GLB Player Builder JS - simulate a player's build
GLB Skill Points Page Enhancements JS - adds pop up with the needed SPs to next skill cap
Replay Rewrite - Player Paths On Replay JS - Adds player movement trails to GLB replays viewed with the replay rewrite script.
Replay Rewrite - Player Highlight On Replay JS - Highlight players you own when watching GLB replays with the replay rewrite script.
Replay Rewrite -NEWGEN JS - description
jQuery JavaScript Library v1.4.2 JS (Pustaka) - the Jquery library version 1.4.2
Wheeler & Needham’s Tiny Encryption Algorithm in js form JS (Pustaka) - simple but powerful encryption algorithm which provides strong encryption in just a few lines of concise, clear code
libpbr2.1 JS (Pustaka) - You don't need this unless you're planning on writing a script that runs alongside Replay Rewrite.
libpbr2-newGen JS (Pustaka) - You don't need this unless you're planning on writing a script that runs alongside Replay Rewrite.
pbr Game Scout statslib - New Gen JS (Pustaka) - description
pbr Game Scout - New Gen JS (Pustaka) - modification of tciss(?)'s game scout script for
pbr Game Scout uilib - NEWGEN JS (Pustaka) - library for GLB