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Bypassa FileCrypt

Bypassa Filecrypt e ottieni il collegamento originale! Prova prima questa versione. Se Bypass Filecrypt mostra un "2" nella pagina e non reindirizza alla destinazione finale, allora rimuovi questo script e prova Bypass Filecrypt (XHR) al suo posto.

< Valutazione su Bypassa FileCrypt

Recensione: OK - lo script funziona, ma ha degli errori.

Pubblicato: 30/11/2022
Modificato: 30/11/2022

Hello, the script is working but in some pages the links are transparent and very difficult to copy, sometimes I need to open DOM or source page in order to get links. Screen example:

Could you put a sort of black screen below the links area in order to make them visible all the times?

EDIT: I discovered links are printed in browser console, anyway it's not a good way of copying them, in my opinion.

Pubblicato: 10/12/2022
Modificato: 10/12/2022

thank you for pointing out the issue: the problem wasn't the transparent link, but the background having a higher z-index than the links, so that the links were covered by the background. Check the last update: now they should be visible above the background: I couldn't test them with the "radioactive" background since none of the links I've seen so far displays that background, but it should be working.

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