Twitter Prime

Free yourself from X ads and analytics.

Versione datata 30/08/2023. Vedi la nuova versione l'ultima versione.

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Twitter Prime
// @description Free yourself from X ads and analytics.
// @namespace   Itsnotlupus Industries
// @author      itsnotlupus
// @license     MIT
// @version     1.0
// @match*
// @match*
// @run-at      document-start
// @grant       none
// @require
// @require
// @require
// ==/UserScript==

/* jshint esversion:11 */
/* global globalThis, ReactTools, middleMan, decodeEntities, logGroup */

// disable google analytics
(globalThis.unsafeWindow??window).ga = (method, field, details) => {};

// hook into Twitter's React tree, and find a redux store off of one of the components there.
async function withReduxState(fn) {
  const react = new ReactTools();
  const disconnect = react.observe(() => {
    const store = react.getProp('store');
    if (store) {

withReduxState(state => {
  // we're mutating a redux store. this is widely seen as poor form, as it skips/breaks most of redux' logic.
  Object.assign(state.featureSwitch.user.config, {
    //// The next line prevents the appearance of "get verified" upsell messaging.
    subscriptions_sign_up_enabled: { value: false },
    //// If you uncomment it, the next line unlocks the "Community Notes" UI, giving you some visibility into that process.
    // responsive_web_birdwatch_note_writing_enabled: { value: true },
    //// If you uncomment it, the line below unlocks a way to find live and upcoming Spaces.
    //// The UX is a bit wonky on desktop, which might be why it's hidden. Still, it's neat.
    // voice_rooms_discovery_page_enabled: { value: true },

// Twitter doesn't *need* to know what's happening in your browser. They'd like to, but maybe you have a say too.
// The next line means "If you see a network request like this, short-circuit it and return an empty response instead."
middleMan.addHook("*", { requestHandler: () => new Response() });

// Intercept twitter API calls to use real URLs and remove ads.
middleMan.addHook("*", { responseHandler: processTwitterJSON });
middleMan.addHook("*.json?*", { responseHandler: processTwitterJSON });
middleMan.addHook("*", { responseHandler: processTwitterJSON });

async function processTwitterJSON(req, res, err) {

  function unshortenLinks(obj) {
    const map = {};
    // 1st pass: gather associations between and actual URLs
    (function populateURLMap(obj) {
      if (obj.url && obj.expanded_url) map[obj.url] = obj.expanded_url;
      Object.keys(obj).forEach(k => obj[k] && typeof obj[k] == "object" && populateURLMap(obj[k]));
    // 2d pass: replace (almost) any string that contains a string
    (function replaceURLs(obj) {
      Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => ({
        string() { if (map[obj[key]] && key!=='full_text') obj[key] = map[obj[key]]; },
        object() { if (obj[key] != null) replaceURLs(obj[key]); }
      }[typeof obj[key]]?.()));
    return obj;

  // Why struggle to remove ads/promoted tweets from X's html tag soup when you can simply remove them from the wire?
  function removeAds(obj) {
    if (obj && typeof obj == 'object') {
      Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => {
        if (obj[key]?.content?.itemContent?.promotedMetadata ||
            obj[key]?.item?.itemContent?.promotedMetadata) {
          const { itemContent } = obj[key].content ?? obj[key].item;
          const { name, screen_name } = itemContent.promotedMetadata.advertiser_results?.result?.legacy ?? {};
          const { result = {} } = itemContent.tweet_results;
          const { full_text, id_str } = result.legacy ?? result.tweet?.legacy ?? {};
          const url = `${screen_name}/status/${id_str}`;
          logGroup(`[AD REMOVED] @${screen_name} ${url}`, `From ${name}`, decodeEntities(full_text));
          delete obj[key];
        } else {
    return obj;

  if (err) return;

  return Response.json(removeAds(unshortenLinks(await res.json())), {
    status: res.status,
    headers: res.headers