WikiArt Downloader

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Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2024.07.20.

Unfortuneately it doesn't work for me: Firefox 115.13.0esr Geasemonkey 4.12.0 WikiArt Downloader 1.0

Script error in [Greasemonkey Benutzerskript Downloader; Version 1.0]:
TypeError: document.getElementsByClassName(...)[0] is undefined WikiArt Downloader:316:19
user-script: Downloader:316

Posted: 2024.07.20.

Thank you, works with Tampermonkey 5.1.0
Greasemonkey seems to be the problem.

Posted: 2025.02.05.

Hey, I'm glad you found this useful! Wrote it in an obsessive haze and promptly forgot about, but I should probably look and see if there's anything that can be done to make it compatible with Greasemonkey, too.

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