Disable YouTube number shortcuts

Stop the anoying 0 to 9 YouTube shortcuts from ruining your wathing experience while allowing all the other shortcuts to work

Éric Beaudoin
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Disable YouTube number shortcuts

I wrote this script to intercept the 0 to 9 shortcuts used by the YouTube player. I often hit those keys by mistake while watching a video and find it very annoying. The 1 to 9 shortcuts are used normally to seek to the 10% to 90% of the video, but I never find any cases where I want to do that. I guess 0, goes to the start of the video, could be useful but the Home key already does that.

This script has been developed and tested using Chrome on Windows 10. It should be able to work with setups but you are on your own.

Future development

A better implementation would replace a shortcut with another one instead of removing the shortcut altogether. I haven't a need for that so the chance that I add this functionality is slim to none.


The idea and most of the code came from a stack overflow post by user Martin J. H.