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GollyJer's Auto-Expand Google Search Tools

Show the Search Tools on Google search results instead of result-count and query-speed.

< Valutazione su GollyJer's Auto-Expand Google Search Tools

Recensione: Bene - lo script funziona

Pubblicato: 24/05/2024

I was looking for a solution to display the Google Search Result Count by default, and came across this script. It does exactly what its description states: "Auto-Expand Google Search Tools", with as side effect that the search result count appears at the right hand side on the search results page.
I just had to add an extra @match for the localized google search site*

Thanks, GollyJer

Pubblicato: 26/05/2024

I just found and installed this script for the same reason. It's funny that it originally hid the count as a side effect.

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