Greasy Fork is available in English.

Instagram Download Button

Add the download button and the open button to download or open profile picture and media in the posts, stories, and highlights in Instagram

Versione datata 22/10/2023. Vedi la nuova versione l'ultima versione.

// ==UserScript==
// @name                Instagram Download Button
// @name:zh-TW          Instagram 下載器
// @name:zh-CN          Instagram 下载器
// @name:ja             Instagram ダウンローダー
// @name:ko             Instagram 다운로더
// @name:es             Descargador de Instagram
// @name:fr             Téléchargeur Instagram
// @name:hi             इंस्टाग्राम डाउनलोडर
// @name:ru             Загрузчик Instagram
// @namespace 
// @version             1.17.10
// @compatible          chrome
// @description         Add the download button and the open button to download or open profile picture and media in the posts, stories, and highlights in Instagram
// @description:zh-TW   在Instagram頁面加入下載按鈕與開啟按鈕,透過這些按鈕可以下載或開啟大頭貼與貼文、限時動態、Highlight中的照片或影片
// @description:zh-CN   在Instagram页面加入下载按钮与开启按钮,透过这些按钮可以下载或开启大头贴与贴文、限时动态、Highlight中的照片或影片
// @description:ja      メディアをダウンロードまたは開くためのボタンを追加します
// @description:ko      미디어를 다운로드하거나 여는 버튼을 추가합니다
// @description:es      Agregue botones para descargar o abrir medios
// @description:fr      Ajoutez des boutons pour télécharger ou ouvrir des médias
// @description:hi      मीडिया को डाउनलोड या खोलने के लिए बटन जोड़ें।
// @description:ru      Добавьте кнопки для загрузки или открытия медиа
// @author              ZhiYu
// @match     *
// @icon      
// @grant               none
// @license             MIT
// ==/UserScript==

// TO-DO:
//   - replace the checking timer with the observer

(function () {
    'use strict';

    // =================
    // =    Options    =
    // =================
    // Old method is faster than new method, but not work or unable get highest resolution media sometime
    const disableNewUrlFetchMethod = false;
    const prefetchAndAttachLink = false; // prefetch and add link into the button elements
    const hoverToFetchAndAttachLink = true;  // fetch and add link when hover the button
    const replaceJpegWithJpg = false;
    // === File name placeholders ===
    // %id% : the poster id
    // %datetime% : the media upload time
    // %medianame% : the original media file name
    // %postId% : the post id
    // %mediaIndex% : the media index in multiple-media posts
    const postFilenameTemplate = '%id%-%datetime%-%medianame%';
    const storyFilenameTemplate = postFilenameTemplate;
    // === Datetime placeholders ===
    // %y%: year (4 digits)
    // %m%: month (01-12)
    // %d%: day (01-31)
    // %H%: hour (00-23)
    // %M%: min (00-59)
    // %S%: sec (00-59)
    const datetimeTemplate = '%y%%m%%d%_%H%%M%%S%';
    // ==================

    const postIdPattern = /^\/p\/([^/]+)\//;
    const postUrlPattern = /instagram\.com\/p\/[\w-]+\//;

    var svgDownloadBtn = `<svg version="1.1" id="Capa_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" height="24" width="24"
     viewBox="0 0 477.867 477.867" style="fill:%color;" xml:space="preserve">
        <path d="M443.733,307.2c-9.426,0-17.067,7.641-17.067,17.067v102.4c0,9.426-7.641,17.067-17.067,17.067H68.267
        <path d="M335.947,295.134c-6.614-6.387-17.099-6.387-23.712,0L256,351.334V17.067C256,7.641,248.359,0,238.933,0

    var svgNewtabBtn = `<svg id="Capa_1" style="fill:%color;" viewBox="0 0 482.239 482.239" xmlns="" height="24" width="24">
    <path d="m465.016 0h-344.456c-9.52 0-17.223 7.703-17.223 17.223v86.114h-86.114c-9.52 0-17.223 7.703-17.223 17.223v344.456c0 9.52 7.703 17.223 17.223 17.223h344.456c9.52 0 17.223-7.703 17.223-17.223v-86.114h86.114c9.52 0 17.223-7.703 17.223-17.223v-344.456c0-9.52-7.703-17.223-17.223-17.223zm-120.56 447.793h-310.01v-310.01h310.011v310.01zm103.337-103.337h-68.891v-223.896c0-9.52-7.703-17.223-17.223-17.223h-223.896v-68.891h310.011v310.01z"/>

    document.addEventListener('keydown', keyDownHandler);

    function keyDownHandler(event) {
        if (window.location.href === '') return;

        const mockEventTemplate = {
            stopPropagation: function () { },
            preventDefault: function () { }

        if (event.altKey && event.key === 'k') {
            let buttons = document.getElementsByClassName('download-btn');
            if (buttons.length > 0) {
                let mockEvent = { ...mockEventTemplate };
                mockEvent.currentTarget = buttons[buttons.length - 1];
                if (prefetchAndAttachLink || hoverToFetchAndAttachLink) onMouseInHandler(mockEvent);
        if (event.altKey && event.key === 'i') {
            let buttons = document.getElementsByClassName('newtab-btn');
            if (buttons.length > 0) {
                let mockEvent = { ...mockEventTemplate };
                mockEvent.currentTarget = buttons[buttons.length - 1];
                if (prefetchAndAttachLink || hoverToFetchAndAttachLink) onMouseInHandler(mockEvent);

        if (event.altKey && event.key === 'l') {
            // right arrow
            let buttons = document.getElementsByClassName('_9zm2');
            if (buttons.length > 0) {

        if (event.altKey && event.key === 'j') {
            // left arrow
            let buttons = document.getElementsByClassName('_9zm0');
            if (buttons.length > 0) {

    function isPostPage() {
        return Boolean(window.location.href.match(postUrlPattern))

    function queryHas(root, selector, has) {
        let nodes = root.querySelectorAll(selector);
        for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) {
            let currentNode = nodes[i];
            if (currentNode.querySelector(has)) {
                return currentNode;
        return null;

    var checkExistTimer = setInterval(function () {
        const savePostSelector = 'article *:not(li)>*>*>*>div:not([class])>div[role="button"]:not([style])';
        const storySelector = 'section > *:not(main) header div>svg:not([aria-label=""])';
        const profileSelector = 'header section svg circle';
        const playSvgPathSelector = 'path[d="M5.888 22.5a3.46 3.46 0 0 1-1.721-.46l-.003-.002a3.451 3.451 0 0 1-1.72-2.982V4.943a3.445 3.445 0 0 1 5.163-2.987l12.226 7.059a3.444 3.444 0 0 1-.001 5.967l-12.22 7.056a3.462 3.462 0 0 1-1.724.462Z"]';
        const pauseSvgPathSelector = 'path[d="M15 1c-3.3 0-6 1.3-6 3v40c0 1.7 2.7 3 6 3s6-1.3 6-3V4c0-1.7-2.7-3-6-3zm18 0c-3.3 0-6 1.3-6 3v40c0 1.7 2.7 3 6 3s6-1.3 6-3V4c0-1.7-2.7-3-6-3z"]';
        // Thanks for Jenie providing color check code
        let iconColor = getComputedStyle(document.body).backgroundColor === 'rgb(0, 0, 0)' ? 'white' : 'black';

        // check post
        let articleList = document.querySelectorAll('article');
        for (let i = 0; i < articleList.length; i++) {
            let buttonAnchor = (Array.from(articleList[i].querySelectorAll(savePostSelector))).pop();
            if (buttonAnchor && articleList[i].getElementsByClassName('custom-btn').length === 0) {
                addCustomBtn(buttonAnchor, iconColor, append2Post);

        // check independent post page
        if (isPostPage()) {
            let savebtn = queryHas(document, 'div[role="button"] > div[role="button"]:not([style])', 'polygon[points="20 21 12 13.44 4 21 4 3 20 3 20 21"]') || queryHas(document, 'div[role="button"] > div[role="button"]:not([style])', 'path[d="M20 22a.999.999 0 0 1-.687-.273L12 14.815l-7.313 6.912A1 1 0 0 1 3 21V3a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h16a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v18a1 1 0 0 1-1 1Z"]');
            if (document.getElementsByClassName('custom-btn').length === 0) {
                if (savebtn.parentNode.querySelector('svg')) {
                    addCustomBtn(savebtn.parentNode.querySelector('svg'), iconColor, append2IndependentPost);

        // check profile
        if (document.getElementsByClassName('custom-btn').length === 0) {
            if (document.querySelector(profileSelector)) {
                addCustomBtn(document.querySelector(profileSelector), iconColor, append2Header);

        // check story
        if (document.getElementsByClassName('custom-btn').length === 0) {
            let playPauseSvg = queryHas(document, 'svg', playSvgPathSelector) || queryHas(document, 'svg', pauseSvgPathSelector);
            if (playPauseSvg) {
                let buttonDiv = playPauseSvg.parentNode;
                addCustomBtn(buttonDiv, 'white', append2Story);
    }, 500);

    function append2Post(node, btn) {

    function append2IndependentPost(node, btn) {

    function append2Header(node, btn) {
        node.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.appendChild(btn, node.parentNode.parentNode);

    function append2Story(node, btn) {

    function addCustomBtn(node, iconColor, appendNode) {
        // add download button and set event handlers
        // add newtab button
        let newtabBtn = createCustomBtn(svgNewtabBtn, iconColor, 'newtab-btn', '16px');
        appendNode(node, newtabBtn);

        // add download button
        let downloadBtn = createCustomBtn(svgDownloadBtn, iconColor, 'download-btn', '14px');
        appendNode(node, downloadBtn);

        if (prefetchAndAttachLink) {
            onMouseInHandler({ currentTarget: newtabBtn });
            onMouseInHandler({ currentTarget: downloadBtn });

    function createCustomBtn(svg, iconColor, className, marginLeft) {
        let newBtn = document.createElement('a');
        newBtn.innerHTML = svg.replace('%color', iconColor);
        newBtn.setAttribute('class', 'custom-btn ' + className);
        newBtn.setAttribute('target', '_blank');
        newBtn.setAttribute('style', 'cursor: pointer;margin-left: ' + marginLeft + ';margin-top: 8px;z-index: 999;');
        newBtn.onclick = onClickHandler;
        if (hoverToFetchAndAttachLink) newBtn.onmouseenter = onMouseInHandler;
        if (className.includes('newtab')) {
            newBtn.setAttribute('title', 'Open in new tab');
        } else {
            newBtn.setAttribute('title', 'Download');
        return newBtn;

    function onClickHandler(e) {
        // handle button click
        let target = e.currentTarget;
        if (window.location.pathname.includes('stories')) {
        } else if (document.querySelector('header') && document.querySelector('header').contains(target)) {
        } else {

    function onMouseInHandler(e) {
        let target = e.currentTarget;
        if (!prefetchAndAttachLink && !hoverToFetchAndAttachLink) return;
        if (window.location.pathname.includes('stories')) {
        } else if (document.querySelector('header') && document.querySelector('header').contains(target)) {
        } else {

    // ================================
    // ====        Profile         ====
    // ================================
    function profileOnMouseIn(target) {
        let url = profileGetUrl(target);
        target.setAttribute('href', url);

    function profileOnClicked(target) {
        // extract profile picture url and download or open it
        let url = profileGetUrl(target);

        if (url.length > 0) {
            // check url
            if (target.getAttribute('class').includes('download-btn')) {
                // generate filename
                const filename = document.querySelector('header h2').textContent;
                downloadResource(url, filename);
            } else {
                // open url in new tab

    function profileGetUrl(target) {
        let img = document.querySelector('header img');
        let url = img.getAttribute('src');
        return url;

    // ================================
    // ====         Post           ====
    // ================================
    async function postOnMouseIn(target) {
        let articleNode = postGetArticleNode(target);
        let { url } = await postGetUrl(target, articleNode);
        target.setAttribute('href', url);

    async function postOnClicked(target) {
        try {
            // extract url from target post and download or open it
            let articleNode = postGetArticleNode(target);
            let { url, mediaIndex } = await postGetUrl(target, articleNode);

            // download or open media url
            if (url.length > 0) {
                // check url
                if (target.getAttribute('class').includes('download-btn')) {
                    let mediaName = url
                    mediaName = mediaName.substring(0, mediaName.lastIndexOf('.'));
                    let datetime = new Date(articleNode.querySelector('time').getAttribute('datetime'));
                    let posterName = articleNode.querySelector('header a') || findPostName(articleNode);
                    posterName = posterName.getAttribute('href').replace(/\//g, '');
                    let postId = findPostId(articleNode);
                    let filename = filenameFormat(postFilenameTemplate, posterName, datetime, mediaName, postId, mediaIndex);
                    downloadResource(url, filename);
                } else {
                    // open url in new tab
        } catch (e) {
            console.log(`Uncatched in postOnClicked(): ${e}\n${e.stack}`);
            return null;

    function postGetArticleNode(target) {
        let articleNode = target;
        while (articleNode && articleNode.tagName !== 'ARTICLE' && articleNode.tagName !== 'MAIN') {
            articleNode = articleNode.parentNode;
        return articleNode;

    async function postGetUrl(target, articleNode) {
        // meta[property="og:video"]
        let list = articleNode.querySelectorAll('li[style][class]');
        let url = null;
        let mediaIndex = 0;
        if (list.length === 0) {
            // single img or video
            if (!disableNewUrlFetchMethod) url = await getUrlFromInfoApi(articleNode);
            if (url === null) {
                if (articleNode.querySelector('article  div > video')) {
                    // media type is video
                    let videoElem = articleNode.querySelector('article  div > video');
                    url = videoElem.getAttribute('src');
                    if (videoElem.hasAttribute('videoURL')) {
                        url = videoElem.getAttribute('videoURL');
                    } else if (url === null || url.includes('blob')) {
                        url = await fetchVideoURL(articleNode, videoElem);
                } else if (articleNode.querySelector('article  div[role] div > img')) {
                    // media type is image
                    url = articleNode.querySelector('article  div[role] div > img').getAttribute('src');
                } else {
                    console.log('Err: not find media at handle post single');
        } else {
            // multiple imgs or videos
            const postView = location.pathname.startsWith('/p/');
            let dotsElements = [...articleNode.querySelectorAll(`div._acnb`)];
            let mediaIndex = [...dotsElements].reduce((result, element, index) => (element.classList.length === 2 ? index : result), null);
            if (mediaIndex === null) throw 'Cannot find the media index';

            if (!disableNewUrlFetchMethod) url = await getUrlFromInfoApi(articleNode, mediaIndex);
            if (url === null) {
                const listElements = [...articleNode.querySelectorAll(`:scope > div > div:nth-child(${postView ? 1 : 2}) > div > div:nth-child(1) ul li[style*="translateX"]`)];
                const listElementWidth = Math.max( => element.clientWidth));

                const positionsMap = listElements.reduce((result, element) => {
                    // console.log(Number(\d+)/)[1]));
                    const position = Math.round(Number(\d+)/)[1]) / listElementWidth);
                    return { ...result, [position]: element };
                }, {});

                const node = positionsMap[mediaIndex];
                if (node.querySelector('video')) {
                    // media type is video
                    let videoElem = node.querySelector('video');
                    url = videoElem.getAttribute('src');
                    if (videoElem.hasAttribute('videoURL')) {
                        url = videoElem.getAttribute('videoURL');
                    } else if (url === null || url.includes('blob')) {
                        url = await fetchVideoURL(articleNode, videoElem);
                } else if (node.querySelector('img')) {
                    // media type is image
                    url = node.querySelector('img').getAttribute('src');
        return { url, mediaIndex };

    let infoCache = {}; // key: media id, value: info json
    let mediaIdCache = {}; // key: post id, value: media id
    async function getUrlFromInfoApi(articleNode, mediaIdx = 0) {
        // return media url if found else return null
        // fetch flow:
        //	 1. find post id
        //   2. use step1 post id to send request to get post page
        //   3. find media id from the reponse text of step2
        //   4. find app id in clicked page
        //   5. send info api request with media id and app id
        //   6. get media url from response json
        try {
            const appIdPattern = /"X-IG-App-ID":"([\d]+)"/
            const mediaIdPattern = /instagram:\/\/media\?id=(\d+)|["' ]media_id["' ]:["' ](\d+)["' ]/
            function findAppId() {
                let bodyScripts = document.querySelectorAll("body > script");
                for (let i = 0; i < bodyScripts.length; ++i) {
                    let match = bodyScripts[i].text.match(appIdPattern);
                    if (match) return match[1];
                console.log("Cannot find app id");
                return null;

            async function findMediaId() {
                let match = window.location.href.match(/\/stories\/[^\/]+\/(\d+)/)
                if (match) return match[1];

                let postId = await findPostId(articleNode);
                if (!postId) {
                    console.log("Cannot find post id");
                    return null;
                if (!(postId in mediaIdCache)) {
                    let postUrl = `${postId}/`;
                    let resp = await fetch(postUrl);
                    let text = await resp.text();
                    let idMatch = text.match(mediaIdPattern);
                    let mediaId = null;
                    for (let i = 0; i < idMatch.length; ++i) {
                        if (idMatch[i]) mediaId = idMatch[i];
                    if (!mediaId) return null;
                    mediaIdCache[postId] = mediaId;
                return mediaIdCache[postId];

            function getImgOrVedioUrl(item) {
                if ("video_versions" in item) {
                    return item.video_versions[0].url;
                } else {
                    return item.image_versions2.candidates[0].url;

            let appId = findAppId();
            if (!appId) return null;
            let headers = {
                method: 'GET',
                headers: {
                    Accept: '*/*',
                    'X-IG-App-ID': appId
                credentials: 'include',
                mode: 'cors'

            let mediaId = await findMediaId();
            if (!mediaId) {
                console.log("Cannot find media id");
                return null;
            if (!(mediaId in infoCache)) {
                let url = '' + mediaId + '/info/';
                let resp = await fetch(url, headers);
                if (resp.status !== 200) {
                    console.log(`Fetch info API failed with status code: ${resp.status}`);
                    return null;
                let respJson = await resp.json();
                infoCache[mediaId] = respJson;
            let infoJson = infoCache[mediaId];
            if ('carousel_media' in infoJson.items[0]) {
                // multi-media post
                return getImgOrVedioUrl(infoJson.items[0].carousel_media[mediaIdx]);
            } else {
                // single media post
                return getImgOrVedioUrl(infoJson.items[0]);
        } catch (e) {
            console.log(`Uncatched in getUrlFromInfoApi(): ${e}\n${e.stack}`);
            return null;

    function findPostName(articleNode) {
        const imgAlt = articleNode.querySelector('canvas ~ * img').getAttribute('alt');
        let links = articleNode.querySelectorAll('a');
        for (let i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
            const posterName = links[i].getAttribute('href').replace(/\//g, '');
            if (imgAlt.includes(posterName)) {
                return links[i];

    function findPostId(articleNode) {
        let aNodes = articleNode.querySelectorAll('a');
        for (let i = 0; i < aNodes.length; ++i) {
            let link = aNodes[i].getAttribute('href');
            if (link) {
                let match = link.match(postIdPattern);
                if (match) return match[1];
        return null;

    async function fetchVideoURL(articleNode, videoElem) {
        let poster = videoElem.getAttribute('poster');
        let timeNodes = articleNode.querySelectorAll('time');
        // special thanks 孙年忠 (
        let posterUrl = timeNodes[timeNodes.length - 1].parentNode.parentNode.href;
        const posterPattern = /\/([^\/?]*)\?/;
        let posterMatch = poster.match(posterPattern);
        let postFileName = posterMatch[1];
        let resp = await fetch(posterUrl);
        let content = await resp.text();
        // special thanks to 孙年忠 for the pattern (
        const pattern = new RegExp(`${postFileName}.*?video_versions.*?url":("[^"]*")`, 's');
        let match = content.match(pattern);
        let videoUrl = JSON.parse(match[1]);
        videoUrl = videoUrl.replace(/^(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:[^@\/\n]+@)?(?:www\.)?([^:\/?\n]+)/g, '');
        videoElem.setAttribute('videoURL', videoUrl);
        return videoUrl;

    // ================================
    // ====   Story & Highlight    ====
    // ================================
    async function storyOnMouseIn(target) {
        let sectionNode = storyGetSectionNode(target);
        let url = await storyGetUrl(target, sectionNode);
        target.setAttribute('href', url);

    async function storyOnClicked(target) {
        // extract url from target story and download or open it
        let sectionNode = storyGetSectionNode(target);
        let url = await storyGetUrl(target, sectionNode);

        // download or open media url
        if (target.getAttribute('class').includes('download-btn')) {
            let mediaName = url
            mediaName = mediaName.substring(0, mediaName.lastIndexOf('.'));
            let datetime = new Date(sectionNode.querySelector('time').getAttribute('datetime'));
            let posterName = sectionNode
                .querySelector('header a')
                .replace(/\//g, '');

            let filename = filenameFormat(storyFilenameTemplate, posterName, datetime, mediaName);
            downloadResource(url, filename);
        } else {
            // open url in new tab

    function storyGetSectionNode(target) {
        let sectionNode = target;
        while (sectionNode && sectionNode.tagName !== 'SECTION') {
            sectionNode = sectionNode.parentNode;
        return sectionNode;

    async function storyGetUrl(target, sectionNode) {
        let url = null;
        if (!disableNewUrlFetchMethod) url = await getUrlFromInfoApi(target);

        if (!url) {
            if (sectionNode.querySelector('video > source')) {
                url = sectionNode.querySelector('video > source').getAttribute('src');
            } else if (sectionNode.querySelector('img[decoding="sync"]')) {
                let img = sectionNode.querySelector('img[decoding="sync"]');
                url = img.srcset.split(/ \d+w/g)[0].trim(); // extract first src from srcset attr. of img
                if (url.length > 0) {
                    return url;
                url = sectionNode.querySelector('img[decoding="sync"]').getAttribute('src');
            } else if (sectionNode.querySelector('video')) {
                url = sectionNode.querySelector('video').getAttribute('src');
        return url;

    function filenameFormat(template, id, datetime, medianame, postId = +new Date(), mediaIndex = '0') {
        let filename = template;
        filename = filename.replace(/%id%/g, id);
        filename = filename.replace(/%datetime%/g, datetimeFormat(datetimeTemplate, datetime));
        filename = filename.replace(/%medianame%/g, medianame);
        filename = filename.replace(/%postId%/g, postId)
        filename = filename.replace(/%mediaIndex%/g, mediaIndex);
        return filename;

    function datetimeFormat(template, datetime) {
        let datetimeStr = template;
        datetimeStr = datetimeStr.replace(/%y%/g, datetime.getFullYear());
        datetimeStr = datetimeStr.replace(/%m%/g, fillZero((datetime.getMonth() + 1).toString()));
        datetimeStr = datetimeStr.replace(/%d%/g, fillZero(datetime.getDate().toString()));
        datetimeStr = datetimeStr.replace(/%H%/g, fillZero(datetime.getHours().toString()));
        datetimeStr = datetimeStr.replace(/%M%/g, fillZero(datetime.getMinutes().toString()));
        datetimeStr = datetimeStr.replace(/%S%/g, fillZero(datetime.getSeconds().toString()));
        return datetimeStr;

    function fillZero(str) {
        if (str.length === 1) {
            return '0' + str;
        return str;

    function openResource(url) {
        // open url in new tab
        var a = document.createElement('a');
        a.href = url;
        a.setAttribute('target', '_blank');

    function forceDownload(blob, filename, extension) {
        // ref:
        var a = document.createElement('a');
        if (replaceJpegWithJpg) extension = extension.replace('jpeg', 'jpg') = filename + '.' + extension;
        a.href = blob;
        // For Firefox

    // Current blob size limit is around 500MB for browsers
    function downloadResource(url, filename) {
        if (url.startsWith('blob:')) {
            forceDownload(url, filename, 'mp4');
        console.log(`Dowloading ${url}`);
        // ref:
        if (!filename) {
            filename = url
        fetch(url, {
            headers: new Headers({
                Origin: location.origin,
            mode: 'cors',
            .then(response => response.blob())
            .then(blob => {
                const extension = blob.type.split('/').pop();
                let blobUrl = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
                forceDownload(blobUrl, filename, extension);
            .catch(e => console.error(e));