Greasy Fork is available in English.

Tinychat Enhancement Suite (TES)

Fixes some Tinychat beta room annoyances and adds useful features.

Versione datata 20/10/2017. Vedi la nuova versione l'ultima versione.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Tinychat Enhancement Suite (TES)
// @namespace
// @version      2017.10.20v22
// @description  Fixes some Tinychat beta room annoyances and adds useful features.
// @author       MutationObserver
// @match*
// @exclude*?1
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_listValues

// ==/UserScript==
/* jshint -W097 */

var initInterval = setInterval(waitForInit, 500);
function waitForInit(){
	if (document.querySelector("tinychat-webrtc-app").shadowRoot) {
		(function() {

// Actual userscript starts here //

browserFirefox = (navigator.userAgent.includes("Firefox/") ? true : false);

var webappElem = document.querySelector("tinychat-webrtc-app").shadowRoot;
var chatlogElem = webappElem.querySelector("tinychat-chatlog").shadowRoot;
var titleElem = webappElem.querySelector("tinychat-title").shadowRoot;
var sidemenuElem = webappElem.querySelector("tinychat-sidemenu").shadowRoot;
var videomoderationElem = sidemenuElem.querySelector("tc-video-moderation").shadowRoot;
var videolistElem = webappElem.querySelector("tinychat-videolist").shadowRoot;

var chatlistElem = sidemenuElem.querySelector("tinychat-chatlist").shadowRoot;
var userlistElem = sidemenuElem.querySelector("tinychat-userlist").shadowRoot;
var userContextmenuElem = userlistElem.querySelector("tinychat-user-contextmenu").shadowRoot;

var chatlogCSS = chatlogElem.querySelector("#chat-wrapper");
var sidemenuCSS = sidemenuElem.querySelector("#sidemenu");
var videomoderationCSS = videomoderationElem.querySelector("#moderatorlist");
var webappCSS = webappElem.querySelector("#toast");
var chatlistCSS = chatlistElem.querySelector("#header");
var userlistCSS = userlistElem.querySelector("#header");
var userContextmenuCSS = userContextmenuElem.querySelector("#main");
var titleCSS = titleElem.querySelector("#room-header");
var videolistCSS = videolistElem.querySelector("#videolist");
var bodyCSS = document.querySelector("body");

var resourceDirectory = document.querySelector('link[rel="manifest"]').getAttribute("href").split("manifest")[0]; // \/([\d\.\-])+\/

var audioPop = new Audio(resourceDirectory + 'sound/pop.mp3');
var settingMentions = [];
var giftsElemWidth = 127;

var urlAddress = new URL(window.location.href);
var urlPars = urlAddress.searchParams;

var userinfoCont = sidemenuElem.querySelector("#user-info > div");
if (userinfoCont.hasAttribute("title")) {

var settingsQuick = {
	"Autoscroll" : (GM_getValue("tes-Autoscroll") == "true" || GM_getValue("tes-Autoscroll") == undefined),
	"MentionsMonitor" : (GM_getValue("tes-MentionsMonitor") == "true" || GM_getValue("tes-MentionsMonitor") == undefined),
	"HideAllCams" : (GM_getValue("tes-HideAllCams") == "true"),
	"NotificationsOff" : (GM_getValue("tes-NotificationsOff") == "true")

if (browserFirefox) {
	titleElem.querySelector("#room-header-info").insertAdjacentHTML("afterend", `
	<div id="tes-firefoxwarning" class="style-scope tinychat-title" 
	style="font-size: .75em; background: white; color: grey; width: 200px; padding: 5px; line-height: 13px;vertical-align: middle;border: #ddd 1px solid;border-width: 0px 1px 0px 1px;">
		<div class="style-scope tinychat-title" style="display: table;height: 100%;">
			<span style="display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle;top: 16%;" class="style-scope tinychat-title">
			Tinychat Enhancement Suite only supports Chrome. Support for Firefox is coming, but for now it only has autoscrolling.

function waitForSettings() {
	if (browserFirefox) {
	settingsVisible = false;
	if (titleElem.querySelector("#room-header-gifts") != null) {
		giftsElemWidth = titleElem.querySelector("#room-header-gifts").offsetWidth;
		if (titleElem.querySelector("#room-header-gifts-items") == null) {
			giftsElemWidth1000 = giftsElemWidth + 45;
		else { giftsElemWidth1000 = giftsElemWidth; }
		if (titleCSS.querySelector("#titleCSS")) {
			titleCSS.querySelector("#titleCSS").innerHTML += `
				#tes-settings {
					right: ` + giftsElemWidth + `px;
				@media screen and (max-width: 1000px) {
					#tes-settings {
						right: ` + giftsElemWidth1000 + `px;
		settingsElem = titleElem.querySelector("#room-header-gifts").insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", `
		<div id="tes-settings">
			<div id="tes-settingsBox" class="hidden">
				<p id="title"><a href="" target="_blank">Tinychat Enhancement Suite</a></p>
				<div id="tes-settings-mentions" class="tes-setting-container">
					<input type="checkbox">
					<span class="label">
						Alert phrases
						<span class="info" data-title='A comma-separated list of phrases to alert/highlight for. Example of 3 phrases: "hello,Google Chrome,sky"'>?</span>
					<div class="inputcontainer">
						<input class="text"><button class="save blue-button">save</button>
				<div id="tes-settings-autoscroll" class="tes-setting-container">
					<input type="checkbox">
					<span class="label">
				<div id="tes-settings-notifications" class="tes-setting-container">
					<input type="checkbox">
					<span class="label">
						Hide notifications
					<div id="tes-settings-font" class="tes-setting-container">
						<input type="checkbox">
						<span class="label">
							Improve font
							<span class="info" data-title='The default font is too thin in some browsers'>?</span>
					<div id="tes-settings-messageanim" class="tes-setting-container">
						<input type="checkbox">
						<span class="label">
							Disable message animation
			<div id="tes-settingsGear" title="Tinychat Enhancement Suite settings"><span>✱</span></div>
		titleElem.getElementById("tes-settingsGear").addEventListener("click", toggleSettingsDisplay);
		titleElem.querySelector("#tes-settings #tes-settings-mentions").addEventListener("click", function(){mentionsManager("save");} );
		!browserFirefox ? mentionsManager("load") : void(0);
		titleElem.querySelector("#tes-settings-autoscroll input").addEventListener("click", function(){settingsCheckboxUpdate("tes-settings-autoscroll");});
		titleElem.querySelector("#tes-settings-mentions input:first-of-type").addEventListener("click", function(){settingsCheckboxUpdate("tes-settings-mentions");});
		titleElem.querySelector("#tes-settings-notifications input:first-of-type").addEventListener("click", function(){settingsCheckboxUpdate("tes-settings-notifications");});

function toggleSettingsDisplay() {
	if (settingsVisible == true) {
		settingsVisible = false;
	else {
		settingsVisible = true;

function settingsCheckboxUpdate(settingName=null, value=null) {
	if (settingName == null && value == null) {
		titleElem.getElementById("tes-settings-autoscroll").querySelector("input").checked = settingsQuick["Autoscroll"];
		titleElem.getElementById("tes-settings-mentions").querySelector("input").checked = settingsQuick["MentionsMonitor"];
		titleElem.getElementById("tes-settings-notifications").querySelector("input").checked = settingsQuick["NotificationsOff"];

	if (settingName == "tes-settings-autoscroll") {
		if (value == null) {
			var newValue = titleElem.getElementById("tes-settings-autoscroll").querySelector("input").checked;
			settingsQuick["Autoscroll"] = newValue;
			GM_setValue("tes-Autoscroll", newValue.toString());
	if (settingName == "tes-settings-mentions") {
		if (value == null) {
			var newValue = titleElem.getElementById("tes-settings-mentions").querySelector("input:first-of-type").checked;
			// if (newValue) {
				// titleElem.getElementById("tes-settings-mentions").getAttribute("class").includes("setting-disabled");
			// }
			settingsQuick["MentionsMonitor"] = newValue;
			GM_setValue("tes-MentionsMonitor", newValue.toString());
	if (settingName == "tes-settings-notifications") {
		if (value == null) {
			var newValue = titleElem.getElementById("tes-settings-notifications").querySelector("input").checked;
			settingsQuick["NotificationsOff"] = newValue;
			GM_setValue("tes-NotificationsOff", newValue.toString());


var settingsWaitInterval = setInterval(waitForSettings,1000);

function notificationHider() {
	chatlogContainer = chatlogElem.querySelector("#chat-content");
	settingsQuick["NotificationsOff"] ? chatlogContainer.classList.add("tes-notif-off") : chatlogContainer.classList.remove("tes-notif-off");

function mentionsManager(mode) {
	var inputElem = titleElem.querySelector("#tes-settings #tes-settings-mentions input.text");
	// phrases = inputElem.value.split(",");
	var phrase = inputElem.value;
	if (phrase.endsWith(",")) { phrase = phrase.slice(0, -1); }
	if (phrase.startsWith(",")) { phrase = phrase.slice(1); }
	if (mode == "save") {
		GM_setValue("tes-Mentions", phrase);
		settingMentions = phrase.split(",");
		inputElem.value = phrase;
	if (mode == "load") {
		var loadedMentions = GM_getValue("tes-Mentions");
		if (loadedMentions != undefined) {
			inputElem.value = loadedMentions;
			settingMentions = loadedMentions.split(",");
	var phrase = phrase.toString();
	if (mode == "save") {
		GM_setValue("tes-Mentions", JSON.stringify(setting_Mentions));
		console.log("Mention add:" + phrases);
	if (mode == "load") {
		var mentions = JSON.parse(GM_getValue("tes-Mentions"));
		console.log("Mention load:" + mentions);
		settingMentions = mentions;
		inputElem.value = settingMentions.join();

!browserFirefox ? injectCSS() : void(0);
function injectCSS(cssName=null) {
	// Indenting is purposely wrong, for readability
	var insertPosition = "beforeend";
	if (browserFirefox) {
		headElem = document.querySelector("head");
		titleCSS = videolistCSS = chatlistCSS = userlistCSS = userContextmenuCSS = bodyCSS = chatlogCSS = sidemenuCSS = videomoderationCSS = webappCSS = headElem;
		headElem.querySelector('[scope="tinychat-title"]').innerHTML += `         #room-header {     min-height: 10%;     max-height: 10%; }      `;
	if (cssName == "titleCSS" || cssName == null) {
	titleCSShtml = `
	<style id="titleCSS" scope="tinychat-title">
		@keyframes ease-to-left {
			0% {right: -50px; opacity: 0;}
			100% {right: 0; opacity: 1;}
		@keyframes ease-to-right {
			0% {right:auto;}
			100% {right:0;}
		@keyframes ease-to-bottom-21px {
			0% {top:-300px; opacity: 0;}
			100% {top:0; opacity: 1;}
		#tes-header-grabber {
		    position: absolute;
			top: 88px;
			right: 50%;
			background: white;
			width: 60px;
			height: 20px;
			border: #ddd 1px solid;
			border-radius: 19px;
			text-align: center;
			color: #b4c1c5;
			cursor: pointer;
			transition: all .4s ease-in-out;
		.tes-headerCollapsed #tes-header-grabber {
			top: 9px;
			background: #f6f6f6;
			border-top: 0;
			z-index: 9;
			border-radius: 11px;
			line-height: 11px;
			border-top-left-radius: 0;
			border-top-right-radius: 0;
			height: 12px;
		.tes-headerCollapsed:hover #tes-header-grabber {
			height: 29px;
			line-height: 43px;
		input {
			border: 1px solid #c4d4dc;
			line-height: 16px;
			padding-left: 3px;
		.label ~ input {
			border-bottom-left-radius: 6px;
			border-top-left-radius: 6px;
		input ~ button {
			border-bottom-right-radius: 6px;
			border-top-right-radius: 6px;
		input[type="button"], button {
			display: inline;
			padding: 0 15px;
			border: 0;
			box-sizing: border-box;
			letter-spacing: 1px;
			font-size: 12px;
			font-weight: bold;
			line-height: 20px;
			text-align: center;
			transition: .2s;
			outline: none;
		.blue-button {
			color: #fff;
			background-color: #41b7ef;
		.blue-button:hover {
		    background-color: #54ccf3;
		.blue-button:active {
		    background-color: #38a8dd;
		.tes-setting-container {
			line-height: initial;
		#tes-settings > div {
			/*animation: ease-to-bottom-21px .2s ease 0s 1;*/
			position: relative;
			top: 0;
			height: 100px;
		@media screen and (max-width: 1000px) {
			#tes-settings > div {
				height: 92px;
		#tes-settings .hidden { display: none; }
		#tes-settings #title { font-weight: bold; }
		#tes-settings {
			transition: all .4s ease-in-out;
			animation: ease-to-bottom-21px .2s ease 0s 1;
			/*max-height: 10%;*/
			font-size: 11px;
			flex: none;
			overflow: hidden;
			z-index: 9;
			position: absolute;
			top: 13px;
			right: ` + (giftsElemWidth + 10).toString() + `px;
		@media screen and (max-width: 1000px) {
			#tes-settings {
				right: ` + (giftsElemWidth + 40).toString() + `px;
		#tes-settings:hover {
			overflow: visible;
		#tes-settings-mentions .inputcontainer {
			float: right;
			position: relative;
			top: -3px;
		#tes-settingsGear {
			font-size: 70px;
			color: #38cd57;
			color: #53b6ef;
			float: right;
		#tes-settingsGear:hover {
			cursor: pointer;
			color: #7ccefe;
		.tes-open #tes-settingsGear {
			background: white;
			border-bottom-right-radius: 15px;
			border-top-right-radius: 15px;
			border: #ddd 1px solid;
			border-left: 0;
			/*transition: all .2s linear;*/
		#tes-settingsGear span {
			display: block;
			transition: transform 0.4s ease-in-out;
		.tes-open #tes-settingsGear span {
			transform: rotate(-90deg);
		#tes-settingsBox {
			background: white;
			padding: 0px 10px 0px 10px;
			float: left;
			border: #53b6ef 1px solid;
			border-top-left-radius: 12px;
			border-bottom-left-radius: 12px;
			animation: ease-to-left .2s ease 0s 1;
			right: 0;
		#tes-settingsBox.hidden {
			animation: ease-to-right .2s ease 0s 1;
			display: visible;
			/*position: relative; right: -1000px;*/
		/*** Inline with header ***/
		#tes-settingsBox {
			border-bottom-width: 0;
			border-top-left-radius: 0px;
			border-bottom-left-radius: 0px;
		#tes-settings {
			top: -2px;
		#tes-settingsGear {
			display: table;
		#tes-settingsGear span {
			display: table-cell;
			vertical-align: middle;
		/*** *************   ***/
		#tes-settings .tes-setting-container input[type=checkbox] {
			margin: 0;
			margin-right: 1px;
			float: left;
			position: absolute;
			left: 8px;
		#tes-settings .label{
			margin-right: 4px;
			margin-left: 16px;
		#tes-settings .info{
			margin-left: 3px;
			color: #0d94e3;
			font-weight: bold;
			font-family: Arial;
			border: #0d94e3 1px solid;
			border-radius: 16px;
			height: 1em;
			width: 1em;
			text-align: center;
			display: inline-block;
		#tes-settings .info:hover:after{
			font-weight: normal;
			padding: 4px 7px 4px 7px;
			border-radius: 7px;
			color: white;
			background: #61787f;
			content: attr(data-title);
			display: inline-block;
			position: absolute;
			top: 52px;
			left: 0;
		/*#tes-settings .label:hover:before{
			border: solid;
			border-color: #61787f transparent;
			border-width: 0px 6px 6px 6px;
			top: 10px;
			content: "";
			left: 8%;
			position: relative;
			display: inline-block;

		#tes-settings a:visited, #tes-settings a:link {
			text-decoration: none;
			color: inherit;
		#tes-settings a:hover {
			color: #53b6ef;

		#room-header {
			height: 100px;
			max-height: unset;
			min-height: unset;
			transition: all .4s ease-in-out;
		#room-header.tes-headerCollapsed {
			height: 10px;
		#room-header.tes-headerCollapsed:hover {
			height: 27px;
		@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
			#room-header {
				min-height: inherit;
				max-height: inherit;
		#room-header-info {
			padding: 0;
		#room-header-info-text {
			height: auto;
		@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
			#room-header-info-text {
				height: inherit;
		#room-header-avatar {
			margin: 2px 10px 0 35px;
			height: 90px;
			min-width: 90px;
			max-width: 90px;
			transition: all .5s linear;
		#room-header-avatar:hover {
			border-radius: unset;
		.tes-headerCollapsed:hover #room-header-avatar:hover {
			z-index: 9;
		#room-header-gifts {
			padding: 10px 10px;
		.tes-headerCollapsed #tes-settingsGear {
			font-size: 33px;
		.tes-headerCollapsed #tes-settings > div {
		    height: fit-content;
		.tes-headerCollapsed #tes-settingsBox {
			border-width: 1px;
			border-radius: 7px;
			border-top-right-radius: 0;
			padding-bottom: 7px;
		.tes-headerCollapsed #tes-settings {
			top: 13px;
			right: 0;
	titleCSS.insertAdjacentHTML(insertPosition, titleCSShtml);

	if (cssName == "videolistCSS" || cssName == null) {
	videolistCSShtml = `
	<style id="videolistCSS" scope="tinychat-videolist">
		#videos-header {
			height: 10px;
			min-height: 10px;
		#Fvideolist * {
			width: 75%!important;
			display: contents;
			float: right;
			flex-direction: column;
		#Fvideos {
			flex-direction: unset;
			flex-wrap: unset;
		#videos-header > span {
			line-height: initial;
			position: relative;
			top: 1px;
			background: none;
		#videos-header > span > svg {
			height: 16px;
			padding: 0;
	videolistCSS.insertAdjacentHTML(insertPosition, videolistCSShtml);

	if (cssName == "chatlistCSS" || cssName == null) {
	chatlistCSShtml = `
	<style id="chatlistCSS" scope="tinychat-chatlist">
		#chatlist > div > span {
			padding-left: 1px;
		#chatlist > #header {
			top: 3px;
			height: auto;

		/*** --- this block is in chatlistCSS & userlistCSS --- ***/
			.list-item > span > img {
				right: 13px;
				left: auto;
			.list-item > span[data-status]:before {
				left: auto;
				right: 0;
			.list-item > span > span {
				background: none!important;
				box-shadow: none!important;
		/*** ---                                        --- ***/
		.close-instant > path {
			fill: white;
		.list-item > span > span { /* gift and close buttons */
			right: 16px;
		.list-item > span:hover > span { /* gift and close buttons */
			right: 16px;
			background: #2d373a!important;

	chatlistCSS.insertAdjacentHTML(insertPosition, chatlistCSShtml);

	if (cssName == "userlistCSS" || cssName == null) {
	userlistCSShtml = `
	<style id="userlistCSS" scope="tinychat-userlist">
		#userlist > div > span {
			padding-left: 1px;
		.list-item > span > span {
			right: auto;
			padding: 0 5px;
		.list-item > span > .nickname {
			padding-right: 3px;
		/*** --- this block is in chatlistCSS & userlistCSS --- ***/
			.list-item > span > img {
				right: 13px;
				left: auto;
			.list-item > span[data-status]:before {
				left: auto;
				right: 0;
			.list-item > span > span {
				background: none;
				box-shadow: none;
		/*** ---                                        --- ***/

		.list-item > span > span[data-moderator="1"]:before {
			filter: hue-rotate(226deg) saturate(4000%);
		#userlist > #header {
			top: auto;
			height: auto;
		#button-banlist {
			padding: 0 6px;
	userlistCSS.insertAdjacentHTML(insertPosition, userlistCSShtml);

	if (cssName == "userContextmenuCSS" || cssName == null) {
	userContextmenuCSShtml = `
	<style id="userContextmenuCSS" scope="tinychat-user-contextmenu">
		#main {
			border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);
	userContextmenuCSS.insertAdjacentHTML(insertPosition, userContextmenuCSShtml);

	if (cssName == "bodyCSS" || cssName == null) {
	bodyCSShtml = `
	<style id="bodyCSS">
		#nav-static-wrapper {
			width: 2px;
			opacity: .7;
		@media screen and (max-width: 1000px) {
			#nav-static-wrapper {
				width: 82px;
				opacity: 1;
	   #content {
		   padding: 0;
		body {
		  font-family: sans-serif;
		#header-user {
			left: 62px;
		@media screen and (max-width: 1000px) {
			#header-user {
				left: 21px;
		@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
			#header-user {
				left: auto;
				right: 54px;
		@media screen and (min-width: 1000px) {
			#menu-icon:hover { opacity: 1; }
			#menu-icon {
				top: 4px;
				left: 19px;
				height: 12px;
				width: 109px;
				font-size: 10px;
				background: #04caff;
				border-radius: 6px;
				opacity: .8;
			#menu-icon:after {
				position: absolute;
				top: 3px;
				left: 51px;
				content: "";
				height: 7px;
				width: 7px;
				border-width: 2px 2px 0px 0px;
				border-style: solid;
				border-color: #fff;
				box-sizing: border-box;
				transform: rotate(45deg);
				transition: .2s;
			#menu-icon:hover:after {
				border-width: 0px 0px 2px 2px;
			#menu-icon > svg {
				opacity: 0;
	bodyCSS.insertAdjacentHTML(insertPosition, bodyCSShtml);

	messageCSS = `
		.tes-mention-message { color: red; }

	if (cssName == "chatlogCSS" || cssName == null) {
	chatlogCSShtml = `
	<style id="chatlogCSS" scope="tinychat-chatlog">

		#chat-content > .message {
			padding-bottom: 0;
			padding-top: 0!important;
			margin-bottom: 0;
			min-height: 0px!important;
		#chat-content > .message:hover {
			background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.03);
		#chat-content > .message.common {
			margin-bottom: 5px;
		#chat-content > .message.system {
			padding: 0;
		#chat-content.tes-notif-off > .message.system {
			display: none;
		#chat-content.tes-notif-off > .message.system.dontHide {
			display: initial;
		#chat-instant > a:first-child,
		#chat-content > .message > a:first-child {
			top: auto;
		#chat-position #input:before {
			background: none;
		#chat-instant > a > .avatar,
		#chat-content > .message > a > .avatar {
			border-radius: unset;
		#timestamp {
			font-size: 11px;
			color: silver;
			/* float: right; */
			position: absolute;
			right: 0;
			padding-top: 3px;
		#chat-content > .message > .nickname {
			overflow: initial;
			line-height: initial;
		#chat-content div.message.common:last-of-type {
			margin-bottom: 10px;
	chatlogCSS.insertAdjacentHTML(insertPosition, chatlogCSShtml);

	if (cssName == "sidemenuCSS" || cssName == null) {
	sidemenuCSShtml = `
	<style id="sidemenuCSS" scope="tinychat-sidemenu">
		#sidemenu {
			min-width: 162px;
			max-width: 10%;
			left: auto;
		@media screen and (max-width: 1000px) {
			#sidemenu {
				left: -188px;
		#sidemenu-content {
			padding-left: 2px;
		#live-directory-wrapper {
			padding: 0;
		.logged-in #user-info {
			padding: 0;
			height: auto;
			text-align: center;
		#user-info button { opacity: .8; }
		#user-info:hover button { opacity: 1; }
		.logged-in #user-info > a { display: none; }
		@media screen and (min-width: 1000px) {
			#live-directory {
				height: 23px;
				line-height: 22px;
				font-size: 13px;
				opacity: .8;
			#live-directory:before {
				height: 8px;
				width: 8px;
				top: 0px;
			#live-directory:hover { opacity: 1; }
	sidemenuCSS.insertAdjacentHTML(insertPosition, sidemenuCSShtml);
	if (cssName == "videomoderationCSS" || cssName == null) {
	videomoderationCSShtml = `
	<style id="videomoderationCSS" scope="tc-video-moderation">
		#moderatorlist {
			padding-left: 0;
		#moderatorlist:hover {
		    position: absolute;
			background: white;
			z-index: 1000;
			width: 300px;
			min-height: 155px;
			flex-direction: column;
			position: absolute;
			background: rgba(45, 55, 58, 0.8);
			z-index: 1000;
			width: 350px;
			max-height: fit-content!important;
			left: 15px;
			border-radius: 13px;
			border: #47575c 1px solid;
		#moderatorlist:after {
			top: 47px;
	videomoderationCSS.insertAdjacentHTML(insertPosition, videomoderationCSShtml);

	if (cssName == "webappCSS" || cssName == null) {
	webappCSShtml = `
	<style id="webappCSS" scope="tinychat-webrtc-app">
		#room {
			padding: 0;
			padding-left: 142px;
		@media screen and (max-width: 1000px) {
			:host > #room {
				padding-left: 82px;
		@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
			:host > #room {
				padding-left: 0;
	webappCSS.insertAdjacentHTML(insertPosition, webappCSShtml);

function injectElements() {
	headerGrabberParElem = titleElem.querySelector("#room-header");
	headerGrabberParElem.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `<div id="tes-header-grabber">▲</div>`);
	headerGrabberElem = headerGrabberParElem.querySelector("#tes-header-grabber");
	headerGrabberElem.addEventListener("click", headerGrabber);

function headerGrabber() {
	headerGrabberParElem.classList.contains("tes-headerCollapsed") ? headerGrabberElem.innerHTML = "▼" : headerGrabberElem.innerHTML = "▲";	

!browserFirefox ? injectElements() : void(0);

var scrollbox = chatlogElem.querySelector("#chat");
var unreadbubble = chatlogElem.querySelector("#input-unread");
var autoScrollStatus = true;

function updateScroll() {
	scrollbox.scrollTop = scrollbox.scrollHeight;
	scrollbox.scrollTop = scrollbox.scrollTop + 5;

function userHasScrolled(e) {
	var scrollwheelAmount = e.deltaY;

	if (scrollwheelAmount < 0) {
		autoScrollStatus = false;
	if (autoScrollStatus === false && scrollbox.scrollHeight - scrollbox.scrollTop == scrollbox.offsetHeight) {
		autoScrollStatus = true;

function newMessageAdded() {
	if (autoScrollStatus === true && settingsQuick["Autoscroll"]) { updateScroll(); }

function userContextmenuUpdated() {
	var elemBottom = 0;
	var topPos = userContextmenuCSS.getBoundingClientRect().top;
	var elemBottom = topPos + userContextmenuCSS.offsetHeight;
	if (elemBottom > (window.innerHeight - 82)) {
		// = ( - userlistElem.querySelector("#userlist").scrollTop - 200) + "px";
		// = (userlistElem.querySelector("#userlist").scrollTop - window.innerHeight) + "px"; = (window.innerHeight - 82 - userContextmenuCSS.offsetHeight - 15) + "px";
		// console.log("Change: " +;
	// console.log("elemBottom: " + elemBottom + ". Max: " + (window.innerHeight - 82) + ". offsetHeight: " + userContextmenuCSS.offsetHeight + ". New top: " + (window.innerHeight - 82 - userContextmenuCSS.offsetHeight));

messageCount = 0;
function messageParser() {
	latestMessageElem = chatlogElem.querySelector("#chat-content div.message:last-of-type");

	var typeSystem = false;
	if (latestMessageElem != null) {
		latestMessageElem.classList.contains("system") ? typeSystem =  true : void(0);
		latestMessageElem.setAttribute("id", "msg-"+messageCount);

		tcMessageHtmlElem = latestMessageElem.querySelector("tc-message-html").shadowRoot;
		latestMessageContentElem = tcMessageHtmlElem.querySelector("#html");
		if (!browserFirefox) {
			var node = document.createElement("style");
			var textnode = document.createTextNode(messageCSS);
		latestMessageContent = latestMessageContentElem.innerHTML;
		latestMessageContent.includes(" banned ") || latestMessageContent.includes(" kicked ") ? latestMessageElem.classList.add("dontHide") : void(0);
		if (!browserFirefox && settingsQuick["MentionsMonitor"]) {
			for (i=0; i < settingMentions.length; i++) {
				if (latestMessageContent.toLowerCase().includes(settingMentions[i].toLowerCase())) {

var x = new MutationObserver(function (e) {
  if (e[0].addedNodes) newMessageAdded();
x.observe(chatlogElem.querySelector("#chat-content"), { childList: true });

var x = new MutationObserver(function (e) {
  if (e[0].addedNodes) newCamAdded();
x.observe(videolistElem.querySelector(".videos-items:last-child"), { childList: true });

var x = new MutationObserver(function (e) {
  if (e[0].addedNodes) userContextmenuUpdated();
x.observe(userContextmenuCSS, { attributes: true });

// var x = new MutationObserver(function (e) {
  // if (e[0].addedNodes) newUserAdded();
// });
// x.observe(userlistElem.querySelector("#userlist"), { childList: true });

// function newUserAdded() {
	// var latestUser = userlistElem.querySelector("#userlist .list-item:last-of-type");
	// latestUser.querySelector(".nickname").innerHTML

var scrollboxEvent = scrollbox.addEventListener("wheel", userHasScrolled);
var unreadbubble = unreadbubble.addEventListener("click", function(){autoScrollStatus = true;} );

function timestampAdd() {
	var queryString = "#chat-content div.message.common:last-of-type .nickname";
	var SHOW_SECONDS = true;

	var date = new Date(); 
	var hours = date.getHours();
	var minutes = date.getMinutes().toString();
	var secs = date.getSeconds().toString();

	if (hours > 12) {
		hours = (hours % 12 || 12);
		var period = "pm";
	else { var period = "am"; }

	if (hours == "0") { hours = "12"; }
	if (minutes == "0") { minutes = "00"; }
	if (minutes.length == 1) { minutes = "0" + minutes; }
	if (secs.length == 1) { secs = "0" + secs; }

	if (SHOW_SECONDS == true) {
		var timestamp = hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + secs + "" + period;
	else {
		var timestamp = hours + ":" + minutes + period;
	if (chatlogElem.querySelector(queryString) != null) {
		var recentMsgNickname = chatlogElem.querySelector(queryString);
		recentMsgNickname.insertAdjacentHTML("afterend", "<span id='timestamp'> " + timestamp + "</span>");	

function newCamAdded() {
	// return;
	var queryString = ".videos-items:last-child > .js-video";
	if (videolistElem.querySelector(queryString) != null) {
		var camElems = videolistElem.querySelectorAll(queryString);
		// console.log("found");
	else {
	for (i=0; i < camElems.length; i++) {
		if ( camElems[i].hasAttribute("id") == true ) { continue; }
		var camItem = camElems[i].querySelector("tc-video-item").shadowRoot;
		var camName = camItem.querySelector(".nickname").getAttribute("title");
		camElems[i].setAttribute("id", "camUser-"+camName);
		console.log("Cam: " + camName);
		if (settingsQuick["HideAllCams"] == "true" || urlPars.get("hideallcams") == "") {
			console.log("Cam hide: " + camName);

// Userscript ends here //
	else { console.log("Waiting for init..."); }