 0 .73.304c.275 0 .519-.102.73-.304.202-.179.304-.418.304-.718v-6.58c4.533-1.235 8.047.668 8.562.864 2.343.893 5.542.008 6.774-.657.397-.178.596-.474.596-.887V3.964c0-.599-.42-.972-1.053-.835z" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></svg></span> 举报</button>'
    var $report0 = $(r0)

function addAnonymous($QuestionHeaderActions,$more)
    var a ='<button type="button" class="Button Button--plain Button--withIcon Button--withLabel">'+
        '<span style="display: inline-flex; align-items: center; vertical-align:middle;">'+
        '<svg class="Zi Zi--Anonymous Button-zi" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" width="1.2em" height="1.2em">'+
        '<path d="M831.994 442.66v436.364c0 24.906 7.312 45.124 42.654 45.124 35.344 0 42.656-20.218 42.656-45.124V442.66h-85.31z"></path>'+
        '<path d="M895.992 582.814c0 11.78 9.532 21.342 21.312 21.342v-42.654a21.3 21.3 0 0 0-21.312 21.312zM895.992 668.156c0 11.78 9.532 21.342 21.312 21.342v-42.686c-11.78 0-21.312 9.564-21.312 21.344zM895.992 753.496a21.3 21.3 0 0 0 21.312 21.312v-42.656c-11.78 0-21.312 9.562-21.312 21.344zM895.992 838.806c0 11.812 9.532 21.344 21.312 21.344v-42.654c-11.78 0-21.312 9.562-21.312 21.31zM853.306 582.814c0 11.78-9.532 21.342-21.312 21.342v-42.654a21.3 21.3 0 0 1 21.312 21.312zM853.306 668.156c0 11.78-9.532 21.342-21.312 21.342v-42.686c11.782 0 21.312 9.564 21.312 21.344zM853.306 753.496a21.3 21.3 0 0 1-21.312 21.312v-42.656c11.782 0 21.312 9.562 21.312 21.344zM853.306 838.806c0 11.812-9.532 21.344-21.312 21.344v-42.654c11.782 0 21.312 9.562 21.312 21.31z"></path><path d="M831.994 590.688c26.25-14.124 56.592-34.404 85.31-62.402V442.66h-85.31v148.028z"></path>'+
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        '<path d="M867.71 276.15a42.61 42.61 0 0 0-22.998-27.124c-10.718-5-24.716-7.546-41.624-7.546-43.094 0-101.56 16.516-152.59 43.11-46.406 24.186-79.688 53.404-91.248 80.154a42.642 42.642 0 0 0 9.342 47.466c7.532 7.344 22.032 18.062 48.376 27.342 28.032 9.89 61.592 15.344 94.53 15.344 29.592 0 57.716-4.468 81.28-12.89 26.75-9.578 47.436-23.968 61.56-42.764 12.31-16.406 19.404-36.186 21.124-58.764 1.436-19.284-1.158-40.938-7.752-64.328z m-47.496 97.48c-9 12-23.094 21.484-41.844 28.202-18.968 6.796-42.124 10.39-66.874 10.39-28.218 0-56.748-4.578-80.342-12.906-18.906-6.656-28.75-13.734-32.75-17.64 5.468-12.624 27.062-35.936 71.812-59.25 44.622-23.25 96.778-38.28 132.872-38.28 14.25 0 21.06 2.376 23.56 3.532 10.502 37.376 8.314 66.282-6.434 85.952zM464.722 364.742c-11.562-26.75-44.81-55.968-91.248-80.154-51.03-26.594-109.498-43.11-152.558-43.11-16.906 0-30.906 2.532-41.624 7.532a42.69 42.69 0 0 0-23.03 27.14c-6.562 23.39-9.156 45.044-7.718 64.326 1.688 22.578 8.782 42.358 21.092 58.764 14.124 18.796 34.842 33.188 61.592 42.764 23.562 8.422 51.654 12.89 81.278 12.89 32.906 0 66.468-5.454 94.53-15.344 26.312-9.28 40.812-20 48.342-27.342a42.638 42.638 0 0 0 9.344-47.466z m-71.872 34.576c-23.624 8.328-52.154 12.906-80.342 12.906-24.78 0-47.904-3.594-66.904-10.39-18.75-6.718-32.812-16.204-41.842-28.202-14.75-19.67-16.906-48.578-6.436-85.95 2.5-1.156 9.342-3.532 23.592-3.532 36.062 0 88.216 15.03 132.84 38.28 44.75 23.312 66.342 46.624 71.81 59.25-3.97 3.904-13.844 10.982-32.718 17.638z"></path>'+
        '</svg></span> 匿名</button>'
    var $anonymous = $(a)

function addLog($QuestionHeaderActions)
    var url = window.location.href;
    var end,href;
        href = url.substring(0,end);
    var L='<button type="button" class="Button Button--plain Button--withIcon Button--withLabel"><a href="'+href+'log" target="_self"><span style="display: inline-flex; align-items: center; vertical-align:middle;"><svg class="Zi Zi--Log Button-zi" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" width="1.2em" height="1.2em"><path d="M733.129568 1.700997H1.700997v1020.598006h1020.598006v-765.448505z m204.119601 935.548172h-850.498338v-850.498338h614.910299l235.588039 206.671096z"></path><path d="M170.099668 171.800664h279.813953v85.049834H170.099668zM170.099668 372.518272h683.800664v85.049834H170.099668zM170.099668 567.282392h683.800664v85.049834H170.099668zM170.099668 762.046512h683.800664v85.049834H170.099668z"></path></svg></span>问题日志</a></button>'
    var $log = $(L);

function addShortCut($QuestionHeaderActions)
    var s ='<button type="button" class="Button Button--plain Button--withIcon Button--withLabel"><span style="display: inline-flex; align-items: center; vertical-align:middle;"><svg class="Zi Zi--ShortCut Button-zi" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" width="1.5em" height="1.2em"><path d="M1088 128H64C28.8 128 0 156.8 0 192v640c0 35.2 28.8 64 64 64h1024c35.2 0 64-28.8 64-64V192c0-35.2-28.8-64-64-64zM640 256h128v128h-128V256z m192 192v128h-128v-128h128zM448 256h128v128h-128V256z m192 192v128h-128v-128h128zM256 256h128v128H256V256z m192 192v128h-128v-128h128zM128 256h64v128H128V256z m0 192h128v128H128v-128z m64 320H128v-128h64v128z m576 0H256v-128h512v128z m256 0h-192v-128h192v128z m0-192h-128v-128h128v128z m0-192h-192V256h192v128z"></path></svg></span>  快捷键</button>'
    var $shortcut = $(s)


function addReport1($more1)
    var r1 = '<button type="button" class="Button ContentItem-action Button--plain Button--withIcon Button--withLabel"><span style="display: inline-flex; align-items: center;"><svg class="Zi Zi--Report" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="14" height="14"><path d="M19.947 3.129c-.633.136-3.927.639-5.697.385-3.133-.45-4.776-2.54-9.949-.888-.997.413-1.277 1.038-1.277 2.019L3 20.808c0 . 0 0 0 .73.304c.275 0 .519-.102.73-.304.202-.179.304-.418.304-.718v-6.58c4.533-1.235 8.047.668 8.562.864 2.343.893 5.542.008 6.774-.657.397-.178.596-.474.596-.887V3.964c0-.599-.42-.972-1.053-.835z" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></svg></span> 举报</button>'
    var $report1 = $(r1)

function question()

    var $QuestionHeaderActions = $("div.QuestionHeaderActions")

    var $titlemore = $QuestionHeaderActions.find(".Zi--Dots").parent().parent().parent() //更多
    var $titlereport = $QuestionHeaderActions.find(".Title.Zi--Report") //举报
    var $anonymous = $(".Zi--Anonymous")//匿名
    var $log = $(".Zi--Log") //日志
    var $shortcut = $(".Zi--ShortCut") //快捷键
    if($(".AppHeader-profileAvatar").length>0) //已登录
        if($titlereport.length == 0) //未添加举报
        if($anonymous.length == 0) //未添加匿名
        if($log.length == 0) //未添加查看问题日志
        if($shortcut.length == 0) //未添加快捷键帮助

        var $ContentItem_actions = $(".ContentItem-actions")
            var $Content_child5 = $(this).children().eq(5-1) //喜欢
            var $Content_child6 = $(this).children().eq(6-1) //更多
            var $Content_child7 = $(this).children().eq(7-1) //举报
            if($Content_child7.length==0 || $Content_child7.text().indexOf("举报")==-1 ) //未添加举报

    else //未登录
        $log = $(".Zi--Log") //日志
        $shortcut = $(".Zi--ShortCut") //快捷键

        if($log.length == 0) //未添加查看问题日志
        if($shortcut.length == 0) //未添加快捷键帮助


        if($(this).find(".ContentItem-time").length>0 && $(this).find(".ContentItem-time").find("span").text() != null)
                var data_tooltip = $(this).find(".ContentItem-time").find("span").attr("data-tooltip");
                var oldtext =$(this).find(".ContentItem-time").find("span").text();
                if($(this).find(".ContentItem-time").parent().attr("class") != "ContentItem-meta")


    var $QuestionButtonGroup = $(".QuestionHeader-footer-main").find(".QuestionButtonGroup")
    $QuestionButtonGroup.children().eq(0).css({"margin": "0px 0px 0px 8px"})
    $QuestionButtonGroup.children().eq(1).css({"margin": "0px 0px 0px 8px"})

    $(".QuestionHeaderActions").children().eq(0).css({"margin": "0px 8px 0px 0px"})



function directLink()
    var equal,colon,external_href,protocol,path,new_href;
            new_href = $(this).text()
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            colon = external_href.lastIndexOf("%3A")
            protocol = external_href.substring(equal,colon)
            path = external_href.substring(colon+5,external_href.length)
            new_href = protocol+"://"+path



function addReport2($more2)
    var r2 = '<button type="button" class="Button ContentItem-action Button--plain"><span style="display: inline-flex; align-items: center;"><svg class="Zi Zi--Report" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="14" height="14"><path d="M19.947 3.129c-.633.136-3.927.639-5.697.385-3.133-.45-4.776-2.54-9.949-.888-.997.413-1.277 1.038-1.277 2.019L3 20.808c0 . 0 0 0 .73.304c.275 0 .519-.102.73-.304.202-.179.304-.418.304-.718v-6.58c4.533-1.235 8.047.668 8.562.864 2.343.893 5.542.008 6.774-.657.397-.178.596-.474.596-.887V3.964c0-.599-.42-.972-1.053-.835z" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></svg></span> 举报</button>'
    var $report2 = $(r2)

function zhuanlan()

    var $ContentItem_actions = $(".ContentItem-actions")
    var $child5 = $ContentItem_actions.children().eq(5-1)
    var $child6 = $ContentItem_actions.children().eq(6-1)
    if($child6.length == 0) //未添加举报

        var data_tooltip = $(".ContentItem-time").find("span").attr("data-tooltip");
        var oldtext =$(".ContentItem-time").find("span").text();
    if(publishtop==1 && $(".Post-Header").children().eq(3).length==0)
        $(".ContentItem-time").css({"padding":"0px 0px 0px 0px","margin-top": "14px"})


function zvideo()

function addReport3($more3)
    var r3 ='<button class="ClubJoinOrCheckinButton" style="margin-right:20px"><img src="https://gitee.com/AN_drew/picBed/raw/master/img/exit.svg"/><span style="color:red">&nbsp;退出圈子</span></button>';
    var $report3 = $(r3)

function addReport4($more4)
    var r4 = '<button type="button" class="Button PostWebActionButtons-comment Button--plain Button--withIcon Button--withLabel"><span style="display: inline-flex; align-items: center;"><svg class="Zi Zi--Report" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="14" height="14"><path d="M19.947 3.129c-.633.136-3.927.639-5.697.385-3.133-.45-4.776-2.54-9.949-.888-.997.413-1.277 1.038-1.277 2.019L3 20.808c0 . 0 0 0 .73.304c.275 0 .519-.102.73-.304.202-.179.304-.418.304-.718v-6.58c4.533-1.235 8.047.668 8.562.864 2.343.893 5.542.008 6.774-.657.397-.178.596-.474.596-.887V3.964c0-.599-.42-.972-1.053-.835z" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></svg></span> 举报</button>'
    var $report4 = $(r4)

function club()
    var $ClubHeaderInfo_buttonGroup = $(".ClubHeaderInfo-buttonGroup")
    var $child1 = $ClubHeaderInfo_buttonGroup.children().eq(1-1)
    var $child2 = $ClubHeaderInfo_buttonGroup.children().eq(2-1)
    if($child2.length > 0 && $child2.text().indexOf("签到") > -1 && $child2.text().indexOf("加入") == -1) //退出圈子

        var post_child5 = $(this).children().eq(5-1)
        var post_child6 = $(this).children().eq(6-1)
        if(post_child6.length==0 || post_child6.text().indexOf("举报")==-1 ) //未添加举报


function addReport5($more5)
    var r5 = '<button type="button" class="Button ContentItem-action Button--plain"><span style="display: inline-flex; align-items: center;"><svg class="Zi Zi--Report" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="14" height="14"><path d="M19.947 3.129c-.633.136-3.927.639-5.697.385-3.133-.45-4.776-2.54-9.949-.888-.997.413-1.277 1.038-1.277 2.019L3 20.808c0 . 0 0 0 .73.304c.275 0 .519-.102.73-.304.202-.179.304-.418.304-.718v-6.58c4.533-1.235 8.047.668 8.562.864 2.343.893 5.542.008 6.774-.657.397-.178.596-.474.596-.887V3.964c0-.599-.42-.972-1.053-.835z" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></svg></span> 举报</button>'
    var $report5 = $(r5)

function search()
        var $child6 = $(this).children().eq(6-1)
        var $child7 = $(this).children().eq(7-1)
        if($child7.text().indexOf("收起") > -1)

function lives()

function collection()
        var $child6 = $(this).children().eq(6-1)
        var $child7 = $(this).children().eq(7-1)
        if($child7.length==0 || $child7.text().indexOf("收起") > -1)

function iconColor()
        if($(this).prop('lastChild').nodeValue!=null && $(this).prop('lastChild').nodeValue.indexOf("收起评论")==-1)
        if($(this).prop('lastChild').nodeValue!=null && $(this).prop('lastChild').nodeValue.indexOf("收起评论")==-1)
        if($(this).prop('lastChild').nodeValue!=null && $(this).prop('lastChild').nodeValue.indexOf("取消回复")==-1)
        if($(this).prop('lastChild').nodeValue!=null && $(this).prop('lastChild').nodeValue.indexOf("取消回复")==-1)
        if($(this).prop('lastChild').nodeValue!=null && $(this).prop('lastChild').nodeValue.indexOf("取消回复") > -1)
        if($(this).prop('lastChild').nodeValue!=null && $(this).prop('lastChild').nodeValue.indexOf("踩") > -1 || $(this).attr("data-tooltip")=="不推荐")
        if($(this).find("#topic-recommend").length>0 ||$(this).find("#topic-against").length>0 || $(this).prop('lastChild').nodeValue!=null && $(this).prop('lastChild').nodeValue.indexOf("取消踩") == -1)
        if($(this).prop('lastChild').nodeValue!=null && $(this).prop('lastChild').nodeValue=="取消踩")




        if($(this).prop('lastChild').nodeValue!=null && $(this).prop('lastChild').nodeValue=="取消喜欢")
        if($(this).prop('lastChild').nodeValue!=null && $(this).prop('lastChild').nodeValue=="已喜欢")









function timeTop()
            if($(this).find(".ContentItem-time").length>0 && $(this).find(".ContentItem-time").find("span").text() != null)
                    var data_tooltip = $(this).find(".ContentItem-time").find("span").attr("data-tooltip");
                    var oldtext =$(this).find(".ContentItem-time").find("span").text();

function originalPic()

function downloadVideo()
    (async () => {
        if (window.location.host == 'www.zhihu.com') return;

        const playlistBaseUrl = 'https://lens.zhihu.com/api/videos/';
        //const videoBaseUrl = 'https://video.zhihu.com/video/';
        const videoId = window.location.pathname.split('/').pop(); // 视频id
        const menuStyle = 'transform:none !important; left:auto !important; right:-0.5em !important;';
        const playerId = 'player';
        const coverSelector = '#' + playerId + ' > div:first-child > div:first-child > div:nth-of-type(2)';
        const controlBarSelector = '#' + playerId + ' > div:first-child > div:first-child > div:last-child > div:last-child > div:first-child';
        const svgDownload = '<path d="M9.5,4 H14.5 V10 H17.8 L12,15.8 L6.2,10 H9.5 Z M6.2,18 H17.8 V20 H6.2 Z"></path>';
        let player = document.getElementById(playerId);
        let resolutionMap = {'标清': 'sd', '高清': 'ld', '超清': 'hd'};
        let videos = []; // 存储各分辨率的视频信息
        let downloading = false;

        function getBrowerInfo() {
            let browser = (function (window) {
                let document = window.document;
                let navigator = window.navigator;
                let agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
                // IE8+支持.返回浏览器渲染当前文档所用的模式
                // IE6,IE7:undefined.IE8:8(兼容模式返回7).IE9:9(兼容模式返回7||8)
                // IE10:10(兼容模式7||8||9)
                let IEMode = document.documentMode;
                let chrome = window.chrome || false;
                let system = {
                    // user-agent
                    agent: agent,
                    // 是否为IE
                    isIE: /trident/.test(agent),
                    // Gecko内核
                    isGecko: agent.indexOf('gecko') > 0 && agent.indexOf('like gecko') < 0,
                    // webkit内核
                    isWebkit: agent.indexOf('webkit') > 0,
                    // 是否为标准模式
                    isStrict: document.compatMode === 'CSS1Compat',
                    // 是否支持subtitle
                    supportSubTitle: function () {
                        return 'track' in document.createElement('track');
                    // 是否支持scoped
                    supportScope: function () {
                        return 'scoped' in document.createElement('style');

                    // 获取IE的版本号
                    ieVersion: function () {
                        let rMsie = /(msie\s|trident.*rv:)([\w.]+)/;
                        let match = rMsie.exec(agent);
                        try {
                            return match[2];
                        } catch (e) {
                            return IEMode;
                    // Opera版本号
                    operaVersion: function () {
                        try {
                            if (window.opera) {
                                return agent.match(/opera.([\d.]+)/)[1];
                            else if (agent.indexOf('opr') > 0) {
                                return agent.match(/opr\/([\d.]+)/)[1];
                        } catch (e) {
                            return 0;

                try {
                    // 浏览器类型(IE、Opera、Chrome、Safari、Firefox)
                    system.type = system.isIE ? 'IE' :
                    window.opera || (agent.indexOf('opr') > 0) ? 'Opera' :
                    (agent.indexOf('chrome') > 0) ? 'Chrome' :
                    window.openDatabase ? 'Safari' :
                    (agent.indexOf('firefox') > 0) ? 'Firefox' :

                    // 版本号
                    system.version = (system.type === 'IE') ? system.ieVersion() :
                    (system.type === 'Firefox') ? agent.match(/firefox\/([\d.]+)/)[1] :
                    (system.type === 'Chrome') ? agent.match(/chrome\/([\d.]+)/)[1] :
                    (system.type === 'Opera') ? system.operaVersion() :
                    (system.type === 'Safari') ? agent.match(/version\/([\d.]+)/)[1] :

                    // 浏览器外壳
                    system.shell = function () {
                        if (agent.indexOf('edge') > 0) {
                            system.version = agent.match(/edge\/([\d.]+)/)[1] || system.version;
                            return 'Edge';
                        // 遨游浏览器
                        if (agent.indexOf('maxthon') > 0) {
                            system.version = agent.match(/maxthon\/([\d.]+)/)[1] || system.version;
                            return 'Maxthon';
                        // QQ浏览器
                        if (agent.indexOf('qqbrowser') > 0) {
                            system.version = agent.match(/qqbrowser\/([\d.]+)/)[1] || system.version;
                            return 'QQBrowser';
                        // 搜狗浏览器
                        if (agent.indexOf('se 2.x') > 0) {
                            return '搜狗浏览器';

                        // Chrome:也可以使用window.chrome && window.chrome.webstore判断
                        if (chrome && system.type !== 'Opera') {
                            let external = window.external;
                            let clientInfo = window.clientInformation;
                            // 客户端语言:zh-cn,zh.360下面会返回undefined
                            let clientLanguage = clientInfo.languages;

                            // 猎豹浏览器:或者agent.indexOf("lbbrowser")>0
                            if (external && 'LiebaoGetVersion' in external) {
                                return 'LBBrowser';
                            // 百度浏览器
                            if (agent.indexOf('bidubrowser') > 0) {
                                system.version = agent.match(/bidubrowser\/([\d.]+)/)[1] ||
                                return 'BaiDuBrowser';
                            // 360极速浏览器和360安全浏览器
                            if (system.supportSubTitle() && typeof clientLanguage === 'undefined') {
                                let storeKeyLen = Object.keys(chrome.webstore).length;
                                let v8Locale = 'v8Locale' in window;
                                return storeKeyLen > 1 ? '360极速浏览器' : '360安全浏览器';
                            return 'Chrome';
                        return system.type;

                    // 浏览器名称(如果是壳浏览器,则返回壳名称)
                    system.name = system.shell();
                    // 对版本号进行过滤过处理
                    // System.version = System.versionFilter(System.version);

                } catch (e) {
                    // console.log(e.message);

                return system;


            if (browser.name == undefined || browser.name == '') {
                browser.name = 'Unknown';
                browser.version = 'Unknown';
            else if (browser.version == undefined) {
                browser.version = 'Unknown';
            return browser;

        function fetchRetry(url, options = {}, times = 1, delay = 1000, checkStatus = true) {
            return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                // fetch 成功处理函数
                function success(res) {
                    if (checkStatus && !res.ok) {
                    else {

                // 单次失败处理函数
                function failure(error) {

                    if (times) {
                        setTimeout(fetchUrl, delay);
                    else {

                // 总体失败处理函数
                function finalHandler(error) {
                    throw error;

                function fetchUrl() {
                    return fetch(url, options)


        // 下载指定url的资源
        async function downloadUrl(url, name = (new Date()).valueOf() + '.mp4') {
            let browser = getBrowerInfo();

            // Greasemonkey 需要把 url 转为 blobUrl
            if (GM_info.scriptHandler == 'Greasemonkey') {
                let res = await fetchRetry(url);
                let blob = await res.blob();
                url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);

            // Chrome 可以使用 Tampermonkey 的 GM_download 函数绕过 CSP(Content Security Policy) 的限制
            if (window.GM_download) {
                GM_download({url, name});
            else {
                // firefox 需要禁用 CSP, about:config -> security.csp.enable => false
                let a = document.createElement('a');
                a.href = url;
                a.download = name;
                // a.target = '_blank';

                setTimeout(function () {
                }, 100);

        function humanSize(size) {
            let n = Math.log(size) / Math.log(1024) | 0;
            return (size / Math.pow(1024, n)).toFixed(0) + ' ' + (n ? 'KMGTPEZY'[--n] + 'B' : 'Bytes');

        if (!player) return;

        // 获取视频信息
        const res = await fetchRetry(playlistBaseUrl + videoId, {
            headers: {
                'referer': 'refererBaseUrl + videoId',
                'authorization': 'oauth c3cef7c66a1843f8b3a9e6a1e3160e20' // in zplayer.min.js of zhihu
        }, 3);
        const videoInfo = await res.json();

        // 获取不同分辨率视频的信息
        for (let [key, video] of Object.entries(videoInfo.playlist)) {
            video.name = key;

            if (!videos.find(v => v.width == video.width)) {

        // 按分辨率大小排序
        videos = videos.sort(function (v1, v2) {
            return v1.width == v2.width ? 0 : (v1.width > v2.width ? 1 : -1);

        document.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', (evt) => {
            let domControlBar = evt.relatedNode.querySelector(':scope > div:last-child > div:first-child');
            if (!domControlBar || domControlBar.querySelector('.download')) return;

            let domFullScreenBtn = domControlBar.querySelector(':scope > div:nth-last-of-type(1)');
            let domResolutionBtn = domControlBar.querySelector(':scope > div:nth-last-of-type(3)');
            let domDownloadBtn, defaultResolution, buttons;
            if (!domFullScreenBtn || !domFullScreenBtn.querySelector('button')) return;

            // 克隆分辨率菜单或全屏按钮为下载按钮
            domDownloadBtn = (domResolutionBtn && (domResolutionBtn.className == domFullScreenBtn.className))
                ? domResolutionBtn.cloneNode(true)
            : domFullScreenBtn.cloneNode(true);

            defaultResolution = domDownloadBtn.querySelector('button').innerText;

            // 生成下载按钮图标
            domDownloadBtn.querySelector('button:first-child').outerHTML = domFullScreenBtn.cloneNode(true).querySelector('button').outerHTML;
            domDownloadBtn.querySelector('svg').innerHTML = svgDownload;
            domDownloadBtn.className = domDownloadBtn.className + ' download';

            buttons = domDownloadBtn.querySelectorAll('button');

            // button 元素添加对应的下载地址
            buttons.forEach(dom => {
                let video = videos.find(v => v.name == resolutionMap[dom.innerText || defaultResolution]);
                video = video || videos[0];
                dom.dataset.video = video.play_url;
                if (dom.innerText) {
                    (dom.innerText = `${dom.innerText} (${humanSize(video.size)})`);
                else if (buttons.length == 1) {
                    dom.nextSibling.querySelector('div').innerText = humanSize(video.size);

            // 鼠标事件 - 显示菜单
            domDownloadBtn.addEventListener('pointerenter', () => {
                let domMenu = domDownloadBtn.querySelector('div:nth-of-type(1)');
                if (domMenu) {
                    domMenu.style.cssText = menuStyle + 'opacity:1 !important; visibility:visible !important';

            // 鼠标事件 - 隐藏菜单
            domDownloadBtn.addEventListener('pointerleave', () => {
                let domMenu = domDownloadBtn.querySelector('div:nth-of-type(1)');
                if (domMenu) {
                    domMenu.style.cssText = menuStyle;

            // 鼠标事件 - 选择菜单项
            domDownloadBtn.addEventListener('pointerup', event => {
                if (downloading) {

                let e = event.srcElement || event.target;

                while (e.tagName != 'BUTTON') {
                    e = e.parentNode;


            // 显示下载按钮


(function() {
    'use strict';

    if(window.location.href.indexOf("question") > -1)
        setInterval(question, 300);
    else if(window.location.href.indexOf("zvideo") > -1)
        setInterval(zvideo, 300);
    else if(window.location.href.indexOf("club") > -1)
        setInterval(club, 300);
    else if(window.location.href.indexOf("search") > -1)
        setInterval(search, 300);
    else if(window.location.href.indexOf("lives") > -1)
        setInterval(lives, 300);
    else if(window.location.href.indexOf("collection") > -1)
        setInterval(collection, 300);
    else if(window.location.href.indexOf("zhuanlan") > -1)
        setInterval(zhuanlan, 300);
    // Your code here...