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MAL Date Fix

Script that sets your Start/Finish Dates on MAL

< Valutazione su MAL Date Fix

Recensione: OK - lo script funziona, ma ha degli errori.

Pubblicato: 26/01/2024


I've tried running the script multiple times and it completes all the steps, but I'm unfortunately not seeing my start/end dates get updated. Looking at the console I can see 150+ POST requests get sent out, but I haven't had any success getting my list actually updated.

I'm running the script with TamperMonkey on Firefox (I've also tried Edge with no luck either)

Link to my MAL profile/lists:

Pubblicato: 27/01/2024

Since I really wanted to get this done, I ended up writing a bespoke Python script using the MAL REST API. In hindsight, it ended up being the better solution for me as it turns out a LOT of my watch history was missing. So writing something bespoke let me add in more sanity checks and perform manual interventions. I was also able to reuse the Python script for my manga list super easily which was an important requirement.

MAL users with smaller lists or who have been updating their episode counts more frequently will probably not face as many issues as I have.

On reassessment, Bad was probably an unfair rating - I assume the issue lies with MAL rather than the script.

Pubblicato: 30/01/2024

Ye, it is bad, I was workin on a Huge Update, but never actually finished it... will try to force myself to do so in the near Future.

Anyway - Thanks for the Feedback!
Glad U've figured out the Solution for Your problem.

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