Greasy Fork is available in English.

Global Darkmode

Turn only bright websites to dark.

Versione datata 13/12/2021. Vedi la nuova versione l'ultima versione.

// ==UserScript==
// @name           Global Darkmode
// @description    Turn only bright websites to dark.

// @name:ko        글로벌 다크모드
// @description:ko 밝은 색의 웹 사이트들만 어둡게 만듭니다.

// @namespace
// @version        2021.12.13.23:22
// @author         ndaesik
// @icon 
// @include        *
// ==/UserScript==

const gDM = document.createElement("style")
gDM.title = `gDM`
gDM.innerText = `
html {background:#FFF!important}
html body {background:none!important}
html * {text-shadow:0 0 .1px}
html :is(i, img, image, embed, video, canvas, option, object, frame, :fullscreen:not(iframe), iframe:not(:fullscreen), body frameset),
html body>* [style*="url("]:not([style*="cursor:"]):not([type="text"]) {filter:invert(1)hue-rotate(180deg)!important}
html video:fullscreen,
html body>* [style*="url("]:not([style*="cursor:"]) :not(#⁠){filter:unset!important}
html:not(#⁠) :is(canvas, option, object, frame, body frameset) :is(i, img, image, embed, video),
html:not(#⁠) video:fullscreen{filter:unset!important}`
const gDMI = document.createElement("style")
gDMI.title = `gDMI`
gDMI.innerText = `html:not(#⁠) {background:unset!important}`

function a(a) {document.head.appendChild(a)};
function m(m) {
    function n(n) {
        let v = getComputedStyle(document.querySelector(m), null).getPropertyValue("background-color").match(/\d+/g);
        return parseInt(v[n]);
    let c = (n(0)*0.299 + n(1)*0.587 + n(2)*0.114) > 186 || n(3) == 0;
    return (c) ? true : false;

if((self === top && m("html") && m("body") && window.parent.document.body.offsetHeight !== 0) || (self !== top && m("html") && m("body"))) a(gDM);
if(window.parent.document.body.offsetHeight == 0) {
    let container;
    document.querySelectorAll('body > *').forEach(e=>{ if ( e.scrollHeight > container.scrollHeight) container = e });
    if(m(container)) {
        if(!m("html")) a(gDMI);