JPDB Immersion Kit Examples

Embeds anime images & audio examples into JPDB review and vocabulary pages using Immersion Kit's API. Compatible only with TamperMonkey.

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JPDB Anime Examples

Userscript for that embeds anime examples from ImmersionKit.


  • Speaker: Click to play audio.
  • Star: Favorite button. ★ = favorite; ☆ = non-favorite.
  • JP Quotation Marks: Exact search toggle. 「」 = Exact search enabled; 『』 = Exact search disabled.
  • Left Arrow: Go back one example.
  • Right Arrow: Go forward one example.
  • Three Lines: Menu button. ☰ Click it to open an overlay menu.

In the menu, there are several Config options that can be changed:

  • Image Width: How wide the image is.
  • Wide Mode: Decide if the image is next to the meanings or above them.
  • Arrow Width: How wide the arrows are.
  • Arrow Height: How tall the arrows are.
  • Page Width: How wide the page is.
  • Sound Volume: How loud the audio is.
  • Enable Example Translation: Display English translation or not.
  • Sentence Font Size: Size of the Japanese sentence.
  • Translation Font Size: Size of the English translation.
  • Colored Sentence Text: Highlight the vocab in the Japanese sentence or not.
  • Auto Play Sound: Automatically play sound when loading the page or pressing an arrow.
  • Number of Preloads: How many examples to load in the background.
  • Vocab Size: How large the vocab text is during reviews.
  • Minimum Example Length: How short you allow the example to be.
    Warning: Changing this will break all current favorites. It will delete your favorites after changing it.
  • Blacklist: Prevent any examples from being loaded for the current vocab.

It searches the Immersion Kit database for examples based on the current vocab and embeds them into the page. The script can auto-play the sound clip for each image. You may need to adjust your browser's site settings to allow automatic audio, usually found as a small button to the left of your URL.

There are arrows to quickly cycle between examples, and a favorite system to pick the default example for the next time you see the current vocab.

Note: This script requires TamperMonkey as your userscript manager.

Hope everyone finds this as useful as I do. Enjoy~
