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No scripts found

Pubblicato: 20/09/2017
Modificato: 20/09/2017

No scripts found

Does any one know why my script does not show up when i search my script title in greasy fork ?
when i search my script title in search bar in it shows 'No Script found' .Does it need any qualifications to be shown in search results ?

Pubblicato: 23/09/2017

Same problem here.

I changed my latest script from private to public and yet people can't seem to find it. It's only been 24h though, so I guess I should wait a little longer.

Pubblicato: 24/09/2017

If you are having problems with this, please include a link to the script and the search page you expect it to show on.

Pubblicato: 25/09/2017

Thanks for the response guys.Now I am able to see my script in the search results.I think it takes some time for the script to be included and displayed.

Pubblicato: 25/09/2017
If you are having problems with this, please include a link to the script and the search page you expect it to show on.

Well it seems like my problem solved itself the following day, so I guess I was being impatient.
Sorry about that and thank you for your time Jason!

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