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WME GIS Locator

opens associated county GIS map and takes you to the latitude and longitude you were at (in WME) on the GIS map just opened.

Al Camp (ramblinwreck_81)
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This script adds on to the script GIS Buttons. GIS Buttons will open most county/municipality GIS maps and center your WME location on the GIS map. This scripts picks up from there and works with schneidercorp GIS pages. Most Georgia GIS pages use schneidercorp, as well as some counties in South Carolina and Florida. With this update, there is no manual interface required anymore. Click on the "Locate" button to run the script. As a result, any GIS page other than schneidercorp will open via GIS Buttons and schneidercorp pages will be opened by this script and the location from WME will be centered on the GIS page.

Works with Waze Map Editor and has only been tested in Georgia. You MUST have WME GIS Buttons installed to run this script.

Captures lat/long, opens associated GIS map. From here, you can open the search by coordinates function of the GIS map and paste directly into the search function.

03.21.2023 Updated to work with WME API.

Updated to automatically open schneidercorp (or qpublic) GIS websites to the same location that the WME screen is open to.
You MUST also install WME-to-Schneider-corp_GIS_Inerface script for this feature to work.


changed @include to @match to comply with tampermonkey