An image searching/browsing tool on pixiv
Hello, you misunderstood the tag filter field.
What you do in the snapshot is "I want to show all pictures which searched from pixiv with the keyword "ニトクリス OR (nitocris)" and has one of tags named "mikasa ackerman""
Then, the result shows NO illustration that searched by pixiv the keyword "ニトクリス OR (nitocris)" and has one of tags named "mikasa ackerman"
To sum up, the correct usage of tag filter that you can try is searching the keyword "Fate/GrandOrder" and type "ニトクリス". If you want to change another tag, you can clear the tag filter and type other tag. (e.g. "saber" or show both tag "saber|mashu")
@FlandreKawaii schrieb: Hello, you misunderstood the tag filter field.
What you do in the snapshot is "I want to show all pictures which searched from pixiv with the keyword "ニトクリス OR (nitocris)" and has one of tags named "mikasa ackerman""
Then, the result shows NO illustration that searched by pixiv the keyword "ニトクリス OR (nitocris)" and has one of tags named "mikasa ackerman"
To sum up, the correct usage of tag filter that you can try is searching the keyword "Fate/GrandOrder" and type "ニトクリス". If you want to change another tag, you can clear the tag filter and type other tag. (e.g. "saber" or show both tag "saber|mashu")
Ohhhhh, that makes so much more sense. I thought it's a search option, not a tagfilter. Must've misread the description.
Thanks a lot for the answer! <3
Question about sorting by popularity
What can I do about this?
Pictures just aren't loading and I'm not sure why. With only 1000 search results it seems to work. But with that search tag for example they just dont load up. (Even when I change the favourite count)
Do I have to wait or something?
Thanks for help and great script btw, I love it.