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Automatically close the tab, if the script finds certain TEXT

Pubblicato: 25/07/2021

How to make so that tab Automatically close, if the script finds certain text

For example: “Video unavailable”
*Message on YouTube

Please Help.

Pubblicato: 25/07/2021
Modificato: 25/07/2021

// ==UserScript==
// @name Close "Video unavailable" YT videos
// @namespace CloseUnavailable
// @version 0.1
// @description Auto closes "Video unavailable" YT videos.
// @author hacker09
// @match*
// @grant window.close
// @run-at document-end
// ==/UserScript==

setTimeout(function(){ //Starts the setTimeout function
if (document.querySelector("#reason").innerText === "Video unavailable") //If the reason for the YT video not being played it equals "Video unavailable"
{ //Starts the if condition; //Close the link
} //Finishes the if condition
}, 3000); //Finishes the setTimeout function

Pubblicato: 25/07/2021

"hacker09" Thank you!
Everything works.

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