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"Script sync failed - Could not download source. Download did not complete in allowed time.."

Pubblicato: 26/07/2021

Error is reported when synchronizing. How is this problem caused? Uploading files and modifying them manually does not cause problems.

Pubblicato: 31/07/2021

Could you provide a link to script failing? Does it happen all the time or just sometimes? Exactly how do you do your sync? The timeout set for allowed sync may be different from when accessing the script manually.

Depending on your country of residence and your setup of gateways and proxies, I can envision GF being slower.

Pubblicato: 31/07/2021

There are no more problems now. The above situation lasted for about three to four days. I use "update and sync now" to synchronize.

I guess the root of the problem is the platform where I host my code, which is provided by a local service provider, and maybe it's a bit difficult for GF to access it those days.

Pubblicato: 31/07/2021
Modificato: 31/07/2021

I see, I misunderstood. If it was GF accessing your repository that was slow, you're probably right that the problem is with the repository. Glad to hear it got better.

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