JASRAC. work importer/editor into MusicBrainz + MB-JASRAC-音楽の森 links + MB back search links

One click imports JASRAC works into MusicBrainz (name, iswc, type, credits, edit note, sort name, search hint) and マス歌詞®(mass-lyrics) and wikipedia links. It will do the same magic in work editor. Work links to both JASRAC and 音楽の森 / ongakunomori / music forest / minc / magic db and back to MB

As of 16.06.2016. See ბოლო ვერსია.

These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.

  • v2016.7.18 19.11.2023

    FIX. JASRAC and 音楽の森 work code direct links are shown in double when both annotation and work attributes are set.

    NEW. edit (annotation) suggestion when bogus JASRAC ID detected

    FIX. no ISWC link since MBS change

    MBS-7665 is fixed, putting edit-annotation.changelog back in

    FIX. crash on works with non- attributes

    FIX. JASRAC drop box is too much jump-around, hard to focus, and obtrusive

    lame workaround for using lame jquery in lame chrome ;) (#11)

    tabbed layout (post #11)

    DBG. trying to cope with those new hyper dynamic form input content from local storage (part one)

    MBS. making sure new “make_votable” checkbox does not interfer with my “remember” checkbox (elephant↔jasrac)

    remove chrome work-arounds and advocate Tampermonkey instead when needed (#17)

    Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/jesus2099/konami-command

    Conflicts: jasrac-mb-minc_WORK-IMPORT-CROSS-LINKING.user.js

    aligning metadata block keys

    decoding some more unicode

    various syntax fixes spotted with some OUJS.org’s code display’s warnings (jshint maybe?)

    URG. disabling broken features, now waiting for being able to seed relationships in MBS entitie create pages.

    NEW. auto clean JASRAC annotation when the work attribute set edit has eventually applied. (I think they are not added anymore anyway)

    FIX. too many features have been disabled and lacking information

    MBS. buttons style changed

    MBS. language buttons fix was incomplete

    JASRAC work credit seeding (#14) progress stalled. work credit seeding is only possible with GET (https://chatlogs.musicbrainz.org/musicbrainz/2015/2015-04/2015-04-09.html#T16-34-38-396540). JASRAC ID seeding is only possible with POST (http://tickets.musicbrainz.org/browse/MBS-8341).


    FIX #14. work credits NG (thanks VERY MUCH Bitmap for MBS-7913) FIX #72. fullwidth latin artist names and work title should be changed to halfwidth

    FIX #75. 414 Request-URI Too Large One more #72 conversion to halfwidth for latin performers

    using .classList(.add/.remove/.toggle/.contains) instead of .className where opportunate. replacing clss() and cssClass(), I didn’t know I reinvented the weel.

    Workaround #77 (and #75): shortened GET query to further avoid « 414 Request-URI Too Large » error

    CR + LF → LF


    LF → CR+LF back to Windows (my OS) good old end of line characters. clipboard made it too prone to mistake for too few bytes gained.

    fixed jasrac_DIRECT-LINK name

    “translator” now has their own relationship type.

    Just some cleanup (no “var MBS” regression from #155).

    Warning: OUJS.org minify feature would break my metadata block parser. Remaining scripts (closes #158).

    OpenUserJS block cleanup

    Global search replace “self” → “window”. It seems Opera v12.18.1272 no longer finds self. Might be a better fix to than only self.getComputedStyle (fbbb86978292865a00bec860d709aef1c20dedd6). Initially spotted in #209, #210, #211, and #212.

    Revert my too hasty changes after a false alert:

    • Putting back favourite “self” instead of less explicit “window”
    • Explicit “self” on location
    • No self on prompt Closes #218. More info at violentmonkey/violentmonkey-oex#45.

    Remove remaining bogus sand boxes

    Security improvement: using match instead of include (closes #192). Added //*.mbsandbox.org support where it was missing.

    FIX #251: Search links look like misplaced

    FIX #259: Add 不明 (unkown) role support → writer

    Report #253 regression fix

    Merge branch 'master' into #244y-van-zall-shook-up-links



  • v2022.4.10 10.04.2022 Remove selectDomain() broken duplicate #671 Broken duplicate of "Select music release rights" Make "Select music release rights" selector more self-explanatory, Auto expand performers #667
  • v2022.4.9 09.04.2022 bump version and cleanup
  • v2022.1.24 08.04.2022 Show hidden JASRAC work codes #668
  • v2022.1.24 24.01.2022 Select music release rights, like CD, etc. #499 Maybe should be in jasrac_DIRECT instead…?
  • v2021.11.14 14.11.2021 Restore JASRAC permalink (fixes #640)
  • v2021.10.24 23.10.2021 Remove “Reset form values” button, which is now erasing data #633
  • v2021.10.22 22.10.2021 Use my forward-request.html to work around HTTPS security Fixes JASRAC title search #623 But requires that http://jesus2099.gitlab.io/get-to-post.html HTTPS form cannot submit to HTTP action GitLab pages allow HTTP, unlike GitHub pages
  • v2021.5.19 19.05.2021 Update MINC work code and title searches (#587), Defaults to Japanese again, when has lyrics (#339)
  • v2021.3.22 22.03.2021 No more Tampermonkey advice (#17) Now there is Violentmonkey on every browsers, so it's even better (open source) than Tampermonkey. Update metadata block (#510)
  • v2021.2.1 03.02.2021 Metadata block clean-up (#510) - Use Web Archive for userscripts(-mirror).org for safety - Use same namespace and namespace everywhere
  • v2021.2.1 01.02.2021 Use GM_info
  • v2021.1.20.2099 01.02.2021 eslint recommended: first pass, CRLF→LF Redoing this whole replace now that I use Linux, First wave of custom eslint rules, Bump versions post ESLint clean-up, Merge branch 'eslint'
  • v2020.11.27 27.11.2020 Use new convenient key instead of deprecated keyCode
  • v2020.6.26.3 25.11.2020 Use //cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/ (allowed by GF) … for require(d) libraries instead of //greasyfork.org/scripts/ One dependency less towards #396 (abandon mirrors). Also give less emphasis on mirrors and update compatibilities in README files.
  • v2020.6.26.2 18.11.2020 Remove *.mbsandbox.org support Freso said: Sandboxes have been discontinued and are not coming back https://wiki.musicbrainz.org/index.php?title=History:Development/Sandbox&diff=73442&oldid=69877
  • v2020.6.26b 18.10.2020 Carriage return cleanup (#490) Replace my \r\n with just \n that seems to work everywhere now.
  • v2020.6.26 26.06.2020 Fix minc 音楽の森 music FOREST interlinks Closes #463: script now only runs in album page, Make interlinks more easily clickable, Fix JASRAC work title search from minc minc is UTF-8 but JASRAC is MS932 (Shift_JIS), Show info about MB work code search limitation It’s a work annotation search. Not a real code search yet: https://github.com/jesus2099/konami-command/issues/281 https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/SEARCH-434
  • v2020.4.16 16.04.2020 Fix CROSS LINKING to new blue version J-WID (#499) They just removed .jsp from their main.jsp URL, Compatibility update / metadata cleanup, Restore CROSS LINKING from new JASRAC blue version J-WID (#499) ULTRA VOMIT (quick and dirty) fix
  • v2020.2.27 27.02.2020 Fix NexTone work lookup from JASRAC link
  • v2019.11.20.1310 20.11.2019 Add fluorescent yellow background to linkified IDs Use new work-attribute-jasrac-id CSS class
  • v2019.11.20.1302 20.11.2019 Add links towards NexTone
  • v2019.11.20 20.11.2019 Add links towards NexTone
  • v2019.5.7 07.05.2019 Stop using obsolete request headers Content-length and Connection (#160) 3 year old ad40df1456930561ec36ff1dd6ea79e78c7f2ee4 had no impact
  • v2018.4.4 27.09.2018 FIX #358: OpenUserJS.org has still been blocking my licences for months… I didn’t notice. Continuing ☞ I’m really wondering again: Abandon or continue to adapt to GF and OUJS (#396). Previous fix (GPL-3.0+) 3161796570372feb4f48a4f71f4b2d8848d7e8dc did work but no more. Now GPL-3.0-or-later deb8c4b2081ac328d7403df2b401746a32b21b56 seems to be accepted.
  • v2018.4.4 04.04.2018 FIX #396: GF and OUJS: Abandon or continue to adapt GF mirror should now update back again as I’ve reverted to GF hosted libraries. OUJS mirror support was already fixed by new licences (#358).
  • v2018.3.12 12.03.2018 FIX #358: OUJS has not updated my scripts since 25/11/2017. A specific licence pattern is now required. Bumped only the versions more recent than 25/11/2017.
  • v2018.1.4 04.01.2018 Greasemonkey v4: xmlHttpRequest.open no longer accept path without protocol and host (#372)
  • v2017.11.14 04.12.2017 update browser support
  • v2017.11.14 14.11.2017 Don’t display JASRAC作品コード: なし when none found in annotation, FIX #342: ISWC are no longer appended (only one ISWC supported now) FIX #341: Some JASRAC excerpts are SILENTLY not copied into edit note, FIX #343: Repair I (instrumental) button (still buggy)
  • v2017.7.10 13.11.2017 direct link to musicbrainz iswc lookup, Merge pull request #359 from ibmibmibm/master direct link to musicbrainz iswc lookup
  • v2017.7.10 19.07.2017 FIX #321: Editing Japanese works is broken Temporarily dropping language buttons to re‐enable script and its other features., Drop JASRAC annotation cleanup for mb_JASRAC-ANNOTATION-TO-ATTRIBUTE-MIGRATION temporary sidekick
  • v2016.8.12 12.08.2016 Synced from GitHub - professional grade coding style - replacing local code with library - FIX #250: JASRAC name search lacks some results - FIX #268: JASRAC name middle search or trim articles
  • v2016.7.18 18.07.2016 Synced from GitHub - FIX #259: Add 不明 (unkown) role support → writer
  • v2016.7.11 11.07.2016 Synced from GitHub - FIX #251: Search links look like misplaced
  • v2016.6.15 16.06.2016 Synced from GitHub - Remove remaining bogus sand boxes - Security improvement: using match instead of include (closes #192). Added //*.mbsandbox.org support where it was missing.
  • v2016.5.17 17.05.2016 Synced from GitHub - Revert my too hasty changes after a false alert: - Putting back favourite “self” instead of less explicit “window” - Explicit “self” on location - No self on prompt Closes #218. More info at violentmonkey/violentmonkey-oex#45.
  • v2016.5.11 11.05.2016 Synced from GitHub - Global search replace “self” → “window”. It seems Opera v12.**18**.1272 no longer finds **self**. Might be a better fix to than only self.getComputedStyle (fbbb86978292865a00bec860d709aef1c20dedd6). Initially spotted in #209, #210, #211, and #212.
  • v2016.1.25 23.02.2016 Synced from GitHub - OpenUserJS block cleanup
  • v2016.1.25 22.02.2016 Synced from GitHub - Warning: OUJS.org minify feature would break my metadata block parser. Remaining scripts (closes #158).
  • v2016.1.25 09.02.2016 Synced from GitHub - Just some cleanup (no “var MBS” regression from #155).
  • v2016.1.25 25.01.2016 Synced from GitHub - “translator” now has their own relationship type.
  • v2015.12.11 11.12.2015 Synced from GitHub - fixed jasrac_DIRECT-LINK name
  • v2015.6.22.2222 07.08.2015 Synced from GitHub - metadata
  • v2015.6.22.2222 09.07.2015 Synced from GitHub - CR + LF → LF
  • v2015.6.22.2222 22.06.2015 Synced from GitHub - Workaround #77 (and #75): shortened GET query to further avoid « 414 Request-URI Too Large » error
  • v2015.6.4.1626 04.06.2015 Synced from GitHub - using .classList(.add/.remove/.contains) instead of .className where opportunate
  • v2015.5.30.313 30.05.2015 Synced from GitHub - FIX #75. 414 Request-URI Too Large One more #72 conversion to halfwidth for latin performers
  • v2015.5.30.234 30.05.2015 Synced from GitHub - JASRAC work credit seeding (#14) progress stalled. work credit seeding is only possible with GET (https://chatlogs.musicbrainz.org/musicbrainz/2015/2015-04/2015-04-09.html#T16-34-38-396540). JASRAC ID seeding is only possible with POST (http://tickets.musicbrainz.org/browse/MBS-8341). - cleanup - FIX #14. work credits NG (thanks VERY MUCH Bitmap for MBS-7913) FIX #72. fullwidth latin artist names and work title should be changed to halfwidth
  • v2014.12.19.757 19.12.2014 Synced from GitHub - MBS. language buttons fix was incomplete

Show all script versions