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Expandable Text Area for SDQL

Increase the query text box to multiple rows and make it expandable by the user

swain scheps
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For users of SDQL on, this script replaces the single line query text box with a multi-line/user-expandable textbox. It does this after the page load, copies the query string (if any) into the new textbox, places the cursor at the end of the string, and replicates the normal functionality as a way to submit the query. (You can do a line feed using + but not sure there's a reason to use that in a SDQL query).

If you are a SDQL user and you write long complicated queries, this script will aid you in being able to see more of your query at once. FWIW, this is another cosmetic request I've made to KS several times that I'm sure they'll get around to eventually, but in the meantime, this script works reasonably well. There is a minor impact on performance, as you can see the replacement happen after the page loads.

Note: you can adjust the default number of rows for the textbox with this line: textareaElement.rows = 3;

It would be cool for the next version to make the new textbox expand and contract depending on the size of the string in the query.

All these scripts are yours. Use them in peace.