Akira/Ren Name Switcher for AO3 (site-wide; REN AMAMIYA PREFERRED) JS - Switches the name Akira Kurusu to Ren Amamiya on AO3 on works tagged as Persona 5.
John/Noah Name Switcher for AO3 (site-wide; JOHN PREFERRED) JS - Switches the name Noah to John on AO3 on works tagged as Teen Wolf.
John/Noah Name Switcher for AO3 (site-wide; NOAH PREFERRED) JS - Switches the name John to Noah on AO3 on works tagged as Teen Wolf.
Word Switcher for AO3 (site-wide; user-settable) JS - Switches the a select word with a preferred word site-wide, across all AO3 works. User-settable.