🔗 Links Helper

Open external links in a new tab, open internal links matching the specified rules in a new tab, convert text to hyperlinks, convert image links to image tags(<img>), parse Markdown style links and image tags, parse BBCode style links and image tags

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🔗 Links Helper

Open external links in a new tab, open internal links matching the specified rules in a new tab, convert text to hyperlinks, convert image links to image tags(<img>), parse Markdown style links and image tags, parse BBCode style links and image tags.

Support all sites includes Google search, Youtube, GitHub, Greasy Fork etc.

  • Open external links in a new tab ✅
  • Enable/Disable userscript per site ✅
  • Setting for url rules, open links matching the specified rules in a new tab ✅
  • Convert text to hyperlinks ✅
  • Convert image links to image tags ✅
  • Parse Markdown style links and image tags ✅
  • Parse BBCode style links and image tags ✅
  • Erase links from the page ✅





Examples of rules that open links in a new tab


Video player page



  • User profiles
  • Tweets (should click the dates links)
  • All links


Subject page, member page, settings page



Compatible with the following userscript managers

  • Tampermonkey (Recommended)
  • Violentmonkey
  • Greasemonkey
  • Userscripts (Safari)


Other Userscripts

Related Userscripts

Release Notes

  • 0.6.0
    • Support multi-languages
  • 0.5.4
    • Prevent converting image links in file list view
  • 0.5.3
    • Prevent converting links in code viewers, code editors and code diff viewers
  • 0.5.2
    • Fix String.prototype.replaceAll issues
  • 0.5.1 2023.07.24
    • Fix TrustedHTML issues
  • 0.5.0 2023.07.21
    • Erase links from the page
  • 0.4.3 2023.07.10
    • Hide settings button in side menu by default
    • Update settings module
  • 0.4.2 2023.07.07
    • Add setting option for converting image links to image tags
  • 0.4.1 2023.07.04
    • Fix settings style on mobile devices
  • 0.4.0 2023.06.30
    • Update settings module
  • 0.3.5 2023.05.17
    • Fix some edge cases
  • 0.3.4 2023.05.16
    • Parse BBCode style links and image tags
    • Update parsing links logic
  • 0.3.3 2023.05.11
    • Fix parse markdown style text
  • 0.3.2 2023.05.10
    • Parse Markdown style links and image tags
  • 0.3.0 2023.05.10
    • Convert image links to image tags
  • 0.2.0 2023.05.09
    • Convert text to hyperlinks
    • Fix opening internal links in a new tab in SPA apps
  • 0.1.3 2023.05.08
    • Fix compatibility issues on Violentmonkey, Greasemonkey(Firefox), Userscripts(Safari)
  • 0.1.1 2023.04.23
    • Change to runat: documentstart
  • 0.1.0 2023.04.23
    • Setting for url rules, open links matching the specified rules in a new tab
  • 0.0.2 2023.04.22
    • Add settings menu
    • Enable/Disable userscript
    • Enable/Disable current site


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