Greasy Fork is available in English.


Alerts you to live streams that match your search. Supports these sites: FC2 Live, CaveTube, koebu LIVE!, SHOWROOM, Stickam JAPAN!, TwitCasting, Twitch, Niconico Live, Himawari Stream, Livetube

Versione datata 18/08/2016. Vedi la nuova versione l'ultima versione.

100の人 (エスパー・イーシア)
0 0 0
Creato il
Aggiornato il
Compatibile con Firefox Compatibile con Chrome Compatibile con Opera
Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 (MPL 2.0)
Applica a
  • Search from title, tags, description, etc.
  • Case-insensitive, width-insensitive and kana type-insensitive
  • AND search and NOT search are available for each keyword
  • Exclusion community or channel URLs are settable

* If you use add-ons that disable drag-and-drop such as Drag & DropZones (Web Search Pro), you cannot use features that require drag-and-drop. Please consider switching to Drag & DropZones + (userChromeJS script) if you use the above add-ons.

▚▚▚▚▚ Acknowledgement

Features and design are referenced from Live Seeker (Distribution has ended). Icon used in the userscripts management screen is taken from サムネ職人. And, I assemble jsen to validate using JSON-Schema, favico.js to display number of hits on Favicon, and CSS.escape polyfill to apply polyfill for Opera and Google Chrome