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Steamgifts Auto Entry

Automatically enters giveaways on

< Steamgifts Auto Entryについてのフィードバック

レート:良 – スクリプトは良好に動作する

投稿日: 2014/12/01



For me the backup/restore is not working.
I tried to restore a backup and I still had the old values.
Latest FF.

投稿日: 2014/12/01

Do you see the alert box "Settings restored" or not? If you don't, then it's most likely you didn't copy the entire JSON string from the backup textbox and it can't parse the text.

投稿日: 2014/12/01

Yes, I see "Settings restored", but still have the old entries in settings. I can restore with firebug.

投稿日: 2014/12/01

Are you refreshing the page immediately after you do a restore? The restore just sets your current settings in memory, if you want to actually save them so they will be there when you refresh the page, you can go into settings and click Save. If you go into Settings immediately after you do a restore and you still don't see your restored settings, then I'm not sure what's wrong.

投稿日: 2014/12/01

No, I don't refresh. I straight go to settings. It works if I enter the JSON to localStorage in Firebug/DOM and close the page and reopen it.

投稿日: 2014/12/01

Alright, I see the game list isn't reloading when the Settings page is opened back up after restoring. I'll fix that.

