Vk Media Downloader

Скачать музыку, видео с vk.com (ВКонтакте) без использования внешних сервисов

< Valutazione su Vk Media Downloader

Recensione: OK - lo script funziona, ma ha degli errori.

Pubblicato: 31/01/2023

great script, very useful and works perectly for me with no problem, but sometimes on videos playlists the "download button" appears only after you "shake" the thumbnail of each video by holding it with a mouseclick and then release it, not by a simple mouse hover as it says in the code.
now, my simple question is:

how to make the "download button" shown as the first button before the "edit", "move to playlist" and "delete" buttons, not as the last one ???
thank you vm for this script .. all the best

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