- // ==UserScript==
- // @name Diep.io+ (added quick Tank Upgrade Hotkeys)
- // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
- // @version 2.2.1
- // @description Quick Tank Upgrades, Highscore saver, Anti Aim, Zoom hack, Anti AFK Timeout, Sandbox Auto K
- // @author r!PsAw
- // @match https://diep.io/*
- // @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=diep.io
- // @grant none
- // @license MIT
- // ==/UserScript==
- //This is just the beginning! :)
- //inner script settings
- let deep_debug_properties = {
- active: false,
- }
- function deep_debug(...args) {
- if (deep_debug_properties.active) {
- console.log(...args);
- }
- }
- //Information for script
- let player = {
- connected: false,
- inGame: false,
- name: '',
- team: null,
- gamemode: null,
- ui_scale: 1,
- dpr: 1,
- };
- function windowScaling() {
- const a = canvas.height / 1080;
- const b = canvas.width / 1920;
- return b < a ? a : b;
- }
- class dimensions_converter {
- constructor() {
- this.scalingFactor = null; //undetectable without bypass
- this.fieldFactor = null; //undetectable without bypass
- }
- canvas_2_window(a) {
- let b = a / (canvas.width / window.innerWidth);
- return b;
- }
- window_2_canvas(a) {
- let b = a * (canvas.width / window.innerWidth);
- return b;
- }
- windowScaling_2_window(a) {
- let b = (this.windowScaling_2_canvas(a)) / (canvas.width / window.innerWidth);
- return b;
- }
- windowScaling_2_canvas(a) {
- let b = a * windowScaling();
- deep_debug('windowScaling_2_canvas called! a, b', a, b);
- return b;
- }
- diepUnits_2_canvas(a) {
- let b = a / scalingFactor;
- return b;
- }
- diepUnits_2_window(a) {
- let b = (this.diepUnits_2_canvas(a)) / (canvas.width / window.innerWidth);
- return b;
- }
- window_2_diepUnits(a) {
- let b = (this.canvas_2_diepUnits(a)) * (canvas.width / window.innerWidth);
- return b;
- }
- canvas_2_diepUnits(a) {
- let b = a * this.scalingFactor;
- return b;
- }
- */
- window_2_windowScaling(a) {
- let b = (this.canvas_2_windowScaling(a)) * (canvas.width / window.innerWidth);
- return b;
- }
- canvas_2_windowScaling(a) {
- let b = a * windowScaling();
- return b;
- }
- diepUnits_2_windowScaling(a) {
- let b = (this.diepUnits_2_canvas(a)) * this.fieldFactor;
- return b;
- }
- windowScaling_2_diepUntis(a) {
- let b = (a / this.fieldFactor) * this.scalingFactor;
- return b;
- }
- */
- }
- let dim_c = new dimensions_converter();
- function i_e(type, key, ...args) {
- switch (type) {
- case "input":
- input[key](...args);
- break
- case "extern":
- extern[key](...args);
- break
- }
- }
- let inputs = {
- mouse: {
- real: {
- x: 0,
- y: 0,
- },
- game: {
- x: 0,
- y: 0,
- },
- force: {
- x: 0,
- y: 0,
- },
- isForced: false,
- isFrozen: false,
- isShooting: false,
- original: {
- onTouchMove: null,
- onTouchStart: null,
- onTouchEnd: null,
- }
- },
- keys_pressed: [],
- }
- function apply_force(x, y) {
- inputs.mouse.force = {
- x: x,
- y: y,
- }
- inputs.mouse.isForced = true;
- }
- function disable_force() {
- inputs.mouse.isForced = false;
- }
- const touchMethods = ['onTouchMove', 'onTouchStart', 'onTouchEnd'];
- let canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
- let ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
- function define_onTouch() {
- touchMethods.forEach(function(method) {
- inputs.mouse.original[method] = input[method];
- deep_debug('defined input.', method);
- });
- }
- function clear_onTouch() {
- touchMethods.forEach(function(method) {
- input[method] = () => {};
- });
- }
- function redefine_onTouch() {
- touchMethods.forEach(function(method) {
- input[method] = inputs.mouse.original[method];
- });
- }
- function start_input_proxies(_filter = false, _single = false, _method = null) {
- ((_filter || _single) && !_method) ? console.warn("missing _method at start_input_proxies"): null;
- let temp_methods = touchMethods;
- if (_filter) {
- temp_methods.filter((item) => item != _method);
- } else if (_single) {
- temp_methods = [_method];
- }
- temp_methods.forEach(function(method) {
- input[method] = new Proxy(input[method], {
- apply: function(definition, input_obj, args) {
- let x, y, type, new_args;
- if (inputs.mouse.isForced) {
- x = inputs.mouse.forced.x;
- y = inputs.mouse.forced.y;
- } else {
- x = args[1];
- y = args[2];
- }
- type = args[0];
- new_args = [type, x / player.dpr, y / player.dpr];
- inputs.mouse.game = {
- x: new_args[1],
- y: new_args[2],
- }
- return Reflect.apply(definition, input_obj, new_args);
- }
- });
- });
- }
- function update_information() {
- window.requestAnimationFrame(update_information);
- let teams = ["blue", "red", "purple", "green"];
- player.connected = !!window.lobby_ip;
- player.connected? player.inGame = !!extern.doesHaveTank() : null;
- player.name = document.querySelector("#spawn-nickname").value;
- player.team = teams[parseInt(window.__common__.party_link.split('x')[1])];
- player.gamemode = window.__common__.active_gamemode;
- player.ui_scale = parseFloat(localStorage.getItem("d:ui_scale"))
- }
- window.requestAnimationFrame(update_information);
- function waitForConnection() {
- if (player.connected) {
- define_onTouch();
- start_input_proxies();
- } else {
- setTimeout(waitForConnection, 100);
- }
- }
- waitForConnection();
- //GUI
- function n2id(string) {
- return string.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, "-");
- }
- class El {
- constructor(
- name,
- type,
- el_color,
- width,
- height,
- opacity = "1",
- zindex = "100"
- ) {
- this.el = document.createElement(type);
- this.el.style.backgroundColor = el_color;
- this.el.style.width = width;
- this.el.style.height = height;
- this.el.style.opacity = opacity;
- this.el.style.zIndex = zindex;
- this.el.id = n2id(name);
- this.display = "block"; // store default display
- }
- setBorder(type, width, color, radius = 0) {
- const borderStyle = `${width} solid ${color}`;
- switch (type) {
- case "normal":
- this.el.style.border = borderStyle;
- break;
- case "top":
- this.el.style.borderTop = borderStyle;
- break;
- case "left":
- this.el.style.borderLeft = borderStyle;
- break;
- case "right":
- this.el.style.borderRight = borderStyle;
- break;
- case "bottom":
- this.el.style.borderBottom = borderStyle;
- break;
- }
- this.el.style.borderRadius = radius;
- }
- setPosition(
- position,
- display,
- top,
- left,
- flexDirection,
- justifyContent,
- translate
- ) {
- this.el.style.position = position;
- this.el.style.display = display;
- if (top) this.el.style.top = top;
- if (left) this.el.style.left = left;
- // Flex properties
- if (flexDirection) this.el.style.flexDirection = flexDirection;
- if (justifyContent) this.el.style.justifyContent = justifyContent;
- if (translate) this.el.style.transform = `translate(${translate})`;
- this.display = display;
- }
- margin(top, left, right, bottom) {
- this.el.style.margin = `${top} ${right} ${bottom} ${left}`;
- }
- setText(
- text,
- txtColor,
- font,
- weight,
- fontSize,
- stroke,
- alignContent,
- textAlign
- ) {
- this.el.innerHTML = text;
- this.el.style.color = txtColor;
- this.el.style.fontFamily = font;
- this.el.style.fontWeight = weight;
- this.el.style.fontSize = fontSize;
- this.el.style.textShadow = stroke;
- this.el.style.alignContent = alignContent;
- this.el.style.textAlign = textAlign;
- }
- add(parent) {
- parent.appendChild(this.el);
- }
- remove(parent) {
- parent.removeChild(this.el);
- }
- toggle(showOrHide) {
- this.el.style.display = showOrHide === "hide" ? "none" : this.display;
- }
- }
- let mainCont, header, subContGray, subContBlack, modCont, settCont;
- class Module {
- constructor(name, type, submodules = null, settings, callback) {
- this.name = name;
- this.submodules = submodules;
- this.callbackFunc = callback;
- this.settings = settings;
- this.title = new El(name, "div", "transparent", "170px", "50px");
- this.title.setPosition("relative", "block");
- this.title.setText(
- name,
- "white",
- "Calibri",
- "bold",
- "15px",
- "2px",
- "center",
- "center"
- );
- this.elements = [];
- this.elements.push(this.title.el);
- switch (type) {
- case "toggle": {
- this.active = false;
- this.title.el.style.display = "flex";
- this.title.el.style.alignItems = "center";
- this.title.el.style.justifyContent = "space-between";
- let empty_checkbox = new El(
- this.name + " checkbox",
- "div",
- "lightgray",
- "20px",
- "20px"
- );
- empty_checkbox.setBorder("normal", "2px", "gray", "4px");
- //event listeners
- empty_checkbox.el.addEventListener("mousedown", (e) => {
- if (e.button != 0) return;
- this.active = !this.active;
- if (this.active) {
- empty_checkbox.el.innerHTML = "✔";
- empty_checkbox.el.style.backgroundColor = "green";
- empty_checkbox.setBorder("normal", "2px", "lime", "4px");
- } else {
- empty_checkbox.el.innerHTML = "";
- empty_checkbox.el.style.backgroundColor = "lightgray";
- empty_checkbox.setBorder("normal", "2px", "gray", "4px");
- }
- });
- empty_checkbox.el.addEventListener("mouseover", () => {
- empty_checkbox.el.style.backgroundColor = this.active ?
- "darkgreen" :
- "darkgray";
- empty_checkbox.el.style.cursor = "pointer";
- });
- empty_checkbox.el.addEventListener("mouseout", () => {
- empty_checkbox.el.style.backgroundColor = this.active ?
- "green" :
- "lightgray";
- });
- this.title.el.appendChild(empty_checkbox.el);
- break;
- }
- case "slider": {
- this.value = 100;
- this.title.el.innerHTML = `${this.name}: ${this.value} %`;
- const slider = document.createElement("input");
- slider.type = "range";
- slider.value = this.value;
- slider.min = 0;
- slider.max = 100;
- slider.addEventListener("input", () => {
- this.value = slider.value;
- this.title.el.innerHTML = `${this.name}: ${this.value} %`;
- });
- this.elements.push(slider);
- break;
- }
- case "button":
- this.title.setBorder("normal", '2px', 'white', '10px');
- this.title.el.style.cursor = "pointer";
- this.title.el.addEventListener("mousedown", () => {
- if (this.callbackFunc) {
- this.callbackFunc();
- }
- });
- break;
- case "color":
- break;
- }
- }
- load() {
- this.elements.forEach((element) => modCont.el.appendChild(element));
- }
- unload() {
- this.elements.forEach((element) => {
- if (modCont.el.contains(element)) {
- modCont.el.removeChild(element);
- }
- });
- }
- }
- class Category {
- constructor(name, modules) {
- this.name = name;
- this.element = new El(name, "div", "rgb(38, 38, 38)", "90px", "50px");
- this.element.setPosition("relative", "block");
- this.element.setText(
- name,
- "white",
- "Calibri",
- "bold",
- "20px",
- "2px",
- "center",
- "center"
- );
- this.element.setBorder("normal", "2px", "transparent", "10px");
- this.selected = false;
- this.modules = modules;
- this.element.el.addEventListener("mousedown", (e) => {
- if (e.button !== 0) return;
- this.selected = !this.selected;
- this.element.el.style.backgroundColor = this.selected ?
- "lightgray" :
- "rgb(38, 38, 38)";
- handle_categories_selection(this.name);
- if (!this.selected) unload_modules(this.name);
- });
- this.element.el.addEventListener("mouseover", () => {
- if (!this.selected) {
- this.element.el.style.backgroundColor = "rgb(58, 58, 58)";
- this.element.el.style.cursor = "pointer";
- }
- });
- this.element.el.addEventListener("mouseout", () => {
- if (!this.selected)
- this.element.el.style.backgroundColor = "rgb(38, 38, 38)";
- });
- }
- unselect() {
- this.selected = false;
- this.element.el.style.backgroundColor = "rgb(38, 38, 38)";
- }
- }
- //1travel
- let modules = {
- 'Info': {
- q_a1: new Module("Where is the rest of the scripts?", "button", null, null, () => {
- alert("They're patched, I can't make the bypass public for now, because it will be patched too");
- }),
- q_a2: new Module("Why no updates so long?", "button", null, null, () => {
- alert("I had some things to do in the university + I was working on a big canvas API, that no longer works due to the patch");
- }),
- q_a3: new Module("I have a problem/question where can I contact you?", "button", null, null, () => {
- alert("Dm me on discord. My tag is: h3llside");
- }),
- q_a4: new Module("What will happen to Diep.io+ after Diep Police Department?", "button", null, null, () => {
- alert(`
- There are two possbile outcomes:
- 1. I will make it a Ghost client, meaning it will contain helpful functions that make your life easier, but don't give you any advantages public and move everything else to Addons (make it private) OR
- 2. I will make bannable cheats less detectable
- `);
- }),
- q_a5: new Module("I really want to have access for Addons, can I have it?", "button", null, null, () => {
- alert(`
- No, unless you give me something in return. For example some useful information for bypassing or someone's private script
- `);
- }),
- q_a6: new Module("I want you to make a script for me, can you do it?", "button", null, null, () => {
- alert(`
- If it's simple - yes. If not, well I want a reward then in any form, because my time and energy are limited, to waste hours on someone who wants some personalised script
- `);
- }),
- },
- Visual: {
- Key_inputs_visualiser: new Module("Key Inputs Visualiser", "toggle"),
- display_hotkeys: new Module("Show Tank Upgrade Hotkeys", "toggle"),
- },
- Functional: {
- CopyLink: new Module("Copy Party Link", "button", null, null, () => {
- document.getElementById("copy-party-link").click();
- }),
- //glitched Name
- Sandbox_lvl_up: new Module("Sandbox Auto Level Up", "toggle"),
- Auto_respawn: new Module("Auto Respawn", "toggle"),
- Zoom: new Module("Zoom Out", "slider"),
- },
- Mouse: {
- Anti_aim: new Module("Anti Aim", "toggle"),
- Freeze_mouse: new Module("Freeze Mouse", "toggle"),
- Anti_timeout: new Module("Anti AFK Timeout", "toggle"),
- },
- DiepConsole: {
- con_toggle: new Module("Show/hide Diep Console", "toggle"),
- net_predict_movement: new Module("predict movement", "toggle"),
- //game builds
- //render
- },
- Addons: {},
- };
- let categories = [];
- function create_categories() {
- for (let key in modules) {
- categories.push(new Category(key, modules[key]));
- }
- }
- create_categories();
- function load_modules(category_name) {
- const current_category = categories.find(
- (category) => category.name === category_name
- );
- for (let moduleName in current_category.modules) {
- current_category.modules[moduleName].load();
- }
- }
- function unload_modules(category_name) {
- const current_category = categories.find(
- (category) => category.name === category_name
- );
- for (let moduleName in current_category.modules) {
- current_category.modules[moduleName].unload();
- }
- }
- function handle_categories_selection(current_name) {
- categories.forEach((category) => {
- if (category.name !== current_name && category.selected) {
- category.unselect();
- unload_modules(category.name);
- }
- });
- load_modules(current_name);
- }
- function loadCategories() {
- const categoryCont = document.querySelector("#sub-container-gray");
- categories.forEach((category) =>
- categoryCont.appendChild(category.element.el)
- );
- }
- function load_selected() {
- categories.forEach((category) => {
- if (category.selected) {
- load_modules(category.name);
- }
- });
- }
- function loadGUI() {
- document.body.style.margin = "0";
- document.body.style.display = "flex";
- document.body.style.justifyContent = "left";
- mainCont = new El("Main Cont", "div", "rgb(38, 38, 38)", "500px", "400px");
- mainCont.setBorder("normal", "2px", "lime", "10px");
- mainCont.el.style.display = "flex";
- mainCont.el.style.flexDirection = "column";
- mainCont.add(document.body);
- header = new El("Headline Dp", "div", "transparent", "100%", "40px");
- header.setBorder("bottom", "2px", "rgb(106, 173, 84)");
- header.setText(
- "Diep.io+ by r!PsAw (Hide GUI with J)",
- "white",
- "Calibri",
- "bold",
- "20px",
- "2px",
- "center",
- "center"
- );
- header.add(mainCont.el);
- const contentWrapper = document.createElement("div");
- contentWrapper.style.display = "flex";
- contentWrapper.style.gap = "10px";
- contentWrapper.style.padding = "10px";
- contentWrapper.style.flex = "1";
- mainCont.el.appendChild(contentWrapper);
- subContGray = new El(
- "Sub Container Gray",
- "div",
- "transparent",
- "100px",
- "100%"
- );
- subContGray.el.style.display = "flex";
- subContGray.el.style.flexDirection = "column";
- subContGray.el.style.overflowY = "auto";
- subContGray.add(contentWrapper);
- subContBlack = new El("Sub Container Black", "div", "black", "360px", "100%");
- subContBlack.el.style.display = "flex";
- subContBlack.el.style.gap = "10px";
- subContBlack.add(contentWrapper);
- modCont = new El("Module Container", "div", "transparent", "50%", "100%");
- modCont.el.style.display = "flex";
- modCont.el.style.flexDirection = "column";
- modCont.el.style.overflowY = "auto";
- modCont.setBorder("right", "2px", "white");
- modCont.add(subContBlack.el);
- settCont = new El("Settings Container", "div", "transparent", "50%", "100%");
- settCont.el.style.display = "flex";
- settCont.el.style.flexDirection = "column";
- settCont.el.style.overflowY = "auto";
- settCont.add(subContBlack.el);
- loadCategories();
- load_selected();
- }
- loadGUI();
- document.addEventListener("keydown", toggleGUI);
- function toggleGUI(e) {
- if (e.key === "j" || e.key === "J") {
- if (mainCont.el) {
- mainCont.remove(document.body);
- mainCont.el = null;
- } else {
- loadGUI();
- }
- }
- }
- //actual logic
- let homescreen = document.getElementById("home-screen");
- let ingamescreen = document.getElementById("in-game-screen");
- let gameOverScreen = document.getElementById('game-over-screen');
- let gameOverScreenContainer = document.querySelector("#game-over-screen > div > div.game-details > div:nth-child(1)");
- function update_scale_option(selector, label, min, max) {
- let element = document.querySelector(selector);
- let label_element = element.closest("div").querySelector("span");
- label_element.innerHTML = `[DIEP.IO+] ${label}`;
- label_element.style.background = "black";
- label_element.style.color = "purple";
- element.min = min;
- element.max = max;
- }
- function new_ranges_for_scales() {
- update_scale_option("#subsetting-option-ui_scale", "UI Scale", '0.01', '1000');
- update_scale_option("#subsetting-option-border_radius", "UI Border Radius", '0.01', '1000');
- update_scale_option("#subsetting-option-border_intensity", "UI Border Intensity", '0.01', '1000');
- }
- new_ranges_for_scales();
- //detect gamemode
- let gamemode = document.querySelector("#gamemode-selector > div > div.selected > div.dropdown-label").innerHTML;
- let last_gamemode = localStorage.getItem(`[Diep.io+] last_gm`);
- localStorage.setItem(`[Diep.io+] last_gm}`, gamemode);
- function check_gamemode() {
- gamemode = document.querySelector("#gamemode-selector > div > div.selected > div.dropdown-label").innerHTML;
- save_gm();
- }
- setInterval(check_gamemode, 250);
- function save_gm() {
- let saved_gm = localStorage.getItem(`[Diep.io+] last_gm`);
- if (saved_gm != null && saved_gm != gamemode) {
- last_gamemode = saved_gm;
- }
- saved_gm === null ? localStorage.setItem(`[Diep.io+] last_gm}`, gamemode) : null;
- }
- //personal best
- let your_final_score = 0;
- const personal_best = document.createElement('div');
- const gameDetail = document.createElement('div');
- const label = document.createElement('div');
- //applying class
- gameDetail.classList.add("game-detail");
- label.classList.add("label");
- personal_best.classList.add("value");
- //text context
- label.textContent = "Best:";
- //adding to html
- gameOverScreenContainer.appendChild(gameDetail);
- gameDetail.appendChild(label);
- gameDetail.appendChild(personal_best);
- function load_ls() {
- return localStorage.getItem(gamemode);
- }
- function save_ls() {
- localStorage.setItem(gamemode, your_final_score);
- }
- function check_final_score() {
- if (window.__common__.screen_state === "game-over") {
- your_final_score = window.__common__.death_score;
- let saved_score = parseFloat(load_ls());
- personal_best.textContent = saved_score;
- if (saved_score < your_final_score) {
- personal_best.textContent = your_final_score;
- save_ls();
- }
- }
- }
- setInterval(check_final_score, 100);
- //remove annoying html elements
- function instant_remove() {
- // Define selectors for elements to remove
- const selectors = [
- "#cmpPersistentLink",
- "#apes-io-promo",
- "#apes-io-promo > img",
- "#last-updated",
- "#diep-io_300x250"
- ];
- // Remove each selected element
- selectors.forEach(selector => {
- const element = document.querySelector(selector);
- if (element) {
- element.remove();
- }
- });
- // If all elements have been removed, clear the interval
- if (selectors.every(selector => !document.querySelector(selector))) {
- deep_debug("Removed all ads, quitting...");
- clearInterval(interval);
- }
- }
- // Set an interval to check for ads
- const interval = setInterval(instant_remove, 100);
- // ]-[
- //DiepConsole
- function handle_con_toggle(state){
- if(extern.isConActive() != state){
- extern.execute('con_toggle');
- }
- }
- function update_diep_console(){
- for(let param in modules.DiepConsole){
- let state = modules.DiepConsole[param].active;
- if(param === "con_toggle"){
- handle_con_toggle(state)
- }else{
- extern.set_convar(param, state);
- }
- }
- }
- setInterval(update_diep_console, 100);
- //////
- //mouse functions
- window.addEventListener('mousemove', function(event) {
- inputs.mouse.real.x = event.clientX;
- inputs.mouse.real.y = event.clientY;
- });
- window.addEventListener('mousedown', function(event) {
- if (modules.Mouse.Anti_aim.active) {
- if (inputs.mouse.shooting) {
- return;
- }
- inputs.mouse.shooting = true;
- freezeMouseMove();
- setTimeout(function() {
- inputs.mouse.shooting = false;
- mouse_move('extern', inputs.mouse.real.x, inputs.mouse.real.y);
- click_at('extern', inputs.mouse.real.x, inputs.mouse.real.y);
- }, 50);
- };
- });
- function handle_mouse_functions() {
- window.requestAnimationFrame(handle_mouse_functions);
- if (!player.connected) {
- return;
- }
- modules.Mouse.Freeze_mouse.active ? freezeMouseMove() : unfreezeMouseMove();
- modules.Mouse.Anti_aim.active ? anti_aim("On") : anti_aim("Off");
- }
- window.requestAnimationFrame(handle_mouse_functions);
- //anti aim
- function detect_corner() {
- deep_debug('corner detect called');
- let w = window.innerWidth;
- let h = window.innerHeight;
- let center = {
- x: w / 2,
- y: h / 2
- };
- let lr, ud;
- inputs.mouse.real.x > center.x ? lr = "r" : lr = "l";
- inputs.mouse.real.y > center.y ? ud = "d" : ud = "u";
- deep_debug('output: ', lr + ud);
- return lr + ud;
- }
- function look_at_corner(corner) {
- deep_debug('look at corner called with corner', corner);
- if (!inputs.mouse.shooting) {
- let w = window.innerWidth;
- let h = window.innerHeight;
- deep_debug('w and h', w, h);
- deep_debug('inputs: ', inputs);
- switch (corner) {
- case "lu":
- anti_aim_at('extern', w, h);
- break
- case "ld":
- anti_aim_at('extern', w, 0);
- break
- case "ru":
- anti_aim_at('extern', 0, h);
- break
- case "rd":
- anti_aim_at('extern', 0, 0);
- break
- }
- }
- }
- function anti_aim(toggle) {
- deep_debug('anti aim called with:', toggle);
- switch (toggle) {
- case "On":
- if (modules.Mouse.Anti_aim.active) {
- deep_debug('condition !modules.Mouse.Anti_aim.active met');
- look_at_corner(detect_corner());
- }
- break
- case "Off":
- deep_debug('inputs.mouse.isFrozen ', inputs.mouse.isFrozen);
- (inputs.mouse.isFrozen && !modules.Mouse.Freeze_mouse.active) ? unfreezeMouseMove(): null;
- break
- }
- }
- // Example: Freeze and unfreeze
- function freezeMouseMove() {
- if (!inputs.mouse.isFrozen) {
- inputs.mouse.isFrozen = true;
- clear_onTouch();
- deep_debug("Mousemove events are frozen.");
- }
- }
- function unfreezeMouseMove() {
- if (inputs.mouse.isFrozen && !inputs.mouse.isShooting) {
- inputs.mouse.isFrozen = false;
- redefine_onTouch();
- deep_debug("Mousemove events are active.");
- }
- }
- function click_at(input_or_extern, x, y, delay1 = 150, delay2 = 500) {
- i_e(input_or_extern, 'onTouchStart', -1, x, y);
- setTimeout(() => {
- i_e(input_or_extern, 'onTouchEnd', -1, x, y);
- }, delay1);
- setTimeout(() => {
- inputs.mouse.shooting = false;
- }, delay2);
- }
- /* it was a bug and is now patched
- function ghost_click_at(input_or_extern, x, y, delay1 = 150, delay2 = 500) {
- i_e(input_or_extern, 'onTouchStart', -2, x, y);
- setTimeout(() => {
- i_e(input_or_extern, 'onTouchEnd', -2, x, y);
- }, delay1);
- setTimeout(() => {
- inputs.mouse.shooting = false;
- }, delay2);
- }
- */
- function mouse_move(input_or_extern, x, y) {
- deep_debug('mouse move called with', x, y);
- apply_force(x, y);
- i_e(input_or_extern, 'onTouchMove', -1, x, y);
- disable_force();
- }
- function anti_aim_at(input_or_extern, x, y) {
- deep_debug('frozen, shooting', inputs.mouse.isFrozen, inputs.mouse.isShooting);
- deep_debug('anti aim at called with:', x, y);
- if (inputs.mouse.shooting) {
- deep_debug('quit because inputs.mouse.shooting');
- return;
- }
- mouse_move(input_or_extern, x, y);
- }
- //////
- //Sandbox Auto Lvl up
- function sandbox_lvl_up() {
- if (modules.Functional.Sandbox_lvl_up.active && player.connected && player.inGame && player.gamemode === "sandbox") {
- document.querySelector("#sandbox-max-level").click();
- }
- }
- setInterval(sandbox_lvl_up, 500);
- //autorespawn
- function respawn() {
- deep_debug(modules);
- if (modules.Functional.Auto_respawn.active && player.connected && !player.inGame) {
- extern.try_spawn(player.name);
- }
- }
- setInterval(respawn, 1000);
- //AntiAfk Timeout
- function AntiAfkTimeout() {
- if (modules.Mouse.Anti_timeout.active && player.connected) {
- extern.onTouchMove(inputs.mouse.real.x, inputs.mouse.real.y);
- }
- }
- setInterval(AntiAfkTimeout, 1000);
- //Zoom
- function HandleZoom() {
- window.requestAnimationFrame(HandleZoom);
- if (!player.isConnected) return;
- player.dpr = 1;
- let factor = modules.Functional.Zoom.value / 100;
- extern.setScreensizeZoom(player.ui_scale, player.dpr * factor);
- extern.updateDPR(player.dpr);
- }
- window.requestAnimationFrame(HandleZoom);
- //ctx helper functions
- function ctx_text(fcolor, scolor, lineWidth, font, text, textX, textY) {
- deep_debug('called crx_text with: ', fcolor, scolor, lineWidth, font, text, textX, textY);
- ctx.fillStyle = fcolor;
- ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth;
- ctx.font = font;
- ctx.strokeStyle = scolor;
- ctx.strokeText(`${text}`, textX, textY)
- ctx.fillText(`${text}`, textX, textY)
- }
- function ctx_rect(x, y, a, b, c) {
- deep_debug('called ctx_rect with: ', x, y, a, b, c);
- ctx.beginPath();
- ctx.strokeStyle = c;
- ctx.strokeRect(x, y, a, b);
- }
- function transparent_rect_fill(x, y, a, b, scolor, fcolor, opacity){
- deep_debug('called transparent_rect_fill with: ', x, y, a, b, scolor, fcolor, opacity);
- ctx.beginPath();
- ctx.rect(x, y, a, b);
- // Set stroke opacity
- ctx.globalAlpha = 1;// Reset to 1 for stroke, or set as needed
- ctx.strokeStyle = scolor;
- ctx.stroke();
- // Set fill opacity
- ctx.globalAlpha = opacity;// Set the opacity for the fill color
- ctx.fillStyle = fcolor;
- ctx.fill();
- // Reset globalAlpha back to 1 for future operations
- ctx.globalAlpha = 1;
- }
- //key visualiser
- let ctx_wasd = {
- square_sizes: { //in windowScaling
- a: 50,
- b: 50
- },
- text_props: {
- lineWidth: 3,
- font: 1 + "em Ubuntu",
- },
- square_colors: {
- stroke: "black",
- unpressed: "yellow",
- pressed: "orange"
- },
- text_colors: {
- stroke: "black",
- unpressed: "orange",
- pressed: "red"
- },
- w: {
- x: 300,
- y: 200,
- pressed: false,
- text: 'W'
- },
- a: {
- x: 350,
- y: 150,
- pressed: false,
- text: 'A'
- },
- s: {
- x: 300,
- y: 150,
- pressed: false,
- text: 'S'
- },
- d: {
- x: 250,
- y: 150,
- pressed: false,
- text: 'D'
- },
- l_m: {
- x: 350,
- y: 75,
- pressed: false,
- text: 'LMC'
- },
- r_m: {
- x: 250,
- y: 75,
- pressed: false,
- text: 'RMC'
- },
- }
- function visualise_keys(){
- let keys = ['w', 'a', 's', 'd', 'l_m', 'r_m'];
- let l = keys.length;
- for(let i = 0; i < l; i++){
- let args = {
- x: canvas.width - dim_c.windowScaling_2_canvas(ctx_wasd[keys[i]].x),
- y: canvas.height - dim_c.windowScaling_2_canvas(ctx_wasd[keys[i]].y),
- a: dim_c.windowScaling_2_canvas(ctx_wasd.square_sizes.a),
- b: dim_c.windowScaling_2_canvas(ctx_wasd.square_sizes.b),
- s_c: ctx_wasd.square_colors.stroke,
- f_c: ctx_wasd[keys[i]].pressed? ctx_wasd.square_colors.pressed : ctx_wasd.square_colors.unpressed,
- t_s: ctx_wasd.text_colors.stroke,
- t_f: ctx_wasd[keys[i]].pressed? ctx_wasd.text_colors.pressed : ctx_wasd.text_colors.unpressed,
- t_lineWidth: ctx_wasd.text_props.lineWidth,
- t_font: ctx_wasd.text_props.font,
- text: ctx_wasd[keys[i]].text,
- opacity: 0.25
- }
- deep_debug(args);
- transparent_rect_fill(
- args.x,
- args.y,
- args.a,
- args.b,
- args.s_c,
- args.f_c,
- args.opacity
- );
- ctx_text(
- args.t_f,
- args.t_s,
- args.t_lineWidth,
- args.t_font,
- args.text,
- args.x+(args.a/2),
- args.y+(args.b/2)
- );
- }
- }
- //Key Binds for Tank Upgrading
- let selected_box = null;
- let _bp = { //box parameters
- startX: 47,
- startY: 67,
- distX: 13,
- distY: 9,
- width: 86,
- height: 86,
- outer_xy: 2
- }
- let _bo = { //box offsets
- offsetX: _bp.width + (_bp.outer_xy * 2) + _bp.distX,
- offsetY: _bp.height + (_bp.outer_xy * 2) + _bp.distY
- }
- function step_offset(steps, offset){
- let final_offset = 0;
- switch(offset){
- case "x":
- final_offset = _bp.startX + (steps * _bo.offsetX);
- break
- case "y":
- final_offset = _bp.startY + (steps * _bo.offsetY);
- break
- }
- return final_offset;
- }
- const boxes = [
- {
- color: "lightblue",
- LUcornerX: _bp.startX,
- LUcornerY: _bp.startY,
- KeyBind: "R"
- },
- {
- color: "green",
- LUcornerX: _bp.startX + _bo.offsetX,
- LUcornerY: _bp.startY,
- KeyBind: "T"
- },
- {
- color: "red",
- LUcornerX: _bp.startX,
- LUcornerY: _bp.startY + _bo.offsetY,
- KeyBind: "F"
- },
- {
- color: "yellow",
- LUcornerX: _bp.startX + _bo.offsetX,
- LUcornerY: _bp.startY + _bo.offsetY,
- KeyBind: "G"
- },
- {
- color: "blue",
- LUcornerX: _bp.startX,
- LUcornerY: step_offset(2, "y"),
- KeyBind: "V"
- },
- {
- color: "purple",
- LUcornerX: _bp.startX + _bo.offsetX,
- LUcornerY: step_offset(2, "y"),
- KeyBind: "B"
- }
- ]
- //upgrading Tank logic
- function upgrade_get_coords(color){
- let l = boxes.length;
- let upgrade_coords = {x: "not defined", y: "not defined"};
- for(let i = 0; i < l; i++){
- if(boxes[i].color === color){
- upgrade_coords.x = dim_c.windowScaling_2_window(boxes[i].LUcornerX + (_bp.width/2));
- upgrade_coords.y = dim_c.windowScaling_2_window(boxes[i].LUcornerY + (_bp.height/2));
- }
- }
- deep_debug(upgrade_coords);
- return upgrade_coords;
- }
- function upgrade(color, delay = 100, cdelay1, cdelay2){
- let u_coords = upgrade_get_coords(color);
- //ghost_click_at('extern', u_coords.x, u_coords.y, cdelay1, cdelay2);
- click_at('extern', u_coords.x, u_coords.y, cdelay1, cdelay2); //using this since ghost_click was patched
- }
- function visualise_tank_upgrades(){
- let l = boxes.length;
- for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) {
- let coords = upgrade_get_coords(boxes[i].color);
- ctx_text(boxes[i].color, "black", 6, 1.5 + "em Ubuntu", `[${boxes[i].KeyBind}]`, coords.x, coords.y);
- }
- }
- function check_tu_KeyBind(_KeyBind){
- let l = boxes.length;
- for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) {
- if(_KeyBind === `Key${boxes[i].KeyBind}`){
- deep_debug(_KeyBind, `Key${boxes[i].KeyBind}`, _KeyBind === `Key${boxes[i].KeyBind}`);
- upgrade(boxes[i].color);
- }
- }
- }
- document.body.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) {
- switch(e.code){
- case "KeyW":
- ctx_wasd.w.pressed = true;
- break
- case "KeyA":
- ctx_wasd.a.pressed = true;
- break
- case "KeyS":
- ctx_wasd.s.pressed = true;
- break
- case "KeyD":
- ctx_wasd.d.pressed = true;
- break
- }
- check_tu_KeyBind(e.code);
- });
- document.body.addEventListener("keyup", function(e) {
- deep_debug(`unpressed ${e.code}`);
- switch(e.code){
- case "KeyW":
- ctx_wasd.w.pressed = false;
- break
- case "KeyA":
- ctx_wasd.a.pressed = false;
- break
- case "KeyS":
- ctx_wasd.s.pressed = false;
- break
- case "KeyD":
- ctx_wasd.d.pressed = false;
- break
- }
- deep_debug('====DID UNPRESS??', ctx_wasd.w.pressed, ctx_wasd.a.pressed, ctx_wasd.s.pressed, ctx_wasd.d.pressed);
- });
- document.body.addEventListener("mousedown", function(e) {
- switch(e.button){
- case 0:
- ctx_wasd.l_m.pressed = true;
- break
- case 2:
- ctx_wasd.r_m.pressed = true;
- break
- }
- });
- document.body.addEventListener("mouseup", function(e) {
- switch(e.button){
- case 0:
- ctx_wasd.l_m.pressed = false;
- break
- case 2:
- ctx_wasd.r_m.pressed = false;
- break
- }
- });
- //canvas gui (try to keep this in the end
- setTimeout(() => {
- let gui = () => {
- if (player.inGame) {
- if(modules.Visual.display_hotkeys.active){
- visualise_tank_upgrades();
- }
- if (modules.Visual.Key_inputs_visualiser.active) {
- visualise_keys();
- }
- }
- window.requestAnimationFrame(gui); // Start animation loop
- };
- gui();
- }, 500); // Delay before starting the rendering