KAT - Shorten Achievement Names

Shortens the names of the achievements into acronyms

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What this script actually does:

* Shortens the achievement name into their respective acronyms (as shown below)

Exclusions to this change are:

1. If it's just one word - First letter capitalized, second letter lowercase.
2. Yearly achievement/event - Replaces 20 with ' for example 2014 becomes '14
3. Other numbers that have importance, specifically the 1500 friends achievement - Word(s) shortened, but numbers left unchanged

* Allows you to choose between showing or hiding by default - to do this, edit the line

var mode = 0;

The available modes are 0 to show (default), 1 to hide and 2 to hide, but not shorten the names.

* Toggle button added to show/hide (Regardless of mode chosen)

Installation Instructions:

1a. Firefox users: Download Greasemonkey
1b. Chrome users: Download Tampermonkey

2. Click the green install button on the left-hand side of the screen.

Follow the on-screen prompt, and click 'Install' / 'Ok' on the pop-up window then you're good to go.

Known Issues:

* None (if you see any, let me know!)

P.S If you use a mirror rather than the normal kat.cr site, you'll need to edit the script; change the 'match' statements to the domain you're using (you can add multiple if you like).