- /* eslint-disable no-multi-spaces */
- /* eslint-disable no-return-assign */
- // ==UserScript==
- // @name Pixiv novel to Epub
- // @name:zh-CN Pixiv小说Epub合成器
- // @name:en Pixiv novel to Epub
- // @namespace PY-DNG userscripts
- // @version 0.1.8
- // @description Download pixiv novels in Epub format
- // @description:zh-CN 以Epub格式下载Pixiv小说
- // @description:en Download pixiv novels in Epub format
- // @author PY-DNG
- // @license GPL-3.0-or-later
- // @match *://www.pixiv.net/*
- // @match *://pixiv.net/*
- // @connect pximg.net
- // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/456034/1348286/Basic%20Functions%20%28For%20userscripts%29.js
- // @require data:application/javascript,window.setImmediate%20%3D%20window.setImmediate%20%7C%7C%20((f%2C%20...args)%20%3D%3E%20window.setTimeout(()%20%3D%3E%20f(args)%2C%200))%3B
- // @require https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/npm/jszip@3.10.1/dist/jszip.min.js
- // @require https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/npm/ejs@3.1.9/ejs.min.js
- // @require https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/npm/jepub@2.1.4/dist/jepub.min.js
- // @icon 
- // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
- // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
- // @run-at document-start
- // ==/UserScript==
- // @require https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/npm/setimmediate@1.0.5/setImmediate.min.js
- // @require https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/npm/jepub@2.1.4/dist/jepub.min.js
- // @require https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/npm/ejs@3.1.9/ejs.min.js
- // @require https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/npm/jszip@3.10.1/dist/jszip.min.js
- /* global LogLevel DoLog Err $ $All $CrE $AEL $$CrE addStyle detectDom destroyEvent copyProp copyProps parseArgs escJsStr replaceText getUrlArgv dl_browser dl_GM AsyncManager queueTask testChecker registerChecker loadFuncs */
- /* global jEpub, JSZip, ejs */
- let PixivAPI = (function() {
- queueTask.GM_xmlhttpRequest = {
- sleep: 200,
- max: 10
- };
- return {
- get, safeGet, utils: { toAbsURL, toSearch, queueTask },
- // https://www.pixiv.net/ajax/novel/18673574
- novel: id => safeGet(`/ajax/novel/${id}`),
- // https://www.pixiv.net/ajax/novel/7522350/insert_illusts?id%5B%5D=60139778-1&lang=zh&version=1efff679631a40a674235820806f7431d67065d9
- insert_illusts: (novel_id, illust_ids, lang='zh') => {
- const url = `/ajax/novel/${novel_id}/insert_illusts`;
- const query = { lang };
- if (Array.isArray(illust_ids)) {
- for (let i = 0; i < illust_ids.length; i++) {
- const id = illust_ids[i];
- query[`id[${i}]`] = id;
- }
- } else {
- query[`id[]`] = illust_ids;
- }
- return safeGet(url, query);
- },
- // https://www.pixiv.net/ajax/novel/series/9649276?lang=zh&version=a48f2f681629909b885608393916b81989accf5b
- // 'version' removed due to unspecified meaning
- series: (id, lang='zh') => safeGet(`/ajax/novel/series/${id}`, { id, lang }),
- // https://www.pixiv.net/ajax/novel/series_content/9649276?limit=30&last_order=0&order_by=asc
- series_content: (id, limit=30, last_order=0, order_by='asc') => safeGet(`/ajax/novel/series_content/${id}`, { limit, last_order, order_by }),
- };
- function safeGet() {
- return queueTask(() => get.call(this, ...arguments), 'GM_xmlhttpRequest');
- }
- function get(url, params, responseType='json', retry=2) {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({
- method: 'GET', responseType,
- headers: {
- Referer: /^(www\.)?pixiv\.net$/.test(location.host) ? location.href : 'https://www.pixiv.net/'
- },
- url: toAbsURL(url, params),
- onload: async res => res.status === 200 && (responseType !== 'json' || res.response?.error === false) ? resolve(res.response) : checkRetry(res),
- onerror: checkRetry
- });
- async function checkRetry(err) {
- retry-- > 0 ? resolve(await get(url, params, responseType, retry)) : reject(err);
- }
- });
- }
- function toAbsURL(pathname, searchOptions) {
- return new URL(pathname, `https://www.pixiv.net/`).href + (searchOptions ? `?${toSearch(searchOptions)}` : '');
- }
- function toSearch(options) {
- return new URLSearchParams(options).toString()
- }
- }) ();
- (async function __MAIN__() {
- 'use strict';
- const CONST = {
- TextAllLang: {
- DEFAULT: 'zh-CN',
- 'zh-CN': {
- DownloadEpub: '下载当前小说Epub',
- DownloadEpub_Short: '下载Epub',
- DownloadEpub_Progress: 'Epub (C/A)',
- DownloadComplete: 'Epub下载完成',
- RestrictData: {"0":"Enable","1":"NotFound","2":"Mypixiv","3":"R18","4":"R18G","Enable":0,"NotFound":1,"Mypixiv":2,"R18":3,"R18G":4},
- RestrictInfo: {
- NotFound: "#%(order)は非公開作品です", // No translation provided by pixiv yet
- Mypixiv: '#%(order)是好P友限定作品',
- R18: '#%(order)是R-18作品',
- R18G: '#%(order)是R-18G作品'
- },
- UnvieableTitle: '该章节无法查看', // unused constance, deletable
- UnvieableContent: '此章节Pixiv并未开放查看,请到Pixiv网站或app检查该章节是否设置了阅读限制\n如果是R18/R18G阅读限制,可到Pixiv网站打开R18/R18G开关'
- }
- },
- GFURL: 'https://greasyfork.org/scripts/483999',
- GFAuthorURL: 'https://greasyfork.org/users/667968',
- Symbol: {
- }
- };
- // Init language
- const i18n = Object.keys(CONST.TextAllLang).includes(navigator.language) ? navigator.language : CONST.TextAllLang.DEFAULT;
- CONST.Text = CONST.TextAllLang[i18n];
- // @require fallbacks
- await Promise.all([
- { missing: typeof setImmediate === 'undefined', src: 'https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/npm/setimmediate@1.0.5/setImmediate.min.js' },
- { missing: typeof JSZip === 'undefined', src: 'https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/npm/jszip@3.10.1/dist/jszip.min.js' },
- { missing: typeof ejs === 'undefined', src: 'https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/npm/ejs@3.1.9/ejs.min.js' },
- { missing: typeof jEpub === 'undefined', src: 'https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/npm/jepub@2.1.4/dist/jepub.min.js' }
- ].filter(script => script.missing).map(src => new Promise((resolve, reject) => document.head.appendChild($$CrE({
- tagName: 'script',
- props: { src },
- listeners: [
- ['load', resolve],
- ['error', reject]
- ]
- })))));
- // Progress
- const progress = {
- __finished: true, // {boolean} All tasks finished
- __cur: 0, // {number} current task number
- __all: 0, // {number} all tasks count
- __listeners: {},
- __id: 0,
- start() {
- this.__finished = false;
- this.__cur = 0;
- this.__all = 0;
- Object.values(this.__listeners).forEach(l => l(this.__cur, this.__all, this.__finished));
- },
- finish() {
- this.__finished = true;
- Object.values(this.__listeners).forEach(l => l(this.__cur, this.__all, this.__finished));
- },
- update(cur, all=false) {
- this.__cur = cur;
- all !== false && (this.__all = all);
- Object.values(this.__listeners).forEach(l => l(cur, all, this.__finished));
- },
- listen(l) {
- const id = this.__id++;
- this.__listeners[id] = l;
- return id;
- },
- remove(id) {
- delete this.__listeners[id]
- },
- get finished() {
- return this.__finished;
- },
- get cur() {
- return this.__cur;
- },
- get all() {
- return this.__all;
- },
- get listeners() {
- return this.__listeners;
- }
- };
- // User Interface
- GM_registerMenuCommand(CONST.Text.DownloadEpub, downloadEpub);
- loadFuncs([{
- func: () => {
- detectDom({
- selector: 'main>section section',
- callback: section => {
- if (!testChecker({
- type: 'regpath',
- value: [
- /^\/novel\/show\.php$/,
- /^\/novel\/series\/\d+$/
- ]
- })) { return; }
- const toolbar = section;
- const dlDiv = makeDownloadButton();
- toolbar.appendChild(dlDiv);
- }
- });
- function makeDownloadButton() {
- const DOWNLOAD = '<svg class="epub-download-svg" viewBox="0 0 32 32" width="32" height="32">\n <mask id="mask">\n <rect x="0" y="0" width="32" height="32" fill="white"></rect>\n <path d="M21.358 6.7v6.39H27L16 25.7 5 13.09h5.642V6.7z"></path>\n </mask>\n <path d="M10.64 5.1c-1.104 0-2 .716-2 1.6v4.8H5c-.745 0-1.428.332-1.773.86s-.294 1.167.133 1.656l11 12.61c.374.43.987.685 1.64.685s1.266-.256 1.64-.685l11-12.61c.426-.49.477-1.127.133-1.656S27.745 11.5 27 11.5h-3.644V6.7c-.001-.883-.895-1.6-2-1.6z" mask="url(#mask)"></path>\n </svg>';
- const CANCEL = '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 384 512"><!--!Font Awesome Free 6.5.2 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free Copyright 2024 Fonticons, Inc.--><path d="M342.6 150.6c12.5-12.5 12.5-32.8 0-45.3s-32.8-12.5-45.3 0L192 210.7 86.6 105.4c-12.5-12.5-32.8-12.5-45.3 0s-12.5 32.8 0 45.3L146.7 256 41.4 361.4c-12.5 12.5-12.5 32.8 0 45.3s32.8 12.5 45.3 0L192 301.3 297.4 406.6c12.5 12.5 32.8 12.5 45.3 0s12.5-32.8 0-45.3L237.3 256 342.6 150.6z"/></svg>'
- const STYLE = '.epub-download { margin-right: 20px; line-height: 32px; font-weight: 700; cursor: pointer; padding: 0px; background: none; border: none; } .epub-download-button { display: inline-block; padding: 0; color: inherit; background: none; height: 32px; line-height: 32px; border: none; font-weight: 700; cursor: pointer; } .epub-download-svg { vertical-align: middle; overflow: visible !important; margin-right: 4px; width: 12px; font-size: 0; -webkit-transition: fill .2s; transition: fill .2s; fill: currentColor; } .epub-download-span { vertical-align: middle; }';
- addStyle(STYLE, 'novel-epub-download');
- const div = $$CrE({
- tagName: 'div',
- classes: 'epub-download',
- //listeners: [['click', e => download]]
- });
- const button = $$CrE({
- tagName: 'button',
- classes: 'epub-download-button',
- props: { innerHTML: DOWNLOAD }
- });
- const span = $$CrE({
- tagName: 'span',
- classes: 'epub-download-span',
- props: { innerText: CONST.Text.DownloadEpub_Short }
- });
- $AEL(div, 'click', download);
- button.appendChild(span);
- div.appendChild(button);
- return div;
- function download() {
- if (!progress.finished) { return; }
- const listernerID = progress.listen((cur, all, finished) => {
- if (finished) {
- span.innerText = CONST.Text.DownloadComplete;
- progress.remove(listernerID);
- } else {
- const text = replaceText(CONST.Text.DownloadEpub_Progress, { C: cur, A: all });
- span.innerText = text;
- }
- })
- downloadEpub();
- }
- }
- }
- }])
- function downloadEpub() {
- const pathname = location.pathname;
- // Novel series
- // https://www.pixiv.net/novel/series/9649276
- /^\/novel\/series\/\d+$/.test(pathname) && downloadSeries();
- // Novel
- // https://www.pixiv.net/novel/show.php?id=18673574
- /^\/novel\/show\.php$/.test(pathname) && downloadNovel();
- }
- async function downloadSeries() {
- DoLog('Start download series');
- progress.start();
- progress.update(1, 5);
- const id = location.pathname.split('/').pop();
- const epub = new jEpub();
- // Get series data
- const series = (await PixivAPI.series(id)).body;
- await initEpub(epub, series);
- // List all novels
- progress.update(2, 5);
- const promises = [];
- for (let index = 0; index < series.total; index += 30) {
- const promise = PixivAPI.series_content(id, 30, index);
- promises.push(promise);
- }
- const list = (await Promise.all(promises)).reduce((l, json) => ((l.push(...json.body.page.seriesContents), l)), []);
- DoLog(list);
- progress.update(3, 5);
- const novel_datas = await Promise.all(list.map(
- async novel => (
- novel.series.viewableType == 0 ? (
- (await PixivAPI.novel(novel.id)).body
- ) : {
- unviewable: CONST.Symbol.CHAPTER_NOT_VIEWABLE,
- series: novel.series
- }
- )
- ));
- DoLog(novel_datas);
- /* Now loading chapter and adding loaded chapter has been separated, use Promise.all to speed up the process
- // Add chapters one by one
- // Do not use promise.all, because that will break the order
- for (const data of novel_datas) {
- await addChapter(epub, data);
- }
- //await Promise.all(novel_datas.map(async data => await addChapter(epub, data)));
- */
- // Load all chapters asynchronously and Add them to epub at once
- progress.update(4, 5);
- const chapters = await Promise.all(novel_datas.map(data => loadChapter(epub, data)));
- chapters.forEach(chapter => addLoaded(epub, chapter));
- DoLog(chapters);
- DoLog('Saving Epub');
- progress.update(5, 5);
- saveEpub(epub, series.title + '.epub', () => progress.finish());
- }
- async function downloadNovel() {
- DoLog('Start download novel');
- progress.start();
- progress.update(1, 2);
- const id = getUrlArgv('id');
- const json = await PixivAPI.novel(id);
- const data = json.body;
- const epub = new jEpub();
- await Promise.all([initEpub(epub, data), addChapter(epub, data)]);
- progress.update(2, 2);
- saveEpub(epub, data.title + '.epub', () => progress.finish());
- }
- // Compatible with PixivAPI.novel / PixivAPI.series
- async function initEpub(epub, data) {
- const html_link = `<a href="${htmlEncode(location.href)}" title="${htmlEncode(data.extraData.meta.title)}">${htmlEncode(location.href)}</a>`;
- const html_desc = `<div content-role="source">Pixiv link: ${html_link}</div><div content-role="description">${data.description || data.caption || ''}</div>`;
- const html_note = `EPUB generated from: ${html_link}</br>By <a href="${htmlEncode(CONST.GFURL)}">${htmlEncode(GM_info.script.name)}</a> author <a href="${htmlEncode(CONST.GFAuthorURL)}">${htmlEncode(GM_info.script.author)}</a></br></br>Copyright belongs to the article author. Please comply with relevant legal requirements while reading and distributing this file.`;
- epub.init({
- i18n: 'en',
- title: data.title,
- author: data.userName,
- publisher: '',
- description: html_desc,
- tags: Array.isArray(data.tags) ? data.tags : data.tags.tags.map(tag => tag.tag)
- });
- epub.date(new Date(data.uploadDate || data.lastPublishedContentTimestamp));
- epub.notes(html_note);
- const coverUrl = data.coverUrl || data.cover.urls.original;
- const cover = await PixivAPI.safeGet(coverUrl, null, 'blob');
- epub.cover(cover);
- return epub;
- }
- // Load chapter assets and generate { title, content } (that ready to epub.add) which is called a 'chapter'
- async function loadChapter(epub, data) {
- if (data?.unviewable === CONST.Symbol.CHAPTER_NOT_VIEWABLE) {
- const texthint = replaceText(CONST.Text.RestrictInfo[CONST.Text.RestrictData[data.series.viewableType]], { '%(order)': data.series.contentOrder });
- return {
- title: texthint,
- content: `<p>${htmlEncode(CONST.Text.UnvieableContent).replace('\n', '<br>')}</p>`
- };
- }
- let content = data.content;
- // Load images
- const imagePromises = [];
- content = content.replace(/\[uploadedimage:([\d\-]+)\]/g, (match_str, id) => {
- const url = data.textEmbeddedImages[id].urls.original;
- const promise = PixivAPI.safeGet(url, null, 'blob').then(blob => epub.image(blob, id));//.catch(err => );
- imagePromises.push(promise);
- return `\n<%= image[${id}] %>\n`;
- });
- const illusts = Array.from(new Set( [...content.matchAll(/\[pixivimage:([\d\-]+)\]/g)] ));
- if (illusts.length) {
- const illustsJson = await PixivAPI.insert_illusts(data.id, illusts.map(match => match[1]));
- illusts.forEach(illust => {
- const id = illust[1];
- if (illustsJson.body[id].visible) {
- const url = illustsJson.body[id].illust.images.original;
- const promise = PixivAPI.safeGet(url, null, 'blob').then(blob => epub.image(blob, id));//.catch(err => );
- imagePromises.push(promise);
- content = content.replaceAll(illust[0], `\n<%= image[${escJsStr(id)}] %>\n`);
- }
- });
- }
- await Promise.all(imagePromises);
- // Parse '[[rb:久世彩葉 > くぜ いろは]]' // 10618179
- content = content.replace(/\[\[rb:([^\[\]]+) *> *([^\[\]]+)\]\]/g, (match_str, main, desc) => {
- return `<ruby>${htmlEncode(main)}<rp>(</rp><rt>${htmlEncode(desc)}</rt><rp>)</rp></ruby>`;
- });
- // Parse '[chapter:【プロローグ】]' // 21893883
- content = content.replace(/\[chapter: *([^\]]+)\]/g, (match_str, chapterName) => {
- return `<h2>${chapterName}</h2>`;
- });
- // Parse '[[jumpuri:捕虜の待遇に関する千九百四十九年八月十二日のジュネーヴ条約(第三条約)【日本国防衛省ホームページより】 > https://www.mod.go.jp/j/presiding/treaty/geneva/geneva3.html]]' // 19912145#12
- content = content.replace(/\[\[jumpuri:([^\[\]]+) *> *([^\[\]]+)\]\]/g, (match_str, text, url) => {
- return `<a href=${escJsStr(url)}>${htmlEncode(text)}</a>`;
- });
- // Parse '[jump:2]' // 22003928
- content = content.replace(/\[jump:(\d+)\]/g, (match_str, page) => {
- return `<a href=${escJsStr(`#ChapterPage-${page}`)}>Jump to page ${htmlEncode(page)}</a>`;
- });
- // Check undealed markers
- let markers = Array.from(content.matchAll(/\[+[^\[\]]+\]+/g));
- markers = markers.filter(match => {
- // remove dealed images
- const pattern = match.input.substring(match.index-9, match.index + match[0].length+3);
- const isImagePattern = pattern.startsWith('<%= image[') && pattern.endsWith('] %>');
- // remove [newpage]s
- const isNewpagePattern = match[0].includes('[newpage]'); // Why .include: for matches like '[xxx[[newpage]]]blabla]]'
- return !isImagePattern && !isNewpagePattern;
- });
- markers.length && DoLog(LogLevel.Warning, {
- message: 'Undealed markers found',
- chapter: data,
- markers
- });
- // Up to 4 connected newlines (3 empty lines between paragraphs) at once
- content = content.replaceAll(/\n{4,}/g, '\n'.repeat(4));
- // Parse '[newpage]' & Covert into html
- const pageCounter = (start => {
- let num = start;
- return () => start++;
- }) (1);
- content = content.split('[newpage]').map(subContent => {
- // Split content into pages and wrap each page's lines into <p>s
- return subContent.split('\n').map(line => line.trim() ? `<p>${line}</p>` : '<br>').join('\n');
- }).map(pageHTML => {
- const page = pageCounter();
- const page_id = `ChapterPage-${page}`;
- // Remove <br>s at beggining and ending of each page
- pageHTML = pageHTML.replaceAll(/^(<br>|\s)+/g, '').replaceAll(/(<br>|\s)+$/g, '');
- // Add page number to start and end of each page
- const pageNum = `<div class="ChapterBlockMarker">Page ${page}</div>`;
- pageHTML = `${pageNum}\n${pageHTML}\n${pageNum}`;
- // Wrap each page's html in <div id=pageID>
- return `<div id=${escJsStr(page_id)} class="ChapterContentBlock">\n${pageHTML}\n</div>`;
- }).join('\n');
- // Add description to chapter beginning
- let description = data.description;
- description = description
- .replace(/(<br \/>)+/g, '<br>').split('<br>')
- .filter(line => line.trim().length)
- .map(line => `<p>${line}</p>`)
- .join('\n');
- description = `<div id="ChapterDescription" class="ChapterContentBlock">${description}</div>\n`;
- content = description + content;
- // Add cover image to chapter beginning
- const cover = await PixivAPI.safeGet(data.coverUrl, null, 'blob');
- const coverId = `ChapterCover-${data.id}`;
- epub.image(cover, coverId);
- content = `\n<%= image[${escJsStr(coverId)}] %>\n` + content;
- // Add style
- content = '<style>.ChapterContentBlock { border-bottom: solid; padding: 1em 0; } .ChapterBlockMarker { font-size: 1em; text-align: right; }</style>' + content;
- return {
- title: data.title,
- content
- };
- }
- function addLoaded(epub, chapter) {
- epub.add(chapter.title, chapter.content);
- }
- async function addChapter(epub, data) {
- const chapter = await loadChapter(epub, data);
- addLoaded(epub, chapter);
- }
- async function saveEpub(epub, filename, callback=function() {}) {
- const blob = await epub.generate('blob');
- const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
- dl_browser(url, filename);
- setTimeout(() => {
- URL.revokeObjectURL(url);
- callback();
- });
- }
- function htmlEncode(text, encodes = '<>\'";&#') {
- return Array.from(text).map(char => !encodes || encodes.includes(char) ? `&#${char.charCodeAt(0)};` : char).join('');
- }
- // Pixiv's js hooked original EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener, using this function to bypass
- function $AEL(elm, ...args) {
- if (!$AEL.addEventListener) {
- const ifr = $$CrE({
- tagName: 'iframe',
- styles: {
- border: 'none',
- padding: 'none',
- width: '0',
- height: '0',
- 'z-index': '-9999999',
- },
- props: {
- 'srcdoc': '<html></html>'
- }
- });
- document.body.appendChild(ifr);
- $AEL.addEventListener = ifr.contentWindow.EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener;
- }
- return $AEL.addEventListener.apply(elm, args);
- }
- })();