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YouTube Links

Download YouTube videos. Video formats are listed at the top of the watch page. Video links are tagged so that they can be downloaded easily.

< YouTube Linksについてのフィードバック

レート:良 – スクリプトは良好に動作する

投稿日: 2019/08/02

not working on video list

Love this script, always. It works in video page, but more and more often it stops showing icon in video LIST page. I tried downgrade to 2.0.7, doesn't help.

投稿日: 2019/08/02
編集日: 2019/08/02

Hi, can you show what you mean by 'LIST page'?

If you refresh the page (F5), do the icons show up?

投稿日: 2019/08/02
編集日: 2019/08/02

@nhyone 说道: Hi, can you show what you mean by 'LIST page'? that's, for example, when I search something, I see many videos in one page. If you refresh the page (F5), do the icons show up? Nope.

投稿日: 2019/08/02

It still works for me. Any search words that I can try?

There's a bug that if you search again, the icons still refer to the old videos. I fixed it before, but the bug has come back.

投稿日: 2019/08/02

@nhyone 说道: It still works for me. Any search words that I can try?

There's a bug that if you search again, the icons still refer to the old videos. I fixed it before, but the bug has come back.

Not just search, it also happens to Home page and Subscriptions page.

投稿日: 2019/08/03

Updated to the newlest v2.09, works like a charm, is it because I'm using youtube classic?

