eBonus.gg Google AdRemoval Only but video Ads remain

Remove irritating google ads causing PC lags but video Ads remain

< Feedback on eBonus.gg Google AdRemoval Only but video Ads remain

Review: OK - script works, but has bugs

Posted: 25 Desember 2018
Edited: 25 Desember 2018

uma modificaçao e pronto

https://greasyfork.org/pt-BR/scripts/40178-youtube-ad-skip achei esse script que clica em skip ad no video de anuncio do youtube automaticamente vc pode modificar e fazer um para o ebonus.gg, obrigado pela atençao deixa a dica.

Mr. Funny GuyPembuat
Posted: 14 Januari 2019

Update, kindly enable your Adblock plugin as well. It will not detect any Adblock while I am working on disabling the video. https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/376680-ebonus-gg-adblock-allow-and-need-to-enable-adblock-after-installing-this

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