YouTube Modernizer JS - Modernize YouTube UI with custom CSS and animations
YouTube to Netflix Player Style JS - Style YouTube player to look like Netflix player
Modern YouTube 2024 JS - Apply modern rounded styles and animations to YouTube and remove the sidebar button
YouTube Material Design 1 JS - Apply Material Design 1 styles to YouTube
YouTube Mobile View JS - Emulates YouTube mobile view on desktop
GreasyFork Modern Light 2024 JS - Custom style for GreasyFork with modern light theme, rounded corners, and animations
YouTube with Material Design JS - Apply Material Design 1 styles to YouTube using Materialize
YouTube 2017 Header Style with MDL JS - Make YouTube's header bigger, add Material Design Lite, and a 2017 aesthetic.
YouTube Kids Theme for YouTube JS - Apply a YouTube Kids-inspired theme to YouTube
Custom YouTube Interface JS - Customize YouTube interface by hiding certain elements and making modifications.
YouTube Custom UI JS - Custom YouTube UI design based on provided image.
Snail IDE Header Customization JS - Change the header color and logo on Snail IDE
YouTube 4x Speed JS - Add a 4x speed option to YouTube player.
Google Slides Advanced UI Enhancements JS - Enhances Google Slides UI with Material Design Lite, custom shapes, tools, and animations inspired by PowerPoint
Panzoid Clipmaker Custom Style JS - Custom style for Panzoid Clipmaker 3
Panzoid Modern UI and Enhancements JS - Modernize Panzoid UI and enhance features
Panzoid Clipmaker Gen3 Layout Modifier JS - Move logo to left, buttons to right, and remove Try Gen4 button on Panzoid Clipmaker Gen3 tool.
Roblox - Material Design Lite Header Only JS - Apply Material Design Lite to Roblox header and sidebar, removing other content
Roblox Custom Dark Theme JS - Customizes Roblox UI to match desired dark theme style
Website UI Switcher JS - Switch UI styles (modern/retro/material) for YouTube, Google, Roblox, Yahoo!, and Amazon.
Custom Google Styles JS - Apply custom styles to Google
Panzoid 2016 Layout JS - Apply custom CSS to Panzoid to mimic a 2016 layout
Google Custom Style with Tampermonkey Settings JS - Customize Google's logos, buttons, icons, and text with Tampermonkey's settings interface
Add Back Comic Sans to Google Docs/Slides JS - You want do bring back comic sans? Now You Can! With this userstyle BRINGS BACK COMIC SANS!
Add Chalkboard SE to Google Docs/Slides JS - Adds Chalkboard SE as an option to Google Docs and Slides font list
Add Comic Sans MS to Google Docs/Slides (More Fonts + Search) JS - Adds Comic Sans MS to Google Docs/Slides, visible in "More Fonts" and when searched
Modify More Fonts in Google Docs/Slides JS - Adds Select All button and makes the More Fonts tab modern and rounded in Google Docs/Slides
Google Docs/Slides Enhanced Modern Material Design JS - Apply an extended modern, rounded Material Design UI to Google Docs and Google Slides with enhanced animations and transitions
Add Extra Fonts to Google Docs/Slides JS - Add extra fonts to the Google Docs and Google Slides font dropdown menus
Add Extra Tabs to Google Docs/Slides JS - Add extra tabs for Drawing and Erase by Lines to Google Docs and Slides
Google Slides Custom Plus Button JS - Add a custom button to Google Slides toolbar for additional features
YouTube Button Reposition JS - Move YouTube buttons to different positions
YouTube Sidebar Buttons to Bottom JS - Move YouTube sidebar buttons to the bottom of the homepage
Panzoid Clipmaker Enhancer JS - Adds bending scale, motion blur, and render engine chooser to Panzoid Clipmaker tool
Krea Minute Increase JS - Increase the time limit on Krea from 3 minutes to 120 minutes
Redirect .org to .com JS - Automatically redirects .org websites to their .com version if available
TikTok on YouTube Shorts JS - Embed TikTok videos on YouTube Shorts page and add a TikTok search bar
Minecraft Classic Block Color Changer JS - Change the colors of blocks in Minecraft Classic
Inject HTML into PenguinMod Editor JS - Inject custom HTML into the PenguinMod editor page
Google Classroom Custom Loading for Homes (Exclude GoGuardian) JS - Move spinner lower and add loading text on Google Classroom homes (not schools using GoGuardian).
TikTok Warning Popup (with Logo, Font, and Styled Buttons) JS - Shows a warning that TikTok may be banned with a TikTok logo, custom font, and pink rounded buttons.
TikTok Warning Popup (with SVG Logo, Font, and Styled Buttons) JS - Shows a warning that TikTok may be banned with an SVG TikTok logo, custom font, and pink rounded buttons.
TikTok Warning Popup (with TikTok Colors, Animation, and Button Effects) JS - Shows a warning that TikTok may be banned with animated TikTok-themed buttons and an outline effect on hover.
ChatGPT UI Enhancer JS - Enhance UI with modern elements, headers, footers, and icons
Caption Swear Word Warning JS - Display a warning when captions contain swear words like [__], [_], [___], [____].
YouTube Embed Player on Watch Page JS - Replace YouTube watch page player with the embed player for distraction-free viewing
YouTube Player with Red Progress Bar and No Gradients JS - Customize YouTube player on watch page to remove gradients and keep a solid red progress bar
YouTube Logo - Solid Red Color on All Pages JS - Force the YouTube logo to be solid red instead of pink on all YouTube pages
YouTube Cast Button - Apple AirPlay Style JS - Change the YouTube Cast button to resemble the Apple AirPlay icon on all YouTube pages