Torn City - One click Company training by Xiphias[187717] JS - This script adds a one click training function to company training.
Torn City - Attack Logs extension JS - This script adds a Next and Previous button to the Attack Logs page.
Torn City - BBCode to HTML JS - Reformats those old BBCode profile signatures into the new format of HTML that RESPO uses.
Torn City - Travel Run One Click Update by Xiphias[187717] JS - Update Travel Run and the Travel Thread with one button click.
Personal Stats: Extended Player Graph Periods JS - Add more options [3 years and Max] to player graph period selection.
World's Best Userscript JS - Center the World Map on Europe
Torn - Less Cluttered Forums JS - try to take over the world!
Torn Custom Race Simplifier JS - Make it easier and faster to make custom races.
Travel Agency 3.0D JS - 3D version of Torn's world map
ZText by Bennett Feely JS (Pustaka) - Easy to implement, 3D typography for any website and any font.