Mi300's FOV / Zoom Script JS - Press - + or scroll
Multibox script Working December 2023 JS - multibox
Afk Script UPDATED JS - Press F to set the afk location and J to afk
Diep Autobuild / Auto Stat Upgrade JS - Simple but effective script. How to use: Press T and type in a lvl 45 tank. It will give you the best build for it in the correct order.
Flipfire script 2023 JS - Press F to sync bullets DO NOT use autofire or shoot, then just click right mouse button and it stacks
Kill counter JS - kill thingy
Shape Aimbot UPDATED JS - try to take over the world!
Predator and Hunter Stack (Any reload) JS - Press J to stack predator, U to stack hunter and , and . to change the reload
- Triflank v2 JS - Doesn't work with a theme script. Press F to toggle and R and T to change modes.
Show Coordinates JS - Join my discord server for more scripts