Wayback Machine Timeline Compressor

Trims the capture graph timeline to only the earliest and latest years

< Valutazione su Wayback Machine Timeline Compressor

Recensione: Bene - lo script funziona

Pubblicato: 18/01/2016
Modificato: 18/10/2016

[fixed] Tried a link -- doesn't work

Hi. I really like the idea of this script; but does it work?

I tried this link, and got the same style of WB graph: https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.kelvinluck.com/article/switch-stylesheets-with-jquery

Greasemonkey 3.6
Firefox 42.0

Also, many of my Wayback searches go to http(s)://wayback.archive.org/*. Can your script be made to work on those?

Pubblicato: 19/01/2016

Done and done

Pubblicato: 19/01/2016
Modificato: 19/01/2016

Beautiful, it works! Thanx!

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