Telegram Web Emojione

Replaces old iOS emojis with Emojione on Telegram Web

< Valutazione su Telegram Web Emojione

Recensione: Bene - lo script funziona

Pubblicato: 25/05/2018
Modificato: 26/05/2018

✓ Old emojis appear in bot messages

Old emoji in @imdb rich snippet

Pubblicato: 25/05/2018

Thanks for reporting, I think the latest version will work, but I don't know any good bots to test it with so I'm not 100% sure.

If it doesn't work, do you have any suggestions for bots I could use to test?

Pubblicato: 26/05/2018
Modificato: 26/05/2018

Sorry, should have left the screenshot bigger It was the output of @imdb What we Do in the Shadows (2014)

And yes, it works now. :+1:

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