Qobuz Country Switcher

Relocates the country selector menu to just above the album list or just below the cover artwork, and remaps the menu URLs from their countries' homepages to the current page's equivalent page in each country/language.

As of 28.07.2016. See ბოლო ვერსია.

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გამოყენებს მათ

Relocates the Country dropdown menu (located at the bottom of the page) to near the top:
Release pages - just below the cover artwork.
Artist, Label and Genre pages - just above the list of releases.

Remaps the country URLs from their respective homepages the same page as the current page, with only the country/language portion of the URL changed. This will result in an error message being served if the selected country does not offer that release, or any content by the artist/label being viewed.

The dropdown menu is styled to expand upwards, since it's located at the page bottom. I don't know how to write the custom CSS that would override this and make it expand downwards instead, but I've included a comment block at the end with the dropdown menu element's page source and a link to the CSS that styles it. If anyone knowledgeable about CSS wants to take a look and shoot me some feedback how to restyle it, I'll update the script and place the dropdown menu just below the breadcrumb (the "You are here:" line near the top of the page.)