Greasy Fork is available in English.

Mutik's DotD Script

Fork of ForTheGoodOfAll DotD script with new look and strongly optimized js code

// ==UserScript==
// @name           	Mutik's DotD Script
// @namespace      	tag://kongregate
// @description    	Fork of ForTheGoodOfAll DotD script with new look and strongly optimized js code
// @author         	Mutik
// @version        	1.1.72
// @grant          	GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant          	GM_setValue
// @grant          	GM_getValue
// @grant          	unsafeWindow
// @include*
// @include        	**
// @connect
// @connect
// @hompage
// ==/UserScript==

//best loop atm: for(var i=0, l=obj.length; i<l; ++i) - for with caching and pre-increment

if ( == "") {
    function main() {

        if (typeof GM_setValue == 'undefined') {
            var GM_setValue = function (name, value) {
                localStorage.setItem(name, (typeof value).substring(0, 1) + value);
        if (typeof GM_getValue == 'undefined') {
            var GM_getValue = function (name, dvalue) {
                var value = localStorage.getItem(name);
                if (typeof value != 'string') return dvalue;
                else {
                    var type = value.substring(0, 1);
                    value = value.substring(1);
                    if (type == 'b') return (value == 'true');
                    else if (type == 'n') return Number(value);
                    else return value;
        //if (typeof GM_deleteValue == 'undefined') var GM_deleteValue = function(name) { localStorage.removeItem(name) };

        window.FPX = {
            LandBasePrices: [4000, 15000, 25000, 50000, 75000, 110000, 300000, 600000, 1200000],
            LandBaseIncome: [100, 300, 400, 700, 900, 1200, 2700, 4500, 8000],
            LandCostRatio: function (owned) {
                var landCosts = [4000, 15000, 25000, 50000, 75000, 110000, 300000, 600000, 1200000];
                var icr = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
                /*Income/Cost ratio*/
                var i = 9;
                while (i--) {
                    landCosts[i] += FPX.LandBasePrices[i] * owned[i] / 10;
                    icr[i] = FPX.LandBaseIncome[i] / landCosts[i];
                return icr;
        window.timeSince = function (date, after) {
            if (typeof date === 'number') date = new Date(date);
            var seconds = Math.abs(Math.floor((new Date().getTime() - date.getTime()) / 1000));
            var interval = Math.floor(seconds / 31536000);
            var pretext = 'about ', posttext = after ? ' left' : ' ago';
            if (interval >= 1) return pretext + interval + ' year' + (interval == 1 ? '' : 's') + posttext;
            interval = Math.floor(seconds / 2592000);
            if (interval >= 1) return pretext + interval + ' month' + (interval == 1 ? '' : 's') + posttext;
            interval = Math.floor(seconds / 86400);
            if (interval >= 1) return pretext + interval + ' day' + (interval == 1 ? '' : 's') + posttext;
            interval = Math.floor(seconds / 3600);
            if (interval >= 1) return pretext + interval + ' hour' + (interval == 1 ? '' : 's') + posttext;
            interval = Math.floor(seconds / 60);
            if (interval >= 1) return interval + ' minute' + (interval == 1 ? '' : 's') + posttext;
            return Math.floor(seconds) + ' second' + (seconds == 1 ? '' : 's') + posttext;
        window.isNumber = function (n) {
            return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);
        window.SRDotDX = {
            version: { major: "1.1.72", minor: 'Mutik\'s DotD Extension' },
			c: function (ele) {
				function Cele(ele) {
					this._ele = ele;
					this.ele = function() {return this._ele};
					this.set = function(param) {for (var attr in param) if (param.hasOwnProperty(attr)) this._ele.setAttribute(attr,param[attr]); return this};
					this.text = function(text) {this._ele.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text)); return this};
					this.html = function(text,overwrite) {this._ele.innerHTML = overwrite ? text : (this._ele.innerHTML + text); return this};
					this.on = function(event,func,bubble) {this._ele.addEventListener(event, func, bubble); return this}; = function(event,func,bubble) {this._ele.removeEventListener(event, func, bubble); return this};
					this.del = function() {this._ele.parentNode.removeChild(this._ele); return null};
					this.attach = function(method,dele) {
						if (typeof dele === 'string') dele = document.getElementById(dele);
						if (!(dele instanceof Node)) throw 'Invalid attachment element specified';
						else if (!/^(?:to|before|after)$/i.test(method)) throw 'Invalid append method specified';
						else if (method === 'to') dele.appendChild(this._ele);
						else if (method === 'before') dele.parentNode.insertBefore(this._ele, dele);
						else if (dele.nextSibling === null) dele.parentNode.appendChild(this._ele);
						else dele.parentNode.insertBefore(this._ele, dele.nextSibling);
						return this
				if (typeof ele === 'string') ele = ele.charAt(0) === '#' ? document.getElementById(ele.substring(1)) : document.createElement(ele);
				if (ele instanceof Node) return new Cele(ele);
				throw 'Invalid element type specified';
			util: {
				isArrEq: function(a,b) {
					if(a.length !== b.length) return false;
					var ca = a.slice().sort().join(",");
					var cb = b.slice().sort().join(",");
					return ca === cb;
				crc32: function(str) {
					var crcTable = [];
					for (var i = 0, c = i; i < 256; ++i, c = i) {
						for(var k =0; k < 8; k++) c = ((c&1)?(0xEDB88320^(c>>>1)):(c>>>1));
						crcTable[i] = c;
					var crc = 0 ^ (-1);
					for (i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) crc = (crc >>> 8) ^ crcTable[(crc ^ str.charCodeAt(i)) & 0xFF];
					return ((crc^(-1))>>>0).toString(16);
				getChatLinks: function() {
					var obj, out = '<p style="font: normal 9pt \'Trebuchet MS\'">';
					for(var i = 0; i < SRDotDX.linksHistory.length; i++) {
						obj = SRDotDX.linksHistory[i];
						out += '('+(new Date(obj.t).toLocaleTimeString())+') <b>'+obj.u+'</b>: '+obj.m+'<br>';
					out += '</p>';
					var x =;;
                getChatNumber: function() {
                    var cont = document.getElementById('chat_rooms_container').children, i = 0;
                    for (i = 0; i < cont.length; i++) {
						if (cont[i].style.display === 'none' || cont[i].id.indexOf('alliance') === 0) continue;
						return i
                    return i;
                getQueryVariable: function(v,s) {
                    var query = String(s ||;
                    if (query.indexOf('?') > -1) query = query.substring(query.indexOf('?') + 1);
                    var vars = query.split('&');
                    var i = vars.length;
                    while(i--) {
                        var pair = vars[i].split('=');
                        if (decodeURIComponent(pair[0]) == v) return decodeURIComponent(pair[1]);
                    return '';
                getRaidFromUrl: function(url) {
                    var r = {id: 0, boss: '', hash: '', diff: 0, sid: 1}, cnt = 0, i;
                    var reg = /[?&]([^=]+)=([^?&]+)/ig, p = url.replace(/&amp;/gi, '&').replace(/kv_&/gi, '&kv_').replace(/http:?/gi, '');
                    while ((i = reg.exec(p)) !== null) {
                        switch (i[1]) {
                            case 'kv_raid_id':
                            case 'raid_id': = parseInt(i[2]); cnt++; break;
                            case 'kv_difficulty':
                            case 'difficulty': r.diff = parseInt(i[2]); cnt++; break;
                            case 'kv_raid_boss':
                            case 'raid_boss': r.boss = i[2]; cnt++; break;
                            case 'kv_hash':
                            case 'hash': r.hash = i[2]; cnt++; break;
                            case 'kv_serverid':
                            case 'serverid': r.sid = parseInt(i[2]); cnt++; break;
                    if (cnt < 4) return null;
                    return r;
				userListChanged: function(user, ign, guild) {
					//console.log('IGN handle: '+user+'|'+ign+'|'+guild);
					if (user && ign && guild) {
						if (typeof SRDotDX.config.ignUsers[user] === 'undefined') SRDotDX.config.ignUsers[user] = { ign: ign, gld: guild };
						else {
							if (SRDotDX.config.ignUsers[user].ign !== ign) SRDotDX.config.ignUsers[user].ign = ign;
							if (SRDotDX.config.ignUsers[user].gld !== guild) SRDotDX.config.ignUsers[user].gld = guild;
					else { user&&console.log(user); ign&&console.log(ign); guild&&console.log(guild); }
                getGameRoomNumber: function() {
                    if(typeof holodeck === 'object' && typeof holodeck.chatWindow === 'function')
						return parseInt(holodeck.chatWindow();
                    return 0;
                getShortNum: function(num, p) {
					p = p || 4;
                    if (isNaN(num) || num < 0) return num;
                    if (num >= 1000000000000) return (num / 1000000000000).toPrecision(p) + 't';
                    if (num >= 1000000000) return (num / 1000000000).toPrecision(p) + 'b';
                    if (num >= 1000000) return (num / 1000000).toPrecision(p) + 'm';
                    if (num >= 1000) return (num / 1000).toPrecision(p) + 'k';
                    return num + ''
                getShortNumMil: function(num) {
                    if (isNaN(num) || num < 0) return num;
                    if (num >= 1000000) return (num / 1000000).toPrecision(4) + 't';
                    if (num >= 1000) return (num / 1000).toPrecision(4) + 'b';
                    return num.toPrecision(4) + 'm'
                objToUriString: function(obj) {
                    if (typeof obj === 'object') {
                        var str = '';
                        for (var i in obj) if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) str += encodeURIComponent(i) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(obj[i]) + '&';
                        str = str.substring(0, str.length - 1);
                        return str
                    return '';
				deRomanize: function(roman) {
					var lut = {I:1, V:5, X:10, L:50, C:100, D:500, M:1000};
					var arabic = 0, i = roman.length;
					while (i--) {
						if (lut[roman[i]] < lut[roman[i+1]]) arabic -= lut[roman[i]];
						else arabic += lut[roman[i]];
					return arabic;
                extEcho: function(msg) {
					var cw;
                    if (SRDotDX.alliance.isActive) cw = document.getElementById('alliance_chat_window');
					else {
						var cn = SRDotDX.util.getChatNumber();
						cw = document.getElementById('chat_rooms_container').children[SRDotDX.util.getChatNumber()].getElementsByClassName('chat_message_window')[0];
                    var p = cw.getElementsByTagName('p');
                    var m;
                    if (p.length > 0 && p[p.length-1].className.indexOf('script') > -1) {
                        m = p[p.length-1].getElementsByClassName('message')[0];
                        m.innerHTML = m.innerHTML + '<hr>' + msg;
                    else {
                        m = SRDotDX.c('div').ele();
                        var mi = SRDotDX.c('div').attach('to',m).ele();
                        var mi2 = SRDotDX.c('p').set({class: 'script'}).attach('to',mi).ele();
                        SRDotDX.c('span').set({class: 'username DotDeXtension'}).html("DotDeXtension",true).attach('to',mi2);
                        SRDotDX.c('span').set({class: 'separator'}).html(": ",true).attach('to',mi2);
                        SRDotDX.c('span').set({class: 'message', name: 'SRDotDX_DotDeXtension'}).html('<br>'+msg,true).attach('to',mi2);
                        SRDotDX.c('span').set({class: 'clear'}).attach('to',mi2);
                        var div = cw.lastChild;
                        if(div) div.appendChild(mi);
                        else cw.appendChild(m);
                    setTimeout(SRDotDX.gui.scrollChat, 100, true);
                serialize: function(obj) {
                    var str = [];
                    for (var p in obj) if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p)) if (obj[p] !== null)
						str.push(encodeURIComponent(p) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(obj[p]));
                    return str.join("&");
                stringFormat: function() {
                    var s = arguments[0];
                    for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length - 1; i++) {
                        var reg = new RegExp("\\{" + i + "\\}", "gm");
                        s = s.replace(reg, arguments[i + 1]);
                    return s;
            config: (function() {
                var tmp, reqSave = false;
                try {tmp = JSON.parse(GM_getValue('SRDotDX', '{}'));}
                catch (e) {tmp = {};reqSave = true }

                //Raids tab vars
                tmp.filterSearchStringR 		= typeof tmp.filterSearchStringR 			=== 'string' 	? tmp.filterSearchStringR 			: '';
                tmp.fltIncVis 					= typeof tmp.fltIncVis 						=== 'boolean' 	? tmp.fltIncVis 					: false;
                tmp.fltExclFull 				= typeof tmp.fltExclFull 					=== 'boolean' 	? tmp.fltExclFull 					: false;
                tmp.fltShowAll 					= typeof tmp.fltShowAll 					=== 'boolean' 	? tmp.fltShowAll 					: false;

                //Options tab vars
                tmp.importFiltered 				= typeof tmp.importFiltered 				=== 'boolean' 	? tmp.importFiltered 				: true;
                tmp.hideRaidLinks 				= typeof tmp.hideRaidLinks 					=== 'boolean' 	? tmp.hideRaidLinks 				: false;
                tmp.hideBotLinks 				= typeof tmp.hideBotLinks 					=== 'boolean' 	? tmp.hideBotLinks 					: false;
                tmp.hideVisitedRaids 			= typeof tmp.hideVisitedRaids 				=== 'boolean' 	? tmp.hideVisitedRaids 				: false;
                tmp.hideVisitedRaidsInRaidList 	= typeof tmp.hideVisitedRaidsInRaidList 	=== 'boolean' 	? tmp.hideVisitedRaidsInRaidList 	: false;
                tmp.markMyRaidsVisted 			= typeof tmp.markMyRaidsVisted 				=== 'boolean' 	? tmp.markMyRaidsVisted 			: false;
                tmp.markImportedVisited 		= typeof tmp.markImportedVisited 			=== 'boolean' 	? tmp.markImportedVisited 			: false;
                tmp.FPXLandOwnedCount 			= typeof tmp.FPXLandOwnedCount 				=== 'object' 	? tmp.FPXLandOwnedCount 			: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
                tmp.prettyPost 					= typeof tmp.prettyPost 					=== 'boolean' 	? tmp.prettyPost 					: false;
				tmp.clearRMB 					= typeof tmp.clearRMB 						=== 'boolean' 	? tmp.clearRMB 						: false;
                tmp.showStatusOverlay 			= typeof tmp.showStatusOverlay 				=== 'boolean' 	? tmp.showStatusOverlay 			: false;
                tmp.confirmDeletes 				= typeof tmp.confirmDeletes 				=== 'boolean' 	? tmp.confirmDeletes 				: true;
                tmp.autoPostPaste 				= typeof tmp.autoPostPaste 					=== 'boolean' 	? tmp.autoPostPaste 				: false;
                tmp.whisperTo 					= typeof tmp.whisperTo 						=== 'string' 	? tmp.whisperTo 					: '';
                tmp.formatLinkOutput 			= typeof tmp.formatLinkOutput 				=== 'boolean' 	? tmp.formatLinkOutput 				: false;
                tmp.linkShowFs 					= typeof tmp.linkShowFs 					=== 'boolean' 	? tmp.linkShowFs 					: false;
                tmp.linkShowAp 					= typeof tmp.linkShowAp 					=== 'boolean' 	? tmp.linkShowAp 					: false;
                tmp.unvisitedRaidPruningMode 	= typeof tmp.unvisitedRaidPruningMode 		=== 'number' 	? tmp.unvisitedRaidPruningMode 		: 1;
                tmp.selectedRaids 				= typeof tmp.selectedRaids 					=== 'string' 	? tmp.selectedRaids 				: '';
                tmp.pastebinUrl 				= typeof tmp.pastebinUrl 					=== 'string' 	? tmp.pastebinUrl 					: '';
                tmp.bckColor 					= typeof tmp.bckColor 						=== 'string' 	? tmp.bckColor 						: 'fff';
                tmp.lastImported 				= typeof tmp.lastImported 					=== 'number' 	? tmp.lastImported 					: (new Date().getTime() - 1728000000);
                tmp.hideKongForum 				= typeof tmp.hideKongForum 					=== 'boolean' 	? tmp.hideKongForum 				: false;
                tmp.hideGameDetails 			= typeof tmp.hideGameDetails 				=== 'boolean' 	? tmp.hideGameDetails 				: false;
                tmp.hideGameTitle 				= typeof tmp.hideGameTitle 					=== 'boolean' 	? tmp.hideGameTitle 				: true;
                tmp.chatFilterString 			= typeof tmp.chatFilterString 				=== 'string' 	? tmp.chatFilterString 				: '';
                tmp.filterSearchStringC 		= typeof tmp.filterSearchStringC 			=== 'string' 	? tmp.filterSearchStringC 			: '';
                tmp.chatSize 					= typeof tmp.chatSize 						=== 'number' 	? tmp.chatSize 						: 300;
                tmp.sbEnable 					= typeof tmp.sbEnable 						=== 'boolean' 	? tmp.sbEnable 						: true;
                tmp.sbSlim 						= typeof tmp.sbSlim 						=== 'boolean' 	? tmp.sbSlim 						: false;
                tmp.sbRightSide 				= typeof tmp.sbRightSide 					=== 'boolean' 	? tmp.sbRightSide 					: false;
				tmp.formatLinks 				= typeof tmp.formatLinks 					=== 'boolean' 	? tmp.formatLinks 					: false;
				tmp.slimKongBar 				= typeof tmp.slimKongBar 					=== 'boolean' 	? tmp.slimKongBar 					: false;
                tmp.kongUser 					= typeof tmp.kongUser 						=== 'string' 	? tmp.kongUser 						: 'Guest';
                tmp.kongAuth 					= typeof tmp.kongAuth 						=== 'string' 	? tmp.kongAuth 						: '0';
                tmp.kongId 						= typeof tmp.kongId 						=== 'string' 	? tmp.kongId 						: '0';
                tmp.kongMsg 					= typeof tmp.kongMsg 						=== 'boolean' 	? tmp.kongMsg 						: false;
                tmp.hideGameTab 				= typeof tmp.hideGameTab 					=== 'boolean' 	? tmp.hideGameTab 					: false;
                tmp.hideAccTab 					= typeof tmp.hideAccTab 					=== 'boolean' 	? tmp.hideAccTab 					: false;
                tmp.dotdxTabName 				= typeof tmp.dotdxTabName 					=== 'string' 	? tmp.dotdxTabName 					: 'Raids';
                tmp.themeNum 					= typeof tmp.themeNum 						=== 'number' 	? tmp.themeNum 						: 1;
                tmp.fontNum 					= typeof tmp.fontNum 						=== 'number' 	? tmp.fontNum 						: 0;
                tmp.ignMode 					= typeof tmp.ignMode 						=== 'number' 	? tmp.ignMode 						: 1;
                tmp.hideScrollBar 				= typeof tmp.hideScrollBar 					=== 'boolean' 	? tmp.hideScrollBar 				: false;
				tmp.allianceChat 				= typeof tmp.allianceChat 					=== 'boolean' 	? tmp.allianceChat 					: false;
				tmp.allianceServer 				= typeof tmp.allianceServer 				=== 'string' 	? tmp.allianceServer 				: '';
				tmp.allianceIsExternal 			= typeof tmp.allianceIsExternal 			=== 'boolean' 	? tmp.allianceIsExternal 			: tmp.allianceServer&&true||false;
				tmp.allianceChannel 			= typeof tmp.allianceChannel 				=== 'string' 	? tmp.allianceChannel 				: '';
				tmp.alliancePass 				= typeof tmp.alliancePass 					=== 'string' 	? tmp.alliancePass 					: '';
				tmp.allianceName 				= typeof tmp.allianceName 					=== 'string' 	? tmp.allianceName 					: 'Alliance';
                tmp.hideWChat 					= typeof tmp.hideWChat 						=== 'boolean' 	? tmp.hideWChat 					: false;
                tmp.leftWChat 					= typeof tmp.leftWChat 						=== 'boolean' 	? tmp.leftWChat 					: false;
                tmp.removeWChat 				= typeof tmp.removeWChat 					=== 'boolean' 	? tmp.removeWChat 					: false;
                tmp.filterChatLinks 			= typeof tmp.filterChatLinks 				=== 'boolean' 	? tmp.filterChatLinks 				: true;
                tmp.filterRaidList 				= typeof tmp.filterRaidList 				=== 'boolean' 	? tmp.filterRaidList 				: true;
                tmp.newRaidsAtTopOfList 		= typeof tmp.newRaidsAtTopOfList 			=== 'boolean' 	? tmp.newRaidsAtTopOfList 			: false;
                tmp.serverMode 					= typeof tmp.serverMode 					=== 'number' 	? tmp.serverMode 					: 1;
                tmp.sbConfig 					= typeof tmp.sbConfig 						=== 'object' 	? tmp.sbConfig 						: [
												{"type": "label", "name": "Camps"},
												{"type": "btn", "name": "NMQ", "cmd": "/camp nmq"},
												{"type": "btn", "name": "MaM", "cmd": "/camp mam"},
												{"type": "btn", "name": "FW", "cmd": "/camp fw"},
												{"type": "label", "name": "Tiers"},
												{"type": "btn", "name": "Bella", "cmd": "/raid bella"},
												{"type": "btn", "name": "Xerk", "cmd": "/raid xerkara"},
												{"type": "btn", "name": "Tisi", "cmd": "/raid tisi"},
												{"type": "label", "name": "Join"},
												{"type": "btn", "name": "Farms", "cmd": "SRDotDX.gui.quickImportAndJoin(\'farm:nnm\',false)"},
												{"type": "label", "name": "Utils"},
												{"type": "btn", "color": "g", "name": "(Re)Load", "sname": "Reld", "cmd": "SRDotDX.reload()"},
												{"type": "btn", "color": "r", "name": "Unload", "sname": "Kill", "cmd": "/kill"},
												{"type": "btn", "name": "Room 1", "sname": "CR1", "cmd": "SRDotDX.gui.gotoRoom(1)"},
												{"type": "btn", "name": "Room 2", "sname": "CR2", "cmd": "SRDotDX.gui.gotoRoom(2)"},
												{"type": "btn", "name": "Room 8", "sname": "CR8", "cmd": "SRDotDX.gui.gotoRoom(8)"},
												{"type": "label", "name": "Sheets", "sname": "Help"},
												{"type": "btn", "name": "Magic", "sname": "Mag", "cmd": ""},
												{"type": "btn", "name": "Mount", "sname": "Mnt", "cmd": ""},
												{"type": "btn", "name": "Gear", "cmd": ""},
												{"type": "label", "name": "Raids"},
												{"type": "jtxt"},
												{"type": "btn", "color": "g", "name": "Join", "cmd": "SRDotDX.gui.joinSelectedRaids(true)"},
												{"type": "btn", "color": "b", "name": "Import", "sname": "Imp", "cmd": "SRDotDX.gui.importFromServer()"},
												{"type": "btn", "color": "y", "name": "RaidBot", "sname": "Bot", "cmd": "SRDotDX.gui.switchBot()"} ];

                if (typeof tmp.mutedUsers  !== 'object') tmp.mutedUsers  = {};
                if (typeof tmp.ignUsers    !== 'object') tmp.ignUsers    = {};
				else {
					var uk = Object.keys(tmp.ignUsers);
					if (uk.length > 0 && typeof tmp.ignUsers[uk[0]].ign !== 'string')
					for (var k in uk) { if(tmp.ignUsers.hasOwnProperty(uk[k])) tmp.ignUsers[uk[k]] = { ign: tmp.ignUsers[uk[k]], gld: '*unknown*' }; }
                if (typeof tmp.friendUsers !== 'object') tmp.friendUsers = {};
                if (typeof tmp.raidList    !== 'object') tmp.raidList    = {};
                if (typeof tmp.filters     !== 'object') tmp.filters     = [{},{}];
                if (typeof tmp.lastFilter  !== 'object') tmp.lastFilter  = typeof tmp.lastFilter === 'string' ? [tmp.lastFilter, tmp.lastFilter] : ["",""];
				if (tmp.filters.length !== 2) tmp.filters = [tmp.filters, tmp.filters];
				if (tmp.lastImported > (new Date().getTime())) tmp.lastImported = (new Date().getTime() - 1728000000);
                if (reqSave) GM_setValue('SRDotDX', JSON.stringify(tmp));

                // Delete expired raids
                for (var id in tmp.raidList) {
                    if(tmp.raidList.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
                        if (typeof tmp.raidList[id].magic === "undefined") tmp.raidList[id].magic = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
                        if (typeof tmp.raidList[id].hp === "undefined") tmp.raidList[id].hp = 1.0;
                        if (typeof tmp.raidList[id].sid === "undefined") tmp.raidList[id].sid = 1;
                        if (typeof tmp.raidList[id].ppl === "undefined") tmp.raidList[id].ppl = 0;
						if (typeof tmp.raidList[id].isFull === "undefined") tmp.raidList[id].isFull = false;

                tmp.addRaid = function (hash, id, boss, diff, sid, visited, user, ts, magic, hp, ppl) {
                    if (typeof SRDotDX.config.raidList[id] !== 'object') {
                        var tStamp = typeof ts === 'undefined' || ts === null ? parseInt(new Date().getTime() / 1000) : parseInt(ts);
                        SRDotDX.config.raidList[id] = {
                            hash: hash, id: id, boss: boss, diff: diff, sid: sid, visited: visited, user: user, timeStamp: tStamp,
                            expTime: (typeof SRDotDX.raids[boss] === 'object' ? SRDotDX.raids[boss].duration : 24) * 3600 + tStamp,
                            magic: magic === undefined || magic === null ? [0,0,0,0,0,0] : magic,
                            hp: hp === undefined || hp === null ? 1.0 : parseFloat(hp),
							ppl: ppl === undefined || ppl === null ? 0 : parseInt(ppl),
							isFull: ppl && typeof SRDotDX.raids[boss] === 'object' && SRDotDX.raids[boss].size === parseInt(ppl),
							ni: magic === undefined
                    return SRDotDX.config.raidList[id]
       = function (b) {
                    b = typeof b == 'undefined' ? true : b;
                    GM_setValue('SRDotDX', JSON.stringify(SRDotDX.config));
                    if(b) setTimeout(, 60000, true);
                    else console.log('[DotDX] Manual config save invoked');
                tmp.extSave = function(){SRDotDX.gframe(''+JSON.stringify({'removeWChat':SRDotDX.config.removeWChat,'leftWChat':SRDotDX.config.leftWChat,'hideWChat':SRDotDX.config.hideWChat}));};
                return tmp;
			alliance: {
				chat: null,
				chatcnt: 0,
				isActive: false,
				isExternal: false,
				rFlag: false,
				unkVal: null,
				user: null,
				getGuildTag: function(guild) {
					var roman = /^(.+\s)([IXV]+)$/.exec(guild);
					if (roman) guild = roman[1] + SRDotDX.util.deRomanize(roman[2]);
					var reg = /([A-Z]+|\w)\w*/g;
					var tag = '', part;
					while (part = reg.exec(guild)) tag += part[1];
					return tag
				processMessage: function(user, inGameName, cls, time, message, pfx) {
					//console.log("[DotDX] aChat: " + time +"|"+user+"|"+inGameName+"|"+message);
					var usrCls = ["chat_message_window_username"];
					var curTs = new Date().getTime().toString();
					var isSelf = user === SRDotDX.config.kongUser;
					var usr = user;
					if ((this.chatcnt++) % 2) cls.push('even');
					if (pfx === 'u ') pfx = '';
					var ts = '', ign = '';
					var pClass = cls.join(' ');
					if (pClass.indexOf('emote') < 0 && pClass.indexOf('script') < 0) {
						var raid = SRDotDX.getRaidLink(message, user, true);
						if (raid) {
							cls.push('DotDX_sid_' + raid.sid);
							cls.push('DotDX_diff_' + raid.diff);
							cls.push('DotDX_raidId_' +;
							if (raid.visited) cls.push('DotDX_visitedRaid');
							cls.push('DotDX_fltChat_' + raid.boss + '_' + (raid.diff - 1));
							message = raid.ptext + '<a href="' + raid.url + '" class="chatRaidLink ' + + '|' + raid.hash + '|' + raid.boss + '|' + raid.diff + '|' + raid.sid +
							'" style="float:right;" onmouseout="SRDotDX.gui.helpBox(\'chat_raids_overlay\',\'dotdm_' + curTs + '\',\'\',true);" onmouseover="SRDotDX.gui.helpBox(\'chat_raids_overlay\',\'dotdm_' + curTs + '\',' + + ',false);">' + raid.linkText() + '</a>' + raid.ntext;
							SRDotDX.gui.toggleRaid('visited',, raid.visited);
							SRDotDX.gui.joining ? SRDotDX.gui.pushRaidToJoinQueue( : SRDotDX.gui.selectRaidsToJoin('chat');
						else {
							var reg = /(^|.+?)(\s|\,|$|^)(https?:\/\/[^\,\s]+|$)/g;
							var part, msg = '';
							while (part = reg.exec(message)) {
								msg += part[1] + part[2];
								if (part[3].length > 0) {
									if (part[3].indexOf('http') === 0) msg += '<a href="' + part[3] + '" target="_blank" class="chat_link">' + part[3] + '</a>';
									else msg += part[3];
							message = msg;

						if (SRDotDX.config.mutedUsers[usr]) cls.push('DotDX_hidden');
						isSelf && usrCls.push('is_self');

						if (inGameName && inGameName !== SRDotDX.alliance.unkVal) if (SRDotDX.config.ignUsers[usr] && SRDotDX.config.ignUsers[usr].ign !== inGameName) SRDotDX.config.ignUsers[usr].ign = inGameName;

						if (SRDotDX.config.ignUsers[usr] && SRDotDX.config.ignUsers[usr].ign !== SRDotDX.alliance.unkVal) {
							switch (SRDotDX.config.ignMode) {
								case 2: ign = ' (' + SRDotDX.config.ignUsers[usr].ign + ')'; break;
								case 1: usr = SRDotDX.config.ignUsers[usr].ign; usrCls.push('ign'); break;
						ts = '(' + time.slice(0, 5) + ')&ensp;';
					else if (pClass.indexOf('emote') > -1 && user !== SRDotDX.alliance.unkVal) message =  user + ' ' + message;

					return SRDotDX.alliance.formatMessage(cls, curTs, ts, usrCls, user, pfx, usr, ign, message);

				formatMessage: function(cls, curTs, ts, usrCls, user, pfx, usr, ign, message) {
					return '<p class="'+cls.join(' ')+'">' +
						'<span id="dotdm_'+curTs+'" class="slider" style="max-width:0" onmouseleave="\'0\'"></span>' +
						'<span class="timestamp">'+ts+'</span>' +
						'<span class="username '+usrCls.join(' ')+' dotdm_'+curTs+'" username="'+user+'" dotdxname="'+user+'" oncontextmenu="return false;">'+pfx+usr+'</span>' +
						'<span class="ign ingamename">'+ign+'</span>' +
						'<span class="separator">: </span>' +
						'<span name="SRDotDX_'+usr+'" class="message">'+message.trim()+'</span>' +
						'<span class="clear"></span></p>';
				handleMessage: function(d) {
					var node = '';
					switch(d.type) {
						case 0:
							node = SRDotDX.alliance.processMessage(d.usr.usr, d.usr.ign, [], new Date(d.ts).toLocaleTimeString(), d.txt, SRDotDX.alliance.getGuildTag(d.usr.gld) + ' ');
						case 1: case 2:
							node = SRDotDX.alliance.processMessage(d.usr.usr, d.usr.ign, ['whisper'], new Date(d.ts).toLocaleTimeString(), d.txt, ['','From ','To '][d.type]);
						case 3:
							node = SRDotDX.alliance.processMessage(d.usr.usr, '', ['emote'], new Date(d.ts).toLocaleTimeString(), d.txt, '');
						case 4:
							node = SRDotDX.alliance.processMessage('', '', ['emote'], new Date().toLocaleTimeString(), d.txt, '');
						default : console.log(d);
					if (node) SRDotDX.c('div').html(node, true).attach('to', 'alliance_chat_window');
					if (SRDotDX.alliance.isActive) {
						if (node.indexOf('<img src') > -1) setTimeout(SRDotDX.gui.scrollChat, 300);
						setTimeout(SRDotDX.gui.scrollChat, 10);
					else if (document.getElementById('alliance_tab').className.indexOf('unread') < 0) document.getElementById('alliance_tab').className = 'unread';
				handleService: function(d) {
					switch(d.act) {
						case 'loadData':
							// userList'Loading users online...');
							var sUsers = Object.keys(d.users).sort(), u;
							for (var m = 0; m < sUsers.length; m++) {
								u = d.users[sUsers[m]];
								if (!SRDotDX.config.ignUsers[u.usr] ||
									(u.ign && SRDotDX.config.ignUsers[u.usr].ign !== u.ign) ||
									(u.gld && SRDotDX.config.ignUsers[u.usr].gld !== u.gld)) SRDotDX.config.ignUsers[u.usr] = u;
							SRDotDX.c('#alliance_number').html(sUsers.length, true);

							// messageLog'Loading messages log...');
							var to = 0;
							for (m of d.log) setTimeout(SRDotDX.alliance.handleMessage, to++, m);

							// allianceRaids'Loading alliance raids...');
							//var r = JSON.parse(data['data']), raid, cnt = 0;
							var r, cnt = 0, swt = !SRDotDX.config.importFiltered, filter = SRDotDX.c('#DotDX_filters').ele().innerHTML;
							for (var i in d.raids) if (d.raids.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
								r = d.raids[i];
								if (!SRDotDX.config.raidList[i] && (swt || filter.indexOf('fltList_' + r.boss + '_' + (parseInt(r.diff) - 1)) < 0)) {
									SRDotDX.config.addRaid(r.hash, parseInt(, r.boss, parseInt(r.diff), parseInt(r.sid), false, r.usr || 'Alliance', r.ts || null, '41');
							SRDotDX.alliance.handleMessage({type:4, txt: 'Loaded '+cnt+' raids into local database.'});
							SRDotDX.gui.selectRaidsToJoin('alliance raids');

						case 'userLeave':'User', d.user.usr, 'has left.');
							var node = document.getElementById(d.user.sid);
							if (node) node.parentNode.removeChild(node);
							SRDotDX.c('#alliance_number').html(d.num, true);

						case 'userJoin':'User', d.user.usr, 'just logged in.');
							if (!SRDotDX.config.ignUsers[d.user.usr] ||
								(d.user.ign && SRDotDX.config.ignUsers[d.user.usr].ign !== d.user.ign) ||
								(d.user.gld && SRDotDX.config.ignUsers[d.user.usr].gld !== d.user.gld)) SRDotDX.config.ignUsers[d.user.usr] = d.user;
							SRDotDX.alliance.addUserToList(d.user, true);
							SRDotDX.c('#alliance_number').html(d.num, true);

						case 'deadRaid':
							if (!SRDotDX.gui.joining) {
								setTimeout(SRDotDX.gui.selectRaidsToJoin, 100, 'alliance dead removal');

						default: console.warn(d);
				addUserToList: function(u,sort){
					if (document.getElementById(u.sid)) return;
					var m = 'to', d = 'alliance_users';
					sort = sort || false;
					if (sort) {
						var n = document.getElementById('alliance_users');
						if (n) {
							n = n.children;
							for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++) if (u.usr < n[i].getAttribute('usr')) { m = 'before'; d = n[i]; break; }
					SRDotDX.c('div').set({id:u.sid, usr:u.usr}).html('<span>' + ( u.gld === '' ? '???' : SRDotDX.alliance.getGuildTag(u.gld) ) + '</span><span>' + u.usr + '</span><span>' +
					( u.ign === '' ? '' : '(' + u.ign + ')' ) + '</span>',true).attach(m,d);
				reloadChat: function() {
					if (SRDotDX.alliance.isActive && {
						if (;
						SRDotDX.alliance.chatcnt = 0;;
				destroyChat: function() {
					if (;

					if (SRDotDX.alliance.isActive) document.getElementById('guild_room_tab').children[0].dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click', { button: 1, cancelable: true}));

					SRDotDX.alliance.isActive = false;
					SRDotDX.alliance.chatcnt = 0;
					document.getElementsByClassName('room_name_container')[0].className = 'room_name_container h6_alt mbs';

					var node = document.getElementById('alliance_tab');
					if (node) node.parentNode.removeChild(node);
					node = document.getElementById('alliance_room');
					if (node) node.parentNode.removeChild(node);
					node = document.getElementById('alliance_number');
					if (node) node.parentNode.removeChild(node);

					SRDotDX.c('#chat_room_tabs').off('mouseup', SRDotDX.alliance.kongTabsEvent);

					SRDotDX.config.allianceChat = false;
					SRDotDX.c('#options_enableAllianceChat').ele().checked = false;

					if (SRDotDX.alliance.isExternal); = null;
					delete io;

				createChat: function() {
					if ((SRDotDX.alliance.isExternal && typeof ioo === 'undefined') ||
						(!SRDotDX.alliance.isExternal && typeof io === 'undefined') ) {
						console.warn('[DotDX] not found, trying again in 1s...');
					SRDotDX.alliance.unkVal = SRDotDX.alliance.isExternal ? '*unknown*' : '';
					SRDotDX.alliance.user = { 	usr: SRDotDX.config.kongUser 								|| SRDotDX.alliance.unkVal,
												ign: SRDotDX.config.ignUsers[SRDotDX.config.kongUser].ign 	|| SRDotDX.alliance.unkVal,
												gld: SRDotDX.config.ignUsers[SRDotDX.config.kongUser].gld 	|| SRDotDX.alliance.unkVal };

					if ( &&;

					if (SRDotDX.alliance.isExternal) { = ioo.connect(SRDotDX.config.allianceServer, {'reconnection delay': 1000});
						if (SRDotDX.alliance.rFlag);
					else = io.connect(''+SRDotDX.config.allianceChannel,{query:'token='+SRDotDX.util.crc32(SRDotDX.config.alliancePass), multiplex: false});
					SRDotDX.alliance.rFlag = false;'error',function(d) {
					});'disconnect', function() {
						console.warn('Chat client disconnected!');
						if (SRDotDX.alliance.isExternal) SRDotDX.alliance.rFlag = true;
					});'conn':'connect', function(){'Chat socket connection established, joining...');
						var user = SRDotDX.alliance.user;
						if (SRDotDX.alliance.isExternal) user = {data: user.usr, ign: user.ign, guild: user.gld};'join', user);

					if (!SRDotDX.alliance.isExternal) {'msg', SRDotDX.alliance.handleMessage);'service', SRDotDX.alliance.handleService);
					else {'raids', function (data) {
							var r = JSON.parse(data['data']), raid, cnt = 0;
							var swt = !SRDotDX.config.importFiltered, filter = SRDotDX.c('#DotDX_filters').ele().innerHTML;
							for (var i in r) if (r.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
								raid = r[i]; //console.log("[DotDX] blinkRC processing: " + raid.join('|'));
								if (!SRDotDX.config.raidList[i] && (swt || filter.indexOf('fltList_' + raid[0] + '_' + (parseInt(raid[1]) - 1)) < 0)) {
									SRDotDX.config.addRaid(raid[3], parseInt(raid[2]), raid[0], parseInt(raid[1]), parseInt(raid[4]), false, 'Alliance', null, '41');
							var text = SRDotDX.alliance.processMessage('*unknown*', '*unknown*', ['emote'], '', 'Loaded ' + cnt + ' alliance raids into local database.', '');
							SRDotDX.c('div').html(text, true).attach('to', 'alliance_chat_window');
							SRDotDX.gui.selectRaidsToJoin('alliance raids');
						});'dead', function (data) {
							//console.log("[DotDX] Dead alliance raid: " + data['raid']);
							if (!SRDotDX.gui.joining) {
								setTimeout(SRDotDX.gui.selectRaidsToJoin, 100, 'alliance dead removal');
						});'join', function (data) {
							if ( {
								var userName = || null;
								var inGameName = data.ign && data.ign !== '*unknown*' ? data.ign : null;
								var guild = data.guild && data.guild !== '*unknown*' ? data.guild : null;
								if (userName) {
									if (SRDotDX.config.ignUsers[userName] !== 'object') SRDotDX.config.ignUsers[userName] = {
										ign: (inGameName || '*unknown*'),
										gld: (guild || '*unknown*')
									else {
										if (inGameName && SRDotDX.config.ignUsers[userName].ign === '*unknown*') SRDotDX.config.ignUsers[userName].ign = inGameName;
										if (guild && SRDotDX.config.ignUsers[userName].gld === '*unknown*') SRDotDX.config.ignUsers[userName].gld = guild;

							var userList = null;
							try {
								userList = JSON.parse(data.names);
							} catch (e) {

							var prevItem = '', content = '', userData, cnt = 0;
							for (var usr in userList) {
								if (userList.hasOwnProperty(usr)) {
									if (userList[usr] === prevItem) continue;
									prevItem = userList[usr];
									userData = SRDotDX.config.ignUsers[userList[usr]] || null;
									if (userData)
										content += '<div><span>' + ( userData.gld === '*unknown*' ? '???' : SRDotDX.alliance.getGuildTag(userData.gld) ) + '</span><span>' + userList[usr] + '</span><span>' +
										( userData.ign === '*unknown*' ? '' : '(' + userData.ign + ')' ) + '</span></div>';
										content += '<div><span>???</span><span>' + userList[usr] + '</span><span></span></div>';
							SRDotDX.c('#alliance_number').html(cnt, true);
							SRDotDX.c('#alliance_users').html(content, true);
						});'chat', function (data) {
							var msgPatt = /^.+<abbr.+'K:(.+?) D:(.+?) \((.+?)\s?\).+?<font.+?>([\S\s]*)<\/font>.*$/;
							var wToPatt = /^.+\n?.+?Sent to <y>(.+?)<\/y>.+>([\S\s]*)<.+$/;
							var wFromPatt = /^.+>(.+?)<\/a>.+PM'd.+>([\S\s]*)<.+$/;
							var userUnavail = /^.*<glowy>(.+)<\/glowy> not online.+$/;
							var match, text;
							if ((match = msgPatt.exec(data['data'])) !== null) {
								if (typeof SRDotDX.config.ignUsers[match[1]] !== "object") SRDotDX.config.ignUsers[match[1]] = {
									ign: match[2],
									gld: match[3]
								else if (match[3] !== '*unknown*' && SRDotDX.config.ignUsers[match[1]].gld !== match[3]) SRDotDX.config.ignUsers[match[1]].gld = match[3];
								text = SRDotDX.alliance.processMessage(match[1], match[2], [], data['time'][0], match[4].trim().replace(/\n/g,""), SRDotDX.alliance.getGuildTag(match[3]) + ' ');
							else if ((match = wToPatt.exec(data['data'])) !== null) {
								text = SRDotDX.alliance.processMessage(match[1], '*unknown*', ['whisper'], data['time'][0], match[2], 'To ');
							else if ((match = wFromPatt.exec(data['data'])) !== null) {
								text = SRDotDX.alliance.processMessage(match[1], '*unknown*', ['whisper'], data['time'][0], match[2], 'From ');
							else if ((match = userUnavail.exec(data['data'])) !== null)
								text = SRDotDX.alliance.processMessage(match[1], '*unknown*', ['whisper', 'emote'], '', 'is offline', '');
							else {
								text = SRDotDX.alliance.processMessage('*unknown*', '*unknown*', ['emote'], '', data['data'], '');
							SRDotDX.c('div').html(text, true).attach('to', 'alliance_chat_window');
							if (SRDotDX.alliance.isActive) {
								if (text.indexOf('<img src') > -1) setTimeout(SRDotDX.gui.scrollChat, 300);
								setTimeout(SRDotDX.gui.scrollChat, 10);
							else if (document.getElementById('alliance_tab').className.indexOf('unread') < 0) document.getElementById('alliance_tab').className += 'unread';

				sendMessage: function(msg) {
					//console.log("[DotDX] Sending message: " + msg);
					if (this.isExternal) {
						var user = SRDotDX.alliance.user;
						var gTag = SRDotDX.alliance.getGuildTag(user.gld);
						var pic = document.getElementById('welcome_box_small_user_avatar').getAttribute('src') || '#';'chat', {
							data: "<img class='img' src='" + pic + "' /><z>(<y><abbr title='K:" + user.usr +
							" D:" + user.ign + " (" + user.gld + ")'>" + (gTag === 'u' ? '' : (gTag + ': ') ) + (user.ign || user.usr) + "</abbr></y>): </z> " +
							'<font style="font-size: 12px; color: #ddd">' + msg.replace(/(\n|\r)/g, '') + ' </font>'
					else {
						var pm;
						if (pm = /^\/w\s(.+?)\s([\s\S]+)$/.exec(msg)) pm[1] && pm[2] &&'msg', {type: 1, user: pm[1], text: pm[2]});
						else if (pm = /^\*([^*].*)\*$/.exec(msg)) pm[1] &&'msg', {type: 3, text: pm[1]});
						else'msg', {type: 0, text: msg});
				processImage: function(imgLink) {
					if (/^https?:\/\/.+?\.(png|gif|jpe?g)$/.test(imgLink)) SRDotDX.alliance.sendMessage('<br><img src="'+imgLink+'"/>');
					else SRDotDX.util.extEcho('Provided image link is not valid -> ' + imgLink);
				allianceTabEvent: function(e) {
					if (e.which === 1) {
						e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault();
						// hide other chats
						var children = document.getElementById('chat_room_tabs').children, i, cl;
						for (i = 0, cl = children.length; i < cl; ++i) children[i].className = 'chat_room_tab';
						children = document.getElementsByClassName('chat_room_template');
						for (i = 0, cl = children.length; i < cl; ++i) children[i].style.display = "none";
						children = document.getElementById('chat_actions_container').children;
						for (i = 0, cl = children.length; i < cl; ++i) children[i].style.display = "none";
						holodeck._chat_window._active_room = null;
						// make alliance active
						document.getElementsByClassName('room_name_container')[0].className += ' alliance';
						document.getElementById('alliance_tab').className = 'active';
						document.getElementById('alliance_room').className = 'active';
						document.getElementsByClassName('room_name_container')[0].children[0].innerHTML = SRDotDX.config.allianceName;
						SRDotDX.alliance.isActive = true;
						// scroll to the bottom
						setTimeout(SRDotDX.gui.scrollChat, 10, true);
					return false;
				kongTabsEvent: function(e) {
					if (e.which === 1) {
						SRDotDX.alliance.isActive = false;
						document.getElementsByClassName('room_name_container')[0].className = 'room_name_container h6_alt mbs';
						var aTab = document.getElementById('alliance_tab');
						if (aTab.className.indexOf('unread') < 0) aTab.className = ''; else aTab.className = 'unread';
				createRoom: function() {
					if (document.getElementById('chat_room_tabs') !== null) {
						SRDotDX.alliance.isExternal = SRDotDX.config.allianceIsExternal;
						SRDotDX.c('script').set({id: 'alliance_script', src: SRDotDX.alliance.isExternal?''+new Date().getTime():''}).attach('to', document.head);

						SRDotDX.c('div').set({id: 'alliance_tab', class: ''}).html('<a href="#">Alliance</a>', true).on('click', SRDotDX.alliance.allianceTabEvent).attach('after','chat_room_tabs');
						SRDotDX.c('div').set({id: 'alliance_room'}).html('<div id="alliance_users"></div><div class="chat_message_window" id="alliance_chat_window" style="height:456px"></div><div class="chat_controls"><textarea id="alliance_input" class="chat_input"></textarea></div>', true).attach('to','chat_rooms_container');
						SRDotDX.c('span').set({id: 'alliance_number'}).attach('before', document.getElementsByClassName('room_name_container')[0].children[1]);
						SRDotDX.c('#chat_room_tabs').on('mouseup', SRDotDX.alliance.kongTabsEvent);
						SRDotDX.c('#alliance_users').on('click', function(e){
							e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault();
							var usr = === 'DIV' ?[1].innerHTML :[1].innerHTML;
							var txt = document.getElementById('alliance_input');
							txt.value = '/w ' + usr + ' ';
							if (e.keyCode === 13) {
								e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault();
								if (e.shiftKey) += "<br>\n";
								else {
									if ( !== "") {
										if ( === '/' && !( === 'w' && === ' ')) {
											console.log("[DotDX] Chat command: " +;
											var link, i, data;
											if ('/img ') === 0) {
												link =' ')[1];
												if (link.indexOf('') > 0) SRDotDX.request.image(false, link);
												else if (i = /^.*\/([a-z0-9]{32}).*$/.exec(link)) SRDotDX.alliance.processImage('' + i[1] + '.png');
												else SRDotDX.alliance.processImage(link);
											else if ('/vid ') === 0) {
												link =' ')[1];
												if (i = /^https?:\/\/.+\.(mp4|ogg|webm)$/.exec(link)) {
													data = '<video controls="true" preload="metadata" muted="muted"><source src="' + i [0] + '" type="video/' + i[1] + '"></video>';
												else if (i = /(^.+youtube.+|^watch.+|^v=|^)([A-Za-z0-9\-_]{11})$/.exec(link)) {
													data = '<embed wmode="opaque" src="'+i[2]+'?version=3&rel=0&fs=1&showinfo=1&disablekb=0&modestbranding=1&controls=1&color=#333" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="100%" height="480" allowscriptaccess="always"></embed>';
												else SRDotDX.util.extEcho('Provided video hash/link is not valid or supported -> ' + link);
											else if ('/aud ') === 0) {
												link =' ')[1];
												if (i = /^https?:\/\/.+\.(mp3|ogg|wav)$/.exec(link)) {
													data = '<audio controls="true"><source src="' + i [0] + '" type="audio/' + i[1] + '"></audio>';
												else SRDotDX.util.extEcho('Provided audio link is not valid or supported -> ' + link);
											else holodeck.processChatCommand(;
										else SRDotDX.alliance.sendMessage(;
 = "";
								return false;
						SRDotDX.c('#chat_room_tabs').on('mouseup', SRDotDX.alliance.kongTabsEvent);
			linksHistory: [],
            request: {
                importLock: false,
                joinAfterImport: false,
                fromChat: false,
                quickBtnLock: true,
                filterSearchStringT: "",
                raids: function (isinit, hours) {
                    if (!SRDotDX.gui.joining) {
                        var secs = 15 - parseInt((new Date().getTime() - SRDotDX.config.lastImported) / 1000);
                        if (secs > 0) {
                            SRDotDX.util.extEcho("You can import again in " + secs + " seconds.");
                        console.log("[DotDX] Importing raids from raids server ...");
                        if (!isinit)    this.initialize("Requesting raids");
                        else SRDotDX.request.tries++;
                        var h = hours ? ('&h=' + hours) : '';
                        SRDotDX.request.req({ eventName: "dotd.getraids", url: "" + SRDotDX.config.kongUser + h, method: "GET", headers: {"Content-Type": "application/JSON"}, timeout: 30000 });
                poster: function (isInit) {
                    var txt = document.getElementById('DotDX_checkRaidPoster').value, id;
                    if (txt.length < 1) return;
                    if (isNaN(txt)) {
                        var r = SRDotDX.util.getRaidFromUrl(txt);
                        if (r === null) return;
                        id =;
                    else id = parseInt(txt);
                    console.log("[DotDX] Requesting raid poster info from server...");
                    if (!isInit) this.initialize("Requesting raid poster data");
                    else SRDotDX.request.tries++;
                    SRDotDX.request.req({ eventName: "dotd.getposter", url: "" + id, method: "GET", headers: {"Content-Type": "application/JSON"}, timeout: 30000 });
				version: function(isInit) {
					console.log("[DotDX] Requesting available script version from greasyfork...");
					if(!isInit) this.initialize("Requesting script version");
					else SRDotDX.request.tries++;
					SRDotDX.request.req({ eventName: "dotd.getversion", url: "", method: "GET", timeout: 30000 });
				image: function(isInit, url) {
					console.log("[DotDX] Request image from external service...");
					if(!isInit) this.initialize("Requesting image");
					else SRDotDX.request.tries++;
					SRDotDX.request.req({ eventName: "dotd.getimage", url: url, method: "GET", timeout: 30000 });
                initialize: function (str) {
                    SRDotDX.gui.doStatusOutput(str + "...", 3000, true);
                    SRDotDX.request.tries = 0;
                    SRDotDX.request.seconds = 0;
                    SRDotDX.request.complete = false;
                    SRDotDX.request.timer = setTimeout(SRDotDX.request.tick, 1000, str);
                tick: function (str) {
                    if (!SRDotDX.request.complete) {
                        if (SRDotDX.request.seconds > 25) {
                            SRDotDX.gui.doStatusOutput("Request failed.", 3000, true);
                        SRDotDX.gui.doStatusOutput(str + " (" + SRDotDX.request.seconds + ")...", 1500, true);
                        SRDotDX.request.timer = setTimeout(SRDotDX.request.tick, 1000, str);
                complete: false,
                seconds: 0,
                timer: 0,
                tries: 0,
                req: function (param) {
                    var a = document.createEvent("MessageEvent");
                    if (a.initMessageEvent) a.initMessageEvent("dotd.req", false, false, JSON.stringify(param), document.location.protocol + "//" + document.location.hostname, 0, window, null);
                    else a = new MessageEvent("dotd.req", {"origin": document.location.protocol + "//" + document.location.hostname, "lastEventId": 0, "source": window, "data": JSON.stringify(param)});
                init: function () {
                    document.addEventListener("dotd.joinraid", SRDotDX.request.joinRaidResponse, false);
                    document.addEventListener("dotd.getraids", SRDotDX.request.addRaids, false);
                    document.addEventListener("dotd.getposter", SRDotDX.request.getPoster, false);
					document.addEventListener("dotd.getversion", SRDotDX.request.getVersion, false);
					document.addEventListener("dotd.getimage", SRDotDX.request.getImage, false);
                    delete this.init;
                joinRaid: function (r) {
                    if (typeof r == 'object') {
                        if (!SRDotDX.gui.joining) SRDotDX.request.initialize("Joining " + (!SRDotDX.raids[r.boss] ? r.boss.capitalize().replace(/_/g, ' ') : SRDotDX.raids[r.boss].shortname));
                        var joinData = 'kongregate_username=' + SRDotDX.config.kongUser + '&kongregate_user_id=' + SRDotDX.config.kongId + '&kongregate_game_auth_token=' + SRDotDX.config.kongAuth;
                        SRDotDX.request.req({ eventName: "dotd.joinraid", url: SRDotDX.util.stringFormat('' + joinData + '&kv_action_type=raidhelp&kv_raid_id={0}&kv_hash={1}&serverid={2}',, r.hash, r.sid), method: "GET", timeout: 30000 });
				getImage: function (e) {
					var r, data = JSON.parse(;
					if (data.status !== 200) {
						SRDotDX.request.complete = true;
						SRDotDX.gui.doStatusOutput("Image server busy. Please try again in a moment.");
						console.log('[DotDX] Image request failed (url: ' + data.url + ')');
					SRDotDX.request.complete = true;

					var reg = /^.*<meta content="(.+)" property="og:image".*$/m;
					var reg2 = /^.*<meta property="og:image" content="(.+?)".*$/m;
					var link = reg.exec(data.responseText) || reg2.exec(data.responseText);
					if (link) SRDotDX.alliance.processImage(link[1]);
					else {
						SRDotDX.util.extEcho('Provided LightShot link is not valid');
						console.log('[DotDX] xAjax resp: '+ data.responseText);
                getPoster: function (e) {
                    var r, data = JSON.parse(;
                    if (data.status != 200) {
                        if (SRDotDX.request.tries >= 3) {
                            SRDotDX.request.complete = true;
                            SRDotDX.gui.doStatusOutput("Raids server busy. Please try again in a moment.");
                            console.log('[DotDX] Raids request failed (url: ' + data.url + ')');
                        } else {
                            console.log("[DotDX] Raids server unresponsive (status " + data.status + "). Trying again, " + SRDotDX.request.tries + " tries.");
                    SRDotDX.request.complete = true;
                    try {
                        r = JSON.parse(data.responseText)
                    catch (ex) {
                        console.log("[DotDX] Checking raid poster request error");
                        console.log('[DotDX] responseText: ' + data.responseText);
                    document.getElementById('DotDX_whoPosted_Raid').innerHTML = r.r;
                    document.getElementById('DotDX_whoPosted_Time').innerHTML = new Date(r.t * 1000).toLocaleString();
                    document.getElementById('DotDX_whoPosted_Poster').innerHTML = r.p;
				getVersion: function(e) {
					var r, data = JSON.parse(;
					SRDotDX.request.complete = true;
					var remoteVersion = "Unknown";
					if (data.status !== 200) {
						SRDotDX.gui.doStatusOutput("Greasyfork unresponsive.");
						console.log('[DotDX] Version request failed (url: ' + data.url + ')');
					else remoteVersion = /<dd.+version.+>([\d\.]+)<.+dd>/.exec(data.responseText)[1];
					var d = '<span class="emph bold">' + SRDotDX.version.minor + '</span><br>';
					d += '<span class="bold">Installed version</span>: <span class="emph">' + SRDotDX.version.major + '</span><br>';
					d += '<span class="bold">Available version</span>: <span class="emph">' + remoteVersion + '</span><br>';
					if(SRDotDX.version.major === remoteVersion) d += 'Your script version is up to date.';
					else d += 'You can <a href="" target="_blank">click here</a> to open greasyfork page with script and update.';
                addRaids: function(e) {
                    var r, data = JSON.parse(;
                    if (data.status != 200) {
                        if (SRDotDX.request.tries >= 3) {
                            SRDotDX.request.complete = true;
                            SRDotDX.gui.doStatusOutput("Raids server busy. Please try again in a moment.");
                            console.log('[DotDX] Raids request failed (url: ' + data.url + ')');
                        } else {
                            console.log("[DotDX] Raids server unresponsive (status " + data.status + "). Trying again, " + SRDotDX.request.tries + " tries.");
                    SRDotDX.request.complete = true;
                    try {
                        r = JSON.parse(data.responseText)
                    catch (ex) {
                        console.log("[DotDX] Raids importing error or no raids imported");
                        console.log('[DotDX] responseText: ' + data.responseText);
                    SRDotDX.gui.doStatusOutput("Importing " + r.raids.length + " raids...");
                    var raid, n = 0, t = 0, i, il, j, jl;
                    var swt = !SRDotDX.config.importFiltered, filter = SRDotDX.c('#DotDX_filters').ele().innerHTML;
                    for(j = 0, jl = r.raids.length; j < jl; ++j) {
                        raid = r.raids[j];
                        if (swt || filter.indexOf('fltList_' + raid.b + '_' + (raid.d - 1)) < 0) {
                            if (typeof SRDotDX.config.raidList[raid.i] !== 'object') {
                                SRDotDX.config.addRaid(raid.h, parseInt(raid.i), raid.b, parseInt(raid.d), parseInt(raid.s), false, raid.p, raid.t, raid.m.split("_").map(function (x) {return parseInt(x)}), parseFloat(raid.hp), raid.pp);
                            else {
								var pp = parseInt(raid.pp) || 0;
                                SRDotDX.config.raidList[raid.i].magic = raid.m.split("_").map(function(x){return parseInt(x)});
                                SRDotDX.config.raidList[raid.i].hp = parseFloat(raid.hp);
                                SRDotDX.config.raidList[raid.i].ppl = pp;
								SRDotDX.config.raidList[raid.i].isFull = pp && typeof SRDotDX.raids[raid.b] === 'object' && SRDotDX.raids[raid.b].size === pp;
                    console.log('[DotDX] Import raids from server complete');

                    //clean chat & db
					var id = r.prune.length > 3 ? r.prune.split("_") : [];
					il = id.length;
                    for(i = 0; i < il; ++i) SRDotDX.gui.deleteRaidFromDB(id[i]);
                    console.log('[DotDX] Removing dead raids on import complete');

                    SRDotDX.gui.selectRaidsToJoin('import response');
                    SRDotDX.config.lastImported = new Date().getTime();
                    SRDotDX.util.extEcho('Imported ' + t + ' raids, ' + n + ' new, ' + il + ' pruned.');
                    if (SRDotDX.request.joinAfterImport) {
                    SRDotDX.gui.doStatusOutput('Imported ' + n + ' new raids, ' + il + ' pruned.', 5000, true);
                joinRaidResponse: function (e) {
                    var data = JSON.parse(;
                    var statustxt = '';
                    SRDotDX.request.complete = true;
                    if (data && data.status === 200 && data.responseText && data.url) {
                        var raidid = SRDotDX.util.getQueryVariable('kv_raid_id', data.url);
                        if (typeof SRDotDX.config.raidList[raidid] === 'object') {
                            SRDotDX.config.raidList[raidid].visited = true;
                            SRDotDX.gui.toggleRaid('visited', raidid, true);
                            if (/successfully (re-)?joined/i.test(data.responseText)) {
                                statustxt = (SRDotDX.raids[SRDotDX.config.raidList[raidid].boss] ? SRDotDX.raids[SRDotDX.config.raidList[raidid].boss].shortname : SRDotDX.config.raidList[raidid].boss) + " joined successfully.";
                            else if (/already a member/i.test(data.responseText)) {
                                statustxt = "Join Failed. You are already a member.";
                            else if (/already completed/i.test(data.responseText)) {
                                statustxt = "Join failed. Raid is dead.";
								if (SRDotDX.config.allianceChat && {
									if (SRDotDX.alliance.isExternal) &&'dead', { raid: raidid });
									else &&'service', { act: 'deadRaid', id: parseInt(raidid) });
                            else if (/not a member of the guild/i.test(data.responseText)) {
                                statustxt = "Join failed. You are not member of that Guild.";
                            else if (/(invalid|find) raid (hash|ID)/i.test(data.responseText)) {
                                statustxt = "Join failed. Invalid hash or ID.";
                            else {
                                statustxt = 'Join failed. Unknown join response.';
                        else SRDotDX.gui.joinRaidInvalid++;
                    else {
                        console.log('[DotDX] Request timed out');
                        statustxt = "Join failed. Timeout.";
                    if (SRDotDX.gui.joining) {
                        if (SRDotDX.gui.joinRaidComplete >= SRDotDX.gui.joinRaidList.length) {
                            statustxt = "Finished joining. " + SRDotDX.gui.joinRaidSuccessful + " new, " + SRDotDX.gui.joinRaidDead + " dead.";
                            if (SRDotDX.gui.joinRaidSuccessful > 2) SRDotDX.util.extEcho(statustxt);
                            setTimeout(, 3000, false)
                        else {
                            statustxt = "Joined " + SRDotDX.gui.joinRaidComplete + " of " + SRDotDX.gui.joinRaidList.length + ". " + SRDotDX.gui.joinRaidSuccessful + " new, " + SRDotDX.gui.joinRaidDead + " dead.";
                            if (SRDotDX.gui.joinRaidIndex < SRDotDX.gui.joinRaidList.length) SRDotDX.request.joinRaid(SRDotDX.gui.joinRaidList[SRDotDX.gui.joinRaidIndex++]);
                    else setTimeout(, 3000, false);
                    if (statustxt !== '') SRDotDX.gui.doStatusOutput(statustxt, 4000, true);
            getRaidDetailsBase: function (url) {
                var r = {diff: 0, hash: '', boss: '', id: 0, sid: 0}, i, cnt = 0;
                var reg = /[?&]([^=]+)=([^?&]+)/ig, p = url.replace(/&amp;/gi, '&').replace(/kv_&/gi, '&kv_');
                while ((i = reg.exec(p)) != null) {
                    switch (i[1]) {
                        case 'kv_raid_id':
                        case 'raid_id': = parseInt(i[2]); cnt++; break;
                        case 'kv_difficulty':
                        case 'difficulty': r.diff = parseInt(i[2]); cnt++; break;
                        case 'kv_raid_boss':
                        case 'raid_boss': r.boss = i[2]; cnt++; break;
                        case 'kv_hash':
                        case 'hash': r.hash = i[2]; cnt++; break;
                        case 'kv_serverid':
                        case 'serverid': r.sid = parseInt(i[2]); cnt++; break;
                if (cnt < 4) return false;

                r.diffLongText = ['Normal', 'Hard', 'Legendary', 'Nightmare'][r.diff - 1];
                r.diffShortText = ['N', 'H', 'L', 'NM'][r.diff - 1];
                var stats = SRDotDX.raids[r.boss];
                if (typeof stats === 'object') {
                    r.shortname = stats.shortname;
                    r.size = stats.size;
                    r.type = stats.type;
                    r.dur = stats.duration;
                    r.durText = stats.dur + "hrs";
                    r.stat = stats.stat;
                    r.statText = SRDotDX.getStatText(stats.stat);
                else {
           = r.boss[0].toUpperCase() + r.boss.substring(1).replace(/_/g, " ");
                    r.shortname =;
                    r.dur = 48;
                return r;
            getTierTxt: function (hp, ppl, ap) {
                var num = hp / ppl;
                num = ap ? num / 2 : num;
                if (num >= 1000000000000) return (num / 1000000000000).toPrecision(3) + 't';
                if (num >= 1000000000)    return (num / 1000000000).toPrecision(3) + 'b';
                if (num >= 1000000)       return (num / 1000000).toPrecision(3) + 'm';
                if (num >= 1000)          return (num / 1000).toPrecision(3) + 'k';
                                          return num + ''
            getRaidDetails: function (url, user, visited, ts, room) {
                user = user ? user : '';
                var rVis = visited ? visited : user == SRDotDX.config.kongUser && SRDotDX.config.markMyRaidsVisted;
                var r = SRDotDX.util.getRaidFromUrl(url);
                if (r == null) return null;
                //if (r && typeof r.diff == 'number' && typeof r.hash == 'string' && typeof r.boss == 'string' && typeof == 'string') {
                var filter = SRDotDX.c('#DotDX_filters').ele().innerHTML;
                r.visited = rVis;
                if (!SRDotDX.config.importFiltered || filter.indexOf('fltList_' + r.boss + '_' + (r.diff - 1)) < 0) {
                    var info = SRDotDX.config.raidList[];
                    if (typeof info !== 'object') {
                        info = SRDotDX.config.addRaid(r.hash,, r.boss, r.diff, r.sid, r.visited, user, ts);
                        if (typeof info === 'object') r.isNew = true;
                        else return null;
                    else r.isNew = false;
                    r.timeStamp = info.timeStamp;
                    r.visited = info.visited;
                r.linkText = function () {
                    var raidInfo = SRDotDX.raids[r.boss];
                    var txt = '[&thinsp;' + ['', 'N', 'H', 'L', 'NM'][this.diff] + ' ';
                    txt += raidInfo ? raidInfo.shortname : r.boss.capitalize().replace(/_/g, ' ');
                    if (SRDotDX.config.linkShowFs) txt += raidInfo ? ', fs:' + SRDotDX.getTierTxt([this.diff - 1], raidInfo.size, false) : '';
                    if (SRDotDX.config.linkShowAp) txt += raidInfo ? ', ap:' + SRDotDX.getTierTxt([this.diff - 1], raidInfo.size, true) : '';
                    txt += (this.visited || r.visited) ? '|★' : '';
                    txt += '&thinsp;]';
                    return txt
                return r;
            getRaidLink: function (msg, user, all) {
                msg = msg.replace(/[\r\n]/g, '');
                a = all || false;
				var patt = all ? /^(.*?)((?:(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?kongregate\.com)?\/games\/5thPlanetGames\/dawn-of-the-dragons(\?\S+))(.*)$/i : /^((?:(?!<a[ >]).)*)<a.*? href="((?:(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?kongregate\.com)?\/games\/5thPlanetGames\/dawn-of-the-dragons(\?[^"]+))".*?<\/a>((?:(?!<\/?a[ >]).)*(?:<a.*? class="reply_link"[> ].*)?)$/i;
				var m = patt.exec(msg);

				if (m) {
                    var raid = SRDotDX.getRaidDetails(m[3], user);
                    if (raid) {
                        raid.ptext = m[1] ? m[1] : "";
                        raid.url = m[2].replace(/kv_&amp;/ig, '&amp;kv_');
                        raid.ntext = m[4] ? m[4] : "";
                        return raid;
                return null
            getPastebinLink: function (msg, user) {
                msg = msg.replace(/[\r\n]/g, '');
                var m = /^((?:(?!<a[ >]).)*)?http:\/\/pastebin\.com\/\w{8}((?:(?!<\/?a[ >]).)*(?:<a.*? class="reply_link"[> ].*)?)$/i.exec(msg);
                if (m) {
                    var pb = SRDotDX.getPasteDetails(/http:\/\/pastebin\.com\/\w{8}/i.exec(m[0]) + '', user);
                    if (typeof pb != 'undefined') {
                        pb.ptext = m[1] || '';
                        pb.ntext = m[2] || '';
                    return pb;
                else return null;
            getStatText: function (stat) {
                stat = stat.toLowerCase();
                var r = '';
                if (stat == '?' || stat == 'Unknown') return 'Unknown';
                if (stat.indexOf('s') > -1) r = 'Stamina';
                if (stat.indexOf('h') > -1) r += (r != '' ? (stat.indexOf('e') > -1 ? ', ' : ' and ') : '') + 'Honor';
                if (stat.indexOf('e') > -1) r += (r != '' ? ' and ' : '') + 'Energy';
                return r;
            getTimestamp: function () {
				var date = new Date();
                return '(' + ('0' + (new Date().getHours())).slice(-2) + ':' + ('0' + (new Date().getMinutes())).slice(-2) + ')';
            refreshRaidTab: function () {
                var el_out = document.getElementById('raid_list');
                var el_in1 = document.getElementById('mainRaidsFrame');
                var el_in2 = document.getElementById('topRaidPane');
       = (el_in1.offsetHeight - el_in2.offsetHeight - 8) + 'px';
            isFirefox: navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') > 0,
            gui: {
                setMessagesCount: function () {
                    var num = active_user.unreadWhispersCount() + active_user.unreadShoutsCount();
                    var ele = document.getElementById('profile_control_unread_message_count');
                    ele.innerHTML = num;
           = num == 0 ? 'none' : 'block';
                    setTimeout(SRDotDX.gui.setMessagesCount, 60000);
                gotoRoom: function (num) {
                    var numInt = parseInt(num);
                    if (isNaN(numInt) || numInt < 1 || numInt > 13) holodeck.chatWindow().activateRoomChooser();
                    else {
                        var roomObj = JSON.parse('{"type": "game", "xmpp_name": "138636-dawn-of-the-dragons-' + num + '", "name": "Dawn of the Dragons - Room #' + ('0' + num).slice(-2) + '", "id": "138636-dawn-of-the-dragons-' + num + '"}');
                httpCommand: function (url) {
                applySidebarUI: function (mode) { //-1:remove, 0:redraw, 1:create, 2:recreate
                    if(mode == -1 || mode == 2) {
                        if (mode == -1) SRDotDX.gui.chatResize(SRDotDX.config.chatSize), document.getElementsByClassName("links_connect")[0].setAttribute('colspan', '2');
                    if(mode > -1) {
                        var sbElemObj, sbElemTxt, i, il;
                        if(mode > 0) {
                            if (mode == 1) document.getElementsByClassName("links_connect")[0].setAttribute('colspan', '3');
                            if (!SRDotDX.config.sbRightSide) document.getElementById('chat_container').style.marginLeft = "0px";
                            SRDotDX.c('td').set({id: 'dotdx_sidebar', style: 'width: ' + (SRDotDX.config.sbSlim ? '40' : '70') + 'px'})
                                .html('<div id="dotdx_sidebar_container"' + (SRDotDX.config.sbSlim ? ' class="slim"' : '') + '></div>', true)
                                .attach('after', SRDotDX.config.sbRightSide ? 'chat_container_cell' : 'gameholder');
                        if(mode == 0) {
                            sbElemTxt = '[' + document.getElementById('options_sbConfig').value + ']';
                            sbElemObj = JSON.parse(sbElemTxt);
                            SRDotDX.config.sbConfig = sbElemObj;
                        else sbElemObj = SRDotDX.config.sbConfig;
                        var slim = SRDotDX.config.sbSlim ? " slim" : "";
                        var sLen = SRDotDX.config.sbSlim ? 0 : 1;
                        var stopper = parseInt((document.getElementById('gameholder').offsetHeight - 36) / 26);
                        var sName = [["Ely","Elyssa"],["Kas","Kasan"]];
                        var sidebarElemHtml = '<div id="serverButton" class="' + slim + '" onclick="SRDotDX.gui.switchServer()">' + sName[SRDotDX.config.serverMode - 1][sLen] + '</div>', sbCmd = "", sbCls = 'class="';
                        for(i = 0, il = sbElemObj.length; i < il; ++i) {
                            if (i == stopper) break;
                            if (typeof sbElemObj[i] == 'undefined' || sbElemObj[i] == null) {
                                sidebarElemHtml += '<div></div>'; continue
                            if(sbElemObj[i].type == 'jtxt') {
                                sidebarElemHtml += '<input id="sbJoinStr" onkeyup="SRDotDX.gui.updateFilterTxt(this.value)" class="dotdx_chat_filter' + slim + '" type="text" value=""><div class="'+slim+'"></div>';
                            if(sbElemObj[i].type == 'label') {
                                sidebarElemHtml += '<div class="label' + slim + '">';
                                if (SRDotDX.config.sbSlim) {
                                    if (typeof sbElemObj[i].sname == 'undefined') sidebarElemHtml += sbElemObj[i].name.substring(0, 4);
                                    else sidebarElemHtml += sbElemObj[i].sname;
                                else sidebarElemHtml += sbElemObj[i].name;
                                sidebarElemHtml += '</div>';
                            if(typeof sbElemObj[i].cmd != 'undefined') {
                                if (sbElemObj[i].cmd.charAt(0) == '/') sbCmd = 'SRDotDX.gui.chatCommand(\'' + sbElemObj[i].cmd + '\')';
                                else if (sbElemObj[i].cmd.indexOf('://') > 2) sbCmd = 'SRDotDX.gui.httpCommand(\'' + sbElemObj[i].cmd + '\')';
                                else sbCmd = sbElemObj[i].cmd.replace("'", "\'");
                            if(typeof sbElemObj[i].color != 'undefined') {
                                if (sbElemObj[i].color.charAt(0).toLowerCase() == 'b' && sbElemObj[i].color.toLowerCase() != 'black') sbCls += 'b';
                                else if (sbElemObj[i].color.charAt(0).toLowerCase() == 'g') sbCls += 'g';
                                else if (sbElemObj[i].color.charAt(0).toLowerCase() == 'r') sbCls += 'r';
                                else if (sbElemObj[i].color.charAt(0).toLowerCase() == 'y') sbCls += 'y';
                            sidebarElemHtml += '<button ' + sbCls + slim + '" ' + 'onclick="' + sbCmd + '">';
                            if(typeof sbElemObj[i].name == 'undefined') {
                                if (SRDotDX.config.sbSlim) sidebarElemHtml += 'Btn' + (i + 1);
                                else sidebarElemHtml += 'Button ' + (i + 1);
                            else {
                                if (SRDotDX.config.sbSlim)
                                    if (typeof sbElemObj[i].sname == 'undefined') sidebarElemHtml += sbElemObj[i].name.substring(0, 4);
                                    else sidebarElemHtml += sbElemObj[i].sname;
                                else sidebarElemHtml += sbElemObj[i].name
                            sidebarElemHtml += '</button>';
                            sbCmd = "";
                            sbCls = 'class="';
                        SRDotDX.c('#dotdx_sidebar_container').html(sidebarElemHtml, true);
                toggleSlimSB: function () {
                    if (SRDotDX.config.sbEnable) {
                restoreDefaultSB: function () {
                    document.getElementById('options_sbConfig').value = '{"type":"label","name":"Camps"},\n\
                    {"type":"btn","name":"GoC","cmd":"/camp goc"},\n\
                    {"type":"btn","name":"MaM","cmd":"/camp mam"},\n\
                    {"type":"btn","name":"GD","cmd":"/camp gd"},\n\
                    {"type":"btn","name":"Bella","cmd":"/raid bella"},\n\
                    {"type":"btn","name":"Xerk","cmd":"/raid xerkara"},\n\
                    {"type":"btn","name":"Tisi","cmd":"/raid tisi"},\n\
                    {"type":"btn","name":"Room 1","sname":"CR1","cmd":"SRDotDX.gui.gotoRoom(1)"},\n\
                    {"type":"btn","name":"Room 2","sname":"CR2","cmd":"SRDotDX.gui.gotoRoom(2)"},\n\
                    {"type":"btn","name":"Room 8","sname":"CR8","cmd":"SRDotDX.gui.gotoRoom(8)"},\n\
                hideWC: function (init) {
                    var offset;
                    if(init) offset = SRDotDX.config.hideWChat ? -265 : 0;
                    else {
                        offset = SRDotDX.config.hideWChat ? 265 : -265;
                        SRDotDX.config.hideWChat = !SRDotDX.config.hideWChat;
                        document.getElementById('hideWCtxt').innerHTML = SRDotDX.config.hideWChat ? 'Show World Chat' : 'Hide World Chat';
                    var gmWidth = document.getElementById('gameholder').offsetWidth + offset;
                    document.getElementById('gameholder').style.width = gmWidth + "px";
                    document.getElementById('game').style.width = gmWidth + "px";
                removeWC: function(rly) {
                    if(rly) {
                        SRDotDX.config.removeWChat = true;
                        var li = SRDotDX.c('#wcbutton').ele();
                        if(!SRDotDX.config.hideWChat) {
                            SRDotDX.config.hideWChat = true;
                    else {
                        SRDotDX.config.removeWChat = false;
                        SRDotDX.c('li').set({id: 'wcbutton', class: 'rate'}).html('<a id="hideWCtxt" class="spritegame" href="" onclick="SRDotDX.gui.hideWC(false); return false;">' + (SRDotDX.config.hideWChat ? 'Show World Chat' : 'Hide World Chat') + '</a>', false).attach('after', 'quicklinks_play_later_block');
                chatResize: function (chatSize) {
                    var size = chatSize || SRDotDX.config.chatSize;
                    SRDotDX.config.chatSize = size;
                    var gmWidth = document.getElementById('game').offsetWidth;
                    var gmHeight = document.getElementById('game').offsetHeight;
                    var sbWidth = SRDotDX.config.sbEnable ? (SRDotDX.config.sbSlim ? 40 : 70) : 0;
                    var hScroll = SRDotDX.config.hideScrollBar ? SRDotDX.gui.getScrollbarWidth() : 0;
                    var chatWidthInc = size - 300;
                    var chatCorr = chatWidthInc / 75 * 2;
                    var overallWidth = (292 + gmWidth + sbWidth + chatWidthInc) + "px";
                    document.getElementById('maingame').style.width = overallWidth;
                    document.getElementById('maingamecontent').style.width = overallWidth;
                    document.getElementById('flashframecontent').style.width = overallWidth;
                    document.getElementById('chat_container').style.width = size + "px";
                    document.getElementById('raid_list').style.width = 282 + hScroll + "px";
                    document.getElementById('raid_list').style.overflowY = hScroll ? 'scroll' : 'auto';
                    document.getElementById('chat_tab_pane').style.width = (size - 16) + "px";
                    document.getElementById('DotDX_chatResizeElems').innerHTML = '#kong_game_ui textarea.chat_input { width: ' + (size - 30) + 'px !important; }\
                                                                                #kong_game_ui div#chat_raids_overlay { width: ' + (size - 8) + 'px }\
                                                                                #kong_game_ui div#chat_raids_overlay > span { width: ' + (size - 18 - chatCorr) + 'px }\
                                                                                #kong_game_ui div.chat_message_window { height: ' + (gmHeight - 248) + 'px !important; width: ' + (size - 18 + hScroll) + 'px; overflow-y: ' + (hScroll ? 'scroll' : 'auto') + '; }\
                                                                                #kong_game_ui div#chat_rooms_container div.chat_tabpane.users_in_room, #kong_game_ui div#chat_rooms_container div#alliance_users { width: ' + (size - 22 + hScroll) + 'px }\
                                                                                div#dotdx_sidebar_container { height: ' + (gmHeight - 5) + 'px; ' + (SRDotDX.config.sbRightSide ? "text-align: left; padding-left: 1px; padding-right: 6px;" : "text-align: left; margin-left: 2px; padding-left: 6px") + ' }';
                helpBox: function(boxId, magId, raidId, mouseOut) {
                    var boxDiv = document.getElementById(boxId);
                    var magSpan = document.getElementById(magId);
					var i, il;
                    if(mouseOut) {
                        SRDotDX.gui.CurrentRaidsOutputTimer = setTimeout(function(){document.getElementById('chat_raids_overlay').className = "";}, 1500);
                        if(magSpan) {
                   = "0";
                            setTimeout(function(){ var m = document.getElementById(magId); if(m) m.innerHTML = ""; }, 100);
                    else {
                        var info = SRDotDX.config.raidList[raidId], msg = 'Unknown', mWidth = "0", raid;
                        if (typeof info !== 'object') msg = 'Raid not in db (removed?)';
                        else if (typeof SRDotDX.raids[info.boss] == 'undefined') {
                            msg = '<span style="font-size: 12px;">' + info.boss.capitalize().replace(/_/ig, ' ') + ' on ' + ['Normal', 'Hard', 'Legendary', 'Nightmare'][info.diff - 1] + '</span>';
                        else {
							if (typeof info.magic === 'string') parseInt(info.magic);
							if (typeof info.magic !== 'object') info.magic = [info.magic,0,0,0,0,0];
                            var magE = info.magic.reduce(function(a,b){return a+b;});
                            raid = SRDotDX.raids[info.boss];
                            var diff = info.diff - 1;
                            if (magE) {
                                var magI = "";
                                for (i = 0, il = raid.nd; i < il; ++i) magI += '<span class="magic" style="background-position: -' + info.magic[i] * 16 + 'px 0">&nbsp;</span>';
                                magSpan.innerHTML = magI;
                                mWidth = (raid.nd * 18 + 10) + "px";
                            msg = '<span style="font-size: 12px;">' + + ' on ' + ['Normal', 'Hard', 'Legendary', 'Nightmare'][diff] + '</span><br>';
                            msg += (raid.type === '' ? '' : raid.type + ' | ') + SRDotDX.raidSizes[raid.size].name + ' Raid';/* + (diff == 3 ? ' | AP' : '');*/
                            var size = raid.size < 15 ? 10 : raid.size;
                            var fs =[diff] / (raid.size == 101 ? 100 : raid.size);
                            if (typeof !== 'object') {
                                var epicRatio = SRDotDX.raidSizes[size].ratios;
                                if (size === 15) msg += '<br>fs:&thinsp;' + SRDotDX.util.getShortNum(fs) + ' | 65d:&thinsp;' + SRDotDX.util.getShortNum(fs * epicRatio[0]) + ' | 338d:&thinsp;' + SRDotDX.util.getShortNum(fs * epicRatio[9]) + ' | 375d:&thinsp;' + SRDotDX.util.getShortNum(fs * epicRatio[10]);
                                else msg += '<br>fs: ' + SRDotDX.util.getShortNum(fs) + ' | 1e: ' + SRDotDX.util.getShortNum(fs * epicRatio[0]) + ' | 2e: ' + SRDotDX.util.getShortNum(fs * epicRatio[2]) + ' | 2/3e: ' + SRDotDX.util.getShortNum(fs * epicRatio[3]);
                                //msg += '<br>2e: ' + epicRatio[2] + ' | 3e: ' + epicRatio[4] + ' | fs: ' + fs;
                            else if (typeof === 'object') {
								if([0] !== 'u') {
									var ele = SRDotDX.lootTiers[[diff]];
									var step = SRDotDX.config.chatSize === 450 ? 6 : (SRDotDX.config.chatSize === 375 ? 5 : 4);
									var steplow = step - 1;
									var tiers = ele['tiers'];
									var epics = ele['epics'];
									var best = ele['best'];
									var e = ele['e'] ? 'E' : '';
									var text = '</table>';
									var tier;
									for(i = tiers.length-1, il = -1; i > il; --i) {
										tier = (i % step == steplow ? '</td></tr><tr><td>' : '</td><td>' ) + SRDotDX.util.getShortNum(epics[i], 2) + e + ':</td><td ' + (i === best ? 'class="best"' : '') + '>' + SRDotDX.util.getShortNumMil(tiers[i]);
										text = tier + text;
									msg += '<table><tr><td>FS:</td><td>' + SRDotDX.util.getShortNum(fs) + text;
								else msg += '<br>FS: &nbsp;&nbsp;&thinsp;' + SRDotDX.util.getShortNum(fs) + ' | Tiers not yet known.';
                            else {
                        if(magE) = mWidth;
                        document.getElementById(boxId + '_text').innerHTML = msg;
                        if(!(boxDiv.className.indexOf('active') > 0)) boxDiv.className = "active";
                displayHint: function (hint) {
                    var helpEl = document.getElementById('helpBox');
                    if(hint) {
                        helpEl.children[0].innerHTML = hint;
               = '50px';
               = '1px';
                    else {
               = '0';
               = '0';
                refreshRaidList: function () {
                    document.getElementById('raid_list').innerHTML = "";
                    for(var i = 0, il = SRDotDX.gui.joinRaidList.length; i < il; ++i) SRDotDX.gui.addRaid(SRDotDX.gui.joinRaidList[i]);
                diffTxt: [['DotDX_U','U'],['DotDX_N','N'],['DotDX_H','H'],['DotDX_L','L'],['DotDX_NM','NM'],['DotDX_NM','NM'],['DotDX_NM','NM']],
                addRaid: function (id) {
                    var r = typeof id === 'string' || typeof id === 'number' ? SRDotDX.config.raidList[id] : id;
                    var a = document.getElementById('raid_list');
                    if (r.boss) {
                        if (a !== null) {
                            var rd = typeof SRDotDX.raids[r.boss] != 'object' ? {shortname: r.boss.capitalize().replace(/_/ig, ' '), duration: 24} : SRDotDX.raids[r.boss];
                            var url = '' + r.diff + '&kv_hash=' + r.hash + '&kv_raid_boss=' + r.boss + '&kv_raid_id=' + + '&kv_serverid=' + r.sid;
                            var hpr = (r.hp * 100).toPrecision(3), fCls = "";
                            var tlp = ((r.expTime - parseInt(new Date().getTime()/1000)) / (36 * rd.duration)).toPrecision(3);
                            var delta = hpr - tlp;
                            if (delta > 0) {
                                if (delta < 15) fCls = " failings";
                                else if (delta < 30) fCls = " failingm";
                                else fCls = " failingh";
                            var lii = SRDotDX.c('div').set({
                                class: 'raid_list_item ' + this.diffTxt[r.diff][0] + (r.visited ? ' DotDX_visitedRaidList' : ''),// + (r.nuked ? ' DotDX_nukedRaidList' : ''),
                                id: 'DotDX_' +,
                            }).html(' \
						    <span class="DotDX_List_diff ' + this.diffTxt[r.diff][0] + '">' + this.diffTxt[r.diff][1] + '</span> \
							<a class="DotDX_RaidLink" href="' + url + '">' + rd.shortname + '</a> \
                            <span class="DotDX_RaidListVisited">' + (r.visited ? '&#9733;' : '') + (r.isFull ? ' !' : '') + '</span> \
                            '+ //<a class="dotdxRaidListDelete" href="#">DEL</a>\
                            '<span class="DotDX_extInfo' + fCls + '">h|t: ' + hpr.slice(0,4) + '|' + tlp.slice(0,4) + ' %</span>\
						    ', true);
                            lii.attach('to', a);
                    else SRDotDX.gui.deleteRaidFromDB(id);
                toggleRaidListDesc: function (el, mode) {
                    if(mode) {
                        el.timerin = setTimeout(function(){ = "block";}, 500)
                    else {
                        el.timerout = setTimeout(function (){ = "none";}, 50)
                    return false;
                errorMessage: function (s, tag) {
                    tag = typeof tag === 'undefined' ? 'b' : tag;
                    SRDotDX.gui.doStatusOutput('<' + tag + '>' + s + '</' + tag + '>')
                updateMessage: function () { SRDotDX.gui.doStatusOutput(SRDotDX.gui.standardMessage(), false, true) },
                postingMessage: function (i, ct) { SRDotDX.gui.doStatusOutput('Posting message ' + i + (typeof ct == 'undefined' ? '' : ' of ' + ct + '...'), false) },
                standardMessage: function () { return  Object.keys(SRDotDX.config.raidList).length + ' raids in db, ' + SRDotDX.gui.joinRaidList.length + ' selected to join'; },
                CurrentStatusOutputTimer: 0,
                doStatusOutput: function (str, msecs, showInChat) {
                    showInChat = showInChat === undefined ? true : showInChat;
                    msecs = msecs || 4000;
					var rel = document.getElementById('StatusOutput');
					var cel = document.getElementById('dotdx_chat_overlay');
					if(rel !== null) rel.innerHTML = str;
                    if(showInChat && cel !== null) cel.innerHTML = str;
                    if(msecs) {
                        if (SRDotDX.gui.CurrentStatusOutputTimer) clearTimeout(SRDotDX.gui.CurrentStatusOutputTimer);
                        SRDotDX.gui.CurrentStatusOutputTimer = setTimeout(function () {
							var rel = document.getElementById('StatusOutput');
							var cel = document.getElementById('dotdx_chat_overlay');
                            if(rel !== null) rel.innerHTML = SRDotDX.gui.standardMessage();
                            if(cel !== null) cel.innerHTML = SRDotDX.gui.standardMessage();
                        }, msecs);
                toggleDisplay: function (elem, sender, el2) {
                    if (typeof elem == 'undefined') return;
                    var el = document.getElementById(elem);
                    var alls = document.getElementsByName(sender.getAttribute('name'));
                    if (alls.length > 0) {
                        for (var i = 0; i < alls.length; i++) {
                            if (alls[i].nodeName == 'P') alls[i].getElementsByTagName('span')[0].innerHTML = '+';
                            else alls[i].style.display = 'none';
               = 'block';
                        sender.getElementsByTagName('span')[0].innerHTML = '&minus;';
                    else {
                        if ( == 'none') {
                   = 'block';
                            sender.getElementsByTagName('span')[0].innerHTML = '&minus;';
                        else {
                   = 'none';
                            sender.getElementsByTagName('span')[0].innerHTML = '+';
                    if (typeof el2 == 'string') {
                        switch (el2) {
                            case 'raid_list': SRDotDX.refreshRaidTab(); break;
                            case 'share_list': document.getElementById('DotDX_raidsToSpam').style.height = ( 526 - document.getElementById('FPXShare').offsetHeight - document.getElementById('FPXImport').offsetHeight ) + "px";
                Importing: false,
                deleteRaid: function(ele) {
                    var id = ele.getAttribute('raidid');
					if(!SRDotDX.gui.joining) SRDotDX.gui.refreshRaidList();
                deleteRaidFromDB: function(id) {
                    var p = document.getElementsByClassName('DotDX_raidId_'+id);
                    for (var c = 0, cc = p.length; c < cc; ++c) if (p[c]) p[c].parentNode.removeChild(p[c]);
                    if(SRDotDX.config.raidList[id]) delete SRDotDX.config.raidList[id];
                FPXdeleteAllRaids: function() {
                    if (!SRDotDX.config.confirmDeletes || confirm('This will delete all ' + SRDotDX.config.raidList.length + ' raids stored. Continue? \n (This message can be disabled on the options tab.)')) {
                        for(var id in SRDotDX.config.raidList) if(SRDotDX.config.raidList[id]) delete SRDotDX.config.raidList[id];
                        var raidlistDIV = document.getElementById('raid_list');
                        while (raidlistDIV.hasChildNodes()) raidlistDIV.removeChild(raidlistDIV.lastChild);
                        console.log('[SRDotDX] Delete all raids finished.');
                chatCommand: function (text) {
                    var elems = document.getElementsByClassName('chat_input');
                    var txt = [], i = elems.length;
                    while (i--) { txt[i] = elems[i].value; elems[i].value = text;  }
                    i = txt.length;
                    while (i--) elems[i].value = txt[i];
                sendChatMsg: function (msg, whisper) {
                    if (whisper && whisper != '') msg = '/w ' + whisper + ' ' + msg;
					if (SRDotDX.alliance.isActive) {
					var elems = document.getElementsByClassName('chat_input');
                    var txt = [], i = elems.length;
                    while (i--) { txt[i] = elems[i].value; elems[i].value = msg; }
                    i = txt.length;
                    while (i--) elems[i].value = txt[i];
                FPXformatRaidOutput: function (url) {
                    var pre = ''; //user && room ? '['+room+'|'+user+'] ' : '';
                    if (!SRDotDX.config.formatLinkOutput) return pre + url;
                    var r = SRDotDX.getRaidDetailsBase(url);
                    return pre + r.shortname + ' ' + r.diffShortText + ' ' + url;
                isPosting: false,
                FPXTimerArray: [],
                FPXStopPosting: function () {
                    console.log('[DotDX] Spamming raids to chat... [cancelled]');
                    SRDotDX.util.extEcho('Raid posting cancelled');
                endSpammingRaids: function () {
                    for(var i = 0, il = SRDotDX.gui.FPXTimerArray.length; i < il; ++i) clearTimeout(SRDotDX.gui.FPXTimerArray[i]);
                    SRDotDX.gui.isPosting = false;
                    document.getElementById('PostRaidsButton').value = 'Post';
                    document.getElementById('dotdx_share_post_button').value = 'Post Links to Chat';
                    document.getElementById('dotdx_share_post_button').value = 'Friend Share links';
                    SRDotDX.gui.doStatusOutput('Posting raids finished');
                    SRDotDX.gui.FPXTimerArray = [];
                prepareSpammingRaids: function () {
                    SRDotDX.gui.isPosting = true;
                    document.getElementById('PostRaidsButton').value = 'Cancel';
                    document.getElementById('dotdx_share_post_button').value = 'Cancel';
                    document.getElementById('dotdx_friend_post_button').value = 'Cancel';
                    SRDotDX.gui.doStatusOutput('Posting raids started', false);
                spamRaidsToFriends: function () {
                    var userList = [[],[],[],[],[]], keys = Object.keys(SRDotDX.config.friendUsers);
                    for(var k = 0, kl = keys.length; k < kl; ++k) for(var i = 0; i < 5; ++i) if(SRDotDX.config.friendUsers[keys[k]][i]) userList[i].push(keys[k]);
                    console.log('[DotDX] Spamming raids to friends... [started]');
                    var linkList = document.getElementById('DotDX_raidsToSpam').value;
                    if(linkList.length > 100) {
                        document.getElementById('DotDX_raidsToSpam').value = '';
                        var patt = new RegExp('[\\w\\s\\d_=&]+[^,]', 'ig');
                        var link, ct = 0, sel = 4, r, rs;
                        i = 0;
                        var timer = 500, ttw = 3050;
                        while ((link = patt.exec(linkList)) && SRDotDX.gui.isPosting) {
                            link = typeof link !== "string" ? link[0] : link;
                            r = SRDotDX.util.getRaidFromUrl(link);
                            rs = SRDotDX.raids[r.boss].size;
                            if (r.boss === 'serpina') sel = 0;
                            else if (rs < 26) sel = 1;
                            else if (rs === 50) sel = 2;
                            else if (rs === 100) sel = 3;
                            if(userList[sel].length > 0) {
                                for(var u = 0, ul = userList[sel].length; u < ul; ++u) {
                                    (function (p1, p2) {
                                        return SRDotDX.gui.FPXTimerArray[i] = setTimeout(function () {
                                            if (!SRDotDX.gui.isPosting) return;
                                            SRDotDX.gui.sendChatMsg(SRDotDX.gui.FPXformatRaidOutput(p1), p2);
                                            SRDotDX.gui.postingMessage(ct, i);
                                        }, timer);
                                    })(link, userList[sel][u]);
                                    timer += ttw;
                    SRDotDX.gui.FPXTimerArray[SRDotDX.gui.FPXTimerArray.length] = setTimeout(function () {
                        console.log('[DotDX] Spamming raids to friends... [stopped]');
                    }, timer);
                FPXspamRaids: function () {
                    console.log('[DotDX] Spamming raids to chat... [started]');
					var linkList = document.getElementById('DotDX_raidsToSpam').value;
					if (linkList.length > 100) {
						document.getElementById('DotDX_raidsToSpam').value = '';
						var patt = new RegExp('[\\w\\s\\d_=&]+[^,]', 'ig');
						var link, ct = 0, i = 0;
						var timer = 500, ttw = 1500;
						var total = linkList.split(patt).length - 1;
						while ((link = patt.exec(linkList)) && SRDotDX.gui.isPosting) {
							(function (p1) {
								return SRDotDX.gui.FPXTimerArray[i] = setTimeout(function () {
									if (!SRDotDX.gui.isPosting) return;
									SRDotDX.gui.sendChatMsg(SRDotDX.gui.FPXformatRaidOutput(p1), SRDotDX.config.whisperTo);
									SRDotDX.gui.postingMessage(ct, total);
								}, timer);
							timer += ttw;
					SRDotDX.gui.FPXTimerArray[SRDotDX.gui.FPXTimerArray.length] = setTimeout(function() {
						console.log('[DotDX] Spamming raids to chat... [stopped]');
					}, timer);
                quickImportAndJoin: function(joinStr, imp) {
                    SRDotDX.gui.updateFilterTxt(joinStr, false, true);
                    SRDotDX.request.quickBtnLock = false;
                    if(imp) {
						SRDotDX.request.joinAfterImport = true;
                    else SRDotDX.gui.joinSelectedRaids();
                importFromServer: function () {
                    var h = Math.ceil(((new Date).getTime() - SRDotDX.config.lastImported) / 3600000);
                    SRDotDX.util.extEcho('Importing raids from server');
                    SRDotDX.request.raids(false, h);
                sortRaids: function () {
                    var raidArray = [], i, sortFunc;
                    var selectedSort = document.getElementById('FPXRaidSortSelection').value;
                    var selectedDir = document.getElementById('FPXRaidSortDirection').value;
                    var raidlistDIV = document.getElementById('raid_list');
                    var raidList = raidlistDIV.childNodes;
                    console.log('[SRDotDX] Sorting started ' + selectedSort + ' : ' + selectedDir);
                    i = raidList.length;
                    while (i--) raidArray.push(SRDotDX.config.raidList[raidList[i].getAttribute('raidid')]);
                    switch (selectedSort) {
                        case 'Id':
                            if (selectedDir == 'asc') sortFunc = function (a, b) {
                                if (!(typeof === 'undefined' || typeof === 'undefined') && > return -1;
                                return 1;
                            else sortFunc = function (a, b) {
                                if (!(typeof === 'undefined' || typeof === 'undefined') && < return -1;
                                return 1;
                        case 'Time':
                            if (selectedDir == 'asc') sortFunc = function (a, b) {
                                if (!(typeof a.timeStamp === 'undefined' || typeof b.timeStamp === 'undefined') && a.timeStamp > b.timeStamp) return -1;
                                return 1;
                            else sortFunc = function (a, b) {
                                if (!(typeof a.timeStamp === 'undefined' || typeof b.timeStamp === 'undefined') && a.timeStamp < b.timeStamp) return -1;
                                return 1;
                        case 'Name':
                            if (selectedDir == 'asc') sortFunc = function (a, b) {
                                a = SRDotDX.raids[a.boss];
                                b = SRDotDX.raids[b.boss];
                                //console.log(a + ' : ' + b + ' : ' + (typeof a === 'undefined') + ' : ' + (typeof b === 'undefined'));
                                if (!(typeof a === 'undefined' || typeof b === 'undefined') && > return -1;
                                return 1;
                            else sortFunc = function (a, b) {
                                a = SRDotDX.raids[a.boss];
                                b = SRDotDX.raids[b.boss];
                                if (!(typeof a === 'undefined' || typeof b === 'undefined') && < return -1;
                                return 1;
                        case 'Diff':
                            if (selectedDir == 'asc') sortFunc = function (a, b) {
                                if (a.diff > b.diff) return -1;
                                return 1
                            else sortFunc = function (a, b) {
                                if (a.diff < b.diff) return -1;
                                return 1
                    try {
                    catch (e) {
                        console.log('[SRDotDX] Sorting error: ' + e);
                    raidlistDIV = document.getElementById('raid_list');
                    if(raidlistDIV !== null) while(raidlistDIV.hasChildNodes()) raidlistDIV.removeChild(raidlistDIV.lastChild);
                    i = raidArray.length;
                    while (i--) SRDotDX.gui.addRaid(raidArray[i]);
                    console.log('[SRDotDX] Sorting finished');
                joinRaidList: [],
                postRaidList: [],
                updateFilterTimeout: 0,
                filterSearchStringC: "",
                filterSearchStringR: "",
                updateFilterContext: true,
                includeDiff: function(str, dv) {
                    var diff = isNaN(parseInt(dv)) ? ({'n': 1, 'h': 2, 'l': 3, 'nm': 4, 'nnm': 0})[dv] || 5 : parseInt(dv);
                    var out = "";
                    var string = str.toString();
                    switch(diff) {
                        case 0: out = string.replace(/,|$/g, '_1,') + string.replace(/,|$/g, '_4,'); break;
                        case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: out = string.replace(/,|$/g, '_' + diff + ','); break;
                        default: for(var i = 1; i < 5; ++i) out += string.replace(/,|$/g, '_' + i + ','); break;
                    return out.slice(0, -1);
                updateFilterTxt: function(txt, fromRT, quick) {
                    var foundRaids = [], field, rf, i, il;
                    if(txt !== "") {
                        var searchArray = txt.split(/\s?\|\s?|\sor\s|\s?,\s?/ig);
						var keys = Object.keys(SRDotDX.raids);
                        for(i = 0, il = searchArray.length; i < il; ++i) {
                            field = searchArray[i].toLowerCase().split(':');
                            if (field[0] !== "") {
                                if(typeof SRDotDX.searchPatterns[field[0]] !== 'undefined') foundRaids.push(this.includeDiff(SRDotDX.searchPatterns[field[0]], field[1]));
                                else if(typeof SRDotDX.raids[field[0]] !== 'undefined') foundRaids.push(this.includeDiff(field[0], field[1]));
                                else {
                                    for(var k = 0, kl = keys.length; k < kl; ++k) {
                                            rf = (SRDotDX.raids[keys[k]].name + ':' + SRDotDX.raids[keys[k]].shortname + ':' + SRDotDX.raids[keys[k]].type).toLowerCase();
                                            if (rf.indexOf(field[0]) >= 0) foundRaids.push(this.includeDiff(keys[k], field[1]));
                    var finalSearchString = foundRaids.length === 0 ? (txt !== "" ? "BREAK" : "" ) : "," + foundRaids.toString() + ",";
                    if(fromRT) {
                        SRDotDX.config.lastFilter[SRDotDX.config.serverMode - 1] = txt;
                        SRDotDX.config.filterSearchStringR = finalSearchString;
                    else if(quick) SRDotDX.request.filterSearchStringT = finalSearchString;
                    else {
                        var filterInputs = document.getElementsByClassName('dotdx_chat_filter');
                        for (i = 0, il = filterInputs.length; i < il; ++i) if(filterInputs[i].value !== txt) filterInputs[i].value = txt;
                        SRDotDX.config.chatFilterString = txt;
                        SRDotDX.config.filterSearchStringC = finalSearchString;
                    if(quick) {
                    else this.updateFilterTimeout = setTimeout(function(){SRDotDX.gui.selectRaidsToJoin();}, 300);
                selectRaidsToJoin: function(from) {
                    if(SRDotDX.request.quickBtnLock) {
                        if(!SRDotDX.gui.joining) SRDotDX.gui.joinRaidList.length = 0;
                        SRDotDX.gui.updateFilterContext = document.getElementById('chat_tab').firstChild.className === 'active';
                        var searchString = from && from === 'quick' ? SRDotDX.request.filterSearchStringT : (SRDotDX.gui.updateFilterContext && SRDotDX.config.chatFilterString !== "" ? SRDotDX.config.filterSearchStringC : SRDotDX.config.filterSearchStringR);
                        var r, filter = SRDotDX.c('#DotDX_filters').ele().innerHTML, server = SRDotDX.config.serverMode, keys = Object.keys(SRDotDX.config.raidList);
                        if (searchString !== "BREAK") {
							for (var k = 0, kl = keys.length; k < kl; ++k) {
								r = SRDotDX.config.raidList[keys[k]];
								if (SRDotDX.config.fltShowAll || (r.sid === server &&
									((!SRDotDX.config.fltExclFull || !r.isFull) && (SRDotDX.config.fltIncVis || !r.visited)) &&
									filter.indexOf('fltList_' + r.boss + '_' + (r.diff - 1)) < 0 &&
									(searchString === "" || searchString.indexOf("," + r.boss + "_" + r.diff + ",") >= 0) ))
                        if (!SRDotDX.gui.joining) {
                pushRaidToJoinQueue: function(id) {
                    var searchString = SRDotDX.gui.updateFilterContext && SRDotDX.config.chatFilterString !== "" ? SRDotDX.config.filterSearchStringC : SRDotDX.config.filterSearchStringR;
                    var r, filter = SRDotDX.c('#DotDX_filters').ele().innerHTML;
                    r = SRDotDX.config.raidList[id];
                    if(typeof r === 'object') {
                        if (SRDotDX.config.fltShowAll || (r.sid === SRDotDX.config.serverMode &&
                            ((!SRDotDX.config.fltExclFull || !r.isFull) && (SRDotDX.config.fltIncVis || !r.visited)) &&
                            filter.indexOf('fltList_' + r.boss + '_' + (r.diff - 1)) < 0 &&
                            (searchString == "" || searchString.indexOf("," + r.boss + "_" + r.diff + ",") >= 0) ))
                joining: false,
                joinRaidIndex: 0,
                joinRaidComplete: 0,
                joinRaidSuccessful: 0,
                joinRaidDead: 0,
                joinRaidInvalid: 0,
                joinSelectedRaids: function(fromChat) {
                    if (!this.joining) {
                        this.joining = true;
                        this.joinRaidIndex = 0;
                        this.joinRaidComplete = 0;
                        this.joinRaidSuccessful = 0;
                        this.joinRaidDead = 0;
                        this.joinRaidInvalid = 0;
                        if (SRDotDX.gui.joinRaidList.length == 0) {
                        SRDotDX.c("#AutoJoinVisibleButton").ele().value = 'Cancel';
                        SRDotDX.c("#AutoImpJoinVisibleButton").ele().value = 'Cancel';
                        console.log('[DotDX] Joining ' + SRDotDX.gui.joinRaidList.length + ' raids');
                        while(SRDotDX.gui.joinRaidIndex < Math.min(20, SRDotDX.gui.joinRaidList.length))
                    else if(!fromChat) this.joinFinish();
                joinFinish: function(recalc) {
                    this.joining = false;
                    SRDotDX.request.quickBtnLock = true;
                    SRDotDX.c("#AutoJoinVisibleButton").ele().value = 'Join';
                    SRDotDX.c("#AutoImpJoinVisibleButton").ele().value = 'Import & Join';
                    if (recalc) this.selectRaidsToJoin('joining finish');
                refreshFriends: function() {
                    var content = "", ff, i, il, f = false, friend;
                    var parentDiv = SRDotDX.c('#FPXfsOptions');
					var friends = Object.keys(SRDotDX.config.friendUsers);
                    parentDiv.html('<span class="generic">User</span><span class="share">Srp</span><span class="share">Sml</span><span class="share">Med</span><span class="share">Lrg</span><span class="share" style="margin-right: 27px">Oth</span><hr style="width: 270px; margin: 3px auto 4px; border: 0; height: 1px; background-color: #999;">', true);
                    for(i = 0, il = friends.length; i < il; ++i) {
                            content += (f ? '<br>' : '') + '<span class="generic">' + friends[i] + '</span>' +
                            '<input type="checkbox" id="fs:' + friends[i] + ':0' + '"/><label for="fs:' + friends[i] + ':0' + '"></label>' +
                            '<input type="checkbox" id="fs:' + friends[i] + ':1' + '"/><label for="fs:' + friends[i] + ':1' + '"></label>' +
                            '<input type="checkbox" id="fs:' + friends[i] + ':2' + '"/><label for="fs:' + friends[i] + ':2' + '"></label>' +
                            '<input type="checkbox" id="fs:' + friends[i] + ':3' + '"/><label for="fs:' + friends[i] + ':3' + '"></label>' +
                            '<input type="checkbox" id="fs:' + friends[i] + ':4' + '"/><label for="fs:' + friends[i] + ':4' + '"></label>';
                            f = true;
                    parentDiv.html('<div style="overflow-y: scroll; width: 277px; height: 414px">' + content + '</div>', false);
					for(i = 0, il = friends.length; i < il; ++i) {
						ff = SRDotDX.config.friendUsers[friends[i]];
						SRDotDX.c('#fs:' + friends[i] + ':' + 0).on('click',SRDotDX.gui.fsEleClick).ele().checked = ff[0];
						SRDotDX.c('#fs:' + friends[i] + ':' + 1).on('click',SRDotDX.gui.fsEleClick).ele().checked = ff[1];
						SRDotDX.c('#fs:' + friends[i] + ':' + 2).on('click',SRDotDX.gui.fsEleClick).ele().checked = ff[2];
						SRDotDX.c('#fs:' + friends[i] + ':' + 3).on('click',SRDotDX.gui.fsEleClick).ele().checked = ff[3];
						SRDotDX.c('#fs:' + friends[i] + ':' + 4).on('click',SRDotDX.gui.fsEleClick).ele().checked = ff[4];
                            /*for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) SRDotDX.c('#fs:' + friends[i] + ':' + i).on('click', function (e) {
                            }).ele().checked = ff[i];*/
                DeleteRaids: function() {
                    if(!this.joining) {
                        console.log('[DotDX] Erasing visible raids ...');
                        var rn = SRDotDX.gui.joinRaidList.length;
                        if(rn > 0 && (!SRDotDX.config.confirmDeletes || confirm('This will delete ' + rn + ' raids. Continue? \n (This message can be disabled on the options tab.)'))) {
                            for(var i = 0; i < rn; ++i) SRDotDX.gui.deleteRaidFromDB(SRDotDX.gui.joinRaidList[i].id);
                            SRDotDX.gui.doStatusOutput(i + ' raids deleted');
                            console.log('[DotDX] Erasing complete');
                GetDumpText: function() {
                    var dumptext = "";
                    var pre = "";
                    var raid;
                    for(var i = 0, il = SRDotDX.gui.joinRaidList.length; i < il; ++i) {
                        raid = SRDotDX.gui.joinRaidList[i];
                        dumptext += pre + '&kv_raid_id=' + + '&kv_difficulty=' + raid.diff + '&kv_raid_boss=' + raid.boss + '&kv_hash=' + raid.hash + '&kv_serverid=' + raid.sid + ', ';
                    return dumptext;
                RaidAction: function(f) {
                    switch(f) {
                        case 'share':
                        case 'post':
                            if (SRDotDX.gui.isPosting) SRDotDX.gui.FPXStopPosting();
                            else { SRDotDX.gui.DumpRaidsToShare(); SRDotDX.gui.FPXspamRaids(); }
                        case 'post_share':
                            if (SRDotDX.gui.isPosting) SRDotDX.gui.FPXStopPosting();
                            else SRDotDX.gui.FPXspamRaids();
                        case 'post_friend':
                            if (SRDotDX.gui.isPosting) SRDotDX.gui.FPXStopPosting();
                            else SRDotDX.gui.spamRaidsToFriends();
                        case 'delete':
                DumpRaidsToShare: function(b) {
                    document.getElementById('DotDX_raidsToSpam').value = SRDotDX.gui.GetDumpText();
                    SRDotDX.gui.doStatusOutput('Copied ' + SRDotDX.gui.joinRaidList.length + ' raid links to share tab.');
                    console.log('[DotDX] Dumped ' + SRDotDX.gui.joinRaidList.length + ' to share');
                    if(b) {
                        var e = document.getElementById('lots_tab_pane').getElementsByTagName('li');
                        var i = e.length;
                        while (i--) if (e[i].getAttribute('class').indexOf('active') > -1) e[i].className = e[i].className.replace(/ active$/g, '');
                        (document.getElementById('FPXShareTab').parentNode).className += ' active';
                BeginDeletingExpiredUnvisitedRaids: function() {
                    setInterval(SRDotDX.gui.cleanRaidsDB, 600000)
                cleanRaidsDB: function() {
                    var now = parseInt(new Date().getTime()/1000);
                    var r, st, cnt = 0, keys = Object.keys(SRDotDX.config.raidList);
                    for(var k = 0, kl = keys.length; k < kl; ++k) {
						r = SRDotDX.config.raidList[keys[k]];
						st = SRDotDX.raids[r.boss] !== undefined ? SRDotDX.raids[r.boss].stat : "S";
						if(st === "H" && (now-r.timeStamp)/3600 > 8) {
						else if(st !== "H" && (now >= r.expTime || ( && (now-r.timeStamp)/3600 > 3))) {

					var chat = document.getElementsByClassName('chat_message_window'), p, pe, i;
					for(var c = 0, cl = chat.length; c < cl; ++c) {
						p = chat[c].getElementsByTagName('div'); i = 0;
						while(pe = p[i++]) if(pe.empty()) pe.parentNode.removeChild(pe);

                    if(cnt > 0) {
                        SRDotDX.gui.doStatusOutput(cnt + ' expired raids removed from db.');
                        console.log('[DotDX] Number of expired raids removed: ' + cnt);
                switchBot: function() {
                    //console.log('[SRDotDX] Bot button clicked');
                    var chkBot = document.getElementById('SRDotDX_options_hideBotLinks');
                    chkBot.checked = !SRDotDX.config.hideBotLinks;
                    SRDotDX.config.hideBotLinks = chkBot.checked;
                    SRDotDX.c('#SRDotDX_botClass').html('.bot {display: ' + (chkBot.checked ? 'none !important' : 'block') + '}', true);
                    setTimeout(SRDotDX.gui.scrollChat, 50, true);
                scrollChat: function(force) {
					force = force || false;
					var c = null;
					if (SRDotDX.alliance.isActive) c = document.getElementById('alliance_chat_window');
					else {
						var els = document.getElementById('chat_rooms_container').children;
						var i = SRDotDX.util.getChatNumber();
						if (els[i]) c = els[i].getElementsByClassName('chat_message_window')[0];
					if (c&&(c.scrollHeight - c.scrollTop - c.offsetHeight < 400 || force)) c.scrollTop = c.scrollHeight - c.offsetHeight;
                getScrollbarWidth: function() {
                    var scrollDiv = SRDotDX.c('div').set({id: "DotDX_scrollMeasure", style: "width:100px;height:100px;overflow:scroll;position:absolute;top:-9999px;"}).attach('to', document.body).ele();
                    var scrollbarWidth = scrollDiv.offsetWidth - scrollDiv.clientWidth;
                    return scrollbarWidth;
                applyFontSize: function(num) {
                    var n = typeof num === 'number' ? num : SRDotDX.config.fontNum, s1, s2, mod = '';
                    //console.log("[DotDX] apply font size with id: " + n);
                    SRDotDX.config.fontNum = n;
                    switch(n) {
                        case 1: s1 = 12; s2 = 10; mod = '; vertical-align: top;'; break;
                        case 2: s1 = 10; s2 = 8; break;
                        default: s1 = 11; s2 = 9; break;
					#kong_game_ui div.chat_message_window p span.message, #kong_game_ui div.chat_message_window p span.separator, #kong_game_ui div.chat_message_window p span.username {font-size: ' + s1 + 'px}\
					#kong_game_ui div.chat_message_window p, #kong_game_ui div.chat_message_window p span.timestamp {font-size: ' + s2 + 'px' + mod + '}\
					', true);
                applyTabs: function() {
                    document.getElementById('lots_tab').firstChild.innerHTML = SRDotDX.config.dotdxTabName;
                    var elems = ["#DotDX_Dummy"];
                    if(SRDotDX.config.hideGameTab) elems.push("#kong_game_ui li#game_tab");
                    if(SRDotDX.config.hideAccTab) elems.push("#kong_game_ui li#accomplishments_tab");
                    SRDotDX.c('#DotDX_tabs').html(elems.join(", ") + ' { display: none !important }', true);
                applyTheme: function(num) {
                    var n = typeof num == 'number' ? num : SRDotDX.config.themeNum;
                    //console.log("[DotDX] apply theme with id: " + n);
                    var c, check, radio;
                    SRDotDX.config.themeNum = n;
                    switch(n) {
                        case 1:
                            check = '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';
                            radio = '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';
                            c = ['#333', '#ddd', '#404040', '#fff', '#792c2c', '#333', '#101010', '0 0 5px #202020', '#333', '0 0 10px #000',
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                                '', 'top,#303030,#406785', '', '', '', 'top,#303030,#306638', '', '', '', 'top,#303030,#693434',
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                                '', 'top,#2a2a2a,#426B44', '0 0 6px #111', '', 'top,#2a2a2a,#40668d', '0 0 6px #111', '', 'top,#2a2a2a,#612525', '#e0e0e0', '#101010',
                                '0 0 5px #000', '0 0 8px #101010', 'top,#303030,#723434', 'top,#202020,#4d2424', '#eee', '0 0 4px #000', '#e0e0e0', '#888', 'top,#444,#555', '#eee',
                                '#000', '0 0 5px #000', '0 0 6px #111', 'left,#303030,#303030', '', '#aaa', '#000', '0 0 5px #000', 'top,#444,#444', '#606060',
                                '#101010', '#e5e5e5', '#f5f5f5', '0 0 6px #c0c0c0', '#eee', '#d83737', '0 0 3px #000', 'top,#404040,#556d52', 'top,#404040,#746c56', 'top,#404040,#664040',
                                'top,#404040,#604c70', '#00bb00', '#dbb32e', '#d13c3c', '#d16ad1', '#eee', '0 0 6px #000', '#101010', '0 0 5px #000', 'top,#2a2a2a,#3a3a3a',
                                '#777', '#e0e0e0', '0 0 5px #000', '#f0f0f0', '0 0 8px #000', '#e0e0e0', '0 0 5px #000', '#000', '#3a3a3a', '#303030',
                                '#000', '#202020', '', '#552727', '#686868', '#303030', '#c0c0c0', '', '#111', '#222',
                                '#e0e0e0', '#fff', '0 0 6px #999', '#ffda8e', '#ff8080', '#ff4040', '#ccc', '#2a2a2a', '0,0,0,0.4', '0,0,0,0.2',
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                } \
                ', true); },
                createFilterTab: function () {
                    var sm = SRDotDX.config.serverMode - 1;
					var rdObj = Object.keys(SRDotDX.raids);
                    var i, il, raid, parentTableId = '', parentTable = '', cb;
                    var sectionID = ['Guild','Special','Small','Medium','Large','Epic','Colossal','Gigantic'];
                    for(i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
						document.getElementById('FPXRaidFilterWhat' + sectionID[i]).innerHTML = '<div><div>Raid name</div><div>N</div><div>H</div><div>L</div><div>NM</div><div>All</div></div>';
                    for(i = 0, il = rdObj.length; i < il; ++i) {
                        raid = SRDotDX.raids[rdObj[i]];
                        parentTableId = 'FPX_options_cbs_' +;
                        parentTable = SRDotDX.c('div').set({id: parentTableId}).html(' \
                        <div>' + + '</div> \
                        <div><input type="checkbox" id="cb_filter_' + + '_0"/><label for="cb_filter_' + + '_0"></label></div> \
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                        if (raid.stat === 'H') parentTable.attach('to', 'FPXRaidFilterWhatGuild');
                        else if (raid.size < 40) parentTable.attach('to', 'FPXRaidFilterWhatSmall');
                        else if (raid.size < 100) parentTable.attach('to', 'FPXRaidFilterWhatMedium');
                        else if (raid.size < 200) parentTable.attach('to', 'FPXRaidFilterWhatLarge');
						else if (raid.size < 300) parentTable.attach('to', 'FPXRaidFilterWhatEpic');
                        else if (raid.size < 600) parentTable.attach('to', 'FPXRaidFilterWhatColossal');
                        else if (raid.size < 1000) parentTable.attach('to', 'FPXRaidFilterWhatGigantic');
						else parentTable.attach('to', 'FPXRaidFilterWhatSpecial');

                        for(var j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
                            cb = document.getElementById('cb_filter_' + + '_' + j);
                            cb.checked = !SRDotDX.config.filters[sm][][j];
                            cb.addEventListener("click", function(){
                                var s = SRDotDX.config.serverMode - 1;
                                var raidId =,-2);
                                var diffIndex = parseInt(;
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                                reg = new RegExp('.DotDX_fltList_' + raidId + '_' + diffIndex + ', ', 'g');
                                if(SRDotDX.config.filterRaidList) {
                                    if (!this.checked && !reg.test(eletxt)) eletxt = '.DotDX_fltList_' + raidId + '_' + diffIndex + ', ' + eletxt;
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                                ele.innerHTML = eletxt;

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                        cb = document.getElementById('cb_filter_' + + '_all');
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                        cb.addEventListener('click', function(){
                            var s = SRDotDX.config.serverMode - 1;
                            var raidId =,-4), reg;
                            var elem = document.getElementById('DotDX_filters');
                            var ele = elem.innerHTML;
                            var chk = this.checked;
                            for(j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
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                                SRDotDX.config.filters[s][raidId][j] = !chk;
                                reg = new RegExp('.DotDX_fltChat_' + raidId + '_' + j + ', ', 'g');
                                if (SRDotDX.config.filterChatLinks) {
                                    if (!chk && !reg.test(ele)) ele = '.DotDX_fltChat_' + raidId + '_' + j + ', ' + ele;
                                    else if (chk) ele = ele.replace(reg, '');
                                reg = new RegExp('.DotDX_fltList_' + raidId + '_' + j + ', ', 'g');
                                if (SRDotDX.config.filterRaidList) {
                                    if (!chk && !reg.test(ele)) ele = '.DotDX_fltList_' + raidId + '_' + j + ', ' + ele;
                                    else if (chk) ele = ele.replace(reg, '');
                            elem.innerHTML = ele;
                toggleFiltering: function () {
					var sm = SRDotDX.config.serverMode - 1;
					var rdObj = Object.keys(SRDotDX.raids);
					var fltObj = Object.keys(SRDotDX.config.filters[sm]);
                    var query = '.DotDX_filter_dummy_0 ', i, il, frcId;
                    if(!SRDotDX.util.isArrEq(rdObj, fltObj)) {
                        for(i = 0, il = rdObj.length; i < il; ++i) if(typeof SRDotDX.config.filters[sm][rdObj[i]] === 'undefined') SRDotDX.config.filters[sm][rdObj[i]] = [false, false, false, false];
                        for(i = 0, il = fltObj.length; i < il; ++i) if(rdObj.indexOf(fltObj[i]) < 0) delete SRDotDX.config.filters[sm][fltObj[i]];
                        console.log('[DotDX] Filters array has been altered!');
                    if(SRDotDX.config.filterChatLinks) {
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						for(i = 0, il = rdObj.length; i < il; ++i) {
                            if (SRDotDX.config.filters[sm][rdObj[i]][0]) query = frcId + rdObj[i] + '_0, ' + query;
                            if (SRDotDX.config.filters[sm][rdObj[i]][1]) query = frcId + rdObj[i] + '_1, ' + query;
                            if (SRDotDX.config.filters[sm][rdObj[i]][2]) query = frcId + rdObj[i] + '_2, ' + query;
                            if (SRDotDX.config.filters[sm][rdObj[i]][3]) query = frcId + rdObj[i] + '_3, ' + query;
                    if(SRDotDX.config.filterRaidList) {
                        frcId = '.DotDX_fltList_';
						for(i = 0, il = rdObj.length; i < il; ++i) {
                            if (SRDotDX.config.filters[sm][rdObj[i]][0]) query = frcId + rdObj[i] + '_0, ' + query;
                            if (SRDotDX.config.filters[sm][rdObj[i]][1]) query = frcId + rdObj[i] + '_1, ' + query;
                            if (SRDotDX.config.filters[sm][rdObj[i]][2]) query = frcId + rdObj[i] + '_2, ' + query;
                            if (SRDotDX.config.filters[sm][rdObj[i]][3]) query = frcId + rdObj[i] + '_3, ' + query;
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                switchServer: function () {
					if(confirm("You're attempting to switch server mode, continue?")) {
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						SRDotDX.config.serverMode = sm === 1 ? 2 : 1;
						SRDotDX.c('#raidsBossFilter').ele().value = SRDotDX.config.lastFilter[SRDotDX.config.serverMode - 1];
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						#kong_game_ui div#alliance_users > div > span:nth-child(3) { font-style: italic; }\
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						#kong_game_ui div#lots_tab_pane a.pastebinlink:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: black } \
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						#raid_list .raid_list_item.DotDX_NM:hover {border-bottom-color: rgb(169, 154, 187); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top,#DDD4E2,#F4F0F7); background: -moz-linear-gradient(top,#DDD4E2,#F4F0F7);} \
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						#kong_game_ui div.chat_message_window p > span.slider > span.magic:first-child { margin-left: 5px; } \
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						#kong_game_ui div.chat_message_window p { color: #666; font-size: 9px;} \
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						#kong_game_ui .chatOverlayMain > span {padding: 3px 10px; cursor: pointer;} \
						#kong_game_ui .chatOverlayMain > span:hover {background-color: #C2A71C; font-style: italic; color: #555}\
						#kong_game_ui textarea.chat_input { height: 30px !important; margin: 0 !important; outline: none; padding: 4px 6px 4px } \
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						div.tab_pane div.collapsingField { padding-top: 3px; }\
						xxx {display:block !important}\
						span.DotDX_RaidListVisited {padding: 0 3px; vertical-align: text-bottom} \
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						div.tab_pane input.landtxtfieldc { padding: 2px 0; width: 100%; text-align: center } \
						div.tab_pane td.landname { padding-top: 3px} \
						div.tab_pane input.landsavebutton { height: 20px; width:100% } \
						table.raids, table.camps { font-family: \"Trebuchet MS\", Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; text-align: center; border-collapse: collapse;  margin: 5px auto } \
                        table.raids td { border: 1px solid #bbb; width: 55px; background-color: #fff; }\
                        table.camps td { border: 1px solid #bbb; width: 20px; background-color: #fff; }\
                        table.raids td.ep, table.camps td.ep { text-align: right; width: auto; padding: 0 6px; } \
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                        table.raids tr.split td, table.camps th { border-bottom-width: 2px; } \
                        table.raids td, table.camps td.mark { background-color: #eff4f9; } \
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                        table.raids colgroup col.selected { border: 2px solid #5f9ea0; }\
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                        ul#SRDotDX_tabpane_tabs input[type=\"text\"].color {float: right; margin-right: 6px; width: 40px;}\
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                        input#raidsBossFilter:hover, input#raidsBossFilter:focus {background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #DFE8F1, #fff); background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #DFE8F1, #fff);}\
                        textarea#DotDX_raidsToSpam, textarea#options_sbConfig { border: 1px solid #aaa; width: 254px; margin-left: 6px; margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 4px; padding: 3px 7px; resize: none; outline: none; font-size: 10px; font-style: italic; }\
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                        #kong_game_ui div#helpBox > span {display: inline-block; padding: 11px 8px 9px;}\
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						div#dotdx_sidebar_container.slim {width: 32px}\
						div#dotdx_sidebar_container > div#serverButton.slim {width: 28px}\
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                        div.raid_list_item > span.DotDX_extState { display: inline-block; width:27px; padding-top: 2px }\
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                        div.raid_list_item > br {clear:both}\
                        div.raid_list_item > span.DotDX_extInfo.failings {color: #ffda8e}\
                        div.raid_list_item > span.DotDX_extInfo.failingm {color: #ff8080}\
                        div.raid_list_item > span.DotDX_extInfo.failingh {color: #ff4040}\
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                        #FPXRaidFilterWhatDiv div.collapsingField > div { margin: 0 5px; }\
                        #FPXRaidFilterWhatDiv div.collapsingField > div > div { flex-direction: row; display: flex; align-items: center; height: 18px; } \
                        #FPXRaidFilterWhatDiv div.collapsingField > div > div:first-child { font-weight: bold; }\
                        #FPXRaidFilterWhatDiv div.collapsingField > div > div:first-child > div:not(:first-child) { font-size: 10px; text-align: center; width: 21px; }\
                        #FPXRaidFilterWhatDiv div.collapsingField > div > div:not(first-child) > div:not(:first-child) { width: 20px; flex-shrink: 0; } \
                        #FPXRaidFilterWhatDiv div.collapsingField > div > div > div:first-child {text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: pre; overflow-x: hidden; flex-grow: 1;}\
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                        #chat_raids_overlay table td {line-height: 13px;}\
                        #chat_raids_overlay table {text-decoration: underline;}\
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                        var pane = SRDotDX.c('div').set({id: 'lots_tab_pane'}).html(' \
						<div id="dotdx_shadow_wrapper">\
						<div id="dotdx_status_div">DotDX: <span id="StatusOutput"></span></div> \
						<div style="height: 617px; overflow: hidden;">\
						<ul id="SRDotDX_tabpane_tabs"> \
							<li class="tab active"> \
								<div class="tab_head" id="raids_tab">Raids</div> \
								<div class="tab_pane" id="mainRaidsFrame"> \
									<div id="topRaidPane"> \
									<div id="FPXRaidFilterDiv" class="collapsible_panel"> \
										<p class="collapsingCategory" id="collapsingCat10" onclick="SRDotDX.gui.toggleDisplay(\'FPXRaidFiltering\', this, \'raid_list\')">Filtering<span style="float:right">&minus;</span></p> \
										<div id="FPXRaidFiltering" style="display:block" class="collapsingField"> \
											<input type="text" id="raidsBossFilter" name="FPXRaidBossNameFilter"> \
                                            <input type="checkbox" id="dotdx_flt_vis"><label for="dotdx_flt_vis" style="margin-right: 9px; margin-left:5px; display: inline-block">Incl visited</label>\
                                            <input type="checkbox" id="dotdx_flt_full"><label for="dotdx_flt_full" style="margin-right: 9px;">Excl full</label>\
                                            <input type="checkbox" id="dotdx_flt_all"><label for="dotdx_flt_all">Bypass filters</label>\
										</div> \
									</div> \
									<!-- <div id="FPXRaidSortingDiv" class="collapsible_panel"> \
										<p class="collapsingCategory" id="collapsingCat11" onclick="SRDotDX.gui.toggleDisplay(\'FPXRaidSort\', this, \'raid_list\')">Sorting<span style="float:right">+</span></p> \
										<div id="FPXRaidSort" style="display:none"> \
											<table> \
											<tr><td rowspan="2"><input type="button" class="regBtn" style="display:inline; height: 40px" id="SortRaidsButton" onClick="SRDotDX.gui.FPXSortRaids();return false;" value="Sort" onmouseout="SRDotDX.gui.turnNormal(;" onmouseover="SRDotDX.gui.highlightButton(,\'Sort raids based on selected criteria.\');"></td> \
											<td>&nbsp;Sort by: \
											<select style="width: 90px" id="FPXRaidSortSelection" tabIndex="-1"> \
												<option value="Time" selected>TimeStamp</option> \
												<option value="Name">Raid Name</option> \
												<option value="Diff">Difficulty</option> \
												<option value="Id">Raid Id</option> \
											</select> \
											<select style="width: 56px" id="FPXRaidSortDirection" tabIndex="-1"> \
												<option value="asc" selected>Asc</option> \
												<option value="desc">Desc</option> \
											</select></td></tr> \
											<tr><td style="padding: 2px"><input type="checkbox" id="SRDotDX_options_newRaidsAtTopOfRaidList"><div><label>New raids at top of raid list</label></div></td></tr> \
											</table> \
										</div> \
									</div> --> \
										<input style="width: 94px; margin-top: 6px; margin-left: 5px" name="ImportRaids" class="blue" id="ImportRaidsButton" onclick="SRDotDX.request.raids(false,1); return false;" tabIndex="-1" type="button" value="Import" onmouseout="SRDotDX.gui.displayHint();" onmouseover="SRDotDX.gui.displayHint(\'Import raids from server.\');">\
										<input style="width: 55px;" name="DumpRaids" class="generic" id="DumpRaidsButton" onclick="SRDotDX.gui.RaidAction(\'share\');return false;" tabIndex="-1" type="button" value="Share" onmouseout="SRDotDX.gui.displayHint();" onmouseover="SRDotDX.gui.displayHint(\'Copy all displayed raids to the share tab.\');"> \
										<input style="width: 55px;" name="PostRaids" class="generic" id="PostRaidsButton" onclick="SRDotDX.gui.RaidAction(\'post\');return false;" tabIndex="-1" type="button" value="Post" onmouseout="SRDotDX.gui.displayHint();" onmouseover="SRDotDX.gui.displayHint(\'Post all displayed raids to chat.\');"> \
										<input style="width: 55px;" name="DeleteRaids" class="red" id="DeleteRaidsButton" onclick="SRDotDX.gui.RaidAction(\'delete\'); return false;" tabIndex="-1" type="button" value="Delete" onmouseout="SRDotDX.gui.displayHint();" onmouseover="SRDotDX.gui.displayHint(\'Delete displayed raids.\');"><br> \
										<input style="width: 94px; margin-bottom: 7px; margin-left: 5px; margin-top: 4px"name="JoinRaids" class="green" id="AutoJoinVisibleButton" onclick="SRDotDX.gui.joinSelectedRaids(false) ;return false;" tabIndex="-1" type="button" value="Join" onmouseout="SRDotDX.gui.displayHint();" onmouseover="SRDotDX.gui.displayHint(\'Join all displayed (not dead) raids.\'); "> \
										<input style="width: 173px; margin-bottom: 5px; margin-top: 4px" name="ImpJoinRaids" class="green" id="AutoImpJoinVisibleButton" onclick="SRDotDX.request.joinAfterImport = true; SRDotDX.request.raids(false,1);return false;" tabIndex="-1" type="button" value="Import & Join" onmouseout="SRDotDX.gui.displayHint();" onmouseover="SRDotDX.gui.displayHint(\'Import from server and join all selected (not dead) raids.\'); "> \
									</div> \
									<div style="" id="raid_list" tabIndex="-1"></div> \
								</div> \
							</li> \
							<li class="tab"> \
							<div class="tab_head">Opts</div> \
								<div class="tab_pane"> \
									<div id="FPXRaidOptionsDiv" class="collapsible_panel"> \
										<p class="collapsingCategory" name="dotdxOptsTabs" id="collapsingCat20" onclick="SRDotDX.gui.toggleDisplay(\'FPXRaidOptions\', this)">Raid Options<span style="float:right">+</span></p> \
										<div id="FPXRaidOptions" name="dotdxOptsTabs" style="display:none" class="collapsingField"> \
												<input type="checkbox" id="SRDotDX_options_markMyRaidsVisited" class="generic"><label for="SRDotDX_options_markMyRaidsVisited">Mark raids posted by me as visited</label><br> \
												<input type="checkbox" id="SRDotDX_options_confirmWhenDeleting" class="generic"><label for="SRDotDX_options_confirmWhenDeleting">Confirm when manually deleting raids</label><br> \
												<input type="checkbox" id="SRDotDX_options_importFiltered" class="generic"><label for="SRDotDX_options_importFiltered">Add to database filtered raids only</label><br> \
										</div> \
									</div> \
									<div id="FPXChatOptionsDiv" class="collapsible_panel"> \
										<p class="collapsingCategory" name="dotdxOptsTabs" id="collapsingCat21" onclick="SRDotDX.gui.toggleDisplay(\'FPXChatOptions\', this)">Chat Options<span style="float:right">+</span></p> \
										<div id="FPXChatOptions" name="dotdxOptsTabs" style="display:none" class="collapsingField"> \
											<input type="checkbox" id="SRDotDX_options_hideRaidLinks" class="generic"><label for="SRDotDX_options_hideRaidLinks">Hide all raid links in chat</label><br> \
											<input type="checkbox" id="SRDotDX_options_hideBotLinks" class="generic"><label for="SRDotDX_options_hideBotLinks">Hide bot raid links in chat</label><br> \
											<input type="checkbox" id="SRDotDX_options_hideVisitedRaids" class="generic"><label for="SRDotDX_options_hideVisitedRaids">Hide visited raids in chat</label><br> \
											<input type="checkbox" id="options_formatChatLinks" class="generic"><label for="options_formatChatLinks">Format all links in chat</label><br> \
											<span class="generic">Chat size:</span>\
											<input type="radio" id="SRDotDX_options_chatSizeNormal" name="chatSize" value="300"/><label for="SRDotDX_options_chatSizeNormal">Normal</label> \
											<input type="radio" id="SRDotDX_options_chatSizePlus25" name="chatSize" value="375" class="generic"/><label for="SRDotDX_options_chatSizePlus25">+25%</label> \
											<input type="radio" id="SRDotDX_options_chatSizePlus50" name="chatSize" value="400" class="generic"/><label for="SRDotDX_options_chatSizePlus50">+50%</label><br> \
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											<input type="radio" id="SRDotDX_options_fontSizeNormal" name="fontSize" value="0"/><label for="SRDotDX_options_fontSizeNormal">Normal</label> \
											<input type="radio" id="SRDotDX_options_fontSizeSmaller" name="fontSize" value="2" class="generic"/><label for="SRDotDX_options_fontSizeSmaller">Smaller</label> \
											<input type="radio" id="SRDotDX_options_chatSizeBigger" name="fontSize" value="1" class="generic"/><label for="SRDotDX_options_chatSizeBigger">Bigger</label><br> \
											<span class="generic">IGN mode:</span>\
											<input type="radio" id="SRDotDX_options_ignHide" name="ignMode" value="0"/><label for="SRDotDX_options_ignHide">Hide</label> \
											<input type="radio" id="SRDotDX_options_ignReplace" name="ignMode" value="1" class="generic"/><label for="SRDotDX_options_ignReplace">Replace</label> \
											<input type="radio" id="SRDotDX_options_ignAttach" name="ignMode" value="2" class="generic"/><label for="SRDotDX_options_ignAttach">Attach</label><br> \
											<input type="checkbox" id="SRDotDX_options_hideScrollbar" class="generic"><label for="SRDotDX_options_hideScrollbar">Hide scrollbar for chat and user window</label><br> \
											<span class="generic">More info in raid links:</span> \
											<input type="checkbox" id="SRDotDX_options_showFS"><label for="SRDotDX_options_showFS">Show FS</label> \
											<input type="checkbox" id="SRDotDX_options_showAP" class="generic"><label for="SRDotDX_options_showAP">Show AP</label> \
										</div> \
									</div> \
									<div id="FPXAllianceOptionsDiv" class="collapsible_panel"> \
										<p class="collapsingCategory" name="dotdxOptsTabs" id="collapsingCat22" onclick="SRDotDX.gui.toggleDisplay(\'FPXAllianceOptions\', this)">Alliance Chat Options<span style="float:right">+</span></p> \
										<div id="FPXAllianceOptions" name="dotdxOptsTabs" style="display:none" class="collapsingField"> \
											<input type="checkbox" id="options_enableAllianceChat" class="generic"><label for="options_enableAllianceChat">Enable Alliance Chat</label><br>\
											<input type="checkbox" id="options_enableExternalServer" class="generic"><label for="options_enableExternalServer">Use external chat server</label><br>\
											<div id="options_allianceExternal">\
												<span class="generic">Server address: </span>\
								            	<input type="text" class="generic" id="options_allianceServer" style="width:160px; text-align: left; vertical-align: bottom; margin-top: 4px;"><br>\
								            <div id="options_allianceInternal">\
												<span class="generic">Channel: </span>\
								            	<input type="text" class="generic" id="options_allianceChannel" style="width:40px; text-align: right; vertical-align: text-bottom; margin-top: 4px;">\
								            	<span class="generic">Pass: </span>\
								            	<input type="text" class="generic" id="options_alliancePass" style="width:105px; text-align: right; vertical-align: text-bottom; margin-top: 4px;"><br>\
								            <span class="generic">Chat name: </span>\
								            <input type="text" class="generic" id="options_allianceName" style="width:183px; text-align: right; vertical-align: text-bottom; margin-top: 4px;"><br>\
										</div> \
									</div> \
									<div id="FPXIntOptionsDiv" class="collapsible_panel"> \
										<p class="collapsingCategory" name="dotdxOptsTabs" id="collapsingCat23" onclick="SRDotDX.gui.toggleDisplay(\'FPXIntOptions\', this)">Interface Options<span style="float:right">+</span></p> \
										<div id="FPXIntOptions" name="dotdxOptsTabs" style="display:none" class="collapsingField"> \
										    <input type="checkbox" id="options_hideGameTitle" class="generic"><label for="options_hideGameTitle">Hide titlebar above game window</label><br>\
										    <input type="checkbox" id="options_hideGameDetails" class="generic"><label for="options_hideGameDetails">Hide details under game window</label><br>\
										    <input type="checkbox" id="options_hideKongForum" class="generic"><label for="options_hideKongForum">Hide forum under game window</label><br>\
										    <input type="checkbox" id="options_trueMsgCount" class="generic"><label for="options_trueMsgCount">Display true kong messages count</label><br>\
										    <input type="checkbox" id="options_hideGameTab" class="generic"><label for="options_hideGameTab">Hide Game tab</label><br>\
										    <input type="checkbox" id="options_hideAccTab" class="generic"><label for="options_hideAccTab">Hide Achievements tab</label><br>\
										    <input type="checkbox" id="options_clearRMB" class="generic"><label for="options_clearRMB">Use RMB to clear chat input field</label><br>\
										    <span class="generic">Script tab name</span><input type="text" class="generic color" id="options_dotdxTabName"><br> \
										    <span class="generic">Background color</span><input type="text" class="generic color" id="SRDotDX_colors_background"><br> \
										    <span class="generic">Theme:</span>\
                                            <input type="radio" id="theme_lightGrey" name="chatTheme" value="0"><label for="theme_lightGrey">Light Grey</label>\
										    <input type="radio" id="theme_crimsonBlack" name="chatTheme" value="1" class="generic"><label for="theme_crimsonBlack">Crimson Black</label>\
										    <span class="generic">World Chat:</span>\
										    <input type="checkbox" id="options_wcLeft" class="generic"><label for="options_wcLeft">Show on the left   </label><input type="checkbox" id="options_wcRemove" class="generic"><label for="options_wcRemove">Remove</label>\
									</div> \
									<div id="FPXsbOptionsDiv" class="collapsible_panel"> \
										<p class="collapsingCategory" name="dotdxOptsTabs" id="collapsingCat24" onclick="SRDotDX.gui.toggleDisplay(\'FPXsbOptions\', this)">Sidebar Options<span style="float:right">+</span></p> \
										<div id="FPXsbOptions" name="dotdxOptsTabs" style="display:none" class="collapsingField"> \
										    <input type="checkbox" id="options_sbEnable" class="generic"><label for="options_sbEnable">Enable DotDX Sidebar</label><br>\
										    <input type="checkbox" id="options_sbSlim" class="generic"><label for="options_sbSlim">Use slim Sidebar</label><br>\
										    <input type="checkbox" id="options_sbRightSide" class="generic"><label for="options_sbRightSide">Show sidebar on the right side of chat</label><br> \
                                            <textarea wrap="off" id="options_sbConfig" rows="25" style="overflow-y: hidden; overflow-x: scroll; white-space: nowrap">' + sbTmp + '</textarea> \
										    <input id="dotdx_sbConfigSave" style="margin: 0 0 2px 6px; width: 156px;" class="blue" type="button" value="Apply new sidebar layout" onclick="SRDotDX.gui.applySidebarUI(0); return false;">\
										    <input id="dotdx_sbConfigDefault" style="width: 110px;" class="red" type="button" value="Restore default" onclick="SRDotDX.gui.restoreDefaultSB(); return false;">\
										</div> \
									</div> \
									<div id="FPXfsOptionsDiv" class="collapsible_panel"> \
										<p class="collapsingCategory" name="dotdxOptsTabs" id="collapsingCat25" onclick="SRDotDX.gui.toggleDisplay(\'FPXfsOptions\', this)">Friend Share Options<span style="float:right">+</span></p> \
										<div id="FPXfsOptions" name="dotdxOptsTabs" style="display:none; text-align:right" class="collapsingField"> \
										</div> \
									</div> \
								</div> \
							</li> \
							<li class="tab"> \
								<div class="tab_head" id="FPXShareTab">Share</div> \
								<div class="tab_pane"> \
								    <div id="FPXRaidSpamDiv"> \
											<div id="FPXShareDiv" class="collapsible_panel"> \
												<p class="collapsingCategory" id="collapsingCat30" onclick="SRDotDX.gui.toggleDisplay(\'FPXShare\', this, \'share_list\')">Share<span style="float:right">+</span></p> \
										        <div id="FPXShare" style="display:block" class="collapsingField"> \
													<input type="checkbox" id="SRDotDX_options_formatLinkOutput" class="generic"><label for="SRDotDX_options_formatLinkOutput">Enable formatting of posted raid links</label><br> \
													<span class="generic">Whisper to </span><input type="text" class="generic" id="SRDotDX_options_whisperTo"><br>\
													<span class="notice">(if "whisper to" field is blank, raids will be posted public)</span> \
													<input id="dotdx_share_post_button" style="margin: 3px 0 0 6px; width: 133px" name="Submit" class="generic" type="button" tabIndex="-1" value="Post Links to Chat" onclick="SRDotDX.gui.RaidAction(\'post_share\');return false;"/> \
													<input id="dotdx_friend_post_button" style="width: 133px" name="Submit1" class="green" type="button" tabIndex="-1" value="Friend Share links" onclick="SRDotDX.gui.RaidAction(\'post_friend\');return false;"/><br> \
												</div> \
											</div> \
											<div id="FPXImportDiv" class="collapsible_panel" class="collapsingField"> \
												<p class="collapsingCategory" id="collapsingCat31" onclick="SRDotDX.gui.toggleDisplay(\'FPXImport\', this, \'share_list\')">Import<span style="float:right">+</span></p> \
										        <div id="FPXImport" style="display:none" class="collapsingField"> \
													<input type="checkbox" id="SRDotDX_options_markImportedRaidsVisited" class="generic"><label for="SRDotDX_options_markImportedRaidsVisited">Mark imported raids visited</label><br> \
                                                    <input style="margin-left: 6px; margin-top: 6px; width: 133px" name="Submit2" class="blue" type="button" tabIndex="-1" value="Import to Raid Tab" onClick="SRDotDX.gui.FPXimportRaids();return false;"/> \
													<input style="width: 133px" name="Submit3" class="blue" type="button" tabIndex="-1" value="Delete and Import" onClick="SRDotDX.gui.FPXdeleteAllRaids();SRDotDX.gui.FPXimportRaids();return false;"/> \
											    </div> \
											</div> \
									</div> \
									<textarea id="DotDX_raidsToSpam" name="FPXRaidSpamInput" style="height:437px;"></textarea> \
								</div> \
							</li> \
							<li class="tab"> \
								<div class="tab_head">Filter</div> \
								<div class="tab_pane"> \
									<div id="FPXRaidFilterDiv"> \
										<div id="FPXRaidFilterWhereDiv"> \
										<p class="collapsingCategory" id="collapsingCat40" onclick="SRDotDX.gui.toggleDisplay(\'FPXRaidFilterWhere\', this)">Filtering options<span style="float:right">+</span></p> \
										<div id="FPXRaidFilterWhere" style="display:block" class="collapsingField"> \
											<input type="checkbox" id="SRDotDX_options_perRaidFilterLinks" class="generic"><label for="SRDotDX_options_perRaidFilterLinks">Activate filtering on raid links</label><br> \
											<input type="checkbox" id="SRDotDX_options_perRaidFilterRaidList" class="generic"><label for="SRDotDX_options_perRaidFilterRaidList">Activate filtering on raid list tab</label><br> \
										</div> \
										<div id="FPXRaidFilterWhatDiv"> \
											<div id="FPXRaidTableSmallDiv" class="collapsible_panel"> \
												<p class="collapsingCategory" name="dotdxFilterTab" id="collapsingCat41" onclick="SRDotDX.gui.toggleDisplay(\'FPXRaidTableSmall\', this)">Small Raids<span style="float:right">+</span></p> \
												<div id="FPXRaidTableSmall" name="dotdxFilterTab" style="display:none" class="collapsingField"> \
													<div id="FPXRaidFilterWhatSmall"> \
														<!-- Dynamic content --> \
													</div> \
												</div> \
											</div> \
											<div id="FPXRaidTableMediumDiv" class="collapsible_panel"> \
												<p class="collapsingCategory" name="dotdxFilterTab" id="collapsingCat42" onclick="SRDotDX.gui.toggleDisplay(\'FPXRaidTableMedium\', this)">Medium Raids<span style="float:right">+</span></p> \
												<div id="FPXRaidTableMedium" name="dotdxFilterTab" style="display:none" class="collapsingField"> \
													<div id="FPXRaidFilterWhatMedium"> \
														<!-- Dynamic content --> \
													</div> \
												</div> \
											</div> \
											<div id="FPXRaidTableLargeDiv" class="collapsible_panel"> \
												<p class="collapsingCategory" name="dotdxFilterTab" id="collapsingCat43" onclick="SRDotDX.gui.toggleDisplay(\'FPXRaidTableLarge\', this)">Large Raids<span style="float:right">+</span></p> \
												<div id="FPXRaidTableLarge" name="dotdxFilterTab" style="display:none" class="collapsingField"> \
													<div id="FPXRaidFilterWhatLarge"> \
														<!-- Dynamic content --> \
													</div> \
												</div> \
											</div> \
											<div id="FPXRaidTableEpicDiv" class="collapsible_panel"> \
												<p class="collapsingCategory" name="dotdxFilterTab" id="collapsingCat44" onclick="SRDotDX.gui.toggleDisplay(\'FPXRaidTableEpic\', this)">Epic Raids<span style="float:right">+</span></p> \
												<div id="FPXRaidTableEpic" name="dotdxFilterTab" style="display:none" class="collapsingField"> \
													<div id="FPXRaidFilterWhatEpic"> \
														<!-- Dynamic content --> \
													</div> \
												</table> \
											</div> \
											<div id="FPXRaidTableColossalDiv" class="collapsible_panel"> \
												<p class="collapsingCategory" name="dotdxFilterTab" id="collapsingCat45" onclick="SRDotDX.gui.toggleDisplay(\'FPXRaidTableColossal\', this)">Colossal Raids<span style="float:right">+</span></p> \
												<div id="FPXRaidTableColossal" name="dotdxFilterTab" style="display:none" class="collapsingField"> \
													<div id="FPXRaidFilterWhatColossal"> \
														<!-- Dynamic content --> \
													</div> \
												</div> \
											</div> \
											<div id="FPXRaidTableGiganticDiv" class="collapsible_panel"> \
												<p class="collapsingCategory" name="dotdxFilterTab" id="collapsingCat46" onclick="SRDotDX.gui.toggleDisplay(\'FPXRaidTableGigantic\', this)">Gigantic Raids<span style="float:right">+</span></p> \
												<div id="FPXRaidTableGigantic" name="dotdxFilterTab" style="display:none" class="collapsingField"> \
													<div id="FPXRaidFilterWhatGigantic"> \
														<!-- Dynamic content --> \
													</div> \
												</div> \
											</div> \
											<div id="FPXRaidTableGuildDiv" class="collapsible_panel"> \
												<p class="collapsingCategory" name="dotdxFilterTab" id="collapsingCat47" onclick="SRDotDX.gui.toggleDisplay(\'FPXRaidTableGuild\', this)">Guild Raids<span style="float:right">+</span></p> \
												<div id="FPXRaidTableGuild" name="dotdxFilterTab" style="display:none" class="collapsingField"> \
													<div id="FPXRaidFilterWhatGuild"> \
														<!-- Dynamic content --> \
													</div> \
												</div> \
											</div> \
											<div id="FPXRaidTableSpecialDiv" class="collapsible_panel"> \
												<p class="collapsingCategory" name="dotdxFilterTab" id="collapsingCat48" onclick="SRDotDX.gui.toggleDisplay(\'FPXRaidTableSpecial\', this)">World Raids<span style="float:right">+</span></p> \
												<div id="FPXRaidTableSpecial" name="dotdxFilterTab" style="display:none" class="collapsingField"> \
													<div id="FPXRaidFilterWhatSpecial"> \
														<!-- Dynamic content --> \
													</div> \
												</div> \
											</div> \
										</div> \
									</div> \
								</div> \
							</li> \
							<li class="tab"> \
								<div class="tab_head">Util</div> \
								<div class="tab_pane"> \
                                    <div id="FPXLandCalcDiv" class="collapsible_panel"> \
                                        <p class="collapsingCategory" id="collapsingCat50" onclick="SRDotDX.gui.toggleDisplay(\'FPXLandCalc\', this)">Land Calculator<span style="float:right">+</span></p> \
                                        <div id="FPXLandCalc" style="display:block" class="collapsingField"> \
                                            <form id="FPXLand" name="FPXLandForm" onSubmit="return false;" style="padding-bottom:6px"> \
                                            <table style="margin: 0 auto; padding-right: 10px;"> \
                                                <tr><td class="landname" colspan="3">Cornfield</td><td style="width: 10px">&nbsp;</td><td class="landname" colspan="3">Stable</td></tr> \
                                                <tr> \
                                                    <td> <input class="landpmbutton red" id="a_1" name="FPXminusTen_1" type="button" value=" - " onClick="SRDotDX.gui.FPXLandButtonHandler(this,;return false;" tabindex="10"/></td> \
                                                    <td> <input class="generic" maxlength="10" name="tf_1" onblur="SRDotDX.gui.FPXLandUpdater();" size="8" type="text" tabindex="1" /></td> \
                                                    <td> <input class="landpmbutton blue" id="b_1" name="FPXplusTen_1" type="button" value=" + " onClick="SRDotDX.gui.FPXLandButtonHandler(this,;return false;" tabindex="11"/></td> \
                                                    <td></td> \
                                                    <td> <input class="landpmbutton red" id="a_2" name="FPXminusTen_2" type="button"   value=" - " onClick="SRDotDX.gui.FPXLandButtonHandler(this,;return false;" tabindex="12"/></td> \
                                                    <td> <input class="generic" maxlength="10" name="tf_2" onblur="SRDotDX.gui.FPXLandUpdater();" size="8" type="text" tabindex="2" /></td> \
                                                    <td> <input class="landpmbutton blue" id="b_2" name="FPXplusTen_2" type="button"   value=" + " onClick="SRDotDX.gui.FPXLandButtonHandler(this,;return false;" tabindex="13"/></td> \
                                                </tr> \
                                                <tr><td class="landname" colspan="3">Barn</td><td></td><td class="landname" colspan="3">Store</td></tr> \
                                                <tr> \
                                                    <td> <input class="landpmbutton red" id="a_3" name="FPXminusTen_3" type="button"   value=" - " onClick="SRDotDX.gui.FPXLandButtonHandler(this,;return false;" tabindex="14"/></td> \
                                                    <td> <input class="generic" maxlength="10" name="tf_3" onblur="SRDotDX.gui.FPXLandUpdater();" size="8" type="text" tabindex="3" /></td> \
                                                    <td> <input class="landpmbutton blue" id="b_3" name="FPXplusTen_3" type="button"   value=" + " onClick="SRDotDX.gui.FPXLandButtonHandler(this,;return false;" tabindex="15"/></td> \
                                                    <td></td> \
                                                    <td> <input class="landpmbutton red" id="a_4" name="FPXminusTen_4" type="button"   value=" - " onClick="SRDotDX.gui.FPXLandButtonHandler(this,;return false;" tabindex="16"/></td> \
                                                    <td> <input class="generic" maxlength="10" name="tf_4" onblur="SRDotDX.gui.FPXLandUpdater();" size="8" type="text" tabindex="4" /></td> \
                                                    <td> <input class="landpmbutton blue" id="b_4" name="FPXplusTen_4" type="button"   value=" + " onClick="SRDotDX.gui.FPXLandButtonHandler(this,;return false;" tabindex="17"/></td> \
                                                </tr> \
                                                <tr><td class="landname" colspan="3">Pub</td><td></td><td class="landname" colspan="3">Inn</td></tr> \
                                                <tr> \
                                                    <td> <input class="landpmbutton red" id="a_5" name="FPXminusTen_5" type="button"   value=" - " onClick="SRDotDX.gui.FPXLandButtonHandler(this,;return false;" tabindex="18"/></td> \
                                                    <td> <input class="generic" maxlength="10" name="tf_5" onblur="SRDotDX.gui.FPXLandUpdater();" size="8" type="text" tabindex="5" /></td> \
                                                    <td> <input class="landpmbutton blue" id="b_5" name="FPXplusTen_5" type="button"   value=" + " onClick="SRDotDX.gui.FPXLandButtonHandler(this,;return false;" tabindex="19"/></td> \
                                                    <td></td> \
                                                    <td> <input class="landpmbutton red" id="a_6" name="FPXminusTen_6" type="button"   value=" - " onClick="SRDotDX.gui.FPXLandButtonHandler(this,;return false;" tabindex="20"/></td> \
                                                    <td> <input class="generic" maxlength="10" name="tf_6" onblur="SRDotDX.gui.FPXLandUpdater();" size="8" type="text" tabindex="6" /></td> \
                                                    <td> <input class="landpmbutton blue" id="b_6" name="FPXplusTen_6" type="button"   value=" + " onClick="SRDotDX.gui.FPXLandButtonHandler(this,;return false;" tabindex="21"/></td> \
                                                </tr> \
                                                <tr><td class="landname" colspan="3">Sentry</td><td></td><td class="landname" colspan="3">Fort</td></tr> \
                                                <tr> \
                                                    <td> <input class="landpmbutton red" id="a_7" name="FPXminusTen_7" type="button"   value=" - " onClick="SRDotDX.gui.FPXLandButtonHandler(this,;return false;" tabindex="22"/></td> \
                                                    <td> <input class="generic" maxlength="10" name="tf_7" onblur="SRDotDX.gui.FPXLandUpdater();" size="8" type="text" tabindex="7" /></td> \
                                                    <td> <input class="landpmbutton blue" id="b_7" name="FPXplusTen_7" type="button"   value=" + " onClick="SRDotDX.gui.FPXLandButtonHandler(this,;return false;" tabindex="23"/></td> \
                                                    <td></td> \
                                                    <td> <input class="landpmbutton red" id="a_8" name="FPXminusTen_8" type="button"   value=" - " onClick="SRDotDX.gui.FPXLandButtonHandler(this,;return false;" tabindex="24"/></td> \
                                                    <td> <input class="generic" maxlength="10" name="tf_8" onblur="SRDotDX.gui.FPXLandUpdater();" size="8" type="text" tabindex="8" /></td> \
                                                    <td> <input class="landpmbutton blue" id="b_8" name="FPXplusTen_8" type="button"   value=" + " onClick="SRDotDX.gui.FPXLandButtonHandler(this,;return false;" tabindex="25"/></td> \
                                                </tr> \
                                                <tr><td class="landname" colspan="3">Castle</td></tr> \
                                                <tr> \
                                                    <td> <input class="landpmbutton red" id="a_9" name="FPXminusTen_9" type="button"   value=" - " onClick="SRDotDX.gui.FPXLandButtonHandler(this,;return false;" tabindex="26"/></td> \
                                                    <td> <input  class="generic" maxlength="10" name="tf_9" onblur="SRDotDX.gui.FPXLandUpdater();" size="8" type="text" tabindex="9" /></td> \
                                                    <td> <input class="landpmbutton blue" id="b_9" name="FPXplusTen_9" type="button"   value=" + " onClick="SRDotDX.gui.FPXLandButtonHandler(this,;return false;" tabindex="27"/></td> \
                                                    <td></td> \
                                                    <td colspan="3"> <input class="landsavebutton green" id="lsbutton" type="button" value="Save" onClick="SRDotDX.gui.FPXLandButtonSave();return false;" tabindex="28"/></td> \
                                                </tr> \
                                            </table> \
                                            </form> \
                                        </div> \
                                    <div id="WhoPostedMyRaidDiv" class="collapsible_panel"> \
								        <p class="collapsingCategory" id="collapsingCat51" onclick="SRDotDX.gui.toggleDisplay(\'WhoPostedMyRaid\', this)">Who posted my raid?<span style="float:right">+</span></p> \
								        <div id="WhoPostedMyRaid" style="display:block" class="collapsingField"> \
								            <span class="generic" style="margin-top:6px; margin-right: 2px">Raid link or id: </span>\
								            <input type="text" class="generic" id="DotDX_checkRaidPoster" style="width:120px">\
								            <input class="green" type="button" value="Check" onClick="SRDotDX.request.poster(); return false;" style="height:20px; width:46px"><br>\
											<span class="generic">Raid: </span><span class="generic" id="DotDX_whoPosted_Raid"></span><br> \
											<span class="generic">Time: </span><span class="generic" id="DotDX_whoPosted_Time"></span><br> \
											<span class="generic">Poster: </span><span class="generic" id="DotDX_whoPosted_Poster"></span><br> \
								        </div> \
								</div> \
							</li>  \
						</ul> \
						<div id="helpBox" style="max-height:0"><span>Help message</span></div> \
					', false).attach('to', 'kong_game_ui').ele();
                        SRDotDX.c('style').set({type: "text/css", id: 'DotDX_colors'}).text(' \
                        .DotDX_filter_dummy_0 {display: none !important} \
                        ').attach('to', document.head);

                        // = document.getElementById('chat_tab_pane').style.height;
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                            e[i].addEventListener('click', function () {
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                                    this.parentNode.className += ' active';
                        //Set up custom chat size

                        //Chat raids overlay div
                        SRDotDX.c('div').set({id: 'chat_raids_overlay'}).html('<span id="chat_raids_overlay_text"></span>', true).attach("to", 'chat_tab_pane');

                        //Sidebar elements generator
                        if (SRDotDX.config.sbEnable) SRDotDX.gui.applySidebarUI(1);

                        //spam tab
                        var FPXimpSpam = SRDotDX.c('#DotDX_raidsToSpam');
                        var FPXSpamText = 'Paste raid links here to share or import\n\nLinks must be comma (,) separated.';
                        FPXimpSpam.ele().value = FPXSpamText;
                        FPXimpSpam.on('blur', function(){if(this.value === '') this.value = FPXSpamText});
                        FPXimpSpam.on('focus', function(){if(this.value === FPXSpamText) this.value = ''});

                        //chat global listener
                        var chat_window = document.getElementById('chat_rooms_container');
                        chat_window.addEventListener('click', SRDotDX.gui.chatWindowMouseDown, true);
                        chat_window.addEventListener('contextmenu', SRDotDX.gui.chatWindowContextMenu, false);

                        //land tab
                        els = document.FPXLandForm;
                        for(i = 0; i < 9; ++i) els.elements['tf_' + (i + 1)].value = SRDotDX.config.FPXLandOwnedCount[i];

                        //raid tab
                        var raids_tab = document.getElementById('raids_tab');
                        raids_tab.addEventListener('click', function () {
                        }, false);

                        var raidBossFilter = SRDotDX.c('#raidsBossFilter');
                        raidBossFilter.ele().value = SRDotDX.config.lastFilter[SRDotDX.config.serverMode - 1];
                        raidBossFilter.on("keyup", function () {
                            SRDotDX.gui.updateFilterTxt(this.value, true);

                        var filterIncVis = SRDotDX.c('#dotdx_flt_vis');
                        filterIncVis.ele().checked = SRDotDX.config.fltIncVis;
                        filterIncVis.on('click', function () {
                            SRDotDX.config.fltIncVis = this.checked;
                            if(!document.getElementById('dotdx_flt_all').checked) SRDotDX.gui.selectRaidsToJoin('checkbox');

                        var filterExclFull = SRDotDX.c('#dotdx_flt_full');
                        filterExclFull.ele().checked = SRDotDX.config.fltExclFull;
                        filterExclFull.on('click', function () {
                            SRDotDX.config.fltExclFull = this.checked;
                            if(!document.getElementById('dotdx_flt_all').checked) SRDotDX.gui.selectRaidsToJoin('checkbox');

                        var filterShowAll = SRDotDX.c('#dotdx_flt_all');
                        filterShowAll.ele().checked = SRDotDX.config.fltShowAll;
                        filterShowAll.on('click', function () {
                            SRDotDX.config.fltShowAll = this.checked;

                        //raidlist global click listener
                        var raid_list = document.getElementById('raid_list');
                        raid_list.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
                            return false
                        }, false);
                        raid_list.addEventListener('mousedown', function (e) {
                        }, false);

                        //options tab
                        var optsImportFiltered = SRDotDX.c('#SRDotDX_options_importFiltered');
                        optsImportFiltered.ele().checked = SRDotDX.config.importFiltered;
                        optsImportFiltered.on('click', function () {
                            SRDotDX.config.importFiltered = this.checked;

                        var optsShowFs = SRDotDX.c('#SRDotDX_options_showFS');
                        optsShowFs.ele().checked = SRDotDX.config.linkShowFs;
                        optsShowFs.on('click', function () {
                            SRDotDX.config.linkShowFs = this.checked;

                        var optsShowAp = SRDotDX.c('#SRDotDX_options_showAP');
                        optsShowAp.ele().checked = SRDotDX.config.linkShowAp;
                        optsShowAp.on('click', function () {
                            SRDotDX.config.linkShowAp = this.checked;

                        var optsHideARaids = SRDotDX.c('#SRDotDX_options_hideRaidLinks');
                        var optsHideBRaids = SRDotDX.c('#SRDotDX_options_hideBotLinks');
                        var optsHideVRaids = SRDotDX.c('#SRDotDX_options_hideVisitedRaids');
                        var optsConfirmDeletes = SRDotDX.c('#SRDotDX_options_confirmWhenDeleting');
                        var optsMarkImportedVisited = SRDotDX.c('#SRDotDX_options_markImportedRaidsVisited');
                        var optsWhisperTo = SRDotDX.c('#SRDotDX_options_whisperTo');
                        var optsMarkMyRaidsVisited = SRDotDX.c('#SRDotDX_options_markMyRaidsVisited');
                        var optsFormatLinkOutput = SRDotDX.c('#SRDotDX_options_formatLinkOutput');

                        var optsChatSizeNormal = SRDotDX.c('#SRDotDX_options_chatSizeNormal').on('click', function(){ SRDotDX.gui.chatResize(300) });
                        var optsChatSizePlus25 = SRDotDX.c('#SRDotDX_options_chatSizePlus25').on('click', function(){ SRDotDX.gui.chatResize(375) });
                        var optsChatSizePlus50 = SRDotDX.c('#SRDotDX_options_chatSizePlus50').on('click', function(){ SRDotDX.gui.chatResize(450) });
                        switch (SRDotDX.config.chatSize) {
                            case 300: optsChatSizeNormal.ele().checked = true; break;
                            case 375: optsChatSizePlus25.ele().checked = true; break;
                            case 450: optsChatSizePlus50.ele().checked = true; break;
                            default: optsChatSizeNormal.ele().checked = true; break;

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                            case 2: optsChatFontSmaller.ele().checked = true; break;
                            case 1: optsChatFontBigger.ele().checked = true; break;
                            default: optsChatFontNormal.ele().checked = true; break;

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                        optsChatHideScrollbar.ele().checked = SRDotDX.config.hideScrollBar;
                        optsChatHideScrollbar.on('click', function () {
                            SRDotDX.config.hideScrollBar = this.checked;

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                        optsHideKongForum.ele().checked = SRDotDX.config.hideKongForum;
                        optsHideKongForum.on('click', function () {
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                        optsHideGameDetails.ele().checked = SRDotDX.config.hideGameDetails;
                        optsHideGameDetails.on('click', function () {
                            SRDotDX.config.hideGameDetails = this.checked;
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                        optsHideGameTitle.ele().checked = SRDotDX.config.hideGameTitle;
                        optsHideGameTitle.on('click', function () {
                            SRDotDX.config.hideGameTitle = this.checked

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								if (this.checked) SRDotDX.gui.setMessagesCount();
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							}).ele().checked = SRDotDX.config.allianceIsExternal;

							.on('keyup', function(){ SRDotDX.config.allianceServer = this.value })
							.ele().value = SRDotDX.config.allianceServer;

							.on('keyup', function(){ SRDotDX.config.allianceChannel = this.value })
							.ele().value = SRDotDX.config.allianceChannel;

							.on('keyup', function(){ SRDotDX.config.alliancePass = this.value })
							.ele().value = SRDotDX.config.alliancePass;

							.on('keyup', function(){
								SRDotDX.config.allianceName = this.value;
								if (SRDotDX.alliance.isActive) document.getElementsByClassName('room_name_container')[0].children[0].innerHTML = this.value;
							}).ele().value = SRDotDX.config.allianceName;

							.on('click', function(){
								if (SRDotDX.config.allianceIsExternal) {
									SRDotDX.config.allianceServer = SRDotDX.config.allianceServer.trim().replace(/\/$/,'').toLowerCase();
									SRDotDX.c('#options_allianceServer').ele().value = SRDotDX.config.allianceServer;
									if (/^https?:\/\/.+?:\d{2,5}$/.test(SRDotDX.config.allianceServer)) {
										SRDotDX.config.allianceChat = this.checked;
										if (this.checked) SRDotDX.alliance.createRoom();
										else SRDotDX.alliance.destroyChat();
									else this.checked = false;
								else {
									if (SRDotDX.config.allianceChannel && SRDotDX.config.alliancePass) {
										SRDotDX.config.allianceChat = this.checked;
										if (this.checked) SRDotDX.alliance.createRoom();
										else SRDotDX.alliance.destroyChat();
									else this.checked = false;
							}).ele().checked = SRDotDX.config.allianceChat;

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                        var optsChatIgnHide = SRDotDX.c('#SRDotDX_options_ignHide');
                        optsChatIgnHide.on('click', function(){SRDotDX.config.ignMode = 0});
                        var optsChatIgnReplace = SRDotDX.c('#SRDotDX_options_ignReplace');
                        optsChatIgnReplace.on('click', function(){SRDotDX.config.ignMode = 1});
                        var optsChatIgnAttach = SRDotDX.c('#SRDotDX_options_ignAttach');
                        optsChatIgnAttach.on('click', function(){SRDotDX.config.ignMode = 2});
                        switch(SRDotDX.config.ignMode) {
                            case 0: optsChatIgnHide.ele().checked = true; break;
                            case 1: optsChatIgnReplace.ele().checked = true; break;
                            case 2: optsChatIgnAttach.ele().checked = true; break;

                        var optsChatThemeLightGrey = SRDotDX.c('#theme_lightGrey');
                        optsChatThemeLightGrey.on('click', function(){SRDotDX.gui.applyTheme(0)});
                        var optsChatThemeCrimsonBlack = SRDotDX.c('#theme_crimsonBlack');
                        optsChatThemeCrimsonBlack.on('click', function(){SRDotDX.gui.applyTheme(1)});
                        switch(SRDotDX.config.themeNum) {
                            case 1: optsChatThemeCrimsonBlack.ele().checked = true; break;
                            case 0: optsChatThemeLightGrey.ele().checked = true; break;

                        var optsWcLeft = SRDotDX.c('#options_wcLeft');
                        optsWcLeft.ele().checked = SRDotDX.config.leftWChat;
                        optsWcLeft.on('click', function(){
                            SRDotDX.config.leftWChat = this.checked;

                        var optsWcRemove = SRDotDX.c('#options_wcRemove');
                        optsWcRemove.ele().checked = SRDotDX.config.removeWChat;
                        optsWcRemove.on('click', function(){SRDotDX.gui.removeWC(this.checked)});

                        //Opts -> Sidebar Options
                        var optsSbEnable = SRDotDX.c('#options_sbEnable');
                        optsSbEnable.ele().checked = SRDotDX.config.sbEnable;
                        optsSbEnable.on('click', function () {
                            SRDotDX.config.sbEnable = this.checked;
                            SRDotDX.gui.applySidebarUI(this.checked ? 1 : -1);

                        var optsSbRightSide = SRDotDX.c('#options_sbRightSide');
                        optsSbRightSide.ele().checked = SRDotDX.config.sbRightSide;
                        optsSbRightSide.on('click', function () {
                            SRDotDX.config.sbRightSide = this.checked;

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                        optsSlimSB.ele().checked = SRDotDX.config.sbSlim;
                        optsSlimSB.on('click', function () {
                            SRDotDX.config.sbSlim = this.checked;

                        optsMarkMyRaidsVisited.ele().checked = SRDotDX.config.markMyRaidsVisted;
                        optsFormatLinkOutput.ele().checked = SRDotDX.config.formatLinkOutput;
                        optsMarkImportedVisited.ele().checked = SRDotDX.config.markImportedVisited;
                        optsWhisperTo.ele().value = SRDotDX.config.whisperTo;
                        optsConfirmDeletes.ele().checked = SRDotDX.config.confirmDeletes;
                        SRDotDX.c('#SRDotDX_colors_background').ele().value = SRDotDX.config.bckColor;
                        optsHideVRaids.ele().checked = SRDotDX.config.hideVisitedRaids;
                        optsHideBRaids.ele().checked = SRDotDX.config.hideBotLinks;
                        if (SRDotDX.config.hideRaidLinks) {
                            optsHideARaids.ele().checked = true;
                            optsHideVRaids.ele().disabled = true;
                            optsHideBRaids.ele().disabled = true;

                        optsConfirmDeletes.on('click', function(){SRDotDX.config.confirmDeletes = this.checked});
                        optsMarkImportedVisited.on("click", function(){SRDotDX.config.markImportedVisited = this.checked;});
                        optsWhisperTo.on("change", function () {
                            console.log("[SRDotDX] Whisper person changed to " + this.value);
                            SRDotDX.config.whisperTo = this.value;
                        SRDotDX.c('#SRDotDX_colors_background').on("change", function(){SRDotDX.config.bckColor = this.value;});
                        optsFormatLinkOutput.on("click", function(){SRDotDX.config.formatLinkOutput = this.checked;});
                        optsMarkMyRaidsVisited.on("click", function(){SRDotDX.config.markMyRaidsVisted = this.checked;});
                        optsHideARaids.on("click", function(){
                            document.getElementById('SRDotDX_options_hideVisitedRaids').disabled = this.checked;
                            document.getElementById('SRDotDX_options_hideSeenRaids').disabled = this.checked;
                            SRDotDX.config.hideRaidLinks = this.checked;
                            SRDotDX.c('#SRDotDX_raidClass').html('.DotDX_raid {display: ' + (this.checked ? 'none !important' : 'block') + '}', true);
                        }, true);
                        optsHideBRaids.on("click", function(){SRDotDX.gui.switchBot()}, true);
                        optsHideVRaids.on("click", function(){
                            SRDotDX.config.hideVisitedRaids = this.checked;
                            SRDotDX.c('#SRDotDX_visitedRaidClass').html('.SRDotDX_visitedRaid {display: ' + (this.checked ? 'none !important' : 'block') + '}', true);
                        }, true);

                        //CHAT TAB CLICK SCROLL (id=chat_tab, class=chat_message_window)
						document.getElementById('chat_tab').addEventListener("click", function() {
							document.getElementById('lots_tab_pane').style.display = 'none';
                            }, 50);
                        }, true);

                        //RAIDS TAB CLICK EVENT LISTENER
						document.getElementById('lots_tab').addEventListener("click", function() {
                            setTimeout(SRDotDX.gui.selectRaidsToJoin, 50)
                        }, true);


                        // Filtering tab

                        var filterChatCb = SRDotDX.c('#SRDotDX_options_perRaidFilterLinks');
                        filterChatCb.on("click", function () {
                            SRDotDX.config.filterChatLinks = this.checked;
                        }, true).ele().checked = SRDotDX.config.filterChatLinks;

                        var filterListCb = SRDotDX.c('#SRDotDX_options_perRaidFilterRaidList');
                        filterListCb.on("click", function () {
                            SRDotDX.config.filterRaidList = this.checked;
                        }, true).ele().checked = SRDotDX.config.filterRaidList;

                        SRDotDX.c('li').set({class: 'rate'}).html('<a class="spritegame" href="" onclick="SRDotDX.reload(); return false;">Reload Game</a>', false).attach('after', 'quicklinks_favorite_block');
                        if(!SRDotDX.config.removeWChat) SRDotDX.c('li').set({id: 'wcbutton', class: 'rate'}).html('<a id="hideWCtxt" class="spritegame" href="" onclick="SRDotDX.gui.hideWC(false); return false;">' + (SRDotDX.config.hideWChat ? 'Show World Chat' : 'Hide World Chat') + '</a>', false).attach('after', 'quicklinks_play_later_block');

                        //Chat buttons overlay div
                        var hd = document.getElementById('chat_window_header').getElementsByClassName('room_name_container')[0].innerHTML;
                        document.getElementById('chat_window_header').getElementsByClassName('room_name_container')[0].innerHTML = hd + '<div class="dotdx_chat_overlay">DotDX: <span id="dotdx_chat_overlay"></span></div>';
                        setTimeout(SRDotDX.gui.BeginDeletingExpiredUnvisitedRaids, 10000);
                        window.userInt = setInterval(function(){
                            if(typeof active_user == 'object' && active_user.username().toLowerCase() != 'guest') {
                                SRDotDX.config.kongUser = active_user.username();
                                SRDotDX.config.kongId =;
                                SRDotDX.config.kongAuth = active_user.gameAuthToken();
                                console.log("[DotDX] Initialized user: " + SRDotDX.config.kongUser + " | " + SRDotDX.config.kongId);
								if(SRDotDX.config.allianceChat) setTimeout(SRDotDX.alliance.createRoom, 5000);
                            else console.log("[DotDX] User init failed... trying again");

                        console.log('[DotDX] DotDeXtension loading complete');
                        SRDotDX.gui.doStatusOutput('Loaded successfully', 2000, false);

						setTimeout(function(){delete SRDotDX.gui.load; delete SRDotDX.load},1000);
                        setTimeout(, 2000);

                    else {
                        setTimeout(SRDotDX.gui.load, 500)
                fsEleClick: function (e) {
                    e = e || window.event;
                    var el =':');
                    if (el[0] == 'fs') {
                        SRDotDX.config.friendUsers[el[1]][el[2]] =;
                FPXraidLinkClick: function(id) {
                    if (!SRDotDX.gui.joining) SRDotDX.request.joinRaid(SRDotDX.config.raidList[id]);
                    else SRDotDX.gui.joinRaidList.push(SRDotDX.config.raidList[id]);
                FPXLandButtonHandler: function (ele, name) {
                    var x = name.charAt(name.length - 1), sign = 1;
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                FPXLandUpdater: function () {
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                    while (i--) owned[i] = parseInt(els.elements['tf_' + (i + 1)].value, 10);
                    var ratio = FPX.LandCostRatio(owned), best = 0, cn;
                    i = 9;
                    while (i--) {
                        cn = document.getElementById('b_' + (i + 1)).className;
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                        if (ratio[i] > ratio[best]) best = i;
                    cn = document.getElementById('b_' + (best + 1)).className;
                    document.getElementById('b_' + (best + 1)).className = cn.replace('landpmbutton', 'landpmbuttonhigh');
                FPXLandButtonSave: function () {
                    var els = document.FPXLandForm, i = 9;
                    while (i--) SRDotDX.config.FPXLandOwnedCount[i] = els.elements['tf_' + (i + 1)].value;
                    SRDotDX.gui.doStatusOutput('Land count saved!');
                FPXraidListMouseDown: function (e) {
                    var classtype =;
                    e = e || window.event;
                    if (e.which == 1) {
                        switch (classtype) {
                            case 'dotdxRaidListDelete':
                            case 'DotDX_RaidLink':
                chatWindowContextMenu: function (e) {
                    e = e || window.event;
                    var clickedClass =" "), nick = "";
                    console.log('[DotDX] Chat window menu [' + + ']');
                    if (clickedClass[0] === 'username' && clickedClass[1] === 'chat_message_window_username') {
                        nick ='dotdxname');
                        var frTxt = SRDotDX.config.friendUsers[nick]?'unFriend':'Friend';
                        var uMenu = document.getElementById(clickedClass[clickedClass.length - 1]);
                        if(uMenu !== null) {
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                    return false;
                chatWindowMouseDown: function (e) {
                    e = e || window.event;
                    var clickedClass =" "), nick = "";
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					if(e.which === 1) {
						switch(clickedClass[0]) {
							case 'username':
								if(clickedClass[1] === 'chat_message_window_username')
									nick ='dotdxname');
									console.log("[DotDX] Whisp to user with nick [" + nick + "]");
									if (SRDotDX.alliance.isActive) {
										var txt = document.getElementById('alliance_input');
										txt.value = '/w ' + nick + ' ';
									else holodeck.chatWindow().insertPrivateMessagePrefixFor(nick);
							case 'chatRaidLink':
								var raid = clickedClass[1].split("|");
								var rObj = {id: raid[0], hash: raid[1], boss: raid[2], diff: raid[3], sid: raid[4]};
								if (!SRDotDX.gui.joining) SRDotDX.request.joinRaid(rObj);
								else SRDotDX.gui.joinRaidList.push(rObj);
							case 'user':
								var classTokens = clickedClass[1].split("_");
								switch (classTokens[1]) {
									case 'slap':
										var num = Math.round((Math.random() * (SRDotDX.slapSentences.length - 1)));
										SRDotDX.gui.sendChatMsg('*' + SRDotDX.slapSentences[num].replace(/<nick>/g, classTokens[2]) + '*');
									case 'mute':
										SRDotDX.config.mutedUsers[classTokens[2]] = true;
									case 'friend':
										if (typeof SRDotDX.config.friendUsers[classTokens[2]] == 'object') delete SRDotDX.config.friendUsers[classTokens[2]];
										else SRDotDX.config.friendUsers[classTokens[2]] = [false, false, false, false, true];
									case 'name':
								} = "0";
								//console.log('[DotDX] Chat window (' + e.which + ') Tag [' + + ']');
								if ( === 'IMG') {
									var imgSrc ='src');
									if (/^https?:\/\/.+?\.(png|gif|jpe?g)$/.test(imgSrc)){
										console.log("[DotDX] Open new tab with image: " + imgSrc);
						return false;
                raidListItemUpdate: function (id) {
					var ele = document.getElementById('DotDX_' + id);
					var r = SRDotDX.config.raidList[id];
					if(ele !== null && typeof r === 'object') ele.children[2].innerHTML = (r.visited ? '&#9733;' : '');
                raidListItemRemoveById: function (id) {
                    var ele = document.getElementById('DotDX_' + id);
                    if(ele !== null) ele.parentNode.removeChild(ele);
                toggleCSS: function (p) {
                    if (p) {
                        var ele = document.getElementById(;
                        if(ele !== null) {
                            SRDotDX.c("style").set({ type: "text/css", id: }).text(p.cls).attach("to", document.head);
                toggleRaid: function (type, id, tog) {
                    var d = document.getElementsByClassName("DotDX_raidId_" + id);
                    if (typeof SRDotDX.config.raidList[id] === 'object') {
                        var raid = SRDotDX.config.raidList[id];
                        raid = SRDotDX.getRaidDetails("&kv_difficulty=" + raid.diff + "&kv_hash=" + raid.hash + "&kv_raid_boss=" + raid.boss + "&kv_raid_id=" +;
                    for(var i = 0, il = d.length; i < il; ++i) {
                        if (tog && d[i].className.indexOf('DotDX_' + type + 'Raid') < 0) d[i].className += ' DotDX_' + type + 'Raid';
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                        if (typeof raid === 'object') d[i].getElementsByTagName('a')[0].innerHTML = raid.linkText();
			searchPatterns: {
				z1: ['kobold', 'scorp', 'ogre'],
				z2: ['rhino', 'alice', 'lurker'],
				z3: ['4ogre', 'squid', 'batman', 'drag', 'tainted'],
				z4: ['bmane', '3dawg', 'hydra', 'sircai', 'tyranthius'],
				z5: ['ironclad', 'zombiehorde', 'stein', 'bogstench', 'nalagarst'],
				z6: ['gunnar', 'nidhogg', 'kang', 'ulfrik', 'kalaxia'],
				z7: ['maraak', 'erakka_sak', 'wexxa', 'guilbert', 'bellarius'],
				z8: ['hargamesh', 'grimsly', 'rift', 'sisters', 'mardachus'],
				z9: ['mesyra', 'nimrod', 'phaedra', 'tenebra', 'valanazes'],
				'z1_9': ['kobold', 'scorp', 'ogre', 'rhino', 'alice', 'lurker', '4ogre', 'squid', 'batman', 'drag', 'tainted', 'bmane', '3dawg', 'hydra', 'sircai', 'tyranthius', 'ironclad', 'zombiehorde', 'stein', 'bogstench', 'nalagarst', 'gunnar', 'nidhogg', 'kang', 'ulfrik', 'kalaxia', 'maraak', 'erakka_sak', 'wexxa', 'guilbert', 'bellarius', 'hargamesh', 'grimsly', 'rift', 'sisters', 'mardachus', 'mesyra', 'nimrod', 'phaedra', 'tenebra', 'valanazes'],
				'z9.5': ['pumpkin', 'jacksrevenge1'],
				'z9.7': ['hellemental', 'shadow'],
				z10: ['krugnug', 'tomb_gargoyle', 'leonine_watcher', 'centurion_marius', 'caracalla'],
				z14: ['zugen', 'gulkinari', 'verkiteia', 'cannibal_barbarians'],
				z15: ['korxun', 'xerkara', 'shaar', 'nereidon', 'drulcharus'],
				z16: ['bad_blood','way_warden','draconic_dreams','doppelganger'],
				z17: ['the_sight_of_solus','engine_of_the_ancients','ascendants_echo','drakontos_the_first_terror'],
				farm: ['maraak', 'erakka_sak', 'wexxa', 'guilbert', 'bellarius', 'drag', 'tainted', 'ogre', 'scorp', 'baroness'],
				flute: ['kobold', 'scorp', 'ogre', 'rhino', 'alice', 'lurker', '4ogre', 'squid', 'batman', 'drag', 'tainted', 'harpy', 'spider', 'djinn', 'evilgnome', 'basilisk', 'roc', 'gladiators', 'chimera', 'crabshark', 'gorgon', 'warewolfpack', 'blobmonster', 'giantgolem'],
				tower: ['thaltherda', 'hurkus', 'malleus', 'yydians_sanctuary', 'clockwork_dragon', 'krxunara', 'karkata', 'corrupted_wilds', 'marble_colossus', 'elite_butcher', 'elite_killers', 'elite_mangler', 'elite_murderer', 'elite_caster', 'elite_whispers', 'elite_malleus', 'elite_riders', 'elite_warrior','elite_lady','beastman_stampede'],
				small: ['kobold', 'rhino', 'bmane', '4ogre', 'serpina', 'dragons_lair', 'gunnar', 'hargamesh', 'ironclad', 'krugnug', 'maraak', 'thaltherda', 'zugen', 'nereidon', 'mestr_rekkr_rematch', 'ghostly_alchemist', 'master_ninja_bakku','valtrias','bad_blood','elite_caster','elite_warrior','frost_the_snow_dragon','unholy_rite','bloodsuckers','elite_bloodsuckers','elite_slitherer','the_sight_of_solus'],
				medium: ['alice', 'erakka_sak', 'grimsly', '3dawg', 'scorp', 'nidhogg', 'tomb_gargoyle', 'squid', 'tisiphone', 'zombiehorde', 'baroness', 'hurkus', 'gulkinari', 'korxun', 'drunken_ragunt', 'shadow', 'rudaru_the_axe_master','doppelganger','bash_brothers', 'elite_whispers', 'yule_punishment_bearer', 'damned_shade','ascendants_echo'],
				large: ['ogre', 'batman', 'hydra', 'kang', 'leonine_watcher', 'lurker', 'rift', 'stein', 'wexxa', 'teremarthu', 'zralkthalat', 'malleus', 'verkiteia', 'drulcharus', 'gigantomachy', 'green_killers', 'yule_present_bearer','clockwork_giant','blood_dancer','elite_murderer','elite_riders','qwiladrian_sporeforms', 'the_thaw_of_elvigar', 'demonic_skeleton','possessed_cadaver','war_damned_shade','lord_hoton_the_usurper', 'war_swarm', 'war_bloodsuckers', 'war_soldier_ants', 'initiates_of_the_abyss', 'elite_initiates'],
				epic: ['bogstench', 'centurion_marius', 'drag', 'tainted', 'guilbert', 'pumpkin', 'jacksrevenge1', 'mesyra', 'nimrod', 'phaedra', 'sircai', 'sisters', 'ulfrik', 'frogmen_assassins', 'burbata', 'yydians_sanctuary', 'grundus', 'shaar', 'tuxargus', 'nylatrix', 'rannveig', 'legion_of_darkness', 'valley_of_death', 'murgrux_the_mangler', 'marble_colossus', 'drakes_fire_elemental','elite_mangler', 'elite_malleus', 'qwiladrian_stormship', 'jershan_thurns_portal', 'odius_pods','reaper_mantis','elite_reaper_mantis','soldier_ants', 'hullbore_worms', 'elite_5th_terror'],
				colossal: ['bellarius', 'caracalla', 'kalaxia', 'tyranthius', 'mardachus', 'nalagarst', 'tenebra', 'valanazes', 'siculus', 'ruzzik', 'cannibal_barbarians', 'vortex_abomination', 'xerkara', 'keron', 'clockwork_dragon', 'krxunara', 'hellemental', 'kanehuar_yachu', 'karkata', 'thratus_abomination', 'way_warden', 'faetouched_dragon','vineborn_behemoth','badland_ambusher', 'prison_of_fear', 'elite_lady', 'the_frozen_spire','elite_devourer','elite_karkata','engine_of_the_ancients','beastman_stampede'],
				gigantic: ['imryx', 'trekex', 'gataalli_huxac', 'kessov_fort', 'corrupted_wilds','draconic_dreams','horthania_stam','jormungan_the_sea_storm_stam', 'euryino', 'grotesque_hybrid','red_snow','drakontos_the_first_terror'],
				glyph: ['maraak', 'erakka_sak', 'wexxa', 'guilbert', 'bellarius'],
				goblin: ['master_ninja_bakku', 'green_killers', 'elite_killers', 'elite_riders'],
				citadel: ['thaltherda', 'hurkus', 'malleus', 'yydians_sanctuary', 'clockwork_dragon', 'krxunara', 'karkata', 'corrupted_wilds', 'marble_colossus', 'elite_butcher', 'elite_killers', 'elite_murderer', 'elite_mangler', 'elite_caster', 'elite_whispers', 'elite_malleus', 'elite_riders', 'elite_warrior', 'elite_lady'],
				festival: ['vortex_abomination', 'drunken_ragunt', 'mestr_rekkr_rematch', 'valley_of_death', 'green_killers', 'murgrux_the_mangler', 'euryino', 'jershan_thurns_portal','elite_5th_terror'],
				abyssal: ['elite_devourer','elite_bloodsuckers','elite_reaper_mantis','soldier_ants', 'war_swarm', 'war_bloodsuckers', 'war_soldier_ants', 'elite_initiates', 'hullbore_worms','elite_5th_terror','elite_karkata','elite_slitherer'],
				aquatic: ['dirthax', 'frogmen_assassins', 'lurker', 'nidhogg', 'crabshark', 'squid', 'thaltherda', 'nereidon', 'krxunara', 'trekex', 'paracoprion', 'bog_bodies','karkata','jormungan_the_sea_storm_stam', 'euryino', 'initiates_of_the_abyss', 'elite_initiates', 'hullbore_worms', 'elite_5th_terror', 'elite_karkata','elite_slitherer','drakontos_the_first_terror'],
				beastman: ['bmane', 'burbata', 'frogmen_assassins', 'batman', 'war_boar', 'hargamesh', 'hurkus', 'krugnug', 'malleus', 'scorp', 'ruzzik', 'squid', 'korxun', 'shaar', 'nereidon', 'drulcharus', 'trekex', 'elite_malleus', 'beastman_stampede'],
				beasts: ['lurker', 'rhino', '3dawg', 'nidhogg', 'hydra', 'kang', 'wexxa', 'karkata', 'nrlux', 'spider', 'basilisk', 'chimera', 'doomglare', 'roc', 'crabshark', 'dirthax', 'nrlux', 'paracoprion', 'corrupted_wilds', 'elite_riders','elite_devourer'],
				bludheim: ['gunnar', 'nidhogg', 'kang', 'ulfrik', 'kalaxia'],
				colosseum: ['gladiators', 'serpina', 'crabshark', 'tisiphone', 'chimera', 'green_killers', 'marble_colossus','blood_dancer','bash_brothers'],
				construct: ['cedric', 'erakka_sak', 'giantgolem', 'leonine_watcher', 'tomb_gargoyle', 'stein', 'yydians_sanctuary', 'clockwork_dragon', 'clockwork_giant', 'thratus_abomination', 'marble_colossus', 'the_frozen_spire','engine_of_the_ancients'],
				demon: ['apoc_demon', '3dawg', 'tyranthius', 'lunacy', 'salome', 'sircai', 'blobmonster', 'malchar', 'zralkthalat', 'krxunara', 'adrastos', 'hellemental','valtrias','red_snow','jershan_thurns_portal', 'damned_shade','demonic_skeleton','possessed_cadaver','war_damned_shade','odius_pods','unholy_rite'],
				dragon: ['bellarius', 'corrupterebus', 'dragons_lair', 'echidna', 'drag', 'kalaxia', 'krykagrius', 'mardachus', 'mesyra', 'nalagarst', 'nimrod', 'phaedra', 'rhalmarius_the_despoiler', 'tainted', 'tenebra', 'thaltherda', 'tisiphone', 'grundus', 'valanazes', 'verkiteia', 'winter_kessov', 'xerkara', 'nereidon', 'drulcharus', 'keron', 'tuxargus', 'nylatrix', 'clockwork_dragon', 'imryx', 'draconic_dreams', 'horthania_stam', 'jormungan_the_sea_storm_stam', 'drakes_fire_elemental', 'faetouched_dragon', 'grotesque_hybrid', 'frost_the_snow_dragon', 'elite_slitherer','the_sight_of_solus','drakontos_the_first_terror'],
				giant: ['gigantomachy', 'gataalli_huxac', 'kanehuar_yachu','clockwork_giant','aberrant_strength_serum'],
				guild: ['harpy', 'spider', 'djinn', 'evilgnome', 'basilisk', 'roc', 'gladiators', 'chimera', 'crabshark', 'gorgon', 'werewolfpack', 'blobmonster', 'giantgolem', 'slaughterers', 'lunacy', 'felendis', 'agony', 'fairy_prince', 'war_boar', 'dirthax', 'dreadbloom', 'rhalmarius_the_despoiler', 'gladiators', 'krasgore', 'xessus', 'malchar', 'nrlux', 'salome', 'apoc_demon', 'grundus', 'tuxargus', 'nylatrix', 'keron', 'adrastos', 'doomglare', 'darhednal', 'paracoprion', 'bog_bodies', 'clockwork_giant', 'drakes_fire_elemental', 'faetouched_dragon', 'aberrant_strength_serum', 'bash_brothers','unholy_rite','soldier_ants','hullbore_worms'],
				human: ['agony', 'rhino', 'gladiators', 'baroness', 'warewolfpack', 'alice', 'cannibal_barbarians', 'guilbert', 'gunnar', 'pumpkin', 'jacksrevenge1', 'lunacy', 'slaughterers', 'ulfrik', 'mestr_rekkr_rematch', 'rannveig', 'adrastos', 'legion_of_darkness', 'yule_present_bearer', 'bad_blood', 'yule_punishment_bearer','possessed_cadaver','lord_hoton_the_usurper','unholy_rite'],
				insect: ['elite_devourer','bloodsuckers','elite_bloodsuckers','reaper_mantis','elite_reaper_mantis','soldier_ants', 'war_swarm', 'war_bloodsuckers', 'war_soldier_ants'],
				magical: ['djinn', 'grimsly', 'hargamesh', 'fairy_prince', 'rift', 'sisters', 'vortex_abomination', 'grundus', 'shadow', 'bog_bodies', 'corrupted_wilds','way_warden', 'doppelganger', 'drakes_fire_elemental', 'faetouched_dragon' ,'blood_dancer', 'prison_of_fear', 'ascendants_echo'],
				nmqueen: ['elite_butcher', 'elite_killers', 'elite_murderer', 'elite_mangler', 'elite_caster', 'elite_riders', 'elite_whispers', 'elite_malleus', 'prison_of_fear', 'elite_warrior', 'elite_lady'],
				ogre: ['ogre', '4ogre', 'felendis', 'zugen', 'korxun', 'drunken_ragunt', 'valley_of_death', 'murgrux_the_mangler', 'elite_butcher', 'elite_mangler', 'bash_brothers'],
				orc: ['darhednal', 'rudaru_the_axe_master', 'green_killers', 'elite_killers', 'elite_murderer'],
				plant: ['vineborn_behemoth', 'badland_ambusher', 'haunted_forest', 'qwiladrian_sporeforms','odius_pods'],
				oddish: ['vineborn_behemoth', 'badland_ambusher', 'haunted_forest', 'qwiladrian_sporeforms'],
				qwiladrian: ['gulkinari', 'teremarthu', 'vortex_abomination', 'grotesque_hybrid', 'qwiladrian_sporeforms', 'qwiladrian_stormship'],
				ryndor: ['bmane', '3dawg', 'hydra', 'sircai', 'tyranthius'],
				siege: ['echidna', 'ulfrik', 'yydians_sanctuary', 'drunken_ragunt', 'kessov_fort', 'the_frozen_spire'],
				terror: ['euryino', 'elite_5th_terror', 'drakontos_the_first_terror'],
				undead: ['agony', 'bogstench', 'serpina', 'ironclad', 'malleus', 'nalagarst', 'stein', 'siculus', 'zombiehorde', 'caracalla', 'centurion_marius', 'ghostly_alchemist', 'elite_caster', 'elite_whispers', 'elite_malleus', 'haunted_forest', 'elite_warrior', 'elite_lady', 'the_thaw_of_elvigar','demonic_skeleton'],
				underground: ['maraak', 'erakka_sak', 'wexxa', 'guilbert', 'bellarius', 'spider', 'tomb_gargoyle', 'leonine_watcher', 'centurion_marius', 'caracalla', 'dragons_lair', 'kang', '3dawg', 'lurker', 'salome', 'stein', 'imryx', 'elite_caster', 'elite_riders', 'elite_lady'],
				war: ['demonic_skeleton', 'possessed_cadaver', 'war_damned_shade', 'war_swarm', 'war_bloodsuckers', 'war_soldier_ants'],
				winter: ['yule_punishment_bearer', 'the_thaw_of_elvigar', 'the_frozen_spire', 'frost_the_snow_dragon', 'red_snow']
			raids: {
				aberrant_strength_serum: {name: 'Aberrant Strength Potion', shortname: 'Strength Potion', id: 'aberrant_strength_serum', type: 'Giant', stat: 'H', size:10, nd:2, duration:24, health: [2000000000,2500000000,3400000000,4000000000,0,0], lt: ['pot','pot','pot','pot']},
				adrastos: {name: 'Adrastos of the Kavala ', shortname: 'Adrastos', id: 'adrastos', type: 'Human, Demon', stat: 'H', size: 101, nd: 5, duration: 192, health: [5000000000, 6250000000, 8750000000, 10000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['keron', 'keron', 'keron', 'keron']},
				agony: {name: 'Agony', shortname: 'Agony', id: 'agony', type: 'Undead, Human', stat: 'H', size: 101, nd: 5, duration: 168, health: [700000000, 875000000, 1120000000, 1400000000, 0, 0]},
				apoc_demon: {name: 'Apocolocyntosised Demon', shortname: 'Apoc', id: 'apoc_demon', type: 'Demon', stat: 'H', size: 50, nd: 3, duration: 144, health: [500000000, 750000000, 1000000000, 2000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['apoc', 'apoc', 'apoc', 'apoc']},
				djinn: {name: 'Al-Azab', shortname: 'Azab', id: 'djinn', type: 'Magical Creature', stat: 'H', size: 100, nd: 4, duration: 168, health: [55000000, 68750000, 88000000, 110000000, 0, 0]},
				spider: {name: 'Arachna', shortname: 'Arachna', id: 'spider', type: 'Underground, Beast', stat: 'H', size: 50, nd: 3, duration: 144, health: [22000000, 27500000, 35200000, 44000000, 0, 0]},
				rhino: {name: 'Ataxes', shortname: 'Ataxes', id: 'rhino', type: 'Human, Beast', stat: 'S', size: 10, nd: 2, duration: 120, health: [2000000, 2500000, 3200000, 4000000, 0, 0]},
				badland_ambusher: {name: 'Badland Ambusher', shortname: 'Badlands', id: 'badland_ambusher', type: 'Plant', stat: 'S', size:500, nd:6, duration:96, health: [225000000000,450000000000,675000000000,900000000000,0,0], lt: ['badl','badl','badl','badl']},
				bash_brothers: {name: 'The Bash Brothers',shortname: 'B. Brothers',id: 'bash_brothers', type: 'Colosseum Ogre', stat: 'H', size:25, nd:4, duration:48, health: [25000000000,33000000000,41000000000,50000000000,0,0], lt: ['bsh','bsh','bsh','bsh']},
				gladiators: {name: 'Batiatus Gladiators ', shortname: 'Gladiators', id: 'gladiators', type: 'Colosseum, Human', stat: 'H', size: 10, nd: 2, duration: 120, health: [12000000, 15000000, 19200000, 24000000, 0, 0]},
				beastman_stampede: {name: 'Beastman Stampede', shortname: 'Stampede', id: 'beastman_stampede', type: 'Beastman', stat: 'S', size: 200, nd: 5, duration: 72, health: [450000000000,900000000000,1350000000000,1800000000000,0,0], lt: ['u','u','u','u']},
				bellarius: {name: 'Bellarius the Guardian', shortname: 'Bellarius', id: 'bellarius', type: 'Dragon, Underground', stat: 'S', size: 500, nd: 6, duration: 96, health: [900000000, 1125000000, 1440000000, 1800000000, 0, 0]},
				bad_blood: {name: 'Bad Blood', shortname: 'Bad Blood', id: 'bad_blood', type: 'Human', stat: 'S', size:30, nd:4, duration:48, health: [8000000000,16000000000,24000000000,32000000000,0,0], lt: ['badb','badb','badb','badb']},
				baroness: {name: 'The Baroness', shortname: 'Baroness', id: 'baroness', type: 'Human', stat: 'S', size: 50, nd: 3, duration: 60, health: [68000000, 85000000, 108800000, 136000000, 0, 0]},
				werewolfpack: {name: 'The Black Moon Pack', shortname: 'Black Moon', id: 'werewolfpack', type: 'Human', stat: 'H', size: 50, nd: 3, duration: 144, health: [135000000, 168750000, 216000000, 270000000, 0, 0]},
				blood_dancer: {name: 'Blood Dancer', shortname: 'Blood Dancer', id: 'blood_dancer', type: 'Magical Creature, Colosseum', stat: 'S', size:100, nd:5, duration:48, health: [50000000000,100000000000,150000000000,200000000000,0,0], lt: ['danc','danc','danc','danc']},
				bloodsuckers: {name: 'Bloodsuckers', shortname: 'Bloodsuckers', id: 'bloodsuckers', type: 'Insect', stat: 'S', size: 20, nd: 3, duration: 36, health: [17500000000,35000000000,52500000000,70000000000,0,0], lt: ['u','u','u','u']},
				alice: {name: 'Bloody Alice', shortname: 'Alice', id: 'alice', type: 'Human', stat: 'S', size: 50, nd: 3, duration: 120, health: [15000000, 18750000, 24000000, 30000000, 0, 0]},
				bog_bodies: {name: 'The Bog Bodies', shortname: 'Bog Bodies', id: 'bog_bodies', type: 'Magical Creature, Aquatic', stat: 'H', size:101, nd:5, duration:192, health: [3750000000,7500000000,11250000000,15000000000,0,0], lt: ['keron', 'keron', 'keron', 'keron']},
				bogstench: {name: 'Bogstench', shortname: 'Bogstench', id: 'bogstench', type: 'Undead', stat: 'S', size: 250, nd: 5, duration: 96, health: [450000000, 562500000, 720000000, 900000000, 0, 0]},
				'4ogre': {name: 'Briareus the Butcher', shortname: 'Briareus', id: '4ogre', type: 'Ogre', stat: 'S', size: 10, nd: 2, duration: 72, health: [4500000, 5625000, 7200000, 9000000, 0, 0]},
				bmane: {name: 'Bloodmane', shortname: 'Bloodmane', id: 'bmane', type: 'Beastman, Ryndor', stat: 'S', size: 10, nd: 2, duration: 72, health: [7000000, 8750000, 11200000, 14000000, 0, 0]},
				burbata: {name: 'Burbata the Spine-Crusher', shortname: 'Burbata', id: 'burbata', type: 'Beastman', stat: 'S', size: 250, nd: 5, duration: 96, health: [1000000000, 2000000000, 3500000000, 5000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['z10', 'z10', 'z10', 'z10']},
				cannibal_barbarians: {name: 'Cannibal Barbarians', shortname: 'Cannibals', id: 'cannibal_barbarians', type: 'Human', stat: 'S', size: 500, nd: 6, duration: 128, health: [60000000000, 90000000000, 180000000000, 240000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['canib', 'canib', 'canib', 'canib']},
				cedric: {name: 'Cedric the Smashable', shortname: 'Cedric', id: 'cedric', type: 'Construct', stat: 'ESH', size: 90000, nd: 0, duration: 24, health: ['Unlimited', 'Unlimited', 'Unlimited', 'Unlimited', 'Unlimited', 'Unlimited']},
				caracalla: {name: 'Caracalla', shortname: 'Caracalla', id: 'caracalla', type: 'Undead, Underground', stat: 'S', size: 500, nd: 6, duration: 128, health: [50000000000, 75000000000, 150000000000, 200000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['cara', 'cara', 'cara', 'cara']},
				harpy: {name: 'Celeano', shortname: 'Celeano', id: 'harpy', type: '', stat: 'H', size: 10, nd: 2, duration: 120, health: [3000000, 3750000, 4800000, 6000000, 0, 0]},
				centurion_marius: {name: 'Centurion Marius', shortname: 'Marius', id: 'centurion_marius', type: 'Undead, Underground', stat: 'S', size: 250, nd: 5, duration: 96, health: [10000000000, 12000000000, 16000000000, 40000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['z10', 'z10', 'z10', 'z10']},
				kobold: {name: 'Chieftain Horgrak', shortname: 'Horgrak', id: 'kobold', type: '', stat: 'S', size: 10, nd: 2, duration: 168, health: [150000, 187500, 240000, 300000, 0, 0]},
				clockwork_dragon: {name: 'Clockwork Dragon', shortname: 'Clock Dragon', id: 'clockwork_dragon', type: 'Construct, Dragon', stat: 'S', size: 500, nd: 6, duration: 128, health: [70000000000, 140000000000, 210000000000, 280000000000], lt: ['clock', 'clock', 'clock', 'clock']},
				clockwork_giant: {name: 'Clockwork Giant',shortname: 'Clockwork Giant',id: 'clockwork_giant', type: 'Construct, Giant', stat: 'H', size:100, nd:4, duration:12, health: [5000000000,10000000000,15000000000,20000000000,0,0], lt: ['cwg','cwg','cwg','cwg']},
				corrupterebus: {name: 'Corrupted Erebus', shortname: 'Cbus', id: 'corrupterebus', type: 'Dragon', stat: 'ESH', size: 90000, nd: 0, duration: 96, health: ['Unlimited', 'Unlimited', 'Unlimited', 'Unlimited', 'Unlimited', 'Unlimited']},
				corrupted_wilds: {name: 'Corrupted Wilds',shortname: 'Corrupted Wilds',id: 'corrupted_wilds', type: 'Magical Creature, Beast', stat: 'S', size:800, nd:6, duration:128, health: [325000000000,650000000000,975000000000,1300000000000,0,0], lt: ['wlds','wlds','wlds','wlds']},
				serpina: {name: 'Countess Serpina', shortname: 'Serpina', id: 'serpina', type: 'Colosseum, Undead', stat: 'E', size: 15, nd: 2, duration: 5, health: [75000000, 112500000, 150000000, 187500000, 0, 0]},
				damned_shade: {name: 'Damned Shade', shortname: 'Shade', id: 'damned_shade', type: 'Demon', stat: 'S', size: 40, nd: 4, duration: 48, health: [50000000000,100000000000,150000000000,200000000000,0,0], lt: ['shade','shade','shade','shade']},
				war_damned_shade: {name: 'War Damned Shade', shortname: 'War Shade', id: 'war_damned_shade', type: 'War, Demon', stat: 'S', size: 100, nd: 4, duration: 24, health: [500000000000,0,0,0,0,0], lt: ['u','u','u','u']},
				darhednal: {name: 'Dar\'Hed\'Nal', shortname: 'Dar\'Hed\'Nal', id: 'darhednal', type: 'Orc', stat: 'H', size: 50, nd: 3, duration: 144, health: [500000000, 1000000000, 1500000000, 2000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['keron', 'keron', 'keron', 'keron']},
				basilisk: {name: 'Deathglare', shortname: 'Deathglare', id: 'basilisk', type: 'Beast', stat: 'H', size: 50, nd: 3, duration: 144, health: [45000000, 56250000, 72000000, 90000000, 0, 0]},
				demonic_skeleton: {name: 'Demonic Skeleton', shortname: 'War Skel', id: 'demonic_skeleton', type: 'War, Demon, Undead', stat: 'S', size: 100, nd: 4, duration: 24, health: [1000000000000,0,0,0,0,0], lt: ['u','u','u','u']},
				dirthax: {name: 'Dirthax', shortname: 'Dirthax', id: 'dirthax', type: 'Aquatic, Beast', stat: 'H', size: 100, nd: 4, duration: 168, health: [550000000, 687500000, 880000000, 1100000000, 0, 0]},
				doomglare: {name: 'Doomglare', shortname: 'Doomglare', id: 'doomglare', type: 'Beast', stat: 'H', size: 100, nd: 4, duration: 12, health: [500000000, 1250000000, 2000000000, 3000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['keron', 'keron', 'keron', 'keron']},
				doppelganger: {name: 'Doppelganger', shortname: 'Doppelganger', id: 'doppelganger', type: 'Magical Creature', stat: 'S', size:50, nd:5, duration:60, health: [12000000000,24000000000,36000000000,48000000000,0,0], lt: ['dopp','dopp','dopp','dopp']},
				draconic_dreams: {name: 'Draconic Dreams', shortname: 'D. Dreams',id: 'draconic_dreams', type: 'Dragon', stat: 'S', size: 800, nd:6, duration:128, health: [500000000000,1000000000000,1500000000000,2000000000000,0,0], lt: ['drac','drac','drac','drac']},
				dragons_lair: {name: 'Dragons Lair', shortname: 'Lair', id: 'dragons_lair', type: 'Dragon, Underground', stat: 'S', size: 13, nd: 2, duration: 5, health: [100000000, 500000000, 1000000000, 1500000000, 0, 0], lt: ['nDl', 'hDl', 'lDl', 'nmDl']},
				drakes_fire_elemental: {name: 'Drake\'s Fire Elemental', shortname: 'Fire Elemental', id: 'drakes_fire_elemental', type: 'Magical Creature, Dragon', stat: 'H', size:50, nd:5, duration:48, health: [12000000000,16000000000,20000000000,24000000000,0,0], lt: ['fel','fel','fel','fel']},
				drulcharus: {name: 'Drulcharus', shortname: 'Drulcharus', id: 'drulcharus', type: 'Dragon, Beastman', stat: 'S', size: 100, nd: 5, duration: 72, health: [10000000000, 15000000000, 20000000000, 25000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['z15hi', 'z15hi', 'z15hi', 'z15hi']},
				drunken_ragunt: {name: 'Drunken Ragunt', shortname: 'Ragunt', id: 'drunken_ragunt', type: 'Siege, Ogre', stat: 'S', size: 50, nd: 5, duration: 60, health: [8500000000, 14450000000, 18700000000, 25500000000, 0, 0], lt: ['rag', 'rag', 'rag', 'rag']},
				echidna: {name: 'Echidna', shortname: 'Echidna', id: 'echidna', type: 'Dragon, Siege', stat: 'ESH', size: 90000, nd: 0, duration: 96, health: ['Unlimited', 'Unlimited', 'Unlimited', 'Unlimited', 'Unlimited', 'Unlimited']},
				elite_bloodsuckers: {name: 'Elite Bloodsuckers', shortname: 'E. Bloodsuckers', id: 'elite_bloodsuckers', type: 'Abyssal, Insect', stat: 'S', size: 25, nd: 2, duration: 18, health: [800000000000,800000000000,800000000000,800000000000,0,0], lt: ['u','u','u','u']},
				elite_butcher: {name: 'Elite Butcher', shortname: 'E. Butcher', id: 'elite_butcher', type: 'Ogre, Nightmare Queen', stat: 'ES', size:20, nd: 2, duration: 12, health: [500000000000,500000000000,500000000000,500000000000,0,0], lt: ['ebut','ebut','ebut','ebut']},
				elite_caster: {name: 'Elite Caster', shortname: 'E. Caster', id: 'elite_caster', type: 'Undead, Underground, Nightmare Queen', stat: 'ES', size: 25, nd: 2, duration: 18, health: [750000000000,750000000000,750000000000,750000000000,0,0], lt: ['ecas','ecas','ecas','ecas']},
				elite_devourer: {name: 'Elite Devourer', shortname: 'Devourer', id: 'elite_devourer', type: 'Abyssal, Insect, Beast', stat: 'H', size: 100, nd: 5, duration: 48, health: [1500000000000,1500000000000,1500000000000,1500000000000,0,0], lt: ['u','u','u','u']},
				elite_killers: {name: 'Elite Killers', shortname: 'E. Killers', id: 'elite_killers', type: 'Goblin, Orc, Nightmare Queen', stat: 'ES', size: 50, nd: 2, duration: 18, health: [1500000000000,1500000000000,1500000000000,1500000000000,0,0], lt: ['ekil','ekil','ekil','ekil']},
				elite_lady: {name: 'Elite Lady Cecile',shortname: 'E. Lady',id: 'elite_lady', type: 'Undead, Underground, Nightmare Queen', stat: 'S', size:300, nd:4, duration:36, health: [18000000000000,18000000000000,18000000000000,18000000000000,0,0], lt: ['ecec','ecec','ecec','ecec']},
				elite_malleus: {name: 'Elite Malleus', shortname: 'E. Malleus', id: 'elite_malleus', type: 'Undead, Beastman, Nightmare Queen', stat: 'ES', size: 200, nd: 4, duration: 32, health: [10000000000000,10000000000000,10000000000000,10000000000000,0,0], lt: ['emal','emal','emal','emal']},
				elite_murderer: {name: 'Elite Murderer', shortname: 'E. Murderer', id: 'elite_murderer', type: 'Orc, Nightmare Queen', stat: 'ES', size: 100, nd: 3, duration: 24, health: [3750000000000,3750000000000,3750000000000,3750000000000,0,0], lt: ['emrd','emrd','emrd','emrd']},
				elite_mangler: {name: 'Elite Mangler', shortname: 'E. Mangler', id: 'elite_mangler', type: 'Ogre, Nightmare Queen', stat: 'ES', size: 200, nd: 4, duration: 30, health: [8000000000000,8000000000000,8000000000000,8000000000000,0,0], lt: ['eman','eman','eman','eman']},
				elite_reaper_mantis: {name: 'Elite Reaper', shortname: 'E. Reaper', id: 'elite_reaper_mantis', type: 'Abyssal, Insect', stat: 'S', size: 200, nd: 4, duration: 30, health: [12000000000000,12000000000000,12000000000000,12000000000000,0,0], lt: ['u','u','u','u']},
				elite_riders: {name: 'Elite Riders', shortname: 'E. Riders', id: 'elite_riders', type: 'Goblin, Beast, Underground, Nightmare Queen', stat: 'ES', size: 125, nd:3, duration:30, health: [5000000000000,5000000000000,5000000000000,5000000000000,0,0], lt: ['erid','erid','erid','erid']},
				elite_warrior: {name: 'Elite Warrior',shortname: 'E. Warrior', id: 'elite_warrior', type: 'Undead, Nightmare Queen', stat: 'ES', size:25, nd:2, duration:15, health: [1000000000000,1000000000000,1000000000000,1000000000000,0,0], lt: ['ewar','ewar','ewar','ewar']},
				elite_whispers: {name: 'Elite Whispers', shortname: 'E. Whispers', id: 'elite_whispers', type: 'Undead, Nightmare Queen', stat: 'ES', size: 75, nd: 3, duration: 18, health: [2625000000000,2625000000000,2625000000000,2625000000000,0,0], lt: ['ewsp','ewsp','ewsp','ewsp']},
				kessov_fort: {name: 'Engines of War', shortname: 'Engines of War', id: 'kessov_fort', type: 'Siege', stat: 'S', size: 800, nd: 6, duration: 128, health: [300000000000, 600000000000, 900000000000, 1200000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['eow', 'eow', 'eow', 'eow']},
				erakka_sak: {name: 'Erakka-Sak', shortname: 'Erakka-Sak', id: 'erakka_sak', type: 'Underground, Construct', stat: 'S', size: 50, nd: 3, duration: 60, health: [62000000, 77500000, 99200000, 124000000, 0, 0]},
				giantgolem: {name: 'Euphronios', shortname: 'Euphronios', id: 'giantgolem', type: 'Construct', stat: 'H', size: 101, nd: 5, duration: 168, health: [450000000, 562500000, 720000000, 900000000, 0, 0]},
				euryino: {name: 'Euryino, The Fifth Terror', shortname: 'Euryino', id: 'euryino', type: 'Aquatic, Festival, Terror', stat: 'S', size:800, nd:6, duration:96, health: [900000000000,1800000000000,2700000000000,3600000000000,0,0], lt: ['eio','eio','eio','eio']},
				echthros: {name: 'Echthros', shortname: 'Echty', id: 'echthros', type: '', stat: 'ESH', size: 90000, nd: 2, duration: 96, health: ['Unlimited', 'Unlimited', 'Unlimited', 'Unlimited', 'Unlimited', 'Unlimited']},
				drag: {name: 'Erebus the Black', shortname: 'Erebus', id: 'drag', type: 'Dragon', stat: 'S', size: 250, nd: 5, duration: 168, health: [150000000, 187500000, 240000000, 300000000, 0, 0]},
				faetouched_dragon: {name: 'Faetouched Dragon',shortname: 'Fae Dragon',id: 'faetouched_dragon', type: 'Magical Creature, Dragon', stat: 'H', size:100, nd:6, duration:48, health: [25000000000,33000000000,41000000000,50000000000,0,0], lt: ['fae','fae','fae','fae']},
				frogmen_assassins: {name: 'Frog-Men Assassins', shortname: 'Frog-Men', id: 'frogmen_assassins', type: 'Beastman, Aquatic', stat: 'S', size: 250, nd: 5, duration: 96, health: [16000000000, 24000000000, 32000000000, 64000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['cara', 'cara', 'cara', 'cara']},
				frost_the_snow_dragon: {name: 'Frost the Snow Dragon', shortname: 'Snow Drag', id: 'frost_the_snow_dragon', type: 'Winter, Dragon', stat: 'S', size: 20, nd: 3, duration: 96, health: [15000000000,30000000000,45000000000,60000000000,0,0], lt: ['frost','frost','frost','frost']},
				the_frozen_spire: {name: 'The Frozen Spire', shortname: 'Frozen Spire', id: 'the_frozen_spire', type: 'Winter, Construct, Siege', stat: 'S', size: 300, nd: 5, duration: 72, health: [300000000000,600000000000,900000000000,1200000000000,0,0], lt: ['spire','spire','spire','spire']},
				felendis: {name: 'Felendis & Shaoquin', shortname: 'Banhammer', id: 'felendis', type: 'Ogre', stat: 'H', size: 100, nd: 4, duration: 168, health: [441823718, 549238221, 707842125, 888007007, 0, 0]},
				gataalli_huxac: {name: 'Gataalli Huxac', shortname: 'Gataalli', id: 'gataalli_huxac', type: 'Giant', stat: 'S', size: 800, nd: 6, duration: 128, health: [375000000000, 750000000000, 1125000000000, 1500000000000], lt: ['gat', 'gat', 'gat', 'gat']},
				ogre: {name: 'General Grune', shortname: 'Grune', id: 'ogre', type: 'Ogre', stat: 'S', size: 100, nd: 4, duration: 172, health: [20000000, 25000000, 32000000, 40000000, 0, 0]},
				korxun: {name: 'General Korxun', shortname: 'Korxun', id: 'korxun', type: 'Beastman, Ogre', stat: 'S', size: 50, nd: 4, duration: 60, health: [8000000000, 12000000000, 16000000000, 20000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['z15lo', 'z15lo', 'z15lo', 'z15lo']},
				ghostly_alchemist: {name: 'Ghostly Alchemist', shortname: 'Alchemist', id: 'ghostly_alchemist', type: 'Undead', stat: 'S', size: 25, nd: 4, duration: 48, health: [5000000000, 10000000000, 15000000000, 20000000000], lt: ['alch', 'alch', 'alch', 'alch']},
				dreadbloom: {name: 'Giant Dreadbloom', shortname: 'Dreadbloom', id: 'dreadbloom', type: 'Plant', stat: 'H', size: 101, nd: 5, duration: 192, health: [900000000, 1125000000, 1440000000, 1800000000, 0, 0]},
				gigantomachy: {name: 'Gigantomachy', shortname: 'Gigantomachy', id: 'gigantomachy', type: 'Giant', stat: 'S', size: 100, nd: 5, duration: 72, health: [25000000000, 50000000000, 75000000000, 100000000000], lt: ['gig', 'gig', 'gig', 'gig']},
				batman: {name: 'Gravlok the Night-Hunter', shortname: 'Gravlok', id: 'batman', type: 'Beastman', stat: 'S', size: 100, nd: 4, duration: 72, health: [50000000, 62500000, 80000000, 100000000, 0, 0]},
				green_killers: {name: 'Green Killers', shortname: 'Green Killers', id: 'green_killers', type: 'Orc, Goblin, Festival, Colosseum', stat: 'S', size: 100, nd: 4, duration: 48, health: [12500000000, 25000000000, 37500000000, 50000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['gk', 'gk', 'gk', 'gk']},
				evilgnome: {name: 'Groblar Deathcap', shortname: 'Groblar', id: 'evilgnome', type: '', stat: 'H', size: 10, nd: 2, duration: 120, health: [6000000, 7500000, 9600000, 12000000, 0, 0]},
				grotesque_hybrid: {name: 'Grotesque Hybrid', shortname: 'Hybrid', id: 'grotesque_hybrid', type: 'Qwiladrian, Dragon', stat: 'S', size: 600, nd: 6, duration: 96, health: [550000000000,1100000000000,1650000000000,2200000000000,0,0], lt: ['hbr','hbr','hbr','hbr']},
				grundus: {name: 'Grundus', shortname: 'Grundus', id: 'grundus', type: 'Dragon, Magical Creature', stat: 'H', size: 101, nd: 5, duration: 72, health: [800000000, 1600000000, 4000000000, 12000000000]},
				guilbert: {name: 'Guilbert the Mad', shortname: 'Guilbert', id: 'guilbert', type: 'Underground, Human', stat: 'S', size: 250, nd: 5, duration: 96, health: [550000000, 687500000, 880000000, 1100000000, 0, 0]},
				gulkinari: {name: 'Gulkinari', shortname: 'Gulkinari', id: 'gulkinari', type: 'Qwiladrian', stat: 'S', size: 50, nd: 4, duration: 60, health: [7500000000, 9375000000, 12000000000, 15000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['gulk', 'gulk', 'gulk', 'gulk']},
				gunnar: {name: 'Gunnar the Berserk', shortname: 'Gunnar', id: 'gunnar', type: 'Bludheim, Human', stat: 'S', size: 10, nd: 2, duration: 48, health: [12000000, 15000000, 19200000, 24000000, 0, 0]},
				war_boar: {name: 'Hammer', shortname: 'Hammer', id: 'war_boar', type: 'Beastman', stat: 'H', size: 50, nd: 3, duration: 144, health: [220000000, 275000000, 352000000, 440000000, 0, 0]},
				hargamesh: {name: 'Hargamesh', shortname: 'Hargamesh', id: 'hargamesh', type: 'Beastman, Magical Creature', stat: 'S', size: 10, nd: 2, duration: 48, health: [18000000, 22500000, 28800000, 36000000, 0, 0]},
				haunted_forest: {name: 'The Haunted Forest', shortname: 'Forest', id: 'haunted_forest', type: 'Undead, Plant', stat: 'S', size: 200, nd: 5, duration: 96, health: [110000000000,220000000000,330000000000,440000000000,0,0], lt: ['fst','fst','fst','fst']},
				grimsly: {name: 'Headmaster Grimsly', shortname: 'Grimsly', id: 'grimsly', type: 'Magical Creature', stat: 'S', size: 50, nd: 3, duration: 60, health: [72000000, 90000000, 115200000, 144000000, 0, 0]},
				hellemental: {name: 'Hellemental', shortname: 'Hellemental', id: 'hellemental', type: 'Demon', stat: 'S', size: 500, nd: 6, duration: 128, health: [75000000000, 150000000000, 225000000000, 300000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['hell', 'hell', 'hell', 'hell']},
				horthania_stam: {name: 'Horthania the Grey', shortname: 'Horthania', id: 'horthania_stam', type: 'Dragon', stat: 'S', size:800, nd:6, duration:128, health: [500000000000,1000000000000,1500000000000,2000000000000,0,0], lt: ['hort','hort','hort','hort']},
				hurkus: {name: 'Hurkus the Eviscerator', shortname: 'Hurkus', id: 'hurkus', type: 'Beastman', stat: 'S', size: 50, nd: 4, duration: 60, health: [2812500000, 4218750000, 5625000000, 11250000000, 0, 0], lt: ['hurk', 'hurk', 'hurk', 'hurk']},
				hydra: {name: 'Hydra', shortname: 'Hydra', id: 'hydra', type: 'Ryndor, Beast', stat: 'S', size: 100, nd: 4, duration: 72, health: [65000000, 81250000, 104000000, 130000000, 0, 0]},
				imryx: {name: 'Imryx the Incinerator', shortname: 'Imryx', id: 'imryx', type: 'Underground, Dragon', stat: 'S', size: 800, nd: 6, duration: 128, health: [180000000000, 360000000000, 540000000000, 720000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['imx', 'imx', 'imx', 'imx']},
				ironclad: {name: 'Ironclad', shortname: 'Ironclad', id: 'ironclad', type: 'Undead', stat: 'S', size: 10, nd: 2, duration: 48, health: [10000000, 12500000, 16000000, 20000000, 0, 0]}, //0.5/0.625/0.8/1
				pumpkin: {name: 'Jack', shortname: 'Jack', id: 'pumpkin', type: 'Human', stat: 'S', size: 250, nd: 6, duration: 48, health: [1000000000, 1500000000, 2000000000, 3000000000], lt: ['njack', 'hjack', 'ljack', 'nmjack']},
				jacksrevenge1: {name: 'Jack\'s Revenge', shortname: 'Revenge', id: 'jacksrevenge1', type: 'Human', stat: 'S', size: 250, nd: 6, duration: 48, health: [5000000000, 7500000000, 10000000000, 15000000000], lt: ['njr', 'hjr', 'ljr', 'nmjr']},
				jershan_thurns_portal: {name: 'Jershan\'thurn\'s Portal', shortname: 'Jershan\'thurn', id: 'jershan_thurns_portal', type: 'Festival, Demon', stat: 'S', size: 200, nd: 5, duration: 60, health: [250000000000,500000000000,750000000000,1000000000000,0,0], lt: ['u','u','u','u']},
				jormungan_the_sea_storm_stam: {name: 'Jormungan the Sea-Storm', shortname: 'Jormungan', id: 'jormungan_the_sea_storm_stam', type: 'Dragon, Aquatic', stat: 'ES', size:800, nd:6, duration:128, health: [750000000000,1500000000000,2250000000000,3000000000000,0,0], lt: ['jorm','jorm','jorm','jorm']},
				kang: {name: 'Kang-Gsod', shortname: 'Kang', id: 'kang', type: 'Bludheim, Underground, Beast', stat: 'S', size: 100, nd: 4, duration: 72, health: [95000000, 118750000, 152000000, 190000000, 0, 0]},
				'3dawg': {name: 'Kerberos', shortname: 'Kerberos', id: '3dawg', type: 'Demon, Underground, Ryndor, Beast', stat: 'S', size: 50, nd: 3, duration: 72, health: [35000000, 43750000, 56000000, 70000000, 0, 0]},
				keron: {name: 'Keron the Sky-Shaker', shortname: 'Keron', id: 'keron', type: 'Dragon', stat: 'H', size: 101, nd: 6, duration: 192, health: [15000000000, 18750000000, 24000000000, 30000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['keron', 'keron', 'keron', 'keron']},
				kessovtowers: {name: 'Kessov Towers', shortname: 'Towers', id: 'kessovtowers', type: 'Siege', stat: 'ESH', size: 90000, nd: 0, duration: 120, health: ['Unlimited', 'Unlimited', 'Unlimited', 'Unlimited', 'Unlimited', 'Unlimited']},
				kessovtower: {name: 'Treachery and the Tower', shortname: 'Treachery', id: 'kessovtower', type: 'Siege', stat: 'ESH', size: 90000, nd: 0, duration: 24, health: ['Unlimited', 'Unlimited', 'Unlimited', 'Unlimited', 'Unlimited', 'Unlimited']},
				kessovforts: {name: 'Kessov Forts', shortname: 'Forts', id: 'kessovforts', type: 'Siege', stat: 'ESH', size: 90000, nd: 0, duration: 120, health: ['Unlimited', 'Unlimited', 'Unlimited', 'Unlimited', 'Unlimited', 'Unlimited']},
				kessovcastle: {name: 'Kessov Castle', shortname: 'Castle', id: 'kessovcastle', type: 'Siege', stat: 'ESH', size: 90000, nd: 0, duration: 144, health: ['Unlimited', 'Unlimited', 'Unlimited', 'Unlimited', 'Unlimited', 'Unlimited']},
				kalaxia: {name: 'Kalaxia the Far-Seer', shortname: 'Kalaxia', id: 'kalaxia', type: 'Dragon, Bludheim', stat: 'S', size: 500, nd: 6, duration: 96, health: [800000000, 1000000000, 1280000000, 1600000000, 0, 0]},
				kanehuar_yachu: {name: 'Kanehuar Yachu', shortname: 'Kanehuar Yachu', id: 'kanehuar_yachu', type: 'Giant', stat: 'S', size: 500, nd: 6, duration: 128, health: [100000000000, 200000000000, 300000000000, 400000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['kane', 'kane', 'kane', 'kane']},
				karkata: {name: 'Karkata', shortname: 'Karkata',id: 'karkata', type: 'Aquatic, Beast', stat: 'S', size:500, nd:6, duration:128, health: [95000000000,190000000000,285000000000,380000000000,0,0], lt: ['kark','kark','kark','kark']},
				krugnug: {name: 'Krugnug', shortname: 'Krugnug', id: 'krugnug', type: 'Beastman', stat: 'S', size: 25, nd: 4, duration: 48, health: [1000000000, 1500000000, 2000000000, 4000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['z10', 'z10', 'z10', 'z10']},
				krxunara: {name: 'Kr\'xunara of the Bloody Waves', shortname: 'Kr\'xunara', id: 'krxunara', type: 'Aquatic, Demon', stat: 'S', size: 500, nd: 6, duration: 128, health: [62500000000, 125000000000, 187500000000, 250000000000], lt: ['krx', 'krx', 'krx', 'krx']},
				krykagrius: {name: 'Krykagrius', shortname: 'Krykagrius', id: 'krykagrius', type: 'Dragon', stat: 'ESH', size: 90000, nd: 0, duration: 72, health: ['Unlimited', 'Unlimited', 'Unlimited', 'Unlimited', 'Unlimited', 'Unlimited']},
				legion_of_darkness: {name: 'Legions of Darkness', shortname: 'Darkness', id: 'legion_of_darkness', type: 'Human', stat: 'S', size: 250, nd: 5, duration: 96, health: [20000000000, 40000000000, 60000000000, 80000000000], lt: ['dark', 'dark', 'dark', 'dark']},
				leonine_watcher: {name: 'Leonine', shortname: 'Leonine', id: 'leonine_watcher', type: 'Underground, Construct', stat: 'S', size: 100, nd: 5, duration: 48, health: [4000000000, 6000000000, 8000000000, 16000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['z10', 'z10', 'z10', 'z10']},
				lord_hoton_the_usurper: {name: 'Lord Hoton the Usurper', shortname: 'Lord Hoton', id: 'lord_hoton_the_usurper', type: 'Human', stat: 'S', size: 100, nd: 4, duration: 48, health: [175000000000,350000000000,525000000000,700000000000,0,0], lt: ['u','u','u','u']},
				tyranthius: {name: 'Lord Tyranthius', shortname: 'Tyranthius', id: 'tyranthius', type: 'Demon, Ryndor', stat: 'S', size: 500, nd: 6, duration: 168, health: [600000000, 750000000, 960000000, 1200000000, 0, 0]},
				lunacy: {name: 'Lunatics', shortname: 'Lunatics', id: 'lunacy', type: 'Demon, Human', stat: 'H', size: 50, nd: 3, duration: 144, health: [180000000, 225000000, 288000000, 360000000, 0, 0]},
				lurker: {name: 'Lurking Horror', shortname: 'Lurking Horror', id: 'lurker', type: 'Underground, Aquatic, Beast', stat: 'S', size: 100, nd: 4, duration: 120, health: [35000000, 43750000, 56000000, 70000000, 0, 0]},
				malleus: {name: 'Malleus Vivorum', shortname: 'Malleus', id: 'malleus', type: 'Beastman, Undead', stat: 'S', size: 100, nd: 5, duration: 72, health: [8000000000, 12000000000, 16000000000, 20000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['mall', 'mall', 'mall', 'mall']},
				maraak: {name: 'Maraak the Impaler', shortname: 'Maraak', id: 'maraak', type: 'Underground', stat: 'S', size: 10, nd: 2, duration: 48, health: [15000000, 18750000, 24000000, 30000000, 0, 0]},
				marble_colossus: {name: 'Marble Colossus', shortname: 'Colossus', id: 'marble_colossus', type: 'Construct, Colosseum', stat: 'S', size:250, nd:6, duration:84, health: [30000000000,60000000000,90000000000,120000000000,0,0], lt: ['marb','marb','marb','marb']},
				mardachus: {name: 'Mardachus the Destroyer', shortname: 'Mardachus', id: 'mardachus', type: 'Dragon', stat: 'S', size: 500, nd: 6, duration: 96, health: [1100000000, 1375000000, 1760000000, 2200000000, 0, 0]},
				master_ninja_bakku: {name: 'Master Ninja Bakku', shortname: 'Bakku', id: 'master_ninja_bakku', type: 'Goblin', stat: 'S', size: 25, nd: 4, duration: 48, health: [5500000000, 11000000000, 16500000000, 22000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['bak', 'bak', 'bak', 'bak']},
				scorp: {name: 'Mazalu', shortname: 'Mazalu', id: 'scorp', type: 'Beastman', stat: 'S', size: 50, nd: 3, duration: 168, health: [5000000, 6250000, 8000000, 10000000, 0, 0]},
				mestr_rekkr_rematch: {name: 'Mestr Rekkr Rematch', shortname: 'Rekkr II', id: 'mestr_rekkr_rematch', type: 'Human', stat: 'S', size: 25, nd: 4, duration: 48, health: [6000000000, 9000000000, 13200000000, 18000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['rekkr', 'rekkr', 'rekkr', 'rekkr']},
				mesyra: {name: 'Mesyra the Watcher', shortname: 'Mesyra', id: 'mesyra', type: 'Dragon', stat: 'S', size: 250, nd: 5, duration: 96, health: [1000000000, 1250000000, 1600000000, 2000000000, 0, 0]},
				murgrux_the_mangler: {name: 'Murgrux the Mangler', shortname: 'Murgrux', id: 'murgrux_the_mangler', type: 'Ogre, Festival', stat: 'S', size: 250, nd: 5, duration: 48, health: [25000000000, 50000000000, 75000000000, 100000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['murg', 'murg', 'murg', 'murg']},
				nalagarst: {name: 'Nalagarst', shortname: 'Nalagarst', id: 'nalagarst', type: 'Dragon, Undead', stat: 'S', size: 500, nd: 6, duration: 98, health: [700000000, 875000000, 1120000000, 1400000000, 0, 0]},
				nereidon: {name: 'Nereidon the Sea Slayer', shortname: 'Nereidon', id: 'nereidon', type: 'Dragon, Beastman, Aquatic', stat: 'S', size: 30, nd: 3, duration: 48, health: [6000000000, 9000000000, 12000000000, 15000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['z15lo', 'z15lo', 'z15lo', 'z15lo']},
				nidhogg: {name: 'Nidhogg', shortname: 'Nidhogg', id: 'nidhogg', type: 'Bludheim, Aquatic, Beast', stat: 'S', size: 50, nd: 3, duration: 60, health: [52000000, 65000000, 83200000, 104000000, 0, 0]},
				nimrod: {name: 'Nimrod the Hunter', shortname: 'Nimrod', id: 'nimrod', type: 'Dragon', stat: 'S', size: 250, nd: 5, duration: 96, health: [1200000000, 1500000000, 1920000000, 2400000000, 0, 0]},
				nylatrix: {name: 'Nylatrix', shortname: 'Nylatrix', id: 'nylatrix', type: 'Dragon', stat: 'H', size: 101, nd: 5, duration: 192, health: [2000000000, 2500000000, 3400000000, 4000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['nker', 'hker', 'lker', 'nmker']},
				odius_pods: {name: 'Odious Pods', shortname: 'Pods', id: 'odius_pods', type: 'Demon, Plant', stat: 'S', size: 200, nd: 5, duration: 60, health: [175000000000,350000000000,525000000000,700000000000,0,0], lt: ['u','u','u','u']},
				paracoprion: {name: 'Paracoprion', shortname: 'Paracoprion', id: 'paracoprion', type: 'Aquatic, Beast', stat: 'H', size:101, nd:5, duration:192, health: [2000000000,4000000000,6000000000,8000000000,0,0], lt: ['keron', 'keron', 'keron', 'keron']},
				phaedra: {name: 'Phaedra the Deceiver', shortname: 'Phaedra', id: 'phaedra', type: 'Dragon', stat: 'S', size: 250, nd: 5, duration: 96, health: [1400000000, 1750000000, 2240000000, 2800000000, 0, 0]},
				fairy_prince: {name: 'Prince Obyron', shortname: 'Obyron', id: 'fairy_prince', type: 'Magical Creature', stat: 'H', size: 10, nd: 2, duration: 120, health: [30000000, 37500000, 48000000, 60000000, 0, 0]},
				possessed_cadaver: {name: 'Possessed Cadaver', shortname: 'War Cadav', id: 'possessed_cadaver', type: 'War, Human, Demon', stat: 'S', size: 100, nd: 4, duration: 24, health: [1000000000000,0,0,0,0,0], lt: ['u','u','u','u']},
				prison_of_fear: {name: 'Prison of Fear',shortname: 'Fear', id: 'prison_of_fear', type: 'Magical Creature, Nightmate Queen', stat: 'ES', size:400, nd:5, duration:48, health: [2500000000000,5000000000000,7500000000000,10000000000000,0,0], lt: ['pof','pof','pof','pof']},
				qwiladrian_sporeforms: {name: 'Qwiladrian Sporeforms', shortname: 'Sporeforms', id: 'qwiladrian_sporeforms', type: 'Qwiladrian, Plant', stat: 'S', size: 100, nd: 4, duration: 60, health: [100000000000,200000000000,300000000000,400000000000,0,0], lt: ['spr','spr','spr','spr']},
				qwiladrian_stormship: {name: 'Qwiladrian Stormship', shortname: 'Stormship', id: 'qwiladrian_stormship', type: 'Qwiladrian', stat: 'S', size: 200, nd: 4, duration: 60, health: [150000000000,300000000000,450000000000,600000000000,0,0], lt: ['strm','strm','strm','strm']},
				roc: {name: 'Ragetalon', shortname: 'Ragetalon', id: 'roc', type: 'Beast', stat: 'H', size: 100, nd: 4, duration: 168, health: [110000000, 137500000, 176000000, 220000000, 0, 0]},
				rannveig: {name: 'Rannveig', shortname: 'Rannveig', id: 'rannveig', type: 'Human', stat: 'E', size: 250, nd: 6, duration: 128, health: [15000000000, 30000000000, 45000000000, 60000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['rann', 'rann', 'rann', 'rann']},
				reaper_mantis: {name: 'Reaper Mantis', shortname: 'Mantis', id: 'reaper_mantis', type: 'Insect', stat: 'S', size: 200, nd: 5, duration: 60, health: [200000000000,400000000000,600000000000,800000000000,0,0], lt: ['u','u','u','u']},
				red_snow: {name: 'Red Snow', shortname: 'Red Snow', id: 'red_snow', type: 'Winter, Demon', stat: 'S', size: 600, nd: 6, duration: 96, health: [625000000000,1250000000000,1875000000000,2500000000000,0,0], lt: ['red','red','red','red']},
				rhalmarius_the_despoiler: {name: 'Rhalmarius the Despoiler', shortname: 'Rhalmarius', id: 'rhalmarius_the_despoiler', type: 'Dragon', stat: 'H', size: 100, nd: 6, duration: 84, health: [500000000, 1250000000, 3125000000, 7812500000, 0, 0]},
				tomb_gargoyle: {name: 'Riddler Gargoyle', shortname: 'Riddler', id: 'tomb_gargoyle', type: 'Underground, Construct', stat: 'S', size: 50, nd: 4, duration: 48, health: [2000000000, 3000000000, 4000000000, 8000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['z10', 'z10', 'z10', 'z10']},
				rift: {name: 'Rift the Mauler', shortname: 'Rift', id: 'rift', type: 'Magical Creature', stat: 'S', size: 100, nd: 4, duration: 72, health: [125000000, 156250000, 200000000, 250000000, 0, 0]},
				rudaru_the_axe_master: {name: 'Rudaru the Axe Master', shortname: 'Rudaru', id: 'rudaru_the_axe_master', type: 'Orc', stat: 'S', size: 50, nd: 4, duration: 48, health: [10500000000, 21000000000, 31500000000, 36750000000, 0, 0], lt: ['rud', 'rud', 'rud', 'rud']},
				ruzzik: {name: 'Ruzzik the Slayer', shortname: 'Ruzzik', id: 'ruzzik', type: 'Beastman', stat: 'S', size: 500, nd: 6, duration: 128, health: [55000000000, 82500000000, 165000000000, 220000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['ruzz', 'ruzz', 'ruzz', 'ruzz']},
				salome: {name: 'Salome the Seductress', shortname: 'Salome', id: 'salome', type: 'Demon, Underground', stat: 'H', size: 100, nd: 4, duration: 48, health: [666000000, 832500000, 1065600000, 1332000000, 0, 0], lt: ['nSlut', 'hSlut', 'lSlut', 'nmSlut']},
				crabshark: {name: 'Scuttlegore', shortname: 'Scuttlegore', id: 'crabshark', type: 'Colosseum, Aquatic, Beast', stat: 'H', size: 100, nd: 4, duration: 168, health: [220000000, 275000000, 352000000, 440000000, 0, 0]},
				squid: {name: 'Scylla', shortname: 'Scylla', id: 'squid', type: 'Beastman, Aquatic', stat: 'S', size: 50, nd: 3, duration: 72, health: [25000000, 31250000, 40000000, 50000000, 0, 0]},
				shaar: {name: 'Shaar the Reaver', shortname: 'Shaar', id: 'shaar', type: 'Beastman', stat: 'S', size: 250, nd: 6, duration: 96, health: [12000000000, 24000000000, 36000000000, 60000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['z15hi', 'z15hi', 'z15hi', 'z15hi']},
				shadow: {name: 'Shadow', shortname: 'Shadow', id: 'shadow', type: 'Magical Creature', stat: 'S', size: 50, nd: 5, duration: 60, health: [10000000000, 17000000000, 25000000000, 35000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['shd', 'shd', 'shd', 'shd']},
				sircai: {name: 'Sir Cai', shortname: 'Sir Cai', id: 'sircai', type: 'Demon, Ryndor', stat: 'S', size: 250, nd: 5, duration: 168, health: [350000000, 437500000, 560000000, 700000000, 0, 0]},
				sisters: {name: 'Sisters of the Song', shortname: 'Sisters', id: 'sisters', type: 'Magical Creature', stat: 'S', size: 250, nd: 5, duration: 96, health: [600000000, 750000000, 960000000, 1200000000, 0, 0]},
				slaughterers: {name: 'Slaughterers Six', shortname: 'Slaughterers', id: 'slaughterers', type: 'Human', stat: 'H', size: 10, nd: 2, duration: 120, health: [24000000, 30000000, 38400000, 48000000, 0, 0]},
				stein: {name: 'Stein', shortname: 'Stein', id: 'stein', type: 'Undead, Underground, Construct', stat: 'S', size: 100, nd: 4, duration: 72, health: [80000000, 100000000, 128000000, 160000000, 0, 0]},
				siculus: {name: 'Count Siculus\' Phantom', shortname: 'Siculus', id: 'siculus', type: 'Undead', stat: 'S', size: 500, nd: 6, duration: 128, health: [850000000, 1700000000, 2975000000, 4250000000, 0, 0], lt: ['sic', 'sic', 'sic', 'sic']},
				soldier_ants: {name: 'Soldier Ants', shortname: 'Ants', id: 'soldier_ants', type: 'Guild, Abyssal, Insect', stat: 'H', size: 50, nd: 4, duration: 12, health: [25000000000,50000000000,75000000000,100000000000,0,0], lt: ['u','u','u','u']},
				tainted: {name: 'Tainted Erebus', shortname: 'Tainted', id: 'tainted', type: 'Dragon', stat: 'S', size: 250, nd: 5, duration: 168, health: [250000000, 312500000, 400000000, 500000000, 0, 0]},
				tenebra: {name: 'Tenebra Shadow Mistress', shortname: 'Tenebra', id: 'tenebra', type: 'Dragon', stat: 'S', size: 500, nd: 6, duration: 128, health: [2000000000, 2500000000, 3200000000, 4000000000, 0, 0]},
				thaltherda: {name: 'Thaltherda the Sea-Slitherer', shortname: 'Thaltherda', id: 'thaltherda', type: 'Aquatic, Dragon', stat: 'S', size: 25, nd: 4, duration: 48, health: [3000000000, 4500000000, 6000000000, 7500000000, 0, 0], lt: ['nessy', 'nessy', 'nessy', 'nessy']},
				the_thaw_of_elvigar: {name: 'The Thaw of Elvigar', shortname: 'Thaw of Elvigar', id: 'the_thaw_of_elvigar', type: 'Winter, Undead', stat: 'S', size: 100, nd: 4, duration: 60, health: [150000000000,300000000000,450000000000,600000000000,0,0], lt: ['elv','elv','elv','elv']},
				thratus_abomination: {name: 'Thratu\'s Abomination', shortname: 'Abomination',id: 'thratus_abomination', type: 'Construct', stat: 'S', size:500, nd:6, duration:128, health: [90000000000,180000000000,270000000000,360000000000,0,0], lt: ['abo','abo','abo','abo']},
				tisiphone: {name: 'Tisiphone the Vengeful', shortname: 'Tisiphone', id: 'tisiphone', type: 'Dragon, Colosseum', stat: 'E', size: 50, nd: 3, duration: 12, health: [500000000, 2500000000, 5000000000, 7500000000, 0, 0], lt: ['nTisi', 'hTisi', 'lTisi', 'nmTisi']},
				teremarthu: {name: 'Teremarthu', shortname: 'Teremarthu', id: 'teremarthu', type: 'Qwiladrian', stat: 'S', size: 100, nd: 5, duration: 48, health: [6000000000, 9000000000, 12000000000, 24000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['z10', 'z10', 'z10', 'z10']},
				chimera: {name: 'Tetrarchos', shortname: 'Tetrarchos', id: 'chimera', type: 'Colosseum, Beast', stat: 'H', size: 50, nd: 3, duration: 144, health: [90000000, 112500000, 144000000, 180000000, 0, 0]},
				gorgon: {name: 'Tithrasia', shortname: 'Tithrasia', id: 'gorgon', type: '', stat: 'H', size: 10, nd: 2, duration: 120, health: [18000000, 22500000, 28800000, 36000000, 0, 0]},
				trekex: {name: 'Trekex\'s Amphibious Assault', shortname: 'Trekex', id: 'trekex', type: 'Aquatic, Beastman', stat: 'S', size: 800, nd: 6, duration: 128, health: [250000000000, 500000000000, 750000000000, 1000000000000], lt: ['trex', 'trex', 'trex', 'trex']},
				tuxargus: {name: 'Tuxargus', shortname: 'Tuxargus', id: 'tuxargus', type: 'Dragon', stat: 'H', size: 101, nd: 5, duration: 192, health: [2000000000, 2500000000, 3400000000, 4000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['nker', 'hker', 'lker', 'nmker']},
				ulfrik: {name: 'Ulfrik', shortname: 'Ulfrik', id: 'ulfrik', type: 'Bludheim, Siege, Human', stat: 'S', size: 250, nd: 5, duration: 96, health: [500000000, 625000000, 800000000, 1000000000, 0, 0]},
				unholy_rite: {name: 'Unholy Rite', shortname: 'Unholy Rite', id: 'unholy_rite', type: 'Guild, Human, Demon', stat: 'H', size: 10, nd: 3, duration: 48, health: [25000000000,33000000000,41000000000,50000000000,0,0], lt: ['u','u','u','u']},
				valanazes: {name: 'Valanazes the Gold', shortname: 'Valanazes', id: 'valanazes', type: 'Dragon', stat: 'S', size: 500, nd: 6, duration: 128, health: [2400000000, 3000000000, 3840000000, 4800000000, 0, 0]},
				valley_of_death: {name: 'Valley of Death', shortname: 'Valley of Death', id: 'valley_of_death', type: 'Ogre, Festival', stat: 'S', size: 250, nd: 5, duration: 48, health: [22000000000, 44000000000, 66000000000, 88000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['valley', 'valley', 'valley', 'valley']},
				valtrias: {name: 'Valtrias', shortname: 'Valtrias', id: 'valtrias', type: 'Demon', stat: 'S', size:25, nd:4, duration:48, health: [6250000000, 12500000000, 18750000000, 25000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['val','val','val','val']},
				blobmonster: {name: 'Varlachleth', shortname: 'Varlachleth', id: 'blobmonster', type: 'Demon', stat: 'H', size: 100, nd: 4, duration: 168, health: [330000000, 412500000, 528000000, 660000000, 0, 0]},
				verkiteia: {name: 'Verkiteia', shortname: 'Verkiteia', id: 'verkiteia', type: 'Dragon', stat: 'S', size: 100, nd: 5, duration: 72, health: [11250000000, 14062500000, 18000000000, 22500000000, 0, 0], lt: ['verk', 'verk', 'verk', 'verk']},
				vineborn_behemoth: {name: 'Vineborn Behemoth', shortname: 'Behemoth', id: 'vineborn_behemoth', type: 'Plant', stat: 'S', size:500, nd:6, duration:96, health: [200000000000,400000000000,600000000000,800000000000,0,0], lt: ['bhm','bhm','bhm','bhm']},
				vortex_abomination: {name: 'Vortex Abomination', shortname: 'Vortex', id: 'vortex_abomination', type: 'Qwiladrian, Magical Creature', stat: 'S', size: 500, nd: 6, duration: 128, health: [50000000000, 75000000000, 110000000000, 205000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['vort', 'vort', 'vort', 'vort']},
				zugen: {name: 'Warlord Zugen', shortname: 'Zugen', id: 'zugen', type: 'Ogre', stat: 'S', size: 25, nd: 4, duration: 48, health: [4000000000, 6000000000, 8000000000, 10000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['zugen', 'zugen', 'zugen', 'zugen']},
				war_swarm: {name: 'War Swarm', shortname: 'War Swarm', id: 'war_swarm', type: 'War, Abyssal, Insect', stat: 'S', size: 100, nd: 4, duration: 24, health: [1000000000000,1000000000000,1000000000000,1000000000000,0,0], lt: ['u','u','u','u']},
				war_bloodsuckers: {name: 'War Bloodsuckers', shortname: 'War Bloodsuckers', id: 'war_bloodsuckers', type: 'War, Abyssal, Insect', stat: 'S', size: 100, nd: 4, duration: 24, health: [1000000000000,1000000000000,1000000000000,1000000000000,0,0], lt: ['u','u','u','u']},
				war_soldier_ants: {name: 'War Soldier Ants', shortname: 'War Soldier Ants', id: 'war_soldier_ants', type: 'War, Abyssal, Insect', stat: 'S', size: 100, nd: 4, duration: 24, health: [500000000000,500000000000,500000000000,500000000000,0,0], lt: ['u','u','u','u']},
				way_warden: {name: 'Way Warden', shortname: 'Way Warden', id: 'way_warden', type: 'Magical Creature', stat: 'S', size:500, nd:6, duration:128, health: [115000000000,230000000000,345000000000,460000000000,0,0], lt: ['way','way','way','way']},
				wexxa: {name: 'Wexxa the Worm-Tamer', shortname: 'Wexxa', id: 'wexxa', type: 'Underground, Beast', stat: 'S', size: 100, nd: 4, duration: 72, health: [110000000, 137500000, 176000000, 220000000, 0, 0]},
				winter_kessov: {name: 'Blood Will Run Cold', shortname: 'Cold Blood', id: 'winter_kessov', type: 'Dragon, Siege', stat: 'ESH', size: 90000, nd: 0, duration: 290, health: ['Unlimited', 'Unlimited', 'Unlimited', 'Unlimited', 'Unlimited', 'Unlimited']},
				xessus: {name: 'Xessus of the Grim Wood', shortname: 'Xessus', id: 'xessus', type: '', stat: 'H', size: 100, nd: 4, duration: 48, health: [500000000, 625000000, 800000000, 1000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['nIns', 'hIns', 'lIns', 'nmIns']},
				malchar: {name: 'Malchar the Tri-Eyed', shortname: 'Malchar', id: 'malchar', type: 'Demon', stat: 'H', size: 100, nd: 4, duration: 48, health: [500000000, 625000000, 800000000, 1000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['nIns', 'hIns', 'lIns', 'nmIns']},
				krasgore: {name: 'Krasgore', shortname: 'Krasgore', id: 'krasgore', type: '', stat: 'H', size: 100, nd: 4, duration: 48, health: [500000000, 625000000, 800000000, 1000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['nIns', 'hIns', 'lIns', 'nmIns']},
				nrlux: {name: 'N\'rlux the Devourer', shortname: 'N\'rlux', id: 'nrlux', type: 'Giant Insect, Beast', stat: 'H', size: 100, nd: 6, duration: 48, health: [10000000000, 12500000000, 16000000000, 20000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['lux', 'lux', 'lux', 'lux']},
				xerkara: {name: 'Xerkara', shortname: 'Xerkara', id: 'xerkara', type: 'Dragon', stat: 'S', size: 500, nd: 6, duration: 128, health: [65000000000, 113750000000, 143000000000, 260000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['z15hi', 'z15hi', 'z15hi', 'z15hi']},
				yule_present_bearer: {name: 'Yule Present Bearer', shortname: 'Present Bearer', id: 'yule_present_bearer', type: 'Human', stat: 'S', size: 100, nd: 5, duration: 48, health: [30000000000, 60000000000, 90000000000, 120000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['yule', 'yule', 'yule', 'yule']},
				yule_punishment_bearer: {name: 'Yule Punishment Bearer', shortname: 'Punishment', id: 'yule_punishment_bearer', type: 'Human, Winter', stat: 'S', size: 50, nd: 4, duration: 48, health: [30000000000,60000000000,90000000000,120000000000,0,0], lt: ['yule2','yule2','yule2','yule2']},
				yydians_sanctuary: {name: 'Yydian\'s Sanctuary', shortname: 'Yydian', id: 'yydians_sanctuary', type: 'Siege, Construct', stat: 'S', size: 250, nd: 5, duration: 96, health: [10000000000, 20000000000, 30000000000, 50000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['yyd', 'yyd', 'yyd', 'yyd']},
				zombiehorde: {name: 'Zombie Horde', shortname: 'Zombies', id: 'zombiehorde', type: 'Undead', stat: 'S', size: 50, nd: 3, duration: 60, health: [45000000, 56250000, 72000000, 90000000, 0, 0]},
				zralkthalat: {name: 'Z\'ralk\'thalat', shortname: 'Z\'ralk\'thalat', id: 'zralkthalat', type: 'Demon', stat: 'S', size: 100, nd: 4, duration: 72, health: [8750000000, 13125000000, 17500000000, 35000000000, 0, 0], lt: ['z10', 'z10', 'z10', 'z10']},
				initiates_of_the_abyss: {name: 'Initiates of the Abyss', shortname: 'Initiates', id: 'initiates_of_the_abyss', type: 'Aquatic', stat: 'S', size: 100, nd: 4, duration: 48, health: [200000000000,400000000000,600000000000,800000000000,0,0], lt: ['u','u','u','u']},
				elite_initiates: {name: 'Elite Initiates', shortname: 'E. Initiates', id: 'elite_initiates', type: 'Abyssal, Aquatic', stat: 'S', size: 100, nd: 4, duration: 26, health: [6000000000000,6000000000000,6000000000000,6000000000000,0,0], lt: ['u','u','u','u']},
				hullbore_worms: {name: 'Hullbore Wyrms', shortname: 'Hullbore Wyrms', id: 'hullbore_worms', type: 'Guild, Abyssal, Aquatic', stat: 'H', size: 100, nd: 4, duration: 48, health: [30000000000,45000000000,60000000000,75000000000,0,0], lt: ['u','u','u','u']},
				elite_5th_terror: {name: 'Elite 5th Terror', shortname: 'E. 5th Terror', id: 'elite_5th_terror', type: 'Abyssal, Aquatic, Terror, Festival', stat: 'S', size: 300, nd: 5, duration: 48, health: [30000000000000,30000000000000,30000000000000,30000000000000,0,0], lt: ['u','u','u','u']},
				elite_karkata: {name: 'Elite Karkata', shortname: 'E. Karkata', id: 'elite_karkata', type: 'Abyssal, Aquatic', stat: 'S', size: 300, nd: 4, duration: 36, health: [20000000000000,20000000000000,20000000000000,20000000000000,0,0], lt: ['u','u','u','u']},
				elite_slitherer: {name: 'Elite Slitherer', shortname: 'E. Slitherer', id: 'elite_slitherer', type: 'Abyssal, Aquatic, Dragon', stat: 'S', size: 20, nd: 2, duration: 18, health: [1000000000000,1000000000000,1000000000000,1000000000000,0,0], lt: ['u','u','u','u']},
				the_sight_of_solus: {name: 'The Sight of Solus', shortname: 'Sight of Solus', id: 'the_sight_of_solus', type: 'Dragon', stat: 'S', size: 20, nd: 1, duration: 36, health: [25000000000,50000000000,75000000000,100000000000,0,0], lt: ['u','u','u','u']},
				engine_of_the_ancients: {name: 'Engine of the Ancients', shortname: 'Engine of the Ancients', id: 'engine_of_the_ancients', type: 'Construct', stat: 'S', size: 250, nd: 5, duration: 72, health: [400000000000,800000000000,1200000000000,1600000000000,0,0], lt: ['u','u','u','u']},
				ascendants_echo: {name: 'Ascendant\'s Echo', shortname: 'Ascendant\'s Echo', id: 'ascendants_echo', type: 'Magical Creature', stat: 'S', size: 50, nd: 3, duration: 48, health: [75000000000,150000000000,225000000000,300000000000,0,0], lt: ['u','u','u','u']},
				drakontos_the_first_terror: {name: 'Drakontos, The First Terror', shortname: 'Drakontos', id: 'drakontos_the_first_terror', type: 'Aquatic, Dragon, Terror', stat: 'S', size: 500, nd: 6, duration: 96, health: [1250000000000,2500000000000,3750000000000,5000000000000,0,0], lt: ['u','u','u','u']}

			raidSizes: {
				10: { name: 'Small', ratios: [0.6, 0.9, 1.2, 1.6, 2.5, 3.5], enames: ['1E6T', '1E8T', '2E', '2/3E', '3E', '3/4E'] },
				13: { name: 'Small' },
				15: { name: 'Small', ratios: [0.45, 0.6, 0.755, 0.9, 1.05, 1.2, 1.35, 1.5, 1.65, 1.8, 1.95], enames: ['65D', '92D', '119D', '146D', '173D', '200D', '227D', '264D', '301D', '338D', '375D'] },
				20: { name: 'Small' },
				25: { name: 'Small' },
				30: { name: 'Small' },
				40: { name: 'Medium' },
				50: { name: 'Medium', ratios: [0.7, 0.95, 2.05, 3.125, 6.75, 8.5], enames: ['1E6T', '1E8T', '2E', '2/3E', '3E', '3/4E'] },
				75: { name: 'Medium'},
				100: { name: 'Large', ratios: [0.9, 1.5, 2.2, 3.2, 6.5, 9.0], enames: ['1E6T', '1E8T', '2E', '2/3E', '3E', '3/4E'] },
				101: { name: 'Epic', ratios: [0.225, 0.325, 0.625, 1.775, 4.525, 10.25], enames: ['1E6T', '1E8T', '2E', '2/3E', '3E', '3/4E'] },
				125: { name: 'Large'},
				200: { name: 'Epic' },
				250: { name: 'Epic', ratios: [0.225, 0.325, 0.625, 1.775, 4.525, 10.25], enames: ['1E6T', '1E8T', '2E', '2/3E', '3E', '3/4E'] },
				300: { name: 'Colossal'},
				400: { name: 'Colossal'},
				500: { name: 'Colossal', ratios: [0.45, 0, 0.65, 1.25, 2.5, 9.0], enames: ['1E6T', '1E8T', '2E', '2/3E', '3E', '3/4E'] },
				600: { name: 'Gigantic' },
				800: { name: 'Gigantic' },
				90000: { name: 'World/Event' }

			lootTiers: {
				u: { tiers: ['N/A'], epics: [0], best: 0},
				shade: { tiers: [250,500,1000,1500,2000,2500,5000,7500,10000,15000], epics: [14,41,61,93,125,167,263,297,347,383], best: 5, e: false},
				spire: { tiers: [1000,5000,10000,15000,20000,30000,40000,50000,60000], epics: [61,296,422,470,535,604,675,795,848], best: 1, e: false },
				frost: { tiers: [250,500,1000,1500,2000,2500,5000,7500], epics: [15,40,61,71,103,153,217,248], best: 5, e: false},
				red: { tiers: [200,300,500,1000,1500,2000,2500,3000,4000,5000,6000,7000,8000,9000,10000,12500,15000,17500,20000,25000,30000,40000,50000,60000,70000,80000,90000,100000,150000], epics: [2,4,24,54,90,131,164,199,227,267,284,301,317,349,380,397,422,443,479,509,541,604,832,999,1241,1433,1675,1918,2153], best: 7, e: false},
				hbr: { tiers: [200,300,500,1000,1500,2000,2500,3000,4000,5000,6000,7000,8000,9000,10000,12500,15000,17500,20000,25000,30000,40000,50000,60000,70000,80000,90000,100000], epics: [2,4,24,54,90,129,161,195,223,261,278,295,311,342,373,389,414,435,470,499,531,592,818,985,1226,1417,1634,1800], best: 7, e: false},
				strm: { tiers: [200,300,500,1000,1500,2000,2500,3000,4000,5000,6000,7000,8000,9000,10000,12500,15000,17500,20000,25000], epics: [3,9,27,72,114,148,185,219,256,299,318,337,356,390,427,446,474,496,539,570], best: 4, e: false},
				spr: { tiers: [1000,1250,1500,1750,2000,2250,2500,2750,3000,4000,5000,6000,8000,10000,12500,15000,20000], epics: [95,104,114,128,140,152,170,192,231,261,306,353,383,414,444,477,539], best: 8, e: false},
				elv: { tiers: [1000,1250,1500,1750,2000,2250,2500,2750,3000,4000,5000,6000,8000,10000,12500,15000,20000,25000], epics: [95,104,114,128,140,152,170,192,231,261,306,353,383,414,444,477,539,585], best: 8, e: false},
				fst: { tiers: [1000,1250,1500,1750,2000,2250,2500,2750,3000,4000,5000,6000,8000,10000,12500,15000,20000,25000,30000,35000,40000], epics: [95,104,114,128,140,152,170,192,231,261,306,352,382,415,445,477,539,577,616,655,695], best: 1, e: false},
				pof: { tiers: [3000,4000,5000,6000,7000,8000,9000,10000,12500,15000,17500,20000,25000,30000,40000,50000,60000,70000,80000,90000,100000,150000,200000], epics: [195,223,263,280,297,315,346,377,395,420,441,477,606,737,899,1460,1953,2447,2940,3433,3933,4907,5913], best: 20, e: false},
				eio: { tiers: [300,500,1000,1500,2000,2500,3000,4000,5000,6000,7000,8000,9000,10000,12500,15000,17500,20000,25000,30000,40000,50000,60000,70000,80000,90000,100000,150000], epics: [1,6,13,22,32,40,48,55,65,70,74,78,86,94,98,105,110,119,126,134,149,201,240,278,318,359,408,521], best: 6, e: false},

				ebut: { tiers: [10000,15000,20000,25000,30000,35000,40000,45000,50000], epics: [300,500,750,1250,1750,2050,2350,2650,3200], best: 8, e: false},
				ekil: { tiers: [10000,15000,20000,25000,30000,35000,40000,45000,50000,55000,60000], epics: [300,500,750,1250,1750,2050,2350,2650,3000, 3400, 3900], best: 10, e: false},
				ecas: { tiers: [10000,15000,20000,25000,30000,35000,40000,45000,50000,55000,60000,70000,80000,90000,100000], epics: [300,500,750,1250,1750,2050,2350,2650,3000,3400,3900,4400,5000,5600,6200], best: 10, e: false},
				ewar: { tiers: [10000,20000,25000,30000,40000,50000,60000,70000,80000,90000,100000], epics: [300,700,1250,1800,2500,3150,3900,4600,5500,6000,6400], best: 8, e: false},
				ewsp: { tiers: [10000,15000,20000,25000,30000,35000,40000,45000,50000,55000,60000,70000,80000,90000,100000,125000], epics: [300,500,750,1250,1750,2050,2350,2650,3000,3400,3900,4800,5400,6000,6300,6600], best: 11, e: false},
				emrd: { tiers: [15000,20000,25000,30000,37500,45000,50000,55000,60000,65000,70000,75000,80000,90000,100000], epics: [500,750,1250,1750,2300,2800,3150,3500,3900,4500,5100,5700,6000,6300,6500], best: 11, e: false},
				erid: { tiers: [15000,20000,25000,30000,35000,40000,45000,50000,55000,60000,65000,70000,75000,80000,90000,100000,125000,150000], epics: [500,750,1250,1750,2050,2400,2800,3150,3500,3900,4500,5100,5700,6300,6700,7200,7650,8000], best: 13, e: false},
				eman: { tiers: [20000,25000,30000,35000,40000,45000,50000,55000,60000,65000,70000,75000,80000,90000,100000,125000,150000], epics: [750,1250,1750,2050,2400,2800,3150,3500,3900,4500,5100,5700,6200,6700,7200,7650,8000], best: 12, e: false},
				emal: { tiers: [20000,25000,30000,35000,40000,45000,50000,55000,60000,65000,70000,75000,80000,90000,100000,150000,200000], epics: [750,1250,1750,2050,2400,2800,3150,3500,3900,4500,5100,5700,6100,6900,7800,8400,9000], best: 14, e: false},
				ecec: { tiers: [20000,25000,30000,35000,40000,45000,50000,55000,60000,65000,70000,75000,80000,90000,100000,120000,150000,200000,240000,300000], epics: [750,1250,1600,1900,2200,2500,2800,3100,3900,4300,4700,5100,5500,6200,6900,8300,8800,9200,10000,11000], best: 15, e: false},

				bsh: { tiers:  [1000,1500,2000,2500,3000,4000,5000,7500,10000,15000,20000], epics: [8,12,16,20,24,32,40,60,80,120,160], best: 0, e: true},
				badl: { tiers: [1000,1250,1500,1750,2000,2250,2500,2750,3000,4000,5000,6000,8000,10000,12500,15000,20000,25000,30000,35000,40000,50000], epics: [37,56,65,70,74,77,84,87,93,109,130,147,168,180,194,212,235,253,269,287,304,335], best: 1, e: false},
				bhm: { tiers: [200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000,1250,1500,1750,2000,2250,2500,2750,3000,4000,5000,6000,8000,10000,12500,15000,20000,25000,30000,35000,40000], epics: [4,6,10,14,18,19,23,26,29,32,36,40,44,48,53,60,72,83,98,114,125,136,146,157,177,190,203,216,230], best: 8, e: false},
				pot: { tiers: [50,100,200,300,400,500,750,1000], epics: [1,5,7,10,13,15,17,20], best: 2, e: true },
				danc: { tiers: [250,500,750,1000,1500,2000,2500,3000,3500,4000,5000,8000], epics: [4,14,19,25,30,40,54,63,65,70,90,112], best: 3, e: false },
				fel: { tiers: [200,300,500,750,1000,1500,2000,2500,3000,4000,5000,7500,10000], epics: [8,12,16,21,25,33,42,48,54,63,71,81,90], best: 1, e: false},
				fae: { tiers: [200,300,500,750,1000,1500,2000,2500,3000,4000,5000,7500,10000,15000,20000], epics: [8,12,16,21,25,34,42,49,56,65,74,86,97,116,134], best: 1, e: false},
				hort: { tiers: [200,300,500,1000,1500,2000,2500,3000,4000,5000,6000,7000,8000,9000,10000,12500,15000,17500,20000,25000,30000,40000,50000,60000,75000], epics: [0,1,6,13,22,32,40,48,55,65,70,74,78,86,94,98,105,110,119,126,134,149,200,237,275], best: 7, e: false},
				jorm: { tiers: [200,300,500,1000,1500,2000,2500,3000,4000,5000,6000,7000,8000,9000,10000,12500,15000,17500,20000,25000,30000,40000,50000,60000,70000,80000,90000,100000], epics: [0,1,6,13,22,32,40,48,55,65,70,74,78,86,94,98,105,110,119,126,134,149,200,238,276,315,353,400], best: 7, e: false},
				drac: { tiers: [1000,1500,2000,2500,3000,4000,5000,6000,7000,8000,9000,10000,12500,15000,17500,20000,25000,30000,40000,50000,60000,70000,80000,90000,100000], epics: [15,23,31,40,48,57,65,69,74,78,86,94,98,103,110,117,126,134,150,198,236,273,311,348,398], best: 4, e: false },
				dopp: { tiers: [100,250,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,2500], epics: [1,2,7,12,18,20,25,31,35], best: 4, e: false},
				badb: { tiers: [100,250,500,800,1000,1250,1500,2000,2500,5000], epics: [1,2,5,10,13,17,22,26,30,49], best: 6, e: false},
				way: { tiers: [100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,880,1000,1250,1500,1750,2000,2250,2500,2750,3000,4000,5000,6000,8000,10000,12500,15000,20000,25000], epics: [3,6,7,8,10,11,13,14,15,17,21,25,29,31,37,42,45,50,54,62,70,78,85,95,106,126,136], best: 4, e: false},
				marb: { tiers: [100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000,1400,2000], epics: [2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,21,32,43], best: 10, e: false},
				abo: { tiers: [200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000,1250,1500,1750,2000,2250,2500,2750,3000,4000,5000,6000,8000,10000,12500,15000,20000], epics: [6,7,8,10,11,12,13,14,17,21,25,29,33,37,41,45,49,53,60,68,76,83,94,105,126], best: 2, e: false },
				wlds: { tiers: [750,1000,1500,2000,2500,3000,4000,5000,6000,7000,8000,9000,10000,12500,15000,17500,20000,25000,30000,40000], epics: [5,10,15,22,28,37,42,47,52,57,62,67,72,77,82,87,93,100,107,120], best: 5, e: false },
				cwg: { tiers: [100,200,750,1250,1500,2000,2500,3750,5000], epics: [1,2,3,4,5,8,10,12,15], best: 0, e: true },
				val: { tiers: [50,100,250,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,2500,5000], epics: [1,2,4,17,21,27,35,44,53,61,99], best: 3, e: false},
				kark: { tiers: [200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000,1250,1500,1750,2000,2250,2500,2750,3000,4000,5000,6000,8000,10000,12500,15000], epics: [8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,17,20,24,29,32,36,40,44,48,52,59,66,73,80,90,100], best: 2, e: false},
				yule: { tiers: [100,200,300,400,500,750,1000,1500,2000,2500,3000,3500,4000,4500,5000,10000], epics: [0,4,8,10,15,20,30,35,40,50,70,75,80,90,95,125], best: 5, e: true },
				yule2: { tiers: [200,300,400,500,750,1000,1500,2000,2500,3000,3500,4000,5000,10000], epics: [11,22,28,42,57,71,85,114,142,171,185,200,257,371], best: 7, e: false },
				eow: { tiers: [100,200,300,500,1000,1500,2000,2500,3000,4000,5000,6000,7000,8000,9000,10000,12500,15000,17500,20000,25000,30000,35000,40000], epics: [1,2,3,5,10,15,22,28,37,42,47,52,57,63,68,73,78,83,88,95,101,108,115,121], best: 8, e: false },
				gk: { tiers: [150,250,300,400,500,750,1000,1500,2000,2500,3500,5000], epics: [5,6,9,10,12,14,17,23,30,35,49,67], best: 2, e: false },
				murg: { tiers: [150,250,500,750,1000,1500,2000,2500,3000,3500,4000,4500,5000], epics: [0,1,2,5,10,15,31,41,57,67,72,78,87], best: 9, e: false},
				valley: { tiers: [150,250,500,750,1000,1500,2000,2500,3000,3500,4000,4500,5000,6500,8000], epics: [0,1,2,5,10,15,21,35,60,63,67,72,76,84,92], best: 8, e: false},
				bak: { tiers: [100,200,250,300,400,500,650,800,1000,1250,1500,2000], epics: [3,8,10,11,12,15,18,20,26,30,38,47], best: 5, e: false},
				rud: { tiers: [300,500,750,1000,1500], epics: [13,15,17,25,32], best: 1, e: false},
				imx: { tiers: [100,150,200,250,300,400,500,750,1000,1250,1500,1750,2000,2500,3000,3500,4000,4500,5000,6000,7000,8000,9000,10000,12500,15000,17500,20000,25000], epics: [16,21,26,32,38,44,51,69,86,118,142,166,191,239,286,330,355,381,408,435,462,489,516,544,592,640,688,736,815], best: 13, e: false},
				shd: { tiers: [50,75,100,150,200,250,300,500,750,1000], epics: [1,2,5,8,10,12,14,16,19,25], best: 6, e: false},
				hell: { tiers: [200,250,300,500,750,1000,1500,2000,2500,3000,4000,5000,6000,8000,10000], epics: [8,12,16,25,28,34,41,50,58,64,71,77,85,102,120], best: 2, e: false},
				kane: { tiers: [200,250,300,500,750,1000,1500,2000,2500,3000,4000,5000,6000,8000,10000,12500,15000], epics: [6,10,14,21,27,30,37,45,54,62,68,75,81,93,110,127,141], best: 3, e: false},
				dark: { tiers: [200,300,500,750,1000,1500,2000,2500,3000,4000,5000], epics: [2,4,8,14,18,30,40,50,60,75,85], best: 7, e: false},
				gat: { tiers: [1000,1500,2000,2500,3000,4000,5000,6000,7000,8000,9000,10000,12500,15000,17500,20000,25000,30000,40000], epics: [27,48,66,81,94,103,122,132,144,158,176,194,204,209,219,225,242,284,301], best: 2, e: false},
				trex: { tiers: [100,150,200,250,300,400,500,750,1000,1250,1500,1750,2000,2500,3000,3500,4000,4500,5000,6000,7000,8000,9000,10000,12500,15000,17500,20000], epics: [21,28,38,44,47,59,68,94,119,147,179,215,250,308,381,431,498,546,557,593,627,661,691,725,790,861,926,980], best: 14, e: false},
				alch: { tiers: [100,150,200,250,300,400,500,650,800,1000,1250,1500], epics: [4,6,8,9,11,13,15,17,19,20,25,32], best: 5, e: false},
				rann: { tiers: [100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000,2000,3000], epics: [12,24,36,48,61,73,85,97,109,122,245,369], best: 9, e: false },
				clock: { tiers: [300,400,750,1000,1500,2000,2500,3000,4000,5000,6000,8000,10000], epics: [56,66,94,118,192,226,254,270,290,360,368,400,460], best: 0, e: false},
				krx: { tiers: [300,400,750,1000,1500,2000,2500,3000,4000,5000,6000,8000], epics: [56,66,94,118,192,226,254,270,290,360,368,400], best: 0, e: false},
				gig: { tiers: [200,300,400,500,750,1000,1500,2000,2500,5000,8000], epics: [36,48,63,76,94,111,146,199,256,400,490], best: 3, e: false},
				rekkr: { tiers: [250,300,400,500,720,1000,1500,2500,3500], epics: [10,11,15,18,23,26,34,37,51], best: 2, e: true},
				rag: { tiers: [225,310,400,510,750,1000,1500,2500,5000], epics: [11,13,17,19,23,27,37,39,61], best: 2, e: true},
				z15lo: { tiers: [225,240,300,400,750,1000,1500,2500,5000], epics: [8,9,14,16,19,23,33,36,48], best: 2, e: true},
				z15hi: { tiers: [225,240,300,400,750,1000,1500,2500,5000,8000], epics: [8,9,14,16,19,23,33,60,90,100], best: 2, e: true},
				apoc: { tiers: [12,24,36,40,60,80,100,120,140,160,180], epics: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11], best: 3, e: true },
				cara: { tiers: [400,500,600,700,800,900,1000,1250,1500,1750,2000,2250,2500,2750,3000], epics: [10,11,12,13,14,15,16,20,24,28,32,36,40,44,48], best: 0, e: true },
				zugen: { tiers: [120,180,225,240,300,400,750,1000,1500], epics: [8,9,10,11,14,16,19,23,33], best: 4, e: true},
				gulk: { tiers: [90,135,150,180,225,300,550,900,1500], epics: [2,5,7,9,11,15,18,22,34], best: 5, e: true },
				verk: { tiers: [100,175,250,300,375,450,525,600,900,1500], epics: [3,8,12,13,15,16,18,21,23,36], best: 2, e: true},
				canib: { tiers: [250,300,380,480,580,660,900,1500,2000,2800,3500], epics: [12,13,14,17,18,21,23,34,46,68,88], best: 0, e: true},
				ruzz: { tiers: [300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000,1250,1500,1750,2000,2250,2500,2750,3000], epics: [2,5,11,12,13,14,15,16,20,24,28,32,36,40,44,48], best: 2, e: true },
				z10: { tiers: [100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000], epics: [7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16], best: 0, e: true },
				nmDl: { tiers: [105,135,150,225,300,375,450,525,600,675], epics: [2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20], best: 2, e: true },
				lDl: { tiers: [70,90,100,150,200,250,300,350,400,450], epics: [2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20], best: 2, e: true },
				hDl: { tiers: [35,45,50,75,100,125,150,175,200,225], epics: [2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20], best: 2, e: true },
				nDl: { tiers: [7,9,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45], epics: [2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20], best: 2, e: true },
				nmTisi: { tiers: [75,105,135,150,225,300,375,450,525,600,675], epics: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11], best: 3, e: true },
				lTisi: { tiers: [50,70,90,100,150,200,250,300,350,400,450], epics: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11], best: 3, e: true },
				hTisi: { tiers: [25,35,45,50,75,100,125,150,175,200,225], epics: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11], best: 3, e: true },
				nTisi: { tiers: [5,7,9,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45], epics: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11], best: 3, e: true },
				njack: { tiers: [4,20,24,48,72,96,120,144,168,192], epics: [2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12], best: 0, e: true},
				hjack: { tiers: [6,30,36,72,108,144,180,216,252,288], epics: [2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12], best: 0, e: true},
				ljack: { tiers: [8,40,48,96,144,192,240,288,336,384], epics: [2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12], best: 0, e: true},
				nmjack: { tiers: [12,60,72,144,216,288,360,432,504,576], epics: [2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12], best: 0, e: true},
				hjr: { tiers: [30,150,180,360,750,1500], epics: [8,12,16,27,36,72], best: 0, e: true},
				njr: { tiers: [20,100,120,240,500,1000], epics: [8,12,16,27,36,72], best: 0, e: true},
				ljr: { tiers: [40,200,240,480,1000,2000], epics: [8,12,16,27,36,72], best: 0, e: true},
				nmjr: { tiers: [60,300,360,720,1500,3000], epics: [8,12,16,27,36,72], best: 0, e: true},
				yyd: { tiers: [125,175,250,300,375,450,525,625,900,1500], epics: [3,8,12,13,15,16,18,21,23,36], best: 2, e: true},
				nessy: { tiers: [120,180,225,240,300,500,750,1000], epics: [9,10,11,12,13,14,17,20], best: 1, e: true},
				hurk: { tiers: [90,135,150,180,225,300,550,900], epics: [3,7,10,12,15,19,26,30], best: 2, e: true},
				mall: { tiers: [100,150,225,300,375,450,525,600,900], epics: [3,8,11,12,14,16,18,20,24], best: 1, e: true},
				nIns: { tiers: [5,7,9,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45], epics: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11], best: 3, e: true},
				hIns: { tiers: [6.250,8.750,11.25,12.50,18.75,25,31.25,37.50,43.75,50,56.25], epics: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11], best: 3, e: true},
				lIns: { tiers: [8,11.20,14.40,16,24,32,40,48,56,64,72], epics: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11], best: 3, e: true},
				nmIns: { tiers: [10,14,18,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90], epics: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11], best: 3, e: true},
				nker: { tiers: [20,28,36,40,60,80,100,120,140,160,180], epics: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11], best: 3, e: true},
				hker: { tiers: [25,35,45,50,75,100,125,150,175,200,225], epics: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11], best: 3, e: true},
				lker: { tiers: [32,44.80,57.60,64,96,128,160,192,224,256,288], epics: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11], best: 3, e: true},
				nmker: { tiers: [40,56,72,80,120,160,200,240,280,320,360], epics: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11], best: 3, e: true},
				nSlut: { tiers: [6.660,9.324,11.99,13.32,19.98,26.64,33.30,39.96,46.62,53.28,59.94], epics: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11], best: 3, e: true},
				hSlut: { tiers: [8.325,11.66,14.99,16.65,24.98,33.30,41.63,49.95,58.28,66.60,74.93], epics: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11], best: 3, e: true},
				lSlut: { tiers: [10.66,14.92,19.18,21.31,31.97,42.62,53.28,63.94,74.59,85.25,95.90], epics: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11], best: 3, e: true},
				nmSlut: { tiers: [13.32,18.65,23.98,26.64,39.96,53.28,66.60,79.92,93.24,106.6,119.9], epics: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11], best: 3, e: true},
				sic: { tiers: [400,500,600,700,800,900,1000,2000], epics: [10,11,12,13,14,15,16,32], best: 0, e: true},
				vort: { tiers: [200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000,1500,2000,2500,3000,3500], epics: [3,10,14,15,17,18,21,23,32,37,44,52,58,90], best: 1, e: true},
				lux: { tiers: [8,17,26,35,45,56,67,78,90,103,116,129,143,157,173,188,202,220,238,255,270,293,311,330,350], epics: [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26], best: 9, e: true },
				keron: { tiers: [8,17,26,35,45,56,67,78,90,103,116,129,143,157,173,188,202,220,238,255,270,293,311,330,350,1000], epics: [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,30], best: 9, e: true }
			camps: {
				bob: {name: 'Bastion of Blood', time: [120, 96], prefixes: 'Regenerating, Morphling, Vengeful, Chilling', numNodes: 6, nodes: ['bmp', 'gor', 'chi', 'zh', 'sic', 'bob'],
					mods: ['Speed Run: halved camp timer, +20% guild rep from EoC', 'Hailstorm: +1 prefix, +20% guild exp from EoC', 'Nerfed: -30% player damage, special loot from EoC'],
					tiers: [[5, 31, 0],[25, 32, 0],[75, 33, 0],[100, 34, 0],[200, 35, 7],[250, 36, 8],[320, 37, 9],[375, 38, 10],[480, 39, 11],[550, 43, 14],[640, 46, 17],[960, 48, 22],[1500, 50, 24],[2400, 53, 26],[2750, 55, 29],[5000, 62, 38],[7000, 64, 42],[10000, 69, 47],[15000, 74, 52]],
					bmp: {name: 'Black Moon Pack', sname: 'Bmp', type: 'Human, Campaign', size: 25, hp: [6000, 18000], gold: false,                         tiers: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0]},
					gor: {name: 'Gorgon', sname: 'Gor', type: 'Campaign', size: 50, hp: [12000, 36000], gold: false,                                        tiers: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0]},
					chi: {name: 'Chimera', sname: 'Chi', type: 'Campaign', size: 75, hp: [28000, 84000], gold: false,                                       tiers: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0]},
					zh: {name: 'Zombie Horde', sname: 'ZH', type: 'Campaign, Undead', size: 100, hp: [50000, 150000], gold: false,                          tiers: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]},
					sic: {name: 'Byron Siculus', sname: 'Sic', type: 'Campaign', size: 100, hp: [50000, 150000], gold: true,                                tiers: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]},
					bob: {name: 'Bastion of Blood', sname: 'BoB', type: 'Campaign, Undead, Siege', size: 100, hp: [50000, 150000], gold: false,             tiers: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]}},
				mam: {name: 'Monsters and Magma', time: [120, 96], prefixes: 'Regenerating, Vengeful, Chilling, Curse', numNodes: 7, nodes: ['wlp', 'tos', 'gol', 'ele', 'gmh', 'wrm', 'imx'],
					mods: ['Speed Run: halved camp timer, +20% guild rep from EoC', 'Hailstorm: +1 prefix, +20% guild exp from EoC', 'Fatigued: -45% player damage, special loot and +3 slots from EoC', 'Endurance Run: Node timer set to 4h, Molten Troves in EoC'],
					tiers: [[5, 31, 0],[25, 32, 0],[75, 33, 0],[100, 34, 0],[200, 35, 7],[250, 36, 8],[320, 37, 9],[375, 38, 10],[480, 39, 11],[550, 40, 12],[640, 41, 13],[960, 42, 14],[1500, 43, 15],[2400, 44, 16],[2750, 45, 17],[4500, 58, 24],[5000, 62, 38],[5500, 64, 26],[7000, 64, 42],[7500, 74, 28],[10000, 69, 47],[15000, 74, 52]],
					wlp: {name: 'Imryx\'s Whelps', sname: 'Wlp', type: 'Dragon, Underground, Campaign', size: 25, hp: [7000, 21000], gold: false,           tiers: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]},
					tos: {name: 'Magma Tossers', sname: 'Tos', type: 'Underground, Construct, Campaign', size: 50, hp: [13000, 39000], gold: false,         tiers: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]},
					gol: {name: 'Magma Golem', sname: 'Gol', type: 'Underground, Construct, Campaign', size: 50, hp: [16000, 48000], gold: true,            tiers: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]},
					ele: {name: 'Magma Elemental', sname: 'Ele', type: 'Underground, Magical Creature, Campaign', size: 75, hp: [30000, 90000], gold: false,tiers: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]},
					gmh: {name: 'Grt. Magma Horror', sname: 'Gmh', type: 'Campaign, Undead', size: 100, hp: [55000, 165000], gold: false,                   tiers: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1]},
					wrm: {name: 'Magma Worm', sname: 'Wrm', type: 'Underground, Campaign', size: 100, hp: [60000, 180000], gold: true,                      tiers: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1]},
					imx: {name: 'Imryx the Incinerator', sname: 'Imx', type: 'Dragon, Underground, Campaign', size: 100, hp: [65000, 195000], gold: false,  tiers: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0]}},
				gd: {name: 'The Grey Death', time: [120, 96], prefixes: 'Regenerating, Vengeful, Chilling, Curse', numNodes: 6, nodes: ['crk', 'zrn', 'nun', 'tms', 'crn', 'hrt'],
					mods: ['Speed Run: halved camp timer, +20% guild rep from EoC', 'Hailstorm: +1 prefix, +20% guild exp from EoC', 'Fatigued: -45% player damage, special loot and +3 slots from EoC'],
					tiers: [[25, 31, 0],[100, 34, 0],[200, 36, 6],[300, 38, 9],[500, 40, 14],[750, 42, 16],[1000, 45, 18],[2500, 48, 21],[4100, 50, 25],[6500, 58, 29],[6500, 54, 27],[8500, 62, 31],[8500, 63, 32],[10000, 64, 33],[15000, 66, 35],[20000, 68, 37],[30000, 70, 39],[40000, 73, 41]],
					crk: {name: 'Carshk the Marauder', sname: 'Crk', type: 'Campaign', size: 25, hp: [8000, 25600], gold: false,                            tiers: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]},
					zrn: {name: 'Zranras', sname: 'Zrn', type: 'Campaign, Beastman', size: 50, hp: [15000, 48000], gold: false,                             tiers: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]},
					nun: {name: 'General Nund', sname: 'Nun', type: 'Campaign, Ogre', size: 50, hp: [20000, 50000], gold: false,                            tiers: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0]},
					tms: {name: 'Thurmavus the Ripper', sname: 'Tms', type: 'Campaign, Dragon', size: 100, hp: [75000, 202500], gold: false,                tiers: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]},
					crn: {name: 'Craenaestra the Stalker', sname: 'Crn', type: 'Campaign, Dragon', size: 100, hp: [80000, 224000], gold: true,              tiers: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]},
					hrt: {name: 'Horthania the Grey', sname: 'Hrt', type: 'Campaign, Dragon', size: 100, hp: [90000, 270000], gold: false,                  tiers: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]}},
				goc: {name: 'Giants of Chalua', time: [120, 96], prefixes: 'Regenerating, Vengeful, Chilling, Curse', numNodes: 6, nodes: ['mwm', 'bl', 'gh', 'fgs', 'gc', 'ha'],
					mods: ['Speed Run: halved camp timer, +20% guild rep from EoC', 'Hailstorm: +1 prefix, +20% guild exp from EoC', 'Fatigued: -45% player damage, Boss loot from EoC', 'Endurance Run: Node timer set to 4h, 10 guild tokens in EoC'],
					tiers: [[25, 32, 0, 0],[150, 34, 0, 0],[250, 35, 7, 0],[480, 39, 11, 0],[640, 41, 16, 0],[960, 42, 18, 1],[1500, 43, 19, 1],[2500, 45, 21, 3],[4750, 48, 25, 4],[5500, 52, 27, 5],[6400, 54, 29, 5],[8750, 56, 31, 6],[10000, 58, 34, 6],[15000, 60, 38, 8],[25000, 64, 44, 9],[30000, 66, 46, 9],[35000, 68, 48, 9],[40000, 70, 50, 9],[50000, 74, 56, 10]],
					mwm: {name: 'Monkey Warrior Minions', sname: 'MWM', type: 'Human, Campaign', size: 25, hp: [15000, 45000], gold: false,                 tiers: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]},
					bl: {name: 'Basileus Lizard', sname: 'BL', type: 'Campaign', size: 50, hp: [25000, 75000], gold: false,                                 tiers: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]},
					gh: {name: 'Giant Hunter', sname: 'GH', type: 'Giant, Campaign', size: 75, hp: [55000, 165000], gold: false,                            tiers: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]},
					fgs: {name: 'Fire Giant Shaman', sname: 'FGS', type: 'Giant, Campaign', size: 100, hp: [100000, 250000], gold: false,                   tiers: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0]},
					gc: {name: 'Giant Cook', sname: 'GC', type: 'Giant, Campaign', size: 100, hp: [125000, 312500], gold: true,                             tiers: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0]},
					ha: {name: 'Hitullpa Aatqui', sname: 'HA', type: 'Giant, Campaign', size: 100, hp: [150000, 375000], gold: false,                       tiers: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]}},
				fw: {name: 'The Frozen War', time: [120, 96], prefixes: 'Frighten Mount, Ethereal, Trample, Intimidate, Vulnerable, Vengeful, Chilling, Curse', numNodes: 6, nodes: ['ur', 'fe', 'nsg', 'bsn', 'bsh', 'eiw'],
					mods: ['Speed Run: halved camp timer, +20% guild rep from EoC', 'Hailstorm: +1 prefix, +20% guild exp from EoC', 'Fatigued: -45% player damage, Extra loot from EoC', 'Endurance Run: Node timer set to 4h, 10 guild tokens in EoC'],
					tiers: [[25, 32, 0, 0],[150, 34, 0, 0],[250, 35, 7, 0],[480, 39, 11, 0],[640, 41, 16, 0],[960, 42, 18, 1],[1500, 86, 38, 1],[2500, 90, 42, 3],[4750, 96, 50, 4],[5500, 104, 54, 5],[6400, 108, 58, 5],[8750, 112, 62, 6],[10000, 116, 68, 6],[15000, 120, 76, 8],[10000, 112, 62, 6],[15000, 116, 68, 8],[25000, 120, 76, 9],[30000, 132, 92, 9],[35000, 136, 96, 9],[40000, 140, 100, 9],[50000, 150, 112, 9]],
					ur: {name: 'Ursine Raiders', sname: 'UR', type: 'Aquatic, Human, Campaign', size: 25, hp: [18000, 54000], gold: false,                  tiers: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]},
					fe: {name: 'Frost Elemental', sname: 'FE', type: 'Aquatic, Magical Cereature, Campaign', size: 50, hp: [28000, 84000], gold: false,     tiers: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]},
					nsg: {name: 'Northern Sea Giant', sname: 'NSG', type: 'Aquatic, Giant, Campaign', size: 100, hp: [105000, 262500], gold: false,         tiers: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0]},
					bsn: {name: 'Konguar, Giant King & Jormungan the Sea-Storm (Normal)', sname: 'BSN', type: 'Aquatic, Dragon, Giant, Campaign', size: 100, hp: [160000, 400000], gold: false, tiers: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], epics: [0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]},
					bsh: {name: 'Konguar, Giant King & Jormungan the Sea-Storm (Hard)', sname: 'BSH', type: 'Aquatic, Dragon, Giant, Campaign', size: 100, hp: [160000, 400000], gold: false, tiers: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], epics: [0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,2,2,3,0,0,0,3,4,4,5,5,6,6]},
					eiw: {name: 'Elvigar the Ice Waver', sname: 'EIW', type: 'Aquatic, Undead, Campaign', size: 100, hp: [170000, 425000], gold: true,      tiers: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], epics: [0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,2,0,0,0,3,4,5,6,7,8,10]}},
				nmq: {
					name: 'The Nightmare Queen\'s Horde', time: [120, 96], numNodes: 7, nodes: ['pgs', 'bwp', 'to', 'nr', 'cr', 'nh', 'tqc'],
					prefixes: 'Frighten Mount, Regenerating, Ethereal, Trample, Intimidate, Vulnerable, Vengeful, Chilling, Curse',
					mods: ['Speed Run: halved camp timer, +20% guild rep from EoC', 'Hailstorm: +1 prefix, +20% guild exp from EoC', 'Fatigued: -45% player damage, Extra loot from EoC', 'Endurance Run: Node timer set to 4h, 10 guild tokens in EoC'],
					tiers: [
						[150, 2, 1, 0],[250, 2, 2, 0],[960, 8, 8, 0],[2000, 17, 17, 6],
						[4000, 34, 34, 6],[6500, 56, 56, 7],[10000, 88, 88, 10],[15000, 130, 130, 11],
						[25000, 220, 220, 12],[50000, 445, 445, 15],[75000, 665, 665, 25],[100000, 870, 870, 30],
						[150000, 1800, 1800, 35],[200000, 2600, 2600, 40],[300000, 3600, 3600, 0],[400000, 4400, 4400, 0]
					pgs: {name: 'Pillagers', sname: 'PGS', type: 'Campaign, Orc, Goblin, Nightmare Queen',
						size: 25, hp: [75000, 150000], gold: false,
						tiers: [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0],
						epics: [0,0,0,17,18,19,20,30,30,40,60,76,0,0,0,0]},
					bwp: {name: 'Blood Wolf Patroller', sname: 'BWP', type: 'Campaign, Orc, Beast, Nightmare Queen',
						size: 50, hp: [125000, 250000], gold: false,
						tiers: [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0]},
					to: {name: 'Trance Ogre', sname: 'TO', type: 'Campaign, Ogre, Nightmare Queen',
						size: 50, hp: [130000, 260000], gold: false,
						tiers: [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0]},
					nr: {name: 'Nightmare Riders', sname: 'NR', type: 'Campaign, Goblin, Orc, Ogre, Nightmare Queen',
						size: 75, hp: [200000, 400000], gold: false,
						tiers: [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0]},
					cr: {name: 'Centipede Riders', sname: 'CR', type: 'Campaign, Goblin, Beast, Nightmare Queen',
						size: 75, hp: [195000, 390000], gold: false,
						tiers: [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0]},
					nh: {name: 'Nightmare Hives', sname: 'NH', type: 'Campaign, Ogre, Beast, Nightmare Queen',
						size: 75, hp: [300000, 600000], gold: true,
						tiers: [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0],
						epics: [0,0,0,0,1,2,3,3,4,5,5,6,6,'?',10,0]},
					tqc: {name: 'The Queen\'s Chosen', sname: 'TQC', type: 'Campaign, Orc, Goblin, Ogre, Beast, Nightmare Queen',
						size: 100, hp: [400000, 800000], gold: false,
						tiers: [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1],
						epics: [0,0,0,0,1,2,2,3,4,5,6,6,7,'?','?',10]}
            linkNames: { '': 'LightShot', '': 'YouTube', '': 'imgur', '': 'imgur', '': 'Google Docs', '': 'Script', '': 'DotD Forum', '': 'DotD Wiki', '': 'DotD Log Analyzer'},
            //raidArray: [],
            slapSentences: [
                'slaps <nick> in the face with a rotten old fish',
                'slaps <nick> around with a glove',
                'slaps <nick> around with an armoured glove',
                'hacks into <nick>\'s computer and slaps <nick> up side the head with a rubber chicken',
                'slaps <nick> around a bit with a wet noddle',
                'slaps <nick> about the head and shoulders with a rubber chicken',
                'slaps <nick>\'s face so hard, <nick> has to walk backwards from now on',
                'slaps some sense into <nick> with a red brick',
                'slaps <nick> with a herring',
                'slaps <nick> with a fire hose',
                'slaps <nick> with a huge law suit',
                'slaps <nick> with a great big, wet, 100% rubber duck',
                'slaps <nick> with a large dildo'
            reload: function () { SRDotDX.util.extEcho('Reloading, please wait...'); activateGame(); },
            gframe: function(msg) { if(typeof document.getElementById('gameiframe') === 'object' && typeof document.getElementById('gameiframe').contentWindow === 'object') document.getElementById('gameiframe').contentWindow.postMessage(msg, '*'); },
            fails: 0,
            load: function () {
                if (typeof holodeck === 'object' && holodeck.ready &&
					typeof holodeck._chat_window === 'object' &&
					typeof ChatDialogue === 'function' &&
					typeof activateGame === 'function' &&
					typeof Element === 'function' &&
					typeof Element.Methods === 'object' &&
					typeof Element.Methods.remove === 'function' &&
					typeof ChatRoom === 'function') {
                    ChatDialogue.prototype.sendInput = function () {
						//workaround for broken raid links - fixing on the fly
                        var b = this._input_node.value.replace(/kv_&/ig, "&kv_");
                        var a = b.match(/(?:.|\n){1,240}(\b|$)/g);
                        if(a !== null) {
							var al = a.length - 1, i;
							if (al < 1 || this._input_node.value.charAt(0) == '/') this._holodeck.processChatCommand(a[0]) && this._holodeck.filterOutgoingMessage(a[0], this._onInputFunction);
							else {
								var msg, tout = 50;
								for(i = 0; i <= al; i++) {
									msg = (i == 0 ? '' : '... ') + a[i] + (i == al ? '' : '...');
									(function (a, b) {
										return SRDotDX.gui.FPXTimerArray[i] = setTimeout(function(){b._holodeck.filterOutgoingMessage(a,b._onInputFunction)},tout);
									})(msg, holodeck._active_dialogue);
									tout += 500;
                        this._input_node.value = "";
                    ChatDialogue.prototype.SRDotDX_emote = function (msg) {
                        var user = holodeck._active_user.chatUsername();
                        this.displayUnsanitizedMessage(user, '**' + user + ' ' + msg + '**', {class: 'emote'}, {});
                    ChatDialogue.DOTDX_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE = new Template('<p class="#{classNames}"><span id="dotdm_#{magId}" class="slider" style="max-width:0" onmouseleave="\'0\'"></span><span class="timestamp">#{timestamp}</span><span class="room">#{room}</span></span><span class="username #{userClassNames} dotdm_#{magId}" username="#{username}" dotdxname="#{dotdxusr}" oncontextmenu="return false;">#{prefix}#{user}</span><span class="ign ingamename">#{ign}</span><span class="separator">: </span><span name="SRDotDX_#{dotdxusr}" class="message">#{message}</span><span class="clear"></span></p>');

                    Holodeck.prototype.addDotdChatCommand = function (a, b) {
                        a = a.split(',');
                        for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
                            this._chat_commands[a[i]] || (this._chat_commands[a[i]] = []);
					ChatDialogue.prototype.insert = function (a, b, c) {
						var d = this, e = this._message_window_node, f = this._holodeck;
						f.scheduleRender(function () {
							var g = e.getHeight(), h = g + e.scrollTop + ChatDialogue.SCROLL_FUDGE >= e.scrollHeight, r = 0 !== g && h;
							f.scheduleRender(function () {
								if ("string" == typeof a || a instanceof String)a = $j("<div/>", {html: a, "class": "chat-message"});
								if (c && c.timestamp) {
									var f = $j(e).children(".chat-message").filter(function () {
										return $j(this).data("timestamp") > c.timestamp
									0 < f.length ? ($j(a).data(c).insertBefore(f.first()), r = !1) : $j(a).data(c).appendTo(e)
								} else $j(a).appendTo(e);
								r && d.scrollToBottom();
								b && b()
                    ChatDialogue.prototype.displayUnsanitizedMessage = function (usr, msg, cls, pfx) {
                        cls || (cls = {});
                        pfx || (pfx = {});
                        var active_room, allow_mutes = (active_room = this._holodeck.chatWindow().activeRoom()) && !active_room.canUserModerate(active_room.self()) || pfx.whisper;
                        if (!allow_mutes || !this._user_manager.isMuted(usr)) {
                            var e = !pfx.non_user ? "chat_message_window_username" : "chat_message_window_undecorated_username";
                            var f = usr == this._user_manager.username(), h = [], rm = '';
                            var curTs = new Date().getTime().toString();
							var kongUsr = usr;
                            if (msg.charAt(0) == '[' && (msg.charAt(2) == '|' || msg.charAt(3) == '|')) {
                                var sp = msg.split(']');
                                rm = sp[0].split('|')[0] + ']&ensp;';
                                usr = sp[0].split('|')[1];
                                msg = sp[1];
							var trueUsr = usr;
                            e = [e];
                            pfx = pfx['private'] ? 'To ' : '';
                            if (cls['class'] != 'script') this._messages_count % 2 && h.push("even"), this._messages_count++;
                            cls['class'] && h.push(cls['class']);
                            if ((!cls['class'] || cls['class'].indexOf('emote') == -1) && msg.charAt(0) == '*' && msg.charAt(2) != '*') {
                                var msgLen = msg.length;
                                if (msgLen > 5) {
                                    msg = '**' + usr + ' ' + (msg.charAt(msgLen - 1) == '*' ? msg.slice(1, msgLen - 1) : msg.slice(1, msgLen)) + '**';
                            var rUsr = h.join(' ').indexOf('sent_whisper') > -1 ? this._user_manager.username() : usr;
                            var raid = SRDotDX.getRaidLink(msg, rUsr);
                            if (raid) {
                                h.push('DotDX_sid_' + raid.sid);
                                h.push('DotDX_diff_' + raid.diff);
                                h.push('DotDX_raidId_' +;
                                if (raid.visited) h.push('DotDX_visitedRaid');
                                h.push('DotDX_fltChat_' + raid.boss + '_' + (raid.diff - 1));
                                msg = raid.ptext + '<a href="' + raid.url + '" class="chatRaidLink ' + + '|' + raid.hash + '|' + raid.boss + '|' + raid.diff + '|' + raid.sid + '" style="float:right;" onmouseout="SRDotDX.gui.helpBox(\'chat_raids_overlay\',\'dotdm_' + curTs + '\',\'\',true);" onmouseover="SRDotDX.gui.helpBox(\'chat_raids_overlay\',\'dotdm_' + curTs + '\',' + + ',false);">' + raid.linkText() + '</a>' + raid.ntext;
                                SRDotDX.gui.toggleRaid('visited',, raid.visited);
                                SRDotDX.gui.joining ? SRDotDX.gui.pushRaidToJoinQueue( : SRDotDX.gui.selectRaidsToJoin('chat');
                            else {
                                //var linkReg = /((?:ht|(?:t|s)?f)tps?\:(?:\/\/))?((?:[a-z\d\-\_]+?\.)+[a-z]{2,4}\b|\b(?:[1-9]|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])(?:\.(?:[0-9]|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])){3}\b)((?:\/[\w\/\.\-\,\:\%\#\=]+)?(?:\/?\?[\w\-\#\:\?\=\&\.\;]*|\/?\#(?:\w+)?)?\b)?/g;
								var linkReg = /(?:^|\s|,|;)(((?:ht|(?:t|s)?f)tps?:(?:\/\/))([\w\.\-]{4,}[a-z0-9])([\w\/\?\.\-=&#:;%()!]*[\w#;)])?)/g;
								var links, link, lname, lidx, found = false;
                                while((links = linkReg.exec(msg))) {
									found = true;
                                    console.log('[DotDX] Link found: ' + msg);
                                    if(!/[1]) && !/\.\./.test(links[1])){
										link = links[1].replace(/&amp;/ig,'&').replace(/&nbsp;/ig,'');
										lname = SRDotDX.config.formatLinks ? (SRDotDX.linkNames[links[3]] ? ('['+SRDotDX.linkNames[links[3]]+']') : links[3]) : link;
                                        link = '<a href="' + link + '" target="_blank" class="chat_link">' + lname + '</a>';
										linkReg.lastIndex += link.length - links[1].length;
										lidx = links.index + links.indexOf(links[1]);
                                        msg = msg.substring(0, lidx) + link + msg.substring(lidx + links[1].length, msg.length);
								if(found) SRDotDX.linksHistory.push({t:new Date().getTime(), u:usr, m:msg});
                            var ign = '';
                            if (SRDotDX.config.mutedUsers[usr]) h.push('DotDX_hidden');

                            var fCls = h.join(' ');
                            if (SRDotDX.config.ignUsers[usr] && SRDotDX.config.ignUsers[usr].ign !== '*unknown*' && fCls.indexOf('emote') < 0) {
                                switch(SRDotDX.config.ignMode) {
                                    case 2: ign = ' ('+SRDotDX.config.ignUsers[usr].ign+')'; break;
                                    case 1: usr = SRDotDX.config.ignUsers[usr].ign; e.push('ign'); break;
                            var ts = fCls.indexOf('emote') > -1 || fCls.indexOf('script') > -1 ? '' : ('(' + ('0' + (new Date().getHours())).slice(-2) + ':' + ('0' + (new Date().getMinutes())).slice(-2) + ')&ensp;');
                            f && e.push('is_self');

                            usr = ChatDialogue.DOTDX_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.evaluate({prefix: pfx, user: usr, username: kongUsr, dotdxusr: trueUsr, ign: ign, message: msg, classNames: fCls, userClassNames: e.join(' '), timestamp: ts, room: rm, magId: curTs });

					// chat room chooser user limit override
                    ChatRoomGroup.prototype.buildRegularRoomNode = function (a) {
                        var b = new Element("li", {"class": 0 === i % 2 ? "even room" : "odd room"}); = a;
                        var c = (new Element("p", {"class": "name"})).update(;
                        a.premium_only && (active_user.isPremium() || c.addClassName("upsell"),c.addClassName("premium_room_icon spritesite"));
                        b.insert((new Element("p", {"class": "user_count" + (a.joinable ? "" : " full")})).update(a.total_user_count));
                        b.insert(new Element("div", {style: "clear:both;"}));
                        return b

					// kong methods fix
					Element._insertionTranslations.after = function(a,b){c=a.parentNode;/*if(!a||!b||!c)console.log('[DotDX] ._insertionTranslations.after.Debug: a:'+a+' | b:'+b+' | c:'+c);*/c&&c.insertBefore(b,a.nextSibling)};
					Element.Methods.remove = function(a){a=$(a);b=a.parentNode;/*if(!a||!b)console.log('[DotDX] .Methods.remove.Debug: a:'+a+' | b:'+b);*/b&&b.removeChild(a);return a};
					ChatRoom.prototype.userSorter = function(){
						var a=this._chat_window,
							c=function(b){return a&&b?(a.username()===b.username):false},
							d=function(a){return a&&!a.isSilenced()},
							e=function(a){return a&&a.isAdmin()},
							f=function(a){return a&&!a.isAdmin()&&b&&b.canUserModerate(a)},
							g=function(b){return a&&b&&a.isFriend(b)},
							h=function(b){return a&&b&&!a.isMuted(b)},
							s=function(a){return a&&a.isAway()},
							m=function(a,b,c){b=a(b);a=a(c);return b&&!a?-1:!b&&a?1:0};
						return function(a,b){return m(c,a,b)||m(d,a,b)||m(e,a,b)||m(f,a,b)||m(g,a,b)||m(h,a,b)||a&&b&&a.username.toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.username.toLowerCase())||m(s,a,b)}
					holodeck._chat_window.userJoinedRoom = function(a){
						if ( === 'guild') SRDotDX.util.userListChanged(,,;
					holodeck._chat_window.userLeftRoom = function(a){
						if ( !== 'guild') this.withRoom(a,"userLeft");
						else {
							var reallyLeft = true, fayeUsers = holodeck._konduit.fayeAdapter._fayeRoomListService._roomList._users || {};
							for (var u in fayeUsers) if (fayeUsers.hasOwnProperty(u) && fayeUsers[u].username === { reallyLeft = false; break; }
							if (reallyLeft) this.withRoom(a,"userLeft"); //: console.log('Prevented! roomType: '', user: ';
					// custom chat commands
                    holodeck.addDotdChatCommand("stop", function (deck, text) {
                        if (SRDotDX.gui.isPosting) SRDotDX.gui.FPXStopPosting();
                        else SRDotDX.util.extEcho('<b>/stop</b>: Links are not being posted. Stop command invalid.');
                        return false;
                    holodeck.addDotdChatCommand("e", function (deck, text) {
                        var s = text.slice(2);
                        if (s != "") holodeck.activeDialogue().SRDotDX_emote(s);
                        else SRDotDX.util.extEcho('<b>/e</b>: Empty message specified');
                        return false;
                    holodeck.addDotdChatCommand("kill", function (deck, text) {
                        document.getElementById("gameiframe").src = "";
                        SRDotDX.util.extEcho('Game window killed, have a nice chatting.');
                        return false;
                    holodeck.addDotdChatCommand("update", function (deck, text) {
                        return false;
                    holodeck.addDotdChatCommand("help", function (deck, text) {
                        var d = "<b>Available chat commands:</b><br>";
                        d += "/stop /e /kill /update /reload /relaod /rl /reloaf /mute /unmute /mutelist /ign /unign /ignlist /friend /unfriend /script /clear /cls /clearx /clx /getlinks /wikil /import /imp /fs /room /ijoin /join /wiki /guide /manual /slap /sh /camp /perc /citadel /raid /rd /help";
                        d += '<br><br><a href="" target="_blank">You can click here to navigate to script guide for detailed instructions or use /guide and /manual commands.</a>';
                        return false;
                    holodeck.addDotdChatCommand("reload,relaod,rl,reloaf", function (deck, text) {
                        return false;
                    holodeck.addDotdChatCommand("mute", function (deck, text) {
                        var s = text.split(" ");
                        if (s.length == 2 && s[1] != "") {
                            SRDotDX.config.mutedUsers[s[1]] = true;
                            SRDotDX.util.extEcho('User "' + s[1] + '" muted.  Use the /unmute command to undo, and the /mutelist to see all muted users.');
						else SRDotDX.util.extEcho('<b>/mute</b>: Invalid parameters specified. The proper syntax is "/mute [username]".');
                        return false;
                    holodeck.addDotdChatCommand("ign", function (deck, text) {
                        var s = text.split(" ");
                        if (s.length == 3 && s[1] != "" && s[2] != "") {
                            SRDotDX.config.ignUsers[s[1]] = { ign: s[2], gld: '*unknown*'}; //s[2];
                            SRDotDX.util.extEcho(s[1] + '\'s ign "' + s[2] + '" added.  Use the /unign command to undo, and the /ignlist to see all users with known ign.');
                        else SRDotDX.util.extEcho('<b>/ign</b>: Invalid parameters specified. The proper syntax is "/ign [kong username] [in game name]".');
                        return false;
                    holodeck.addDotdChatCommand('unmute', function (deck, text) {
                        var s = text.split(' ');
                        if (s.length === 2 && s[1] !== '') {
                            if (s[1] === 'all') {
                                for (var u in SRDotDX.config.mutedUsers) delete SRDotDX.config.mutedUsers[u];
                                SRDotDX.util.extEcho('All users unmuted.');
                            else if (SRDotDX.config.mutedUsers[s[1]]) {
                                delete SRDotDX.config.mutedUsers[s[1]];
                                SRDotDX.util.extEcho('User "' + s[1] + '" unmuted.');
                            else SRDotDX.util.extEcho('No muted user "' + s[1] + '" found.');
                        else SRDotDX.util.extEcho('<b>/unmute</b>: Invalid parameters specified. The proper syntax is "/unmute [username]". "/unmute all" can be used to unmute all muted users.');
                        return false;
                    holodeck.addDotdChatCommand('unign', function (deck, text) {
                        var s = text.split(' ');
                        if (s.length === 2 && s[1] !== '') {
                            if (s[1] === 'all') {
                                for (var u in SRDotDX.config.ignUsers) delete SRDotDX.config.ignUsers[u];
                                SRDotDX.util.extEcho('All users removed from IGN list.');
                            else if (SRDotDX.config.ignUsers[s[1]]) {
                                delete SRDotDX.config.ignUsers[s[1]];
                                SRDotDX.util.extEcho('Removed ' + s[1] + '\'s IGN.');
                            else SRDotDX.util.extEcho('No IGN of user "' + s[1] + '" found.');
                        else SRDotDX.util.extEcho('<b>/unign</b>: Invalid parameters specified. The proper syntax is "/unign [username]". "/unign all" can be used to clear IGN list.');
                        return false;
                    holodeck.addDotdChatCommand('mutelist', function (deck, text) {
                        var s = '<b>List of users currently muted:</b><br/>';
                        var i = 0;
                        for (var u in SRDotDX.config.mutedUsers) {
                            s += u + '<br>';
                        if (i == 0) s = 'No users currently muted.<br/>';
                        s += '<br>Use the /mute and /unmute commands to add or remove users on this list.';
                        return false;
                    holodeck.addDotdChatCommand('ignlist', function (deck, text) {
                        var s = '<b>List of known users IGN:</b><br>';
                        if (SRDotDX.config.ignUsers.length === 0) s = 'No users added to IGN list.<br/>';
                        else for (var u in SRDotDX.config.ignUsers) s += u + ':' + SRDotDX.config.ignUsers[u].ign + '<br/>';
                        s += '<br>Use the /ign and /unign commands to add or remove users on this list.';
                        return false;
                    holodeck.addDotdChatCommand('script', function (deck, text) {
						SRDotDX.gui.sendChatMsg('Script link:');
                        return false;
                    holodeck.addDotdChatCommand('clear,cls', function (deck, text) {
                        if (SRDotDX.alliance.isActive) SRDotDX.c('#alliance_chat_window').html('',true);
						else holodeck.activeDialogue().clear();
                        return false
					holodeck.addDotdChatCommand('keywords', function (deck, text) {
						SRDotDX.util.extEcho('<b>List of available filter keywords:</b><br>'+Object.keys(SRDotDX.searchPatterns).join(', '));
					holodeck.addDotdChatCommand('clearx,clx', function (deck, text) {
						var x = document.getElementsByClassName('script');
						var i = x.length;
						while(i--) x[i].parentNode.removeChild(x[i]);
						setTimeout(SRDotDX.gui.scrollChat, 50, true);
						return false
                    holodeck.addDotdChatCommand('wikil', function (deck, text) {
                        return false;
                    holodeck.addDotdChatCommand('import,imp', function (deck, text) {
						SRDotDX.util.extEcho('Importing all raids from server');
                        return false;
                    holodeck.addDotdChatCommand('friend', function (deck, text) {
                        var s = text.split(" ");
                        if (s.length == 2 && s[1] != "") {
                            if (typeof SRDotDX.config.friendUsers[s[1]] != 'object') {
                                SRDotDX.config.friendUsers[s[1]] = [false, false, false, false, true];
                                SRDotDX.util.extEcho('Added ' + s[1] + ' to friends');
                        return false;
                    holodeck.addDotdChatCommand('unfriend', function (deck, text) {
                        var s = text.split(" ");
                        if (s[1] == 'all') {
                            for (var u in SRDotDX.config.friendUsers) delete SRDotDX.config.friendUsers[u];
                            SRDotDX.util.extEcho('All users removed from friend list.');
                        else if (SRDotDX.config.friendUsers[s[1]]) {
                            delete SRDotDX.config.friendUsers[s[1]];
                            SRDotDX.util.extEcho('Removed ' + s[1] + ' from friends');
                        else SRDotDX.util.extEcho('User "' + s[1] + '" not found on friend list.');
                        return false;
                    holodeck.addDotdChatCommand('fs', function (deck, text) {
                        var cmd = text.split(' ');
                        if (cmd[0] === '/fs' && cmd[1]) {
                            SRDotDX.util.extEcho('Posting raid to friends');
                            document.getElementById('DotDX_raidsToSpam').value = cmd[1];
                        else SRDotDX.util.extEcho('Wrong syntax. Usage: /fs <raid link>');
                        return false;
                    holodeck.addDotdChatCommand('room', function (deck, text) {
                        var cmd = text.split(' ');
                        if (cmd[0] === '/room' && cmd[1]) SRDotDX.gui.gotoRoom(cmd[1]);
                        else SRDotDX.gui.gotoRoom(0);
                        return false;
					holodeck.addDotdChatCommand('getlinks', function (deck, text) {
						SRDotDX.util.extEcho('Links opened in new tab');
						return false;
                    holodeck.addDotdChatCommand('ijoin,join', function (deck, text) {
                        if (text.charAt(1) === 'j') SRDotDX.gui.quickImportAndJoin(text.slice(6));
                        else SRDotDX.gui.quickImportAndJoin(text.slice(7), true);
                        return false;
                    holodeck.addDotdChatCommand('wiki', function (deck, text) {
                        var p = /^\/wiki (.*?)$/i.exec(text);
                        if (p) {
                  '' + p[1]);
                            SRDotDX.util.extEcho('Wiki search opened.');
                        else SRDotDX.util.extEcho('<b>/wiki</b>: Invalid parameters specified');
                        return false;
                    holodeck.addDotdChatCommand('guide,manual', function (deck, text) {
                        SRDotDX.util.extEcho('Script guide opened in new tab/window.');
                        return false;
                    holodeck.addDotdChatCommand('slap', function (deck, text) {
                        var p = /^\/slap (.*?)$/i.exec(text);
                        if (p) {
                            var num = Math.round((Math.random() * (SRDotDX.slapSentences.length - 1)));
                            SRDotDX.gui.sendChatMsg('*' + SRDotDX.slapSentences[num].replace(/<nick>/g, p[1]) + '*');
                        else SRDotDX.util.extEcho('<b>/slap</b>: Invalid parameters specified');
                        return false;
                    holodeck.addDotdChatCommand('sh', function (deck, text) {
                        var p = /^\/sh (.*?)$/i.exec(text);
                        if (p) {
                            var fnd1 = p[1].toLowerCase(), fnd2 = p[1].length, found = false, sho;
                            for (var i in SRDotDX.shortcuts) {
                                if (SRDotDX.shortcuts.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
                                    sho = SRDotDX.shortcuts[i];
                                    if (sho.n.toLowerCase().indexOf(fnd1) > -1 && sho.n.length == fnd2) {
                                        SRDotDX.util.extEcho('<b>' + + '</b>: ' + sho.desc);
                                        found = true;
                            if (!found) SRDotDX.util.extEcho('<b>/sh</b>: Shortcut not found in db');
                        else SRDotDX.util.extEcho('<b>/sh</b>: No parameters specified');
                        return false;
                    holodeck.addDotdChatCommand('perc', function (deck, text) {
                        var bok = text.indexOf('bok', 4);
                        var cwp = text.indexOf('cwp', 4);
                        var empty = text.length < 6;
                        var output = "";
                        if (bok >= 0 || empty) output = "<b>Book of Knowledge Perc. Tiers:</b><br>\
					1 : Brown/Grey<br>\
					4k : Brown/Grey/Green<br>\
					6k : Grey/Green<br>\
					10k : Grey/Green/Blue<br>\
					14k : Green/Blue<br>\
					16k : Green/Blue/Purple<br>\
					18k : Blue/Purple<br>\
					22k : Blue/Purple/Orange<br>\
					24k : Purple/Orange<br>\
					30k : Orange<br>\
					33k : Orange/Red (more orange)<br>\
					36k : Orange/Red (more red)<br>\
					50k : Orange/Red (even more red)<br>\
					70k : Red<br>\
					80k : Red/Bronze<br>\
					90k : Red/Bronze<br>\
					100k : ???<br>\
					110k : Bronze/Silver<br>\
					120k : Bronze/Silver<br>\
					130k : Bronze/Silver<br>\
					140k : Silver<br>\
					150k : Silver/Gold<br>\
					160k : Silver/Gold<br>\
					170k : Silver/Gold";
                        if (empty) output += "<br>\
                        if (cwp >= 0 || empty) output += "<b>Clockwork Parts Perc. Tiers:</b><br>\
					1-1999: 10x Perf. Clockwork Part<br>\
                    2000-3999: 25x Perf. Clockwork Part<br>\
                    4000-5999: 40x Perf. Clockwork Part<br>\
                    6000-7999: 55x Perf. Clockwork Part<br>\
                    8000-9999: 70x Perf. Clockwork Part<br>\
                    10000-11999: 85x Perf. Clockwork Part<br>\
                    12000-13999: 100x Perf. Clockwork Part<br>\
                    14000-15999: 115x Perf. Clockwork Part<br>\
                    16000-17999: 130x Perf. Clockwork Part<br>\
                    18000-19999: 145x Perf. Clockwork Part<br>\
                    20000-21999: 160x Perf. Clockwork Part<br>\
                    22000-23999: 175x Perf. Clockwork Part<br>\
                    24000-25999: 190x Perf. Clockwork Part<br>\
                    26000-27999: 205x Perf. Clockwork Part<br>\
                    28000-29999: 220x Perf. Clockwork Part<br>\
                    30000-32999: 235x Perf. Clockwork Part<br>\
                    33000-35999: 245x Perf. Clockwork Part<br>\
                    36000+ : 260x Perf. Clockwork Part";
                        return false;
                    holodeck.addDotdChatCommand('citadel', function (deck, text) {
                        SRDotDX.util.extEcho("Barrack Book = Grune N Quest<br>\
                Barrack Scroll 1 = Hydra NM Raid<br>\
                Barrack Scroll 2 = Research Library book<br>\
                Barrack Scroll 3 = Rhalmarius the Despoiler NM Raid/Crafting<br>\
                Barrack Scroll 4 = The New Claw (World Raid) craft<br>\
                Barrack Scroll 5 = Burbata the Spine-Crusher NM Raid<br>\
                Barrack Scroll 6 = Temp loot from Hargamesh/Grimsly NM Raids<br>\
                Barrack Scroll 7 = The Baroness NM Quest<br>\
                Barrack Scroll 8 = Crafting from Imryx the Incinerator NM Raid<br>\
                Armorsmith Book = Lurking Horror N Quest<br>\
                Armorsmith Scroll 1 = Nalagarst NM Raid<br>\
                Armorsmith Scroll 2 = Research Library 1<br>\
                Armorsmith Scroll 3 = Dragon's Lair NM Raid<br>\
                Armorsmith Scroll 4 = Temp loot from Rift/Sisters NM Raid<br>\
                Armorsmith Scroll 5 = Baroness NM Raid<br>\
                Weaponsmith Book = Erebus N Quest<br>\
                Weaponsmith Scroll 1 = Baroness NM Raid<br>\
                Weaponsmith Scroll 2 = Research Library 1<br>\
                Weaponsmith Scroll 3 = Dragon's Lair NM Raid<br>\
                Weaponsmith Scroll 4 = Temp loot from Mardachus NM Raid<br>\
                Weaponsmith Scroll 5 = Warlord Zugen NM Raid<br>\
                Alchemist Book = Nalagarst N Quest<br>\
                Alchemist Scroll 1 = Kalaxia N Quest<br>\
                Alchemist Scroll 2 = Research Library 5<br>\
                Alchemist Scroll 3 = The New Claw (World Raid)<br>\
                Alchemist Scroll 4 = Teremarthu NM Raid<br>\
                Research Book = Bellarius N Quest<br>\
                Research Library Scroll 1 = Mardachus NM Raid<br>\
                Research Library Scroll 2 = Valanazes NM Raid<br>\
                Research Library Scroll 3 = Teremarthu NM Raid<br>\
                Research Library Scroll 4 = Z'ralk'thalat NM Raid<br>\
                Research Library Scroll 5 = Simulacrum of Dahrizon NM Quest<br>\
                Research Library Scroll 6 = Count Siculus' Phantom N Quest<br>\
                Pet Emporium Book = Count Siculus' Phantom N Quest<br>\
                Pet Emporium Scroll 1 = Research Library 4<br>\
                Pet Emporium Scroll 2 = Cannibal Barbarians NM Raid<br>\
                Stables Book = Valanazes N Quest<br>\
                Stables Scroll 1 = Frog-men Assassins NM Raid<br>\
                Stables Scroll 2 = Research Library 2<br>\
                Stables Scroll 3 = Mount Chest<br>\
                Training Ground Book = Teremarthu N Quest<br>\
                Training Ground Scroll 1 = Research Library 3<br>\
                Training Ground Scroll 2 = Temporary loot from Z7 NM Raids<br>\
                Training Ground Scroll 3 = Invasion Rank: Wyrm-Commander<br>\
                Training Ground Scroll 4 = Invasion Rank: Chief Battlefield Overseer<br>\
                Training Ground Scroll 5 = Count Siculus' Phantom L&NM Raid<br>\
                Training Ground Scroll 6 = Thaltherda the Sea-Slitherer NM Raid<br>\
                Wizard's Tower Book = Ruzzik the Slayer N Quest<br>\
                Wizard's Tower Scroll 1 = Salome the Seductress NM Raid<br>\
                Wizard's Tower Scroll 2 = Kalaxia the Far-Seer NM Raid<br>\
                Wizard's Tower Scroll 3 = Yydian's Sanctuary NM Raid<br>\
                Wizard's Tower Scroll 4 = Drulcharus NM Raid<br>\
                Jeweler Book = Krugnug N Quest<br>\
                Jeweler Scroll 1 = Thaltherda the Sea-Slitherer NM Raid<br>\
                Jeweler Scroll 2 = Crafting (General/Events)<br>\
                Jeweler Scroll 3 = Spectral Erebus Raid/Crafting");
                        return false;
                    holodeck.addDotdChatCommand('camp', function(deck, text) {
                        var p = text.split(' '), msg = '';
                        if (p[1] && SRDotDX.camps.hasOwnProperty(p[1].toLowerCase())) {
                            var camp = SRDotDX.camps[p[1].toLowerCase()];
                            var num = camp.tiers[0].length, j, jl;
                            msg += '<a class="title" target="_blank" href="' + /g, '_').replace(/'/g, "%27") + '">' + + '</a>';
                            msg += '<br>Camp time: N ' + camp.time[0] + 'h, H ' + camp.time[1] + 'h<br>Prefixes: ' + camp.prefixes;
                            msg += '<br><table class="camps"><thead><tr><th>Dmg</th><th>CU</th>' + (num > 3 ? '<th>R</th><th class="tb">E</th>' : '<th class="tb">RE</th>');
                            for(var i = 0, il = camp.numNodes; i < il; ++i) msg += '<th>' + camp[camp.nodes[i]].sname + '</th>'; msg += '</tr></thead><tbody>';
                            if(num > 3) {
                                for(i = 0, il = camp.tiers.length; i < il; ++i) {
                                    msg += '<tr class="head"><td class="ep">' + SRDotDX.util.getShortNumMil(camp.tiers[i][0]) + '</td><td>' + camp.tiers[i][1] + '</td><td>' + camp.tiers[i][2] + '</td><td class="tb">' + camp.tiers[i][3] + '</td>';
                                    for(j = 0, jl = camp.numNodes; j < jl; ++j) msg += camp[camp.nodes[j]].tiers[i] ? '<td class="mark">'+(camp[camp.nodes[j]].epics !== undefined ? camp[camp.nodes[j]].epics[i] : '&#x2713;' )+'</td>' : '<td></td>';
                            else {
								for(i = 0, il = camp.tiers.length; i < il; ++i) {
                                    msg += '<tr class="head"><td class="ep">' + SRDotDX.util.getShortNumMil(camp.tiers[i][0]) + '</td><td>' + camp.tiers[i][1] + '</td><td class="tb">' + camp.tiers[i][2] + '</td>';
                                    for(j = 0, jl = camp.numNodes; j < jl; ++j) msg += camp[camp.nodes[j]].tiers[i] ? '<td class="mark">&#x2713;</td>' : '<td></td>';
                            msg += '</tbody></table>';
                            var node;
							for(i = 0, il = camp.numNodes; i < il; ++i) {
                                node = camp[camp.nodes[i]];
                                msg += (i ? '<br>' : '') + node.sname + ' &mdash; ' + + ', FS: N ' + SRDotDX.util.getShortNumMil(node.hp[0] / node.size) + ' / H ' + SRDotDX.util.getShortNumMil(node.hp[1] / node.size);
                        else SRDotDX.util.extEcho('No campaigns found matching "' + (p[1] ? p[1] : '') + '". Valid values are: ' + Object.keys(SRDotDX.camps).join(', '));
                        return false;
                    holodeck.addDotdChatCommand('raid,rd', function(deck, text) {
                        var p = text.split(' ');
                        if(p[1]) {
                            var msg = '', j, jl;
                            var diff = !isNaN(p[2]) ? p[2] - 1 : -1;
                            var fnd = p[1].toLowerCase();
							var keys = Object.keys(SRDotDX.raids);
                            for(var k = 0, kl = keys.length; k < kl; ++k) {
								var raid = SRDotDX.raids[keys[k]];
								if( > -1) {
									if(msg !== '') msg += '<hr>';
									msg += '<a class="title" target="_blank" href="' + /g, '_').replace(/'/g, "%27") + (raid.stat === 'H' ? '_(Guild_Raid)">' : '_(Raid)">') + + '</a>';
									msg += '<br>' + (raid.type === '' ? '' : raid.type + '<br>') + SRDotDX.raidSizes[raid.size].name + ' Raid (' + (raid.size === 101 ? 100 : raid.size) + ' slots) | ' + raid.duration + 'h';
									msg += '<br><table class="raids">';
									switch(diff) {
										case 0: msg += '<colgroup><col><col class="selected"><col><col><col></colgroup>'; break;
										case 1: msg += '<colgroup><col><col><col class="selected"><col><col></colgroup>'; break;
										case 2: msg += '<colgroup><col><col><col><col class="selected"><col></colgroup>'; break;
										case 3: msg += '<colgroup><col><col><col><col><col class="selected"></colgroup>'; break;
										default: msg += '<colgroup><col><col><col><col><col></colgroup>'; break;
									var size = raid.size < 15 ? 10 : raid.size, fs = [];
									for(j = 0; j < 4; ++j) fs[j] =[j] / (raid.size == 101 ? 100 : raid.size);
									msg += '<thead> \
										<tr><th style="border:0; background-color: transparent;"></th><th>Normal</th><th>Hard</th><th>Legend</th><th>NMare</th></tr> \
									</thead> \
									<tbody> \
										<tr class="head"><td class="ep">HP</td><td>' + SRDotDX.util.getShortNum([0]) + '</td><td>' + SRDotDX.util.getShortNum([1]) + '</td><td>' + SRDotDX.util.getShortNum([2]) + '</td><td>' + SRDotDX.util.getShortNum([3]) + '</td></tr> \
										<tr class="head"><td class="ep">FS</td><td>' + SRDotDX.util.getShortNum(fs[0]) + '</td><td>' + SRDotDX.util.getShortNum(fs[1]) + '</td><td>' + SRDotDX.util.getShortNum(fs[2]) + '</td><td>' + SRDotDX.util.getShortNum(fs[3]) + '</td></tr> \
										<tr class="head split"><td class="ep">AP</td><td>&mdash;</td><td>&mdash;</td><td>&mdash;</td><td>' + SRDotDX.util.getShortNum(fs[3] / 2.0) + '</td></tr>';
									if(typeof !== 'object' && !== 'rhalmarius_the_despoiler' && !== 'grundus' && raid.size < 10000) {
										var ratio = SRDotDX.raidSizes[size].ratios;
										var ename = SRDotDX.raidSizes[size].enames;
										for (j = 0, jl = ratio.length; j < jl; ++j) if (ratio[j] > 0) msg += '<tr><td class="ep">' + ename[j] + '</td><td>' + SRDotDX.util.getShortNum(fs[0] * ratio[j]) + '</td><td>' + SRDotDX.util.getShortNum(fs[1] * ratio[j]) + '</td><td>' + SRDotDX.util.getShortNum(fs[2] * ratio[j]) + '</td><td>' + SRDotDX.util.getShortNum(fs[3] * ratio[j]) + '</td></tr>';
									else if (typeof === 'object') {
										var elen = SRDotDX.lootTiers[[0]].tiers;
										var eleh = SRDotDX.lootTiers[[1]].tiers;
										var elel = SRDotDX.lootTiers[[2]].tiers;
										var elenm = SRDotDX.lootTiers[[3]].tiers;
										var epics = SRDotDX.lootTiers[[0]].epics;
										var best = SRDotDX.lootTiers[[0]].best;
										var e = SRDotDX.lootTiers[[0]].e ? 'E' : '';
										if(typeof elen[0] === 'number') for(j = 0, jl = epics.length; j < jl; ++j) msg += '<tr' + (j === best ? ' class="best"' : '') + '><td class="ep">' + epics[j] + e + '</td><td>' + SRDotDX.util.getShortNumMil(elen[j]) + '</td><td>' + SRDotDX.util.getShortNumMil(eleh[j]) + '</td><td>' + SRDotDX.util.getShortNumMil(elel[j]) + '</td><td>' + SRDotDX.util.getShortNumMil(elenm[j]) + '</td></tr>';
										else msg += '<tr><td class="ep">-</td><td>' + elen[0] + '</td><td>' + eleh[0] + '</td><td>' + elel[0] + '</td><td>' + elenm[0] + '</td></tr>';
									msg += '</tbody></table>';
                            if (msg != '') SRDotDX.util.extEcho(msg);
                            else SRDotDX.util.extEcho('No raids found matching: ' + p[1]);
                        else SRDotDX.util.extEcho('<b>/raid</b>: Invalid parameters specified (<a href="#" onclick="\'raid\')">help</a>)');
                        return false;
                    window.onbeforeunload = function(){};
                    SRDotDX.fails = 0;
                    console.log('[DotDX] Core loaded. Loading user interface...');
                    setTimeout(function(){delete SRDotDX.load}, 100);
                else if(++SRDotDX.fails < 20) {
                    console.log('[DotDX] Missing needed Kong resources (try:' + SRDotDX.fails + '), retrying in 0.75 second...');
                    setTimeout(SRDotDX.load, 750);
                else {
                    console.log('[DotDX] Unable to locate required Kong resources. Loading aborted');
                    setTimeout(function(){delete SRDotDX}, 1);
        console.log('[DotDX] Initialized. Checking for needed Kong resources ...');

    console.log('[DotDX] Initializing ...');
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