Dead Frontier at work JS - This script will show your token to authenticate into Inner City. This script was made to make it easier for people who want to play Dead Frontier 3D on computers they don't have Administrator privileges to install programs.
asicentral JS - Automaticamente seleciona o Almoxarifado CENTRAL no ASI
AutoAlmoxarife JS - Clica autoamticamente nos links para consultar materiais
YouTube iFrame AdBlocker JS - Bypass YouTube's ad-blocker detection by dynamically replacing the video player with an iframe.
ASIWEB sem caracteres especiais JS - Remove caracteres especiais ao colar algum patrimonio ou numero de guia nos campos do ASIWEB
Alerta de Termo gerado JS - notificar quando o ASI terminar de gerar um relatorio.
relacao de bens autocheck JS - marcar automaticamente a caixa de relação de bens no asiweb
marcar todos JS - Automatically select a specific radio button on the ASI Web page
Dead Frontier - Money Warning Banner JS - Display a big banner on the Outpost showing how much money you are carrying!