Youtube New UI Fix

Fixes the new UI to one that resembles old one

Versione datata 05/08/2015. Vedi la nuova versione l'ultima versione.

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This user-script is based on my user-style on (Youtube Controls Under Player). Sadly enough a user-style is not going to cut it to cleanup the garbage Youtube has made (again). The main problem was that the time did not update when not hovering over the controls. This script solves that by adding a interval that calls the onmousemove event of the controls.


  • Non-transparent controls
  • Controls don't hide at all
  • Controls are smaller (33px vs 40px)
  • Controls will update, they won't freeze until you hover over them
  • Subtitles don't move up and down when going over the video.
  • In full-screen mode, the controls are also always visible, original colors, but they are not smaller (might fix that later)
  • Controls are not over the video
  • Controls take up the whole width
  • Controls have the old colors back
  • The settings that popup (for changing the quality, etc) have a non-transparent background.

Things still to do:

  • Make controls smaller in full-screen
  • Revert the round play/pause animation?
  • Remove silly animation of the play/pause button