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Image Host Helper

Directly upload local / rehost remote images or galleries to whatever supported image host by dropping/pasting them to target field

< Valutazione su Image Host Helper

Recensione: Bene - lo script funziona

Pubblicato: 24/02/2022

Thanks your brilliant script!!!

But I have met a issue.

Chrome: 96.0.4664.110

I will get a notice when drag and drop:

TypeError: file.getContent is not a function

but it works well with Tampermonkey v4.13

Pubblicato: 24/02/2022

Thanks for quoting the error message. If it started with TM 4.14 then it appears as scoping issue with latest TM.
The temporary workaround is to open Image Host Helper for editing in TM, switch to Externals tab and delete the last source (imageHostUploader.js). After page reload the D&D functionality should be restored.
However if it confirms as TM bug, expect more problems anywhere.

Pubblicato: 25/02/2022

Thanks for quoting the error message. If it started with TM 4.14 then it appears as scoping issue with latest TM.The temporary workaround is to open Image Host Helper for editing in TM, switch to Externals tab and delete the last source (imageHostUploader.js). After page reload the D&D functionality should be restored.However if it confirms as TM bug, expect more problems anywhere.

Thanks your suggestion! But it disappear after I update the Chrome to the latest Version 98.0.4758.102. lol

Sorry, I should upadte the Chrome before I open this issue. :p

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