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How to export a greasyfork script with history as a git project?

Pubblicato: 13/08/2020

Hi, there.

I have a user script published on GreasyFork. At the time of first publishing, I did not realize there is a "Source Syncing" feature which can automatically synchronize (import) a git project with a script hosted on GreasyFork. And now I am going to migrate my script to GitHub for easier version control and management, rely on the "Source Synching" feature to sync it with GreasyFork.

Is there any way to export an existing script hosted on GreasyFork as a new git project with all history being kept?

Thanks in advance.

Pubblicato: 13/08/2020

There's no automatic way. You could script it yourself - parse the version list on Greasy Fork, commit each version separately with the changelog.

Pubblicato: 14/08/2020

Thanks for your advice. Then is there web API for GreasyFork that exposes the history data so that to avoid manually parsing the webpage?

Pubblicato: 14/08/2020

There is not an API for this particular thing, no.

Pubblicato: 18/08/2020

Thanks, JasonBarnabe.

I have finished the script: .

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