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Script developing help

Posted: 04 Januari 2021
Edited: 04 Januari 2021

I'm having a very hard time trying to develop a new script

I wanted to make this script also show the franchise duration for all animes on the Plan to watch anime list, then I would display the results like this script (This way would be nicer, but it's "too" complex and hard for me to understand how I could implement this)
or this script

In any of these result/outputs obsivously a lot of repeated days/hours/minutes and franchises names would be repeated, so I would also need to find a way to remove these duplicates and order them by the shortest franchises to the longest one's or the opposite, but I guess that this won't be really hard for me to code.

I wanted to make a script that would basically "join" this script with the part of this script that gets the correct anime franchise title from

The problem I'm having is that the total duration time is being summed with animes of other franchises, probably because the arrays aren't being erased every time the function loops, or because the loop is to fast and isn't waiting for the script to get the correct duration time and the correct franchise duration, sometimes I get the correct duration, but the franchise names are repeated multiple times (this will obviously happen a few times, but the animeid and duration associated with the anime name is also wrong, so everything is a mess now)

Then the next biggest problem is how to sort the franchise by lowest duration to the longest duration

// ==UserScript==
// @name Shortest/Longest PTW Franchise
// @namespace Shortest/LongestFranchise
// @version
// @description The script shows what's the shortest/longest anime franchise on you Plan To Watch List, and suggests a random anime on your Plan To Read List.
// @author hacker09
// @match*
// @match*
// @icon
// @run-at document-end
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
var TotalHrMins = []; //Creates a new blank array
var animeidResult = []; //Creates a new blank array
var AllAnimesDuration = []; //Creates a new blank array
var AllChiakiAnimeTitles = []; //Creates a new blank array
var TotalEpsResult = []; //Creates a new blank array
var type, AnimeTitleElement, Totalanimeid, totalanimestwo, json, ChiakiAnimeTitle,ShortestChiakiAnimeTitle; //Creates global variables
var nextpagenum = 0; //Create a variable to hold the page number
var increaseby = 300; //Create a variable to Increase the list page number
var TotalCompletedEntries = 0; //Create a variable to hold the Total Completed Entries Number
var username = window.location.pathname.split('/')[2]; //Get the username on the url to use later

window.location.pathname.split('/')[1] === 'animelist' ? (type = 'anime') : (type = 'manga'); //Check If the user on an animelist or not and create a variable to identify that
document.querySelector("#advanced-options-button") === null ? AnimeTitleElement = document.querySelectorAll("a.animetitle") : AnimeTitleElement = document.querySelectorAll(''); //Checks if the Filters button on the modern list style doesn't exist,if not then the user is using an old classic list style

async function ProcessList()//Creates a function to Process the List
{ //Starts the function

while (true) { //Starts the while condition to get the Total Number of Entries on the user completed list
console.log('This user has more than 300 Completed Entries\nGetting the Total Completed Entries Number...'); //Shows a message in the console for dev purposes
json = await (await fetch('' + type + 'list/' + username + '/load.json?status=3&offset=' + nextpagenum)).json(); //Fetches the user completed list
nextpagenum += increaseby; //Increase the next page number
for (var i = 0; i < json.length; i++) { //Starts the for condition
Totalanimeid = json[i].anime_url.split('/')[2]; //Creates a variable to hold the anime ids
animeidResult.push(Totalanimeid); //Add The animeid To The Array
if (json.length !== 300) //If the next page has less than 300 completed entries stop looping the whlie condition
{ //Starts the if condition
console.log('Finished Getting the Total Completed Entries Number!'); //Shows a message in the console for dev purposes
return; //Return whether or not the fetched page has less than 300 completed entries
} //Finishes the if condition
} //Finishes the while condition

for (var i = 0; i < json.length; i++) { //Starts the for condition
Totalanimeid = json[i].anime_url.split('/')[2]; //Creates a variable to hold the anime ids
animeidResult.push(Totalanimeid); //Add The animeid To The Array
}; //Finishes the async function

async function sleep(millis) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, millis));

async function Process()
if (type === 'anime')
await ProcessList()
for (const animeid of animeidResult) {
async function ProcessListFranchisesDuration() //Creates a function to Process the List Franchises Duration
{ //Starts the function
var TotalHrMins = []; //Creates a new blank array
const response = await fetch(''+animeid); //Fetch
const html = await response.text(); //Gets the fetch response
const newDocument = new DOMParser().parseFromString(html, 'text/html'); //Parses the fetch response

ChiakiAnimeTitle = newDocument.querySelector("h2").innerText.split(' Watch Order')[0].trim(); //Get the anime title on the h2 element (with symbols) and remove the Watch Order text, also removes the first and last whitespaces if existent
if (ChiakiAnimeTitle.match('Watch Order') !== null) //If the h2 element on doesn't have the anime title
{ //Starts the if condition
Array.from(newDocument.querySelectorAll("span.wo_title")).forEach(link => AllChiakiAnimeTitles.push(link.innerText)); //Add all anime titles of the anime franchise to the array AllChiakiAnimeTitles
ShortestChiakiAnimeTitle = AllChiakiAnimeTitles.reduce((a, b) => a.length <= b.length ? a : b); //Add the Shortest Chiaki Anime Title with symbols to a variable
ChiakiAnimeTitle = ShortestChiakiAnimeTitle; //Replace the variable ChiakiAnimeTitle contents with the variable ShortestChiakiAnimeTitle
} //Finishes the if condition

var TextElement = newDocument.querySelectorAll(""); //Creates a variable to loop though the elements after

for (var i = 0; i < TextElement.length; i++) { //Starts the for condition
await sleep(1000);
var TotalRawDurationHasSecs = TextElement[i].textContent.split("× ")[1].match('sec'); //Creates a variable to check later if there's an entry that has secs
var TotalRawDuration = TextElement[i].textContent.split("× ")[1].split(' |')[0].match(/\d+|\?/g); //Creates a variable to hold the total unprocessed times
var TotalEpisodes = TextElement[i].textContent.split("× ")[0].split(' |')[2].match(/\d+|\?/g); //Creates a variable to hold the total episodes
TotalEpsResult.push(TotalEpisodes); //Add The Eps To The Array
if (TotalRawDuration.length !== 1 && TotalRawDurationHasSecs === null) //If has Hrs and Mins and not secs
{ //Starts the if condition
var ExtractHrs = TotalRawDuration[0] * 60; //Extract Hrs And Convert To Mins
var TotalHrs = TotalEpisodes * ExtractHrs; //Multiply Eps By Hrs
var TotalMins = TotalEpisodes * TotalRawDuration[1]; //Multiply Extracted Eps By Mins
TotalHrMins.push(TotalHrs, TotalMins); //Add Hrs And Mins To The Array
} //Finishes the if condition
else if (TotalRawDurationHasSecs === null) //Extract only Mins and not secs
{ //Starts the else condition
var TotalMins = TotalEpisodes * TotalRawDuration[0]; //Multiply Extracted Eps By Mins
TotalHrMins.push(TotalMins); //Add Mins To The Array
} //Finishes the else condition
} //Finishes the for condition

var TotalMinsResult = TotalHrMins.filter(Boolean).map(i => Number(i)).reduce((a, b) => a + b); //Sum Hrs in Mins + Total Mins
//The Commands Below Converts The Total Franchise Time To Precise Hours And Minutes
var days = Math.floor(TotalMinsResult / 1440);
var hours = Math.floor((TotalMinsResult % 1440) / 60);
var minutes = (TotalMinsResult % 1440) % 60;
AllAnimesDuration.push(ChiakiAnimeTitle + ' Total Duration: ' + days + ' day(s) ' + hours + ' hr(s) ' + minutes + ' min(s) '+animeid+'
'); //Add Mins To The Array
TotalHrMins = []
} //Finishes the async function
} //Finishes the for condition

} //Finishes the if condition
} //Finishes the async function
document.querySelector("body").innerHTML = AllAnimesDuration

var points = [40, 100, 1, 5, 25, 10];
points.sort((a,b) => a-b);

url to test

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