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Is Monetizing a script with coinhive not allowed?

Is Monetizing a script with coinhive not allowed?

Just a question. If we tell users about it, and we implement it at a fair CPU usage, then wouldn't that be allowed? Just a question.

Pubblicato: 04/10/2017

"Scripts must include a description of what they do and may not do things unreasonably outside of this description. Users must know what a script will do before installing it. Scripts that include tracking or ads must disclose this in their descriptions."

If you mention it in your description, it's fine.

Pubblicato: 05/11/2017
Modificato: 05/11/2017

Informed Consent is the target. If you intend to deceive then you fail the test. Simply informing them THAT something is, is very-not-the-same as explaining the impact- or HOW is will cost them.

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