Greasy Fork is available in English.

BvS Shop Manager

Fill the item count just by clicking on an item at the store. Show the total sell price and treasure value.

Versione datata 28/09/2014. Vedi la nuova versione l'ultima versione.

// ==UserScript==
// @name           BvS Shop Manager
// @namespace      TheSpy
// @description    Fill the item count just by clicking on an item at the store. Show the total sell price and treasure value.
// @version        1.08
// @history        1.08 Fixed a bug (North)
// @history        1.07 The script now adds a wiki link to every item
// @history        1.06 Fixed a bug with Ryo summing (found by: Itachi000)
// @history        1.05 Optimised the code, fixed a bug with 'Power Over 9000' and 'Over 11000'
// @history        1.04 Changed rolls from d1000 to d400 (duh)
// @history        1.03 Fixed a little bug with treasure prices, changed the rolls from d400 do d1000
// @history        1.02 Changed the way the treasure percent is calculated
// @history        1.01 Initial release
// @include        http://*
// @grant          none
// ==/UserScript==

function ShopManager() {
	var itemsCount = 0;
	var itemsPrice = 0;
	var tLower = 0;
	var tUpper = 1;
	var ryo = 0;
	var text = null;
	var treasures = [
		[/Copper Ring/i, 100],
		[/Gold Ring/i, 3000],
		[/Platinum Ring/i, 5000],
		[/Cobalt Ring/i, 10000],
		[/Small Pearl/i, 1000],
		[/Small Emerald/i, 2000],
		[/Small Ruby/i, 5000],
		[/Small Diamond/i, 10000],
		[/Copper Coin/i, 100],
		[/Silver Coin/i, 200],
		[/Gold Coin/i, 5000],
		[/Copper Shaft/i, 100],
		[/Silver Shaft/i, 1000],
		[/Cobalt Shaft/i, 5000],
		[/Threadbare Robes/i, 500],
		[/Sham Rock/i, 1000],
		[/Crystal Lens/i, 5000]

	this.AppendClickHandler = function() {
		var snap = document.evaluate("//input[@type='radio' and @name='selling']", document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
		for(var i = 0; i < snap.snapshotLength; i++) {
			var input = snap.snapshotItem(i);
			try {
				var match = input.parentNode.parentNode.innerHTML.match(/(\d+) \(.{0,20}sells for (\d+) ryo\)/i);
				if(match != null && match[1] != null)
					input.setAttribute("onclick", "javascript:document.getElementsByName('numbertosell')[0].value=" + match[1]);
			catch(e) {
				input.setAttribute("onclick", "javascript:document.getElementsByName('numbertosell')[0].value=0");

	this.TreasureRange = function() {
		this.lower = 0;
		this.upper = 1;

		this.intersect = function(price, maxprice) {
			var max = Math.floor((400 * (price + 1)) / maxprice) / 400;
			var min = Math.ceil((400 * price) / maxprice) / 400;
			this.upper = Math.min(this.upper, max);
			this.lower = Math.max(this.lower, min);

	this.Round = function(number, decimals) {
		try {
			return Math.round(number * Math.pow(10, decimals)) / Math.pow(10, decimals);
		catch(e) {
			return number;

	this.CalculateStuff = function() {
		var snap = document.evaluate("//form[@name='sellitem']/table/tbody/tr/td[2]", document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
		for (var i = 0; i < snap.snapshotLength; i++) {
			try {
				var cell = snap.snapshotItem(i);
				var cellText = cell.innerHTML;
				var match = cellText.match(/([\d,]+) \(.{0,20}sells for ([\d,]+) ryo\)/i);
				var itemCount = parseInt(match[1].replace(',', ''));
				var itemPrice = parseInt(match[2].replace(',', ''));
				var itemTotal = itemCount * itemPrice;
				var treasurePrice = 0;

				for(var j in treasures) {
					if(treasures[j][0].test(cellText)) {
						treasurePrice = treasures[j][1];

				if(treasurePrice > 0) {
					cell.innerHTML = cellText.replace(/Treasure Item/i, "Treasure");
					var treasureRange = new this.TreasureRange();
					treasureRange.intersect(itemPrice, treasurePrice);
					tLower = Math.max(tLower, treasureRange.lower);
					tUpper = Math.min(tUpper, treasureRange.upper);

				cell.innerHTML += [" - <b><font color=\"#9D6F03\">", itemTotal, "</font></b>"].join("");
				itemsCount += itemCount;
				itemsPrice += itemTotal;
			catch(e) {

	this.AppendNodes = function() {
		try {
			var snap = document.evaluate("//b[contains(text(), 'Current Ryo')]", document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
			if(snap.snapshotLength == 1) {
				text = snap.snapshotItem(0);
				ryo = parseInt(snap.snapshotItem(0).textContent.match(/(\d+)/)[1]);
			else {

			var b = document.createElement("b");
			var b2 = document.createElement("b");
			text.parentNode.insertBefore(b, text);
			text.parentNode.insertBefore(b2, text.nextSibling);
			tLower *= 100;
			tUpper *= 100;
			b.innerHTML = ["Treasure value: <font color=\"#5b4c05\">", tLower == tUpper ? this.Round(tLower, 2) : [this.Round(tLower, 2), this.Round(tUpper, 2)].join("% ~ "), "%</font><br/>Item Ryo: <font color=\"#9d6f03\">", itemsPrice, "</font><br/>"].join("");
			b2.innerHTML = ["<br/>Total Ryo: <font color=\"#9d6f03\">", ryo + itemsPrice, "</font>"].join("");
		catch(e) {

	this.AppendWikiNodes = function() {
		var snap = document.evaluate("//form[@name='sellitem']/table/tbody/tr/td[2]", document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
		for (var i = 0; i < snap.snapshotLength; i++) {
			try {
				var cell = snap.snapshotItem(i);
				var match = cell.innerHTML.match(/<span[^>]*>(<span[^>]*><font[^>]*><b>)?([^<]+)(<\/b><\/font><\/span>)?<\/span>/i);
				if(match.length == 4) {
					cell.innerHTML = "<a href=\"" + match[2] + "\" target=\"_blank\"><font color=\"#a10000\"><b>[W]</b></font></a> " + cell.innerHTML;
			catch(e) {


var shopManager = new ShopManager();