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Recensione: Bene - lo script funziona

Pubblicato: 01/01/2019
Modificato: 21/07/2019

Doesnt work (now working...)

Tested and... doesnt work, still getting the popup

sometimes I also get just a white empty page...

Now it works. But make sure youre not logged in into a Google account or you get an popup to login via google...


Pubblicato: 05/01/2019

sometimes I also get just a white empty page

The URL on the bottom pic works for me. I cannot say anything about the first image because the URL is cropped off.

Pubblicato: 25/01/2019

Agree with Draken... this script no longer works as of Jan, 2019.

Pubblicato: 19/04/2019

it only works on the "us" version of the site, if you get the popup in any other language, pinterest redirected you to your country's version. I used a vpn to see if the script worked then, and it did :smile:

Pubblicato: 27/04/2019

Can you please update the status of this issue? My script works fine.

run 3> @"Dracken Darck" said:

Tested and... doesnt work, still getting the popup

sometimes I also get just a white empty page...

Pubblicato: 21/07/2019

Now it works. But make sure youre not logged in into a Google account or you get an popup to login via google...

I cant edit my first entry, it makes an error...

Pubblicato: 21/07/2019

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