Chat Line Highlighting

Highlights lines which include your name and other set words

// ==UserScript==
// @name          Chat Line Highlighting
// @include*
// @description   Highlights lines which include your name and other set words
// @author        Ventero
// @version       2.6
// @date          2012-10-21
// require
// @namespace
// ==/UserScript==

// Written by Ventero ( 05/23/09
// Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Ventero, licensed under MIT/X11 license

var dom = (typeof unsafeWindow === "undefined"?window:unsafeWindow);

function init_highlighting(){

	var holodeck = dom.holodeck,
			CDialogue = dom.ChatDialogue,
			CRoom = dom.ChatRoom,
			CWindow = dom.ChatWindow;

	if(CRoom && CDialogue){

		CDialogue.prototype = dom.CDprototype||dom.ChatDialogue.prototype;
		CRoom.prototype = dom.CRprototype||dom.ChatRoom.prototype;
		CWindow.prototype = dom.CWprototype||dom.ChatWindow.prototype;

				String.prototype.trim = function(){
					return this.replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, "");

			CDialogue.prototype.searchWord = function(a, b){
				for (var i=0;i<b.length;i++){
					var r = b[i].replace(/(\/|\.|\*|\+|\?|\||\(|\)|\[|\]|\{|\}|\\)/g, '\\$1'),
									reg = new RegExp("\\b"+r+"\\b");
					if (reg.test(a)) return true;
				return false;

			CDialogue.prototype.searchUser = function(a){
				return this.searchWord(a, this._holodeck._hluser);

			CDialogue.prototype.searchText = function(a){
				var l = this._holodeck,
				z = l._highlighting.concat([l._username.toLowerCase()]);
				return this.searchWord(a, z);

			CWindow.prototype.hlFriend = function(a){
				return this._holodeck._hl_friends && this.isFriend(a);

			CWindow.prototype.hlMod = function(a){
				if(!this._holodeck._hl_mods) return;

				return this._rooms.any(function(roomArr){
					var room = roomArr[1];
					var user = room.user(a);
					return user && room.canUserModerate(user);

			CWindow.prototype.friendOrMod = function(a){
				if(a.toLowerCase() == this._holodeck._username.toLowerCase()) return "";

				var colors = [];
				if(this.hlMod(a)) colors.push(" hlmod");
				if(this.hlFriend(a)) colors.push(" hlfriend");
				if(colors.length > 1)
					return colors[this._holodeck._hl_priority]

				return (colors[0] || "");

			CDialogue.prototype.displayUnsanitizedMessageOldHighlight = CDialogue.prototype.displayUnsanitizedMessage;

			CDialogue.prototype.displayUnsanitizedMessage = function(user, msg, attributes, options){
				if(!attributes) attributes = {};
				var classes = attributes["class"] || "";
				var isWhisper = (classes.indexOf("whisper") >= 0);

				if(!(options && options["private"]))
					classes += this._user_manager.friendOrMod(user.toLowerCase());

				if(!isWhisper &&
					 !this._user_manager.isMuted(user.toLowerCase()) &&
				   (this.searchUser(user.toLowerCase()) ||
				   this.searchText(msg.toLowerCase()))) {
					classes += " highlight";
					if(typeof this.new_private_message === "function") {
						var oldChime = holodeck._pm_chime;
						holodeck._pm_chime = holodeck._hl_chime;
						holodeck._pm_chime = oldChime;

				attributes["class"] = classes;

				this.displayUnsanitizedMessageOldHighlight(user, msg, attributes, options);

			holodeck.addChatCommand("highlight", function(l,n){
				var k = n.match(/^\/\S+\s+(.+)/),
				z = "";
				k&&(z = k[1])
					z = z.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim();
					window.setTimeout(function(){GM_setValue("kong_highlighting", z.toLowerCase());}, 0);
					l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("Now highlighting: "+z+" "+l._username);
					l._highlighting = z.toLowerCase().split(' ');
				return false;

			holodeck.addChatCommand("hluser", function(l,n){
				var k = n.match(/^\/\S+\s+(.+)/),
				z = "";
				k&&(z = k[1])
					z = z.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim();
					window.setTimeout(function(){GM_setValue("kong_highlightuser", z.toLowerCase());}, 0);
					l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("Now highlighting user(s): "+z);
					l._hluser = z.toLowerCase().split(' ');
				return false;

			function generateCallback(name, stop, start){
				return function(l, n){
					if(l["_hl_" + name]){
						l["_hl_" + name] = 0;
						l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage(stop || "Stopped highlighting messages by " + name);
						l["_hl_" + name] = 1;
						l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage(start || "Now highlighting messages by " + name);
					window.setTimeout(function(){GM_setValue("kong_highlight"+name, l["_hl_" + name]);}, 0);
					return false;

			holodeck.addChatCommand("hlmods", generateCallback("mods"));
			holodeck.addChatCommand("hlfriends", generateCallback("friends"));
			holodeck.addChatCommand("hlchime", generateCallback("chime", "Stopped playing the chime for highlighted messages",
			                                                    "Now playing the chime for highlighted messages"));
			holodeck.addChatCommand("hlpriority", generateCallback("priority", "Now prioritizing mods over friends", "Now prioritizing friends over mods"));

			function generateColorCallback(selector, rule, name, text, max){
				if(!max) max = 1;
				return function(l, n){
					var k = n.match(/^\/\S+\s+#?([0-9a-f]{6})/i),
					    z = "",
					    count = 0;
			    if(k) z = "#" + k[1];
			    	for(var i = 0; i < sheet.cssRules.length; i++){
			    		if(sheet.cssRules[i].selectorText.indexOf(selector) == 0){
			    			sheet.cssRules[i].style.setProperty(rule, z, "important");
			    			if(++count == max){
				    			window.setTimeout(function(){GM_setValue("kong_" + name, z);}, 0);
				    			l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("New " + (text||name) + ": " + z);
			    				return false;
			    } else {
						l.activeDialogue().kongBotMessage("No valid color! Format is /" + name + " XXXXXX (X = hex character)");
					return false;

				generateColorCallback("#kong_game_ui .chat_message_window .whisper",

				generateColorCallback("#kong_game_ui .chat_message_window .hlfriend span.chat_message_window_username",
				generateColorCallback("#kong_game_ui .chat_message_window .highlight",
				generateColorCallback("#kong_game_ui .chat_message_window .hlmod span.chat_message_window_username",

			holodeck.addChatCommand("hllist", function(l, n) {
				var diag = l.activeDialogue();
				function botMessage(msg) {
					diag.displayUnsanitizedMessage("Kong Bot", msg);

				botMessage("Current highlighting settings:");

				if(holodeck._hluser.length > 0) {
					botMessage('Users: ' + {
						return ['<a href="#" onclick="holodeck.showMiniProfile(\'', user,
			              '\'); return false;">', user, '</a>'].join("");
					}).join(" "));
				} else {
					botMessage("No users highlighted");

				if(holodeck._highlighting.length > 0) {
					botMessage('Words: ' + holodeck._highlighting.join(" "));
				} else {
					botMessage("No words highlighted");

				botMessage('Highlight color: <span style="color: ' + color + '">' +
				                    color + '</span>');
				botMessage('Whisper color: <span style="color: ' + wcolor + '">' +
				                    wcolor + '</span>');

				botMessage("Highlighting friends: " +
				                    (holodeck._hl_friends ? "Yes" : "No") +
				                    ' (color: <span style="color: ' + fcolor + '">' +
				                    fcolor + '</span>)');
				botMessage("Highlighting mods: " +
				                    (holodeck._hl_mods ? "Yes" : "No") +
				                    ' (color: <span style="color: ' + mcolor + '">' +
				                    mcolor + '</span>)');

				botMessage("Highlight priority: " +
				                    (holodeck._hl_priority ? "Friends over mods" : "Mods over friends"));
				botMessage("Playing chime: " +
				          (holodeck._hl_chime ?
				          	(typeof holodeck._pm_chime !== "undefined" ? "Yes" :
				          	    'No, <a href="">script</a> not installed') :
				return false;

			holodeck.addChatCommand("hlreset", function(l, n) {
				var diag = l.activeDialogue();
				diag.kongBotMessage("Resetting all highlighting preferences");

				holodeck._chat_commands.hlcolor[0](holodeck, "/color #def6ea");
				holodeck._chat_commands.whispercolor[0](holodeck, "/color #deeaf6");
				holodeck._chat_commands.friendcolor[0](holodeck, "/color #006600");
				holodeck._chat_commands.modcolor[0](holodeck, "/color #ba6328");
				holodeck._hl_priority = 1;
				holodeck._hl_friends = 1;
				holodeck._hl_mods = 1;
				holodeck._hl_chime = 1;
				holodeck._highlighting = [];
				holodeck._hluser = [];

				["highlighting", "highlightuser", "hlcolor", "whispercolor", "friendcolor",
				 "modcolor", "highlightfriends", "highlightpriority", "highlightmods",
				 "highlightchime"].forEach(function(pref) {
					window.setTimeout(function() {
						GM_deleteValue("kong_" + pref);
					}, 0);

				return false;

			holodeck._chat_commands.hl = holodeck._chat_commands.highlight;
			holodeck._chat_commands.hlfriend = holodeck._chat_commands.hlfriends;

			holodeck._highlighting = [];
			holodeck._hluser = [];

			var color = "#def6ea", wcolor = "#deeaf6", fcolor = "#006600", mcolor = "#ba6328", priority = 1, friends = 1, mods = 1, chime = 1;

			if(typeof GM_setValue !== "function"){
				GM_setValue = GM_getValue = function(){};
			} else {
				// migrate old value
				var temp = GM_getValue("kong_highlightcolor", "");
					GM_setValue("kong_hlcolor", temp);
					if(typeof GM_deleteValue === "undefined"){
						GM_setValue("kong_highlightcolor", "");
					} else {

				var list = GM_getValue("kong_highlighting"),
				    user = GM_getValue("kong_highlightuser");
				color = GM_getValue("kong_hlcolor", "#def6ea")||"#def6ea";
				wcolor = GM_getValue("kong_whispercolor", "#deeaf6")||"#deeaf6";
				fcolor = GM_getValue("kong_friendcolor", "#006600")||"#006600";
				mcolor = GM_getValue("kong_modcolor", "#ba6328")||"#ba6328";
				friends = GM_getValue("kong_highlightfriends", 1);
				priority = GM_getValue("kong_highlightpriority", 1);
				mods = GM_getValue("kong_highlightmods", 1);
				chime = GM_getValue("kong_highlightchime", 1);
				if(list){holodeck._highlighting = list.trim().split(' ')};
				if(user){holodeck._hluser = user.trim().split(' ')}

			holodeck._hl_friends = friends;
			holodeck._hl_mods = mods;
			holodeck._hl_chime = chime;
			holodeck._hl_priority = priority;

			// guarantee we have a non-crossdomain stylesheet
			var style = document.createElement("style");
			var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
			(head || document.body).appendChild(style);

			// now find it...
			var sheet = null;
			for(var s = document.styleSheets.length - 1; s >= 0; --s) {
					if(document.styleSheets[s].cssRules && document.styleSheets[s].cssRules.length) {
						sheet = document.styleSheets[s];
				}catch(e){ /* no-op */ }

			if(!sheet) {
				alert("Kongregate Chat Line Highlighting could not find a style sheet!\nPlease send a message to Ventero about this problem.");

			sheet.insertRule('#kong_game_ui .chat_message_window .whisper { background-color: '+wcolor+' !important; }', sheet.cssRules.length);
			sheet.insertRule('#kong_game_ui .chat_message_window .highlight.even { background-color: '+color+' !important; }', sheet.cssRules.length);
			sheet.insertRule('#kong_game_ui .chat_message_window .highlight { background-color: '+color+' !important; }', sheet.cssRules.length);
			sheet.insertRule('#kong_game_ui .chat_message_window .hlfriend span.chat_message_window_username { color: '+fcolor+' !important; }', sheet.cssRules.length);
			sheet.insertRule('#kong_game_ui .chat_message_window .hlmod span.chat_message_window_username { color: '+mcolor+' !important; }', sheet.cssRules.length);

function check(){
	dom.injectScript = dom.injectScript||(document.getElementById("injectScriptDiv")?document.getElementById("injectScriptDiv").onclick():0);
		dom.injectScript(init_highlighting, 300);
	} else if(!dom._promptedFramework && !/Chrome/i.test(navigator.appVersion)){
		if(confirm("You don't have the latest version of the framework-script!\n" +
		           "Please install it, otherwise the scripts won't work.\n" +
		           "Clicking ok will open a new tab where you can install the script"))"", "_blank");
		dom._promptedFramework = true;

setTimeout(check, 0);