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Mediaset Play - Link diretti e download video

Ti permette di guardare e scaricare i video da Mediaset Play

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58 2 10
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12,7 KB
GPL version 3 or any later version
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Click here for instructions → README

With this script you can get the direct links of videos on the Mediaset Play website. The videos could be available in the following formats (it varies depending on the single episode): 

  • Smooth streaming (ISM) - medium/high quality
  • Flash video (FLV direct link)
  • Flash video 2 (F4V direct link)
  • Windows Media video (WMV direct link) - low quality
  • HTML5 video (MP4 direct link) - medium quality on old videos (< 2014), high quality on new videos
  • M3U8 stream - high quality

You can read on my blog how to download Smooth Streaming videos using Linux (in Italian). New MP4 videos, starting from around 2014, are also in the same quality.

Please use JDownloader, streamlink or VLC to record M3U8 streams.

This script also works on the popular website Witty TV, because they embed videos from Video Mediaset.

Starting from version 6.0, the script shows M3U8 URLs for live streams of each channel of the Mediaset network.


  •  Potacchione, the author of RaiMediasetLa7Video (no longer working on the Mediaset site) for creating his script and providing the base URL from which the informations are gathered
  • Greendragon for suggesting and discussing the feature of M3U8 extraction for live streams.

Scripts for Rai and La7

If you want, you can check out my other script for the Rai website or the one for the La7 website!

Keywords: tv mediaset televisione silverlight