Image Host Helper JS - Directly upload local / rehost remote images or galleries to whatever supported image host by dropping/pasting them to target field
Supraphonline foobar2000 tagging support JS - Kopíruje metadata alba ve formátu pro aplikaci tagů ve foobar2000
[GMT] Extract artists from description & transfer artists between pages JS - Tries to extract artists from selected text or tracklist in group description, easy batch transfer of artist between different pages
[RED/OPS] FL link in notifications/better.php JS - yes
[GMT] Collage Extensions JS - Direct browsing from torrent pages; quick groups removal, custom quick Add To Collage form
Qobuz - Copy album info JS - Copy release metadata to foobar2000 parseable format (Context → Properties → Tools → Automatically fill values...)
[RED] Cover Inspector JS - Easify & speed-up finding, lookup and updating of invalid, missing or non optimal album covers on site
[GMT] New forum posts indicator JS - Indicate a forum thread has received new post(s) while idling on any thread page
[GMT] Flexible Search Links JS - Appends versatile search links bar to linkbar
Mobilism: New releases unpaginated compact listing & filtering JS - Applies filtering and endless compact listing of previously unread articles in Releases section. Makes browsing through newly added releases since last visit much more quicker. Supports adding ignore rule for each listed release.
[GMT] Tags Helper JS - Improvements for working with groups of tags + increased efficiency of new requests creation
[GMT] Ignored forums and threads JS - Hide threads not interested in from unread forum posts listing by one click
[GMT] Highlight changes in upload snatches JS - Highlight changes in own upload snatches
[GMT] Visualise torrent stats on thumbnails JS - Highlights torrent stats on cover thumbnails (left-red leeching / right-green seeding / bottom-blue snatched / top-gold uploaded)
[RED] Import release details from Bandcamp JS - Lets find music release on Bandcamp and import release about, personnel credits, cover image and tags.
[RED] Similar CD Detector JS - Script for testing CD releases for duplicity by Gazelle tracker standard
[GMT] Edition lookup by CD TOC JS - Lookup edition by CD TOC on MusicBrainz, GnuDb and in CUETools DB, seed new/update existing MusicBrainz releases based on the TOC
MB Release Seeding Helper JS - Give better clues on reusing of existing releases/recordings for new release
MB Auto-retry on upload to CAA error JS - Just autoretry
MB Auto Track Lengths from CD TOC JS - Autoset track lengths from unique CD-TOC
[GMT] Artist Chronology JS - Browse artist's releases in chronological order directly from release page
libCtxtMenu JS (Könyvtár) - Simple adapter for adding legacy browsers rightclick menu commands.