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Magic Userscript+ : Show Site All UserJS

Show current site all UserJS, the easier way to install UserJs for Tampermonkey.

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73 5 6
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Compatibile con Firefox Compatibile con Chrome Compatibile con Opera Compatibile con Safari Compatibile con Edge
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Tutti i siti

Magic Userscript+


If the current webpage is set to block resources through CSP

It can cause this script not work for that webpage!

GitHub License GitHub Release Greasy Fork Downloads jsDelivr hits (GitHub) GitHub Stars

Fork of Userscript+ : Show Site All UserJS - authors & source code found here

Finds available UserJS for the current webpage, the power of Greasy Fork on the go!

Version Install Alternative Notes
Userscript Greasy Fork GitHub N/A
Chrome/Edge/Opera GitHub N/A Work in progress
Firefox GitHub Add-on Store Work in progress

(Optional) Bookmarklet:

Save this URL as a bookmark, clicking it will cause the userscript version to inject itself into the current webpage.


Demo 1


Changelog (GitHub)

  • Designed for mobile and desktop devices
  • Support multiple languages - date formats will match your current language
  • Ability to customize theme
  • Ability to import / export config and theme
  • Ability to search for userscripts
  • Ability to filter userscripts which do not match your current language
  • Ability to query userscripts from any hostname
  • Ability to sort userscripts, default sorting "Daily Installs"
  • Available search engines Greasy Fork, Sleazy Fork, Open UserJS, GitHub ( requires a Personal Access Token, the token does not require any permissions )
  • Built-in userscript Greasyfork Search with Sleazyfork Results include
  • Preview any userscript code before install
  • Save any userscript to local file
  • Highlights which userscripts are created by the author
  • Highlights recommended userscripts from the author

Userscript Features:

Tested and compatible with TamperMonkey and ViolentMonkey

  • Ability to maximize, minimize, or exit the userscript list
  • Ability to change the position of floating counter
  • Sync config with Userscript Manager or choose to have site based configs

Bookmarklet Features:

  • Ability to maximize, minimize, or exit the userscript list
  • Ability to change the position of floating counter
  • Ability to choose to have site based configs

Webextension Features:

  • N/A

FAQ / Troubleshooting

Nothing appears bottom right:

  • Try again on another webpage [Test Page]
  • Default timeout is 10000ms before the count disappears
  • If issue persists, see Viewing UserJS Logs

Error occurred while injecting Container:

  • Try again on another webpage [Test Page]
  • This error is caused by the current webpage not supporting attachShadow

Error occurred while loading UserJS for this webpage:

  • Reload the webpage or try again on a different webpage [Test Page]
  • This error may be caused by
    • An error occurred in an enabled search engine while fetching content
    • Script is unable to fetch content on current or all webpages

No available UserJS for this webpage:

  • This error can be caused when no UserJS could be found in enabled search engines
  • If there are known UserJS to exist in enabled search engines, enable Filter out other languages

Viewing UserJS Logs

  • Open your web browsers Inspect Element and navigate to it's Console
  • Locate the following [UserJS] < message > ( you can filter your Console by entering UserJS or [ )
  • Feel free to screenshot any error messages to the GitHub for addition help
  • If nothing appears, this means the script is not executing at all


Code editor used - VSCodium

Install Node.js and pnpm. The version of Node.js should match "node" key in package.json.

# Install dependencies
$ pnpm i

Userscript Version

Desktop version - developed using ViolentMonkey, see How to edit scripts with your favorite editor?

Mobile version - developed using FireFox Developer Edition "Responsive Design Mode" on desktop + cromite app on Android

# Watch and compile to local HTTP server
$ pnpm run dev:UserJS

# Compile UserJS
$ pnpm run pub:UserJS

Webextension Version

# Compile webextension (dev version) for "Chromium" to "./tests/chrome"
$ pnpm run dev:Cr
# Compile webextension (dev version) for "Firefox" to "./tests/chrome"
$ pnpm run dev:FF
# Compile webextension (public version) for "Chromium" to "./tests/chrome"
$ pnpm run webpack:Cr
# Compile webextension (public version) for "Firefox" to "./tests/chrome"
$ pnpm run webpack:FF

# [ Testing ]
# Browsers can be launched via "Run and Debug" in VSCode.
# Edit runtimeExecutable in ".vscode/launch.json" to your Chrome executable.
# Recommended to create an additional profile "about:profiles" for Firefox.

Source Code




Greasy Fork