// ==UserScript==
// @name MIDI Player Bot
// @namespace https://thealiendrew.github.io/
// @version 2.5.3
// @description Plays MIDI files!
// @author AlienDrew
// @license GPL-3.0-or-later
// @match *://multiplayerpiano.com/*
// @match *://mppclone.com/*
// @match *://mpp.terrium.net/*
// @match *://piano.ourworldofpixels.com/*
// @match *://multiplayerpiano.net/*
// @icon https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheAlienDrew/Tampermonkey-Scripts/master/Multiplayer%20Piano/MPP-MIDI-Player-Bot/favicon.png
// @grant GM_info
// @grant GM_getResourceText
// @grant GM_getResourceURL
// @resource MIDIPlayerJS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/grimmdude/MidiPlayerJS/master/browser/midiplayer.js
// @run-at document-end
// ==/UserScript==
/* Copyright (C) 2020 Andrew Larson ([email protected])
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/* globals MPP, MidiPlayer */
// =============================================== FILES
// midiplayer.js via https://github.com/grimmdude/MidiPlayerJS
// (but I should maybe switch to https://github.com/mudcube/MIDI.js OR https://github.com/Tonejs/Midi)
var stringMIDIPlayerJS = GM_getResourceText("MIDIPlayerJS");
var scriptMIDIPlayerJS = document.createElement("script");
scriptMIDIPlayerJS.type = 'text/javascript';
(document.body || document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(scriptMIDIPlayerJS);
// =============================================== CONSTANTS
// Script constants
const SCRIPT = GM_info.script;
const NAME = SCRIPT.name;
const NAMESPACE = SCRIPT.namespace;
const VERSION = SCRIPT.version;
const DESCRIPTION = SCRIPT.description;
const AUTHOR = SCRIPT.author;
const DOWNLOAD_URL = SCRIPT.downloadURL;
// Time constants (in milliseconds)
const TENTH_OF_SECOND = 100; // mainly for repeating loops
const CHAT_DELAY = 5 * TENTH_OF_SECOND; // needed since the chat is limited to 10 messages within less delay
const SLOW_CHAT_DELAY = 2 * SECOND // when you are not the owner, your chat quota is lowered
const REPEAT_DELAY = 2 * TENTH_OF_SECOND; // makes transitioning songs in repeat feel better
const SONG_NAME_TIMEOUT = 10 * SECOND; // if a file doesn't play, then forget about showing the song name it after this time
// URLs
const FEEDBACK_URL = "https://forms.gle/x4nqjynmRMEN2GSG7";
// Players listed by IDs (these are the _id strings)
const BANNED_PLAYERS = []; // empty for now
const LIMITED_PLAYERS = ["8c81505ab941e0760697d777"];
// Bot constants
const CHAT_MAX_CHARS = 512; // there is a limit of this amount of characters for each message sent (DON'T CHANGE)
const MPP_ROOM_SETTINGS_ID = "room-settings-btn"; // (DON'T CHANGE)
const MIDI_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT_BYTES = 5242880; // Maximum is roughly somewhere around 150 MB, but only black midi's get to that point
// Bot constant settings
const ALLOW_ALL_INTRUMENTS = false; // removes percussion instruments (turning this on makes a lot of MIDIs sound bad)
const BOT_SOLO_PLAY = true; // sets what play mode when the bot boots up on an owned room
// Bot custom constants
const PREFIX = "/";
const PREFIX_LENGTH = PREFIX.length;
const BOT_KEYWORD = "MIDI"; // this is used for auto enabling the public commands in a room that contains the keyword (character case doesn't matter)
const BOT_ACTIVATOR = BOT_KEYWORD.toLowerCase();
const BOT_USERNAME = NAME + " [" + PREFIX + "help]";
const BOT_NAMESPACE = '(' + NAMESPACE + ')';
const BOT_DESCRIPTION = DESCRIPTION + " Made with JS via Tampermonkey, and thanks to grimmdude for the MIDIPlayerJS library."
const BOT_AUTHOR = "Created by " + AUTHOR + '.';
["help (command)", "displays info about command, but no command entered shows the commands"],
["about", "get information about this bot"],
["link", "get the download link for this bot"],
["feedback", "shows link to send feedback about the bot to the developer"],
["ping", "gets the milliseconds response time"]
const BOT_COMMANDS = [
["play [MIDI URL]", "plays a specific song (URL must be a direct link to a MIDI file)"],
["stop", "stops all music from playing"],
["pause", "pauses the music at that moment in the song"],
["resume", "plays music right where pause left off"],
["song", "shows the current song playing and at what moment in time"],
["repeat", "toggles repeating current song on or off"],
["sustain", "toggles how sustain is controlled via either MIDI or by MPP"]
["loading", "toggles the MIDI loading progress audio, or text, on or off"],
[BOT_ACTIVATOR, "toggles the public bot commands on or off"]
const PRE_MSG = NAME + " (v" + VERSION + "): ";
const PRE_HELP = PRE_MSG + "[Help]";
const PRE_ABOUT = PRE_MSG + "[About]";
const PRE_LINK = PRE_MSG + "[Link]";
const PRE_FEEDBACK = PRE_MSG + "[Feedback]";
const PRE_PING = PRE_MSG + "[Ping]";
const PRE_PLAY = PRE_MSG + "[Play]";
const PRE_STOP = PRE_MSG + "[Stop]";
const PRE_PAUSE = PRE_MSG + "[Pause]";
const PRE_RESUME = PRE_MSG + "[Resume]";
const PRE_SONG = PRE_MSG + "[Song]";
const PRE_REPEAT = PRE_MSG + "[Repeat]";
const PRE_SUSTAIN = PRE_MSG + "[Sustain]";
const PRE_DOWNLOADING = PRE_MSG + "[Downloading]";
const PRE_LOAD_MUSIC = PRE_MSG + "[Load Music]";
const PRE_PUBLIC = PRE_MSG + "[Public]";
const PRE_LIMITED = PRE_MSG + "Limited!";
const PRE_ERROR = PRE_MSG + "Error!";
const WHERE_TO_FIND_MIDIS = "You can find some good MIDIs to upload from https://bitmidi.com/ and https://midiworld.com/, or you can use your own MIDI files via Google Drive/Dropbox/etc. with a direct download link";
const NOT_OWNER = "The bot isn't the owner of the room";
const NO_SONG = "Not currently playing anything";
const LIST_BULLET = "• ";
const CONSOLE_IMPORTANT_STYLE = "background-color: red; color: white; font-weight: bold";
// Element constants
const CSS_VARIABLE_X_DISPLACEMENT = "--xDisplacement";
const PRE_ELEMENT_ID = "aliendrew-midi-player-bot";
// buttons have some constant styles/classes
const ELEM_ON = "display:block;";
const ELEM_OFF = "display:none;";
const ELEM_POS = "position:absolute;";
const BTN_PAD_LEFT = 8; // pixels
const BTN_PAD_TOP = 4; // pixels
const BTN_WIDTH = 112; // pixels
const BTN_HEIGHT = 24; // pixels
const BTNS_START_X = 300; //pixels
const BTNS_END_X = BTNS_START_X + 4 * BTN_SPACER_X; //pixels
const BTNS_TOP_0 = BTN_PAD_TOP; //pixels
const BTNS_TOP_1 = BTN_PAD_TOP + BTN_SPACER_Y; //pixels
// Gets the correct note from MIDIPlayer to play on MPP
const MIDIPlayerToMPPNote = {
"A0": "a-1",
"Bb0": "as-1",
"B0": "b-1",
"C1": "c0",
"Db1": "cs0",
"D1": "d0",
"Eb1": "ds0",
"E1": "e0",
"F1": "f0",
"Gb1": "fs0",
"G1": "g0",
"Ab1": "gs0",
"A1": "a0",
"Bb1": "as0",
"B1": "b0",
"C2": "c1",
"Db2": "cs1",
"D2": "d1",
"Eb2": "ds1",
"E2": "e1",
"F2": "f1",
"Gb2": "fs1",
"G2": "g1",
"Ab2": "gs1",
"A2": "a1",
"Bb2": "as1",
"B2": "b1",
"C3": "c2",
"Db3": "cs2",
"D3": "d2",
"Eb3": "ds2",
"E3": "e2",
"F3": "f2",
"Gb3": "fs2",
"G3": "g2",
"Ab3": "gs2",
"A3": "a2",
"Bb3": "as2",
"B3": "b2",
"C4": "c3",
"Db4": "cs3",
"D4": "d3",
"Eb4": "ds3",
"E4": "e3",
"F4": "f3",
"Gb4": "fs3",
"G4": "g3",
"Ab4": "gs3",
"A4": "a3",
"Bb4": "as3",
"B4": "b3",
"C5": "c4",
"Db5": "cs4",
"D5": "d4",
"Eb5": "ds4",
"E5": "e4",
"F5": "f4",
"Gb5": "fs4",
"G5": "g4",
"Ab5": "gs4",
"A5": "a4",
"Bb5": "as4",
"B5": "b4",
"C6": "c5",
"Db6": "cs5",
"D6": "d5",
"Eb6": "ds5",
"E6": "e5",
"F6": "f5",
"Gb6": "fs5",
"G6": "g5",
"Ab6": "gs5",
"A6": "a5",
"Bb6": "as5",
"B6": "b5",
"C7": "c6",
"Db7": "cs6",
"D7": "d6",
"Eb7": "ds6",
"E7": "e6",
"F7": "f6",
"Gb7": "fs6",
"G7": "g6",
"Ab7": "gs6",
"A7": "a6",
"Bb7": "as6",
"B7": "b6",
"C8": "c7"
// =============================================== VARIABLES
var publicOption = false; // turn off the public bot commands if needed
var pinging = false; // helps aid in getting response time
var pingTime = 0; // changes after each ping
var currentRoom = null; // updates when it connects to room
var chatDelay = CHAT_DELAY; // for how long to wait until posting another message
var endDelay; // used in multiline chats send commands
var loadingOption = false; // controls if loading music should be on or not
var loadingProgress = 0; // updates when loading files
var loadingMusicLoop = null; // this is to play notes while a song is (down)loading
var loadingMusicPrematureStop = false; // this is used when we need to stop the music after errors
var ended = true;
var stopped = false;
var paused = false;
var uploadButton = null; // this gets an element after it's loaded
var currentSongElapsedFormatted = "00:00"; // changes with the amount of song being played
var currentSongDurationFormatted = "00:00"; // gets updated when currentSongDuration is updated
var currentSongDuration = 0; // this changes after each song is loaded
var currentSongData = null; // this contains the song as a data URI
var currentFileLocation = null; // this leads to the MIDI location (local or by URL)
var currentSongName = null; // extracted from the file name/end of URL
var previousSongData = null; // grabs current when changing successfully
var previousSongName = null; // grabs current when changing successfully
var repeatOption = false; // allows for repeat of one song
var sustainOption = true; // makes notes end according to the midi file
var mppRoomSettingsBtn = null; // tracks "Room Settings" element
var xDisplacement = ""; // tracks xDisplacement value from CSS variables
// =============================================== PAGE VISIBILITY
var pageVisible = true;
document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', function () {
if (document.hidden) {
pageVisible = false;
} else {
pageVisible = true;
// =============================================== OBJECTS
// The MIDIPlayer
var Player = new MidiPlayer.Player(function(event) {
if (MPP.client.preventsPlaying()) {
if (Player.isPlaying()) pause();
var currentEvent = event.name;
if (!exists(currentEvent) || currentEvent == "") return;
if (currentEvent.indexOf("Note") == 0 && (ALLOW_ALL_INTRUMENTS || event.channel != PERCUSSION_CHANNEL)) {
var currentNote = (exists(event.noteName) ? MIDIPlayerToMPPNote[event.noteName] : null);
if (currentEvent == "Note on" && event.velocity > 0) { // start note
MPP.press(currentNote, (event.velocity/100));
if (!sustainOption) MPP.release(currentNote);
} else if (sustainOption && (currentEvent == "Note off" || event.velocity == 0)) MPP.release(currentNote); // end note
if (!ended && !Player.isPlaying()) {
ended = true;
paused = false;
if (!repeatOption) {
currentSongData = null;
currentSongName = null;
} else {
var timeRemaining = Player.getSongTimeRemaining();
var timeElapsed = currentSongDuration - (timeRemaining > 0 ? timeRemaining : 0);
// BELOW TEMP: helps mitigate duration calculation issue, but still not fully fixed, see https://github.com/grimmdude/MidiPlayerJS/issues/64
currentSongDuration = Player.getSongTime();
currentSongDurationFormatted = timeClearZeros(secondsToHms(currentSongDuration));
currentSongElapsedFormatted = timeSizeFormat(secondsToHms(timeElapsed), currentSongDurationFormatted);
// see https://github.com/grimmdude/MidiPlayerJS/issues/25
Player.sampleRate = 0; // this allows sequential notes that are supposed to play at the same time, do so when using fast MIDIs (e.g. some black MIDIs)
// =============================================== FUNCTIONS
// CORS Anywhere (allows downloading files where JS can't)
var useCorsUrl = function(url) {
var newUrl = null; // send null back if it's already a cors url
var cors_api_url = 'https://cors-proxy.htmldriven.com/?url=';
// prevents cors-anywhere-ifing a cors-anywhere link
if (url.indexOf(cors_api_url) == -1) newUrl = cors_api_url + url;
return newUrl;
// Get visual loading progress, just enter the current progressing number (usually time elapsed in seconds)
var getProgress = function(intProgress) {
var progress = intProgress % 20;
switch(progress) {
case 0: return " █░░░░░░░░░░"; break;
case 1: case 19: return " ░█░░░░░░░░░"; break;
case 2: case 18: return " ░░█░░░░░░░░"; break;
case 3: case 17: return " ░░░█░░░░░░░"; break;
case 4: case 16: return " ░░░░█░░░░░░"; break;
case 5: case 15: return " ░░░░░█░░░░░"; break;
case 6: case 14: return " ░░░░░░█░░░░"; break;
case 7: case 13: return " ░░░░░░░█░░░"; break;
case 8: case 12: return " ░░░░░░░░█░░"; break;
case 9: case 11: return " ░░░░░░░░░█░"; break;
case 10: return " ░░░░░░░░░░█"; break;
// Checks if loading music should play
var preventsLoadingMusic = function() {
return !loadingMusicPrematureStop && !Player.isPlaying() && !MPP.client.preventsPlaying();
// This is used when loading a song in the midi player, if it's been turned on
var humanMusic = function() {
setTimeout(function() {
if (preventsLoadingMusic()) MPP.press("c5", 1);
if (preventsLoadingMusic()) MPP.release("c5");
}, 200);
setTimeout(function() {
if (preventsLoadingMusic()) MPP.press("d5", 1);
if (preventsLoadingMusic()) MPP.release("d5");
}, 700);
setTimeout(function() {
if (preventsLoadingMusic()) MPP.press("c5", 1);
if (preventsLoadingMusic()) MPP.release("c5");
loadingMusicPrematureStop = false;
}, 1200);
// Starts the loading music
var startLoadingMusic = function() {
if (loadingMusicLoop == null) {
loadingMusicLoop = setInterval(function() {
}, 2200);
// Stops the loading music
var stopLoadingMusic = function() {
if (loadingMusicLoop != null) {
loadingMusicPrematureStop = true;
loadingMusicLoop = null;
// Check to make sure variable is initialized with something
var exists = function(element) {
if (typeof(element) != "undefined" && element != null) return true;
return false;
// Format time to HH:MM:SS from seconds
var secondsToHms = function(d) {
d = Number(d);
var h, m, s;
var hDisplay = "00";
var mDisplay = hDisplay;
var sDisplay = hDisplay;
if (d != null && d > 0) {
h = Math.floor(d / 3600);
m = Math.floor((d % 3600) / 60);
s = Math.floor((d % 3600) % 60);
hDisplay = (h < 10 ? "0" : "") + h;
mDisplay = (m < 10 ? "0" : "") + m;
sDisplay = (s < 10 ? "0" : "") + s;
return hDisplay + ':' + mDisplay + ':' + sDisplay;
// Takes formatted time and removed preceeding zeros (only before minutes)
var timeClearZeros = function(formattedHms) {
var newTime = formattedHms;
while (newTime.length > 5 && newTime.indexOf("00:") == 0) {
newTime = newTime.substring(3);
return newTime;
// Resizes a formatted HH:MM:SS time to the second formatted time
var timeSizeFormat = function(timeCurrent, timeEnd) {
var newTimeFormat = timeCurrent;
var timeCurrentLength = timeCurrent.length;
var timeEndLength = timeEnd.length;
// lose or add 00's
if (timeCurrentLength > timeEndLength) newTimeFormat = timeCurrent.substring(timeCurrentLength - timeEndLength);
while (newTimeFormat.length < timeEndLength) {
newTimeFormat = "00:" + newTimeFormat;
return newTimeFormat;
// Generate a random number
var randomNumber = function(min, max) {
min = Math.ceil(min);
max = Math.floor(max);
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
// Puts quotes around string
var quoteString = function(string) {
var newString = string;
if (exists(string) && string != "") newString = '"' + string + '"';
return newString
// Gets file as a blob (data URI)
var urlToBlob = function(url, callback) {
// show file download progress
var downloading = null;
mppChatSend(PRE_DOWNLOADING + ' ' + url);
if (loadingOption) startLoadingMusic();
else {
var progress = 0;
downloading = setInterval(function() {
mppChatSend(PRE_DOWNLOADING + getProgress(progress));
}, chatDelay);
fetch(url, {
headers: {
"Content-Disposition": "attachment" // this might not be doing anything
}).then(response => {
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error("Network response was not ok");
return response.blob();
}).then(blob => {
}).catch(error => {
console.error("Normal fetch couldn't get the file:", error);
var corsUrl = useCorsUrl(url);
if (corsUrl != null) {
if (loadingOption) startLoadingMusic();
fetch(corsUrl, {
headers: {
"Content-Disposition": "attachment" // this might not be doing anything
}).then(response => {
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error("Network response was not ok");
return response.blob();
}).then(blob => {
}).catch(error => {
console.error("CORS Anywhere API fetch couldn't get the file:", error);
// callback(null); // disabled since the second fetch already should call the call back
// Converts files/blobs to base64 (data URI)
var fileOrBlobToBase64 = function(raw, callback) {
if (raw == null) {
// continue if we have a blob
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = function() {
var base64data = reader.result;
// Validates file or blob is a MIDI
var isMidi = function(raw) {
if (exists(raw)) {
var mimetype = raw.type;
// acceptable mimetypes for midi files
switch(mimetype) {
case "@file/mid": case "@file/midi":
case "application/mid": case "application/midi":
case "application/x-mid": case "application/x-midi":
case "audio/mid": case "audio/midi":
case "audio/x-mid": case "audio/x-midi":
case "music/crescendo":
case "x-music/mid": case "x-music/midi":
case "x-music/x-mid": case "x-music/x-midi": return true; break;
return false;
// Validates file or blob is application/octet-stream ... when using CORS
var isOctetStream = function(raw) {
if (exists(raw) && raw.type == "application/octet-stream") return true;
else return false;
// Makes all commands into one string
var formattedCommands = function(commandsArray, prefix, spacing) { // needs to be 2D array with commands before descriptions
if (!exists(prefix)) prefix = '';
var commands = '';
var i;
for(i = 0; i < commandsArray.length; ++i) {
commands += (spacing ? ' ' : '') + prefix + commandsArray[i][0];
return commands;
// Gets 1 command and info about it into a string
var formatCommandInfo = function(commandsArray, commandIndex) {
return LIST_BULLET + PREFIX + commandsArray[commandIndex][0] + DESCRIPTION_SEPARATOR + commandsArray[commandIndex][1];
// Send messages without worrying about timing
var mppChatSend = function(str, delay) {
setTimeout(function(){MPP.chat.send(str)}, (exists(delay) ? delay : 0));
// Send multiline chats, and return final delay to make things easier for timings
var mppChatMultiSend = function(strArray, optionalPrefix, initialDelay) {
if (!exists(optionalPrefix)) optionalPrefix = '';
var newDelay = 0;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < strArray.length; ++i) {
var currentString = strArray[i];
if (currentString != "") {
mppChatSend(optionalPrefix + strArray[i], chatDelay * newDelay);
return chatDelay * newDelay;
// Stops the current song if any are playing
var stopSong = function() {
stopped = true;
if (!ended) {
currentSongElapsedFormatted = timeSizeFormat(secondsToHms(0), currentSongDurationFormatted);
ended = true;
if (paused) paused = false;
// Gets song from data URI and plays it
var playSong = function(songFileName, songData) {
// stop any current songs from playing
// play song if it loaded correctly
try {
// load song
// play song
ended = false;
stopped = false;
var timeoutRecorder = 0;
var showSongName = setInterval(function() {
if (Player.isPlaying()) {
// changes song
//var hasExtension = songFileName.lastIndexOf('.');
previousSongData = currentSongData;
previousSongName = currentSongName;
currentSongData = songData;
currentSongName = /*(hasExtension > 0) ? songFileName.substring(0, hasExtension) :*/ songFileName;
currentSongElapsedFormatted = timeSizeFormat(secondsToHms(0), currentSongDurationFormatted);
currentSongDuration = Player.getSongTime();
currentSongDurationFormatted = timeClearZeros(secondsToHms(currentSongDuration));
mppChatSend(PRE_PLAY + ' ' + getSongTimesFormatted(currentSongElapsedFormatted, currentSongDurationFormatted) + " Now playing " + quoteString(currentSongName));
} else if (timeoutRecorder == SONG_NAME_TIMEOUT) {
} else timeoutRecorder++;
}, 1);
} catch(error) {
// reload the previous working file if there is one
if (previousSongData != null) Player.loadDataUri(previousSongData);
mppChatSend(PRE_ERROR + " (play) " + error);
// Plays the song from a URL if it's a MIDI
var playURL = function(songUrl, songData) {
currentFileLocation = songUrl;
var songFileName = decodeURIComponent(currentFileLocation.substring(currentFileLocation.lastIndexOf('/') + 1));
playSong(songFileName, songData);
// Plays the song from an uploaded file if it's a MIDI
var playFile = function(songFile) {
var songFileName = null;
var error = PRE_ERROR + " (play)";
// load in the file
if (exists(songFile)) {
// check and limit file size, mainly to prevent browser tab crashing (not enough RAM to load) and deter black midi
songFileName = songFile.name.split(/(\\|\/)/g).pop();
if (songFile.size <= MIDI_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT_BYTES) {
if (isMidi(songFile)) {
fileOrBlobToBase64(songFile, function(base64data) {
// play song only if we got data
if (exists(base64data)) {
currentFileLocation = songFile.name;
playSong(songFileName, base64data);
uploadButton.value = ""; // reset file input
} else mppChatSend(error + " Unexpected result, MIDI file couldn't load");
} else mppChatSend(error + " The file choosen, \"" + songFileName + "\", is either corrupted, or it's not really a MIDI file");
} else mppChatSend(error + " The file choosen, \"" + songFileName + "\", is too big (larger than " + MIDI_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT_BYTES + " bytes), please choose a file with a smaller size");
} else mppChatSend(error + " MIDI file not found");
// Creates the play, pause, resume, and stop button for the bot
var createButtons = function() {
// need the bottom area to append buttons to
var buttonContainer = document.querySelector("#bottom div");
// we need to keep track of the next button locations
var nextLocationX = BTNS_END_X;
// need to initialize CSS_VARIABLE_X_DISPLACEMENT
document.documentElement.style.setProperty(CSS_VARIABLE_X_DISPLACEMENT, "0px");
// play needs the div like all the other buttons
var playDiv = document.createElement("div");
playDiv.id = PRE_ELEMENT_ID + "-play";
playDiv.style = BTN_STYLE + "top:" + BTNS_TOP_0 + "px;left:calc(" + nextLocationX + "px + var(" + CSS_VARIABLE_X_DISPLACEMENT + "));";
// since we need upload files, there also needs to be an input element inside the play div
var uploadBtn = document.createElement("input");
var uploadBtnId = PRE_ELEMENT_ID + "-upload";
uploadBtn.id = uploadBtnId;
uploadBtn.style = "opacity:0;filter:alpha(opacity=0);position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:110px;height:22px;border-radius:3px;-webkit-border-radius:3px;-moz-border-radius:3px;";
uploadBtn.title = " "; // removes the "No file choosen" tooltip
uploadBtn.type = "file";
uploadBtn.accept = ".mid,.midi";
uploadBtn.onchange = function() {
if (!MPP.client.preventsPlaying() && uploadBtn.files.length > 0) playFile(uploadBtn.files[0]);
else console.log("No MIDI file selected");
// fix cursor on upload file button
var head = document.getElementsByTagName('HEAD')[0];
var uploadFileBtnFix = this.document.createElement('link');
uploadFileBtnFix.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet');
uploadFileBtnFix.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
uploadFileBtnFix.setAttribute('href', 'data:text/css;charset=UTF-8,' + encodeURIComponent('#' + uploadBtnId + ", #" + uploadBtnId + "::-webkit-file-upload-button {cursor:pointer}"));
// continue with other html for play button
var playTxt = document.createTextNode("Play");
// then we need to let the rest of the script know it so it can reset it after loading files
uploadButton = uploadBtn;
// other buttons can work fine without major adjustments
nextLocationX += BTN_SPACER_X;
var stopDiv = document.createElement("div");
stopDiv.id = PRE_ELEMENT_ID + "-stop";
stopDiv.style = BTN_STYLE + "top:" + BTNS_TOP_0 + "px;left:calc(" + nextLocationX + "px + var(" + CSS_VARIABLE_X_DISPLACEMENT + "));";
stopDiv.onclick = function() {
if (!MPP.client.preventsPlaying()) stop();
var stopTxt = document.createTextNode("Stop");
nextLocationX += BTN_SPACER_X;
var repeatDiv = document.createElement("div");
repeatDiv.id = PRE_ELEMENT_ID + "-repeat";
repeatDiv.style = BTN_STYLE + "top:" + BTNS_TOP_0 + "px;left:calc(" + nextLocationX + "px + var(" + CSS_VARIABLE_X_DISPLACEMENT + "));";
repeatDiv.onclick = function() {
if (!MPP.client.preventsPlaying()) repeat();
var repeatTxt = document.createTextNode("Repeat");
nextLocationX += BTN_SPACER_X;
var songDiv = document.createElement("div");
songDiv.id = PRE_ELEMENT_ID + "-song";
songDiv.style = BTN_STYLE + "top:" + BTNS_TOP_0 + "px;left:calc(" + nextLocationX + "px + var(" + CSS_VARIABLE_X_DISPLACEMENT + "));";
songDiv.onclick = function() {
if (!MPP.client.preventsPlaying()) song();
var songTxt = document.createTextNode("Song");
nextLocationX = BTNS_END_X;
var pauseDiv = document.createElement("div");
pauseDiv.id = PRE_ELEMENT_ID + "-pause";
pauseDiv.style = BTN_STYLE + "top:" + BTNS_TOP_1 + "px;left:calc(" + nextLocationX + "px + var(" + CSS_VARIABLE_X_DISPLACEMENT + "));";
pauseDiv.onclick = function() {
if (!MPP.client.preventsPlaying()) pause();
var pauseTxt = document.createTextNode("Pause");
nextLocationX += BTN_SPACER_X;
var resumeDiv = document.createElement("div");
resumeDiv.id = PRE_ELEMENT_ID + "-resume";
resumeDiv.style = BTN_STYLE + "top:" + BTNS_TOP_1 + "px;left:calc(" + nextLocationX + "px + var(" + CSS_VARIABLE_X_DISPLACEMENT + "));";
resumeDiv.onclick = function() {
if (!MPP.client.preventsPlaying()) resume();
var resumeTxt = document.createTextNode("Resume");
nextLocationX += BTN_SPACER_X;
var sustainDiv = document.createElement("div");
sustainDiv.id = PRE_ELEMENT_ID + "-sustain";
sustainDiv.style = BTN_STYLE + "top:" + BTNS_TOP_1 + "px;left:calc(" + nextLocationX + "px + var(" + CSS_VARIABLE_X_DISPLACEMENT + "));";
sustainDiv.onclick = function() {
if (!MPP.client.preventsPlaying()) sustain();
var sustainTxt = document.createTextNode("Sustain");
nextLocationX += BTN_SPACER_X;
var publicDiv = document.createElement("div");
publicDiv.id = PRE_ELEMENT_ID + '-' + BOT_ACTIVATOR;
publicDiv.style = BTN_STYLE + "top:" + BTNS_TOP_1 + "px;left:calc(" + nextLocationX + "px + var(" + CSS_VARIABLE_X_DISPLACEMENT + "));";
publicDiv.onclick = function() { public(true, true) }
var publicTxt = document.createTextNode("Public");
// one more button to toggle the visibility of the other buttons
nextLocationX = BTNS_END_X - BTN_SPACER_X;
var buttonsOn = false;
var togglerDiv = document.createElement("div");
togglerDiv.id = PRE_ELEMENT_ID + "-toggler";
togglerDiv.style = ELEM_POS + ELEM_ON + "top:" + BTNS_TOP_0 + "px;left:calc(" + nextLocationX + "px + var(" + CSS_VARIABLE_X_DISPLACEMENT + "));"; // normally BTNS_TOP_1, but had to be changed to work with mppclone
togglerDiv.onclick = function() {
if (buttonsOn) { // if on, then turn off, else turn on
playDiv.style.display =
stopDiv.style.display =
repeatDiv.style.display =
songDiv.style.display =
pauseDiv.style.display =
resumeDiv.style.display =
sustainDiv.style.display =
publicDiv.style.display = "none";
buttonsOn = false;
} else {
playDiv.style.display =
stopDiv.style.display =
repeatDiv.style.display =
songDiv.style.display =
pauseDiv.style.display =
resumeDiv.style.display =
sustainDiv.style.display =
publicDiv.style.display = "block";
buttonsOn = true;
var togglerTxt = document.createTextNode(NAME);
// Sends back the current time in the song against total time
var getSongTimesFormatted = function(elapsed, duration) {
return '[' + elapsed + " / " + duration + ']';
// Shows limited message for user
var playerLimited = function(username) {
// displays message with their name about being limited
mppChatSend(PRE_LIMITED + " You must of done something to earn this " + quoteString(username) + " as you are no longer allowed to use the bot");
// When there is an incorrect command, show this error
var cmdNotFound = function(cmd) {
var error = PRE_ERROR + " Invalid command, " + quoteString(cmd) + " doesn't exist";
if (publicOption) mppChatSend(error);
else console.log(error);
// Commands
var help = function(command, userId, yourId) {
var isOwner = MPP.client.isOwner();
if (!exists(command) || command == "") {
var publicCommands = formattedCommands(BOT_COMMANDS, LIST_BULLET + PREFIX, true);
mppChatSend(PRE_HELP + " Commands: " + formattedCommands(BASE_COMMANDS, LIST_BULLET + PREFIX, true)
+ (publicOption ? ' ' + publicCommands : '')
+ (userId == yourId ? " | Bot Owner Commands: " + (publicOption ? '' : publicCommands + ' ') + formattedCommands(BOT_OWNER_COMMANDS, LIST_BULLET + PREFIX, true) : ''));
} else {
var valid = null;
var commandIndex = null;
var commandArray = null;
command = command.toLowerCase();
// check commands arrays
var i;
for(i = 0; i < BASE_COMMANDS.length; i++) {
if (BASE_COMMANDS[i][0].indexOf(command) == 0) {
valid = command;
commandArray = BASE_COMMANDS;
commandIndex = i;
var j;
for(j = 0; j < BOT_COMMANDS.length; j++) {
if (BOT_COMMANDS[j][0].indexOf(command) == 0) {
valid = command;
commandArray = BOT_COMMANDS;
commandIndex = j;
var k;
for(k = 0; k < BOT_OWNER_COMMANDS.length; k++) {
if (BOT_OWNER_COMMANDS[k][0].indexOf(command) == 0) {
valid = command;
commandArray = BOT_OWNER_COMMANDS;
commandIndex = k;
// display info on command if it exists
if (exists(valid)) mppChatSend(PRE_HELP + ' ' + formatCommandInfo(commandArray, commandIndex),);
else cmdNotFound(command);
var about = function() {
var link = function() {
mppChatSend(PRE_LINK + " You can download this bot from " + DOWNLOAD_URL);
var feedback = function() {
mppChatSend(PRE_FEEDBACK + " Please go to " + FEEDBACK_URL + " in order to submit feedback.");
var ping = function() {
// get a response back in milliseconds
pinging = true;
pingTime = Date.now();
setTimeout(function() {
if (pinging) mppChatSend("Pong! [within 1 second]");
pinging = false;
var play = function(url) {
var error = PRE_ERROR + " (play)";
// URL needs to be entered to play a song
if (!exists(url) || url == "") {
mppChatSend(error + " No MIDI url entered... " + WHERE_TO_FIND_MIDIS);
} else {
// downloads file if possible and then plays it if it's a MIDI
urlToBlob(url, function(blob) {
if (blob == null) mppChatSend(error + " Invalid URL, this is not a MIDI file, or the file requires a manual download from " + quoteString(' ' + url + ' ') + "... " + WHERE_TO_FIND_MIDIS);
else if (isMidi(blob) || isOctetStream(blob)) {
// check and limit file size, mainly to prevent browser tab crashing (not enough RAM to load) and deter black midi
if (blob.size <= MIDI_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT_BYTES) {
fileOrBlobToBase64(blob, function(base64data) {
// play song only if we got data
if (exists(base64data)) {
if (isOctetStream(blob)) { // when download with CORS, need to replace mimetype, but it doesn't guarantee it's a MIDI file
base64data = base64data.replace("application/octet-stream", "audio/midi");
playURL(url, base64data);
} else mppChatSend(error + " Unexpected result, MIDI file couldn't load... " + WHERE_TO_FIND_MIDIS);
} else mppChatSend(error + " The file choosen, \"" + decodeURIComponent(url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)) + "\", is too big (larger than " + MIDI_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT_BYTES + " bytes), please choose a file with a smaller size");
} else mppChatSend(error + " Invalid URL, this is not a MIDI file... " + WHERE_TO_FIND_MIDIS);
var stop = function() {
// stops the current song
if (ended) mppChatSend(PRE_STOP + ' ' + NO_SONG);
else {
paused = false;
mppChatSend(PRE_STOP + " Stopped playing " + quoteString(currentSongName));
currentFileLocation = currentSongName = null;
var pause = function() {
// pauses the current song
if (ended) mppChatSend(PRE_PAUSE + ' ' + NO_SONG);
else {
var title = PRE_PAUSE + ' ' + getSongTimesFormatted(currentSongElapsedFormatted, currentSongDurationFormatted);
if (paused) mppChatSend(title + " The song is already paused");
else {
paused = true;
mppChatSend(title + " Paused " + quoteString(currentSongName));
var resume = function() {
// resumes the current song
if (ended) mppChatSend(PRE_RESUME + ' ' + NO_SONG);
else {
var title = PRE_RESUME + ' ' + getSongTimesFormatted(currentSongElapsedFormatted, currentSongDurationFormatted);
if (paused) {
paused = false;
mppChatSend(title + " Resumed " + quoteString(currentSongName));
} else mppChatSend(title + " The song is already playing");
var song = function() {
// shows current song playing
if (exists(currentSongName) && currentSongName != "") {
mppChatSend(PRE_SONG + ' ' + getSongTimesFormatted(currentSongElapsedFormatted, currentSongDurationFormatted)
+ " Currently " + (paused ? "paused on" : "playing") + ' ' + quoteString(currentSongName));
} else mppChatSend(PRE_SONG + ' ' + NO_SONG);
var repeat = function() {
// turns on or off repeat
repeatOption = !repeatOption;
mppChatSend(PRE_REPEAT + " Repeat set to " + (repeatOption ? "" : "not") + " repeating");
var sustain = function() {
// turns on or off sustain
sustainOption = !sustainOption;
mppChatSend(PRE_SUSTAIN + " Sustain set to " + (sustainOption ? "MIDI controlled" : "MPP controlled"));
var loading = function(userId, yourId) {
// only let the bot owner set if loading music should be on or not
if (userId != yourId) return;
loadingOption = !loadingOption;
mppChatSend(PRE_LOAD_MUSIC + " The MIDI loading progress is now set to " + (loadingOption ? "audio" : "text"));
var public = function(userId, yourId) {
// only let the bot owner set if public bot commands should be on or not
if (userId != yourId) return;
publicOption = !publicOption;
mppChatSend(PRE_PUBLIC + " Public bot commands were turned " + (publicOption ? "on" : "off"));
// =============================================== MAIN
Player.on('fileLoaded', function() {
// Do something when file is loaded
MPP.client.on('a', function (msg) {
// if user switches to VPN, these need to update
var yourParticipant = MPP.client.getOwnParticipant();
var yourId = yourParticipant._id;
var yourUsername = yourParticipant.name;
// get the message as string
var input = msg.a.trim();
var participant = msg.p;
var username = participant.name;
var userId = participant._id;
// check if ping
if (userId == yourId && pinging && input == PRE_PING) {
pinging = false;
pingTime = Date.now() - pingTime;
mppChatSend("Pong! [" + pingTime + "ms]", 0 );
// make sure the start of the input matches prefix
if (input.startsWith(PREFIX)) {
// don't allow banned or limited users to use the bot
var bannedPlayers = BANNED_PLAYERS.length;
if (bannedPlayers > 0) {
var i;
for(i = 0; i < BANNED_PLAYERS.length; ++i) {
if (BANNED_PLAYERS[i] == userId) {
var limitedPlayers = LIMITED_PLAYERS.length;
if (limitedPlayers > 0) {
var j;
for(j = 0; j < LIMITED_PLAYERS.length; ++j) {
if (LIMITED_PLAYERS[j] == userId) {
// evaluate input into command and possible arguments
var message = input.substring(PREFIX_LENGTH).trim();
var hasArgs = message.indexOf(' ');
var command = (hasArgs != -1) ? message.substring(0, hasArgs) : message;
var argumentsString = (hasArgs != -1) ? message.substring(hasArgs + 1).trim() : null;
// look through commands
var isBotOwner = userId == yourId;
var preventsPlaying = MPP.client.preventsPlaying();
switch (command.toLowerCase()) {
case "help": case "h": if ((isBotOwner || publicOption) && !preventsPlaying) help(argumentsString, userId, yourId); break;
case "about": case "ab": if ((isBotOwner || publicOption) && !preventsPlaying) about(); break;
case "link": case "li": if ((isBotOwner || publicOption) && !preventsPlaying) link(); break;
case "feedback": case "fb": if (isBotOwner || publicOption) feedback(); break;
case "ping": case "pi": if (isBotOwner || publicOption) ping(); break;
case "play": case "p": if ((isBotOwner || publicOption) && !preventsPlaying) play(argumentsString); break;
case "stop": case "s": if ((isBotOwner || publicOption) && !preventsPlaying) stop(); break;
case "pause": case "pa": if ((isBotOwner || publicOption) && !preventsPlaying) pause(); break;
case "resume": case "r": if ((isBotOwner || publicOption) && !preventsPlaying) resume(); break;
case "song": case "so": if ((isBotOwner || publicOption) && !preventsPlaying) song(); break;
case "repeat": case "re": if ((isBotOwner || publicOption) && !preventsPlaying) repeat(); break;
case "sustain": case "ss": if ((isBotOwner || publicOption) && !preventsPlaying) sustain(); break;
case "loading": case "lo": loading(userId, yourId); break;
case BOT_ACTIVATOR: public(userId, yourId); break;
MPP.client.on("ch", function(msg) {
// set new chat delay based on room ownership after changing rooms
if (!MPP.client.isOwner()) chatDelay = SLOW_CHAT_DELAY;
else chatDelay = CHAT_DELAY;
// update current room info
var newRoom = MPP.client.channel._id;
if (currentRoom != newRoom) {
currentRoom = MPP.client.channel._id;
// stop any songs that might have been playing before changing rooms
if (currentRoom.toUpperCase().indexOf(BOT_KEYWORD) == -1) stopSong();
MPP.client.on('p', function(msg) {
var userId = msg._id;
// kick ban all the banned players
var bannedPlayers = BANNED_PLAYERS.length;
if (bannedPlayers > 0) {
var i;
for(i = 0; i < BANNED_PLAYERS.length; ++i) {
var bannedPlayer = BANNED_PLAYERS[i];
if (userId == bannedPlayer) MPP.client.sendArray([{m: "kickban", _id: bannedPlayer, ms: 3600000}]);
// =============================================== INTERVALS
// Stuff that needs to be done by intervals (e.g. repeat)
var repeatingTasks = setInterval(function() {
if (MPP.client.preventsPlaying()) return;
// do repeat
if (repeatOption && ended && !stopped && exists(currentSongName) && exists(currentSongData)) {
ended = false;
// nice delay before playing song again
setTimeout(function() {Player.play()}, REPEAT_DELAY);
}, 1);
var dynamicButtonDisplacement = setInterval(function() {
// required when "Room Settings" button shows up
mppRoomSettingsBtn = document.getElementById(MPP_ROOM_SETTINGS_ID);
xDisplacement = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue(CSS_VARIABLE_X_DISPLACEMENT);
// if "Room Settings" button exists and is visible, enable displacement, else revert only when not already changed
if (xDisplacement == "0px" &&
(mppRoomSettingsBtn &&
(!mppRoomSettingsBtn.style ||
(!mppRoomSettingsBtn.style.display ||
(mppRoomSettingsBtn.style.display == "block"))))) {
document.documentElement.style.setProperty(CSS_VARIABLE_X_DISPLACEMENT, BTN_SPACER_X + "px");
} else if (xDisplacement != "0px" &&
(!mppRoomSettingsBtn ||
(mppRoomSettingsBtn.style &&
mppRoomSettingsBtn.style.display &&
mppRoomSettingsBtn.style.display != "block"))) {
document.documentElement.style.setProperty(CSS_VARIABLE_X_DISPLACEMENT, "0px");
var slowRepeatingTasks = setInterval(function() {
// do background tab fix
if (!pageVisible) {
var note = MPP.piano.keys["a-1"].note;
var participantId = MPP.client.getOwnParticipant().id;
MPP.piano.audio.play(note, 0.01, 0, participantId);
MPP.piano.audio.stop(note, 0, participantId);
// Automatically turns off the sound warning (mainly for autoplay)
var clearSoundWarning = setInterval(function() {
var playButton = document.querySelector("#sound-warning button");
if (exists(playButton)) {
// wait for the client to come online
var waitForMPP = setInterval(function() {
if (exists(MPP) && exists(MPP.client) && exists(MPP.client.channel) && exists(MPP.client.channel._id) && MPP.client.channel._id != "") {
currentRoom = MPP.client.channel._id;
if (currentRoom.toUpperCase().indexOf(BOT_KEYWORD) >= 0) {
loadingOption = publicOption = true;
console.log(PRE_MSG + " Online!");